February 2013 babies

I thought it was just me - had an iron test last week because I'm so exhausted (no results yet) and I feel like so unfit getting out of breath at even running up the stairs with washing!
I know what you mean about being "out of breath". I loathe going to the girls rooms on the second floor my heart is beating out of my chest when I get there. I get tired so easily and lose my " energy" a lot faster. Time to start those iron pills. I just found out that my gummy prenatals had no iron in them.

I also am huge and look really pregnant. Where as someone we know is close to my date and just started showing. That was me last month. Although, I am on number 4 and pretty much think my uterus couldn't wait to expand along with my thighs.

Don't laugh but I wanted to be a skinny celebrity mom this time that magically pops back into her pre pregnancy jeans. My mom did but she smoked ( the 60's) and was only allowed to gain 15 pounds. No matter what gripes I have, The most important of course is a healthy baby. But can't I have both darn it.
15lbs in her whole pregnancy!! I'm beyond that already :( I'm so exhausted today and I know it's awful but have a close friends wedding in Saturday so am staying off work today. next weekend I might have to my dh's old house to clean it before we try and rent it again (wish we could sell it) then weekend after he wants to go up to Scotland to see his brother in some kick boxing thing. I feel exhausted at the thought of it!!! Then the Christmas parties start.... Before we know it 2013 will be here
Congrats on a good scan Lulu!

Oh I thought it was just me whose suffering! I have been completely bl**dy exhausted past few days. Actually went to bed in the day yesterday. Having nights where sleep isn't great isnt helping either. But have slept really well last 2 nights :). I am out of breathe too, which I know are symptoms of anemia. I have been anemic in all 3 of my other pregnancies but was a lifelong vegetarian until 2 years ago. As I now eat meat I thought I might escape it this time but I feel shattered. I have started taking a product called Spatone which comes in ready to drink sachets, the apple flavor is actually not bad for an iron drink. Have a stew on today too! Not really a big red meat eater but am trying anything to feel better.

I am 24 weeks today, hurrah! Baby considered viable now. After being told by midwife at 20 weeks that they couldn't and wouldn't do anything if bleeding meant something was going wrong I have been looking forward to this day! Had no blood since 21 weeks so am feeling really positive now. He's also a lively little thing and have felt some big kicks up by rib cage. Have a feeling I'm going to be massive :(.
I have a busy weekend too then me and my DH are going away for afew days without kids :happydance:. Hoping I've got some energy back by then.
Congrats on V day Bumpity!
I always take a prenatal with iron and haven't had issues with being exhausted. I certainly can't do as much without taking breaks because the belly tells me to stop every so often, but I feel good.
I guess that's one of the benefits of having tiny bumps.
I'm glad they realized that only gaining 15lbs isn't healthy (assuming your not overweight to the point you don't need to gain). I'm up at least 18lbs already. I'm hoping to gain 35-40 lbs this time around. Last time I tried to gain, but only managed 26 lbs and I started out at a lower weight this time, so need to play catch up for that.

We're going away this weekend too, but taking the weeble with us. The town my husband's aunts and uncles live in has a big Halloween parade. We went down for it last year and Gabriel loved it. He's going to enjoy it even more this year.
It's such a relief getting to 24 weeks! I might pre empt my bloods and start iron tabs. I'm veggie and when I have gone to give blood I've been borderline anaemic but on my first bloods when pregnant I was 12.
I have been exhausted too this week. Partly because we have had to move tot the in-laws as the builders are still going and we can't stay in the house. Thank goodness they are abroad otherwise I think I would have a nervous breakdown! DH is still not well and has been off work for 2 weeks. He is seeing the consultant on Saturday and I hope we get some answers. Builders say that we can move back I at the end of next week but I am not holding my breath and the house will need to be cleaned before we can move back in. I had to have a 2 hour nap one afternoon as I was half dead! Probably low on iron as I don't eat meat and I usually am.
I have also discovered thee joy of a varicose vein.... Bleurgh! At the back of the top of my thigh. It's a bit sore and looks a bit yucky. Will get mw to check it out when I have my appt on 9 Nov. Am falling apart and look huge although people keep telling,e I look small. I think I have a comedy bump!
Glad all good with you all!
Oh it's sounds like you've got a lot on Loompy. I hope your DH gets better soon. Have you had a varicose vein before? My friend had one that appeared down one leg during all her pregnancies and would go once her baby was born. Hopefully yours will do the same x
Never had one before. It feels a bit bruised.
How are you Bumpity? My preggie brain has forgotten how many little beans you already have. Please remind me.
Off to Ikea today to torture poor DH who needs a bit of an outing and to look at shelves......what a joy!
Keep smiling ladies
I have 3, 2 girls aged 12 & 11 and a son whose 4. I had a miscarriage about 2/3 months before this pregnancy. Your on your 4th too aren't you? Not many people go past 3 nowadays do they? This is definitely my last, I'm 40 next week and am shutting up shop as they say!

Have a good day at Ikea. We have one in Southampton and I went recently for one item. It took me about 1 1/2 hours to locate it :( it's drives me mad, lol. You can end up coming out with so much stuff you didn't think you needed!
Yes, I am on number 4 and this is also my last! Am falling apart and couldn't face the sickness ever again! You are right, not many go past 3 these days. I know a few at school but not many.
Ikea was a quick in and out affair and I think we have all we need......until the next time!
Ooh birthday! Doing anything nice? Mine is next week too.....only just worked that out. 3 Nov. You?
I can't cope with ikea, it stresses me out because I cannot find my way out but dh mum is Swedish so they love ikea! I'm lagging behind you ladies, this is number one for me. Hoping to have more but was so hard getting pregnant this time don't know how it will be getting
Pregnant with number 2. My ideal would be to get pregnant again very quickly but I'm sure having a little one here will be a bit of a passion killer :)
We are going to Venice for afew days without the kids! My mum always has the girls every Oct half term and she's having our boy this time so we can have some time out before baby arrives. It's been such a hectic year for us so it will be nice and I can't celebrate being 40 with friends as I can't drink so we are going to have a party in the spring when we will both still be forty and we can celebrate properly. How old will you be Loompy?

Lindy I never used to ovulate before I had my first and needed fertility treatment to have her. Having one baby can sometimes kick start your system like it did mine. I was pregnant again after 12 months and that's with only ovulating 2-3 times. You never know you may be pleasantly surprised like I was!
Fingers crossed. I think te ivf kick started something even though they said I was ovulating.
I would love to go to Venice. When are you going? X
We are going Mon, back Thurs then I have a 4 hour round trip to pick the kids up on Fri. Italy is my favorite place, love the food and the people and I think it's so beautiful. Venice has been a tick off my list place to visit so am really excited. Just hope I don't tip a gondola over trying to get in,lol!
Venice is so beautiful! I went years ago and loved it but it was in the summer and a bit smelly. Sure it won't be that bad at this time of the year. The pizza and ice cream are delicious!! Have a wonderful time!
I am going to be 39 on my birthday.
LindyLou, I think being pregnant can kick start things too. I hope it does for you and you go on to have more!
Wow. Being able to go to Italy sounds so exciting.

I live in Honolulu and we have no real season changes or IKEA. Only commercials, which is kind of funny since we don't have one.

I guess I can't complain about living in Honolulu my whole life. I have traveled to the mainland before but never out of the country. My youngest daughter has never seen snow. After baby comes next year I think I will take them to see a seasonal change. It must be so beautiful.
I didn't even want a 2nd and I have easy pregnancies, no sickness or anything. It's just that my son has been so hard, I still have trouble wrapping my head around having to deal a baby again.
I would love to go to Italy someday. I've been to quite a few places, but haven't been there yet.
My husband and I did Maui for our honeymoon and it was just lovely. I could definitely live in Hawaii. I grew up in Southern California, so I understand the whole never having seasons change and never seeing snow.
I turn 40 next summer, so OH is definitely getting snipped as soon as hockey season is over (This coming March). I don't want to risk another accidental pregnancy.
Wow 3sisters! Living in Hawaii sounds amazing! I wih I didn't have to deal with snow. There was some here this morning. Nice to look at but I refuse to drive in it!
Yes I heard Venice can be smelly in the summer, that's why we thought it would be a good time to go now. It looks like this cold snap we are having today is following me to Venice though :(. As long as its not pouring down I don't mind.

3sisters living in Honolulu must be a real pleasure, the weather here is so unpredictable. We've just had the wettest summer ever on record here, not fun!

I'd love my DH to have the snip but he has always said he wouldn't have one. I think I might be able to persuade him now as I think the thought of accidentally having another one is more frightening,lol!

Will not be posting for a while now as away so have a good week ladies :)

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