February 2013 babies

Sorry to hear that news Waitingmids. Sending you big:hugs:. I've never had an amnio so I can't help I'm afraid. What I will say is I've read some stories on here where ladies have said that it's not as bad as they thought it would be and they just felt abit sore after. Just take it easy after and don't worry about work, there are more important things in life :) hope all goes well and you get the news you want. X
:hugs: waitingmids Take care. I've never had an amnio either, so just take it easy and I hope it all works out for you.

I'm really starting to feel big this week. I just looked at my bump picture from 21 weeks and my brain was all 'Whoa, that's nothing compared to now.' :haha:
I was still going out ice skating just before I went into labor, so I guess I'm not too worried about not being able to get things done, even at the very end. At least this time I'll be sure to have some diapers at home and someplace for the baby to sleep. That'll already be an improvement from the first time around. :rofl:
Waiting- so sorry about your scan. I have not had an amnio but can understand all the what if worries you have. If its any help my me said just deal with one test at a time and Dont think about what if I get this or that result , just focus on bring calm for the test and then deal with any results. Sorry if that doesn't help. Sending you hugs. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Xxxx
Thank you for all your support. I m not worried about the procedure just about the results and what's comes next .but like you say 1 day at a time , thanks again
Waitingmids : Hoping you get the very best outcome. I know that waiting for the results can be very trying but do try to keep your positivity. Nothing is set in stone and things change, babies can heal. I was alerted to two CSC ( cerebral spinal cyst) on my baby's brain. My gut tells me its okay and they will go away which they can. Stay positive healing is possible.

I am looking pregnant these days and there is no hiding it from the neighbors. I kind enjoyed having my little secret that I could share if I wanted. Now I guess I am vulnerable. Going to focus on the Halloween Costume Party for my fifth grader. Trying not to worry about the weight but I so am. Praying I pass the Gb test even though I ate alot of cookies today..and some ice cream.

Feel asleep during my pharmacology class. ( It's on cable) Need more naps and exercise. I keep saying I am going to walk or do the pilates DVD but never get around to it.

There just comes a point when you look at yourself and you say, I finally look pregnant and not fat. My point has arrived.
Ha ha I said the same to a friend I don't look podgy now I look pregnant!

Waiting- hope all is ok. Xx
Amino all went well , very quick painless. So just waiting for results now. 3sisters hope thing work out ok for u too.
I look pregnant now not fat which is a good feeling, put on 7lds at 21 weeks now , but I was a bit over weight before so don t want to put too much on .
Waitingmids. Glad amnio wasn't too stressful! As I mentioned before, my son had either a vsd or an asd plus other bits and bobs and he is a little tank now. If you fancy a chat at any point, let me know and we can swap numbers. Always happy to help!
All ok here but are staying away from home as the dust is too much and DH can't even go in the house without wheezing. The joys!
Keep smiling ladies.
Have just worked out that I have put on about 14lbs which isn't bad seeing as I was so sick. Must be he chocolate I have for breakfast!
Thanks everyone , I managing to relax hubby is running round :). Main results r hopefully Friday . Loomylooloo glad to hear your boy is doing well very encouraging , hope the house gets sorted soon .
Waitingmids, hope your results are ok on Friday:hugs:

I look very pregnant now, in fact people seem to love telling me that they were my size at full term. I've put on 24lb now so going the same way as last time for me. Mainly bump but a bit on my thighs, I'm also starting to swell again and have had to take off my engagement ring and some shoes don't fit.
Hi ladies trying to catch up with everyone's news. Waitingmids, glad the amnio it's self went ok, fingers crossed you get good results tomorrow :hugs:

We were away for the weekend, just to a caravan in the north of Scotland, the weather was dreadful at the start of the weekend but it was good to get away from home for a few days and I've been off the rest of the week so finally had a chance to catch up on sleep. I'm beginning to hate 4am as it seems to be my wake up time! Last week my insomnia was really bad, I averaged 4.5/5 hrs per night when I really need 7hrs, ideally 8. So by the weekend I was exhausted and really grumpy :lol:

I had forgotten just how frustrating anterior placenta is - I have to concentrate really hard at times to figure out when I'm getting kicks. It's frustrating and stressful at times.
Hi lulu. I'm the same as you with the sleep. I wake up between 3-5 and cannot sleep again till its time to get up!!! I keep sitting still or lying in the bath and willing bump to move!!!
Waiting- good luck. Hope you get results today. I'm not sleeping! It is 3am here
Waitingmids, thinking of you today!
Was awake between 4 and 5. Had put it down to being in strange bed but realised what it must be.......the joys of pregnancy!
How are we going to make it through the holidays ? I am a cookie fanatic and going to try to be better but so many holidays are coming.

Looking lopsided and huge. Baby really likes the right side of my belly.

I have an anterior placenta and it took me a long time to figure out if I had gas or baby moves. Maybe both. But now I feel things. Maybe less than my others at this same point but once in a while I get a bump/kick that lets me know I am really pregnant and just didn't eat too much lunch.

However, I do notice that when I do eat a little too much at a time my belly really pokes out. Its' getting kind of cramped in there.

Does anyone know how to load pictures on the site ?
When you're posting a reply click the Go Advanced tab, that will give you an option to Manage Attachments under additional options. It won't let you upload pictures that are too big in size, so I usually have to open my pictures in paint, re-size them a big smaller and then save them, so the file size is small enough for this site to upload.

FX'd for your results waiting!
Woo ho just got the call , all clear on main amnio results . Can relax and enjoy feeling my baby riggle around :) . Thank you for all your kind words , specially when some of you have your own worries .
That's excellent news, so pleased for you! Where do you go from here?

Have been struggling with sleep too the past 2 nights. Same sort of time, 3-4 am. Feel shattered today. We can have a late night chat club if it carries on,lol!

My little man likes my right hand side too so I have a lopsided bump! Have a feeling he is head up most of the time as getting lots of kicks just above pelvic bone, feels really low! Hope he doesn't stay this way!

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