February 2013 babies

OMG Loompy, I thought it was cold here! Where are you in Herts?
Yup, in Herts. It was just a smattering of snow on the cars which turned to ice. Bleurgh!
I am alive and well, ladies.
I am in school full time and unfortunately I have to spend every waking minute doing homework and preparing for classes. To top it off, I just found out that the Medical leave of absence I was told in June that I could get from my program is no longer offered. Now I am stuck finishing off these classes for the next 8 weeks even though I will only be allowed back into the program (since I AM definitely leaving at the end of this semester) if someone happens to drop out of next year's group of new students. I can't afford to pay back the financial aid that paid for the classes, so I am stuck here. I'm so turned off the ultrasound field right now and have been debating wheteher or not I want to do it at all. DH thinks it is just my hormones. I am so miserably unhappy that I worked for 4 1/2 years for this and now I have no path. :cry: And I'm PISSED at the head of ultrasound for offering me something and then renegging, when I based my decisions on the assurance of a medical leave of absence.
What I really want to do is work with the elderly. It has been my passion since I was about 5 or 6 years old. I'm praying for guidance.

Little one is active as ever and I just love it! I have gained about 16 lbs or so, and feel huge. the top of my uterus seems to not be rising, to me anyway, but doc measured it last visit and said it was fine.
I am often short of breath, and when I sit my innards feel cramped up under my lungs. At 24 +3 feeling so distended, I cannot imagine how I will feel at 42 weeks! (and yes, I think she'll follow suit and be a super late baby.
Posterior placenta here, 2 cm from the cervix. Doc agreed to a 3rd trimester scan to check location of pacenta. She is such a sweetheart!
I am up and wide awake at night constantly. Can't fall back to sleep. I walk around in a daze and exhausted all the time (and this is why I don't want to try to juggle full time school and ultrasonic Physics with a newborn). If I can barely handle it all now, how on Earth will I handle it with a baby added in?

I will not be on much in the next 8 weeks til this hell is over, but will try to check in now and then...and I'll be back in time for Christmas and beyond! Thanks for all the concern <3
lol PM - Not often you get a 'yay' for an impending hurricane. Hopefully by the time it gets to RI, it's nothing more than some rain. Our offices on Long Island are gearing up for the storm surges and possible flooding in the nearby areas.
PM- Is there anyway you can write an appeal to the Provost ? I would be really bummed and I know what it's like because I am in the same boat for nursing. I actually have to take an new test for entry into the program due to new requirements and will be taking it Dec. 9th while huge and uncomfortable. I wonder if they will let me bring in a pillow for a 3 hour exam.

I live in a valley that is very green due to rain. This particular week was very humid. Without the A/c I would have died. Here when the weather dips to 68 we will bust out the uggs and sweatpants. That will be winter.
3 sisters.....I can't believe that feels cold to you! Today is a mild 9.5 degrees...about 47 degrees so not too bad thankfully as I can only just squeeze into my coat. My mum has lent me one but I s a tad put off it when I saw an elderly lady wearing the same one as me!
Been sick today and feeling a bit yucky. Think it is just tiredness so going for a nap.
Night night!
PM- Is there anyway you can write an appeal to the Provost ? I would be really bummed and I know what it's like because I am in the same boat for nursing. I actually have to take an new test for entry into the program due to new requirements and will be taking it Dec. 9th while huge and uncomfortable. I wonder if they will let me bring in a pillow for a 3 hour exam.

I live in a valley that is very green due to rain. This particular week was very humid. Without the A/c I would have died. Here when the weather dips to 68 we will bust out the uggs and sweatpants. That will be winter.

I'm not even sure I want to do ultrasound anymore. I've been saying it since the second week of classes, and we're in week 9. I'm not sure if it's due to the impossibility of my situation or just to the fact that I didn't realize I would have to scan track marks on junkies, and be exposed to some of the horrific stuff my teachers keep telling us about. I have spent so much time in school and have lost so much time with my family being so focused on my grades that I'm just so so tired of the whole ordeal.
I had thoughts of other fields to get into but my college only offers those courses at their campus that is over an hour away from my house one way. That's 4 nights a week plus all day Saturdays. That's more time than what I'm in school now. I have a lot of praying and soul searching to do in the next couple of months. :nope:
Seity: We've gotten strong winds, power outages, tons of heavy rain and flooding in some areas. Schools were closed today, and some areas have no school tomorrow. My lights have dimmed 4 times in the past 10 minutes. I think we might finally lose power too :dohh:
PP- good to see you on here. Cannot believe how little support yog are getting considering your pregnancy. You think that your studies would make allowances and allow you to have a break and then pick it back up.
I hope you keep safe with this awful storm. We have to cope with our not so warm summers and cold wet winters but are so protected from extremes luckily.
we did not lose power, but a lot of people in our area did. I think things are getting back to normal around the state, finally. I actually saw the sun today! But now it's dark and looks like rain again. Went for diabetes test yesterday (Non-fasting) doc called toda and said I am 1 point too high. Yeah, I think it is the atrocious way I have been eating these last few weeks. Time to cut out ALL the junk. Shame on me :dohh: Doc won't make me do the fasting one, just finger sticks at my appts :nope: ouch!
I am taking the glucose challenge on Monday. Not looking forward to it. Had GB last time and know that there is a risk. Hopefully I will pass. Found a good doula and she suggested walking while waiting before taking the blood draw to help receptors work. I am going to try it. Don't want to have GB again.

PM- Glad the storm didn't take out power. Also you are lucky if Doc is only going to do pokes at the office. 1 point isnt' that much.

What happened to our group, hope they are okay after storm if they are in that area..
Morning ladies
Have woken up from 13 hours sleep! So tired. Kids are staying with grandparents for a couple of nights to give us a rest. Still living at the inlaws and it is hard work although they are not here.
Hope everyone in the US is safe...thinking of you all.
Good luck with the test 3sisters! I have my GTT on the 19th. Last time I failed the 1 hour and passed the 3 hour. I knew that the first test wasn't accurate, so I'm glad that they just have everyone do a 2 hour test now. I have enough trouble gaining weight, I'd hate to have to give up my sugar.

PM - My cousins in RI lost power for a few hours, but otherwise, no damage, so that's good. I've seen some of the pics of downtown in the online Newport Buzz site- Yikes!
Hi everyone, just checking in. I have my glucose test on Monday the 5th, I don't remember what it was like but I do know that with my daughter I had to go on bed rest after that test, I had pre-eclampsia (?) with her.

So far, I'm doing real well, gained only 12 lbs (thank the lord), with my two older children (well their both adults now! - 20 yr old DD and 18 yr old DS) I had gained upwards of 50-60 lbs each.

Been having a hard time with the OH so looks like a split might be inevitable if he cannot quit his super selfish ways....so I've been EXTREMELY emotional, up until a few days ago when I prayed and asked God to please help me deal with my emotions. Now, although I feel a sadness about our relationship, I'm not nearly as overly emotional about it.

Almost to the 3rd tri!!
WhoopC I hope you sort things out with your OH. I have also been overly emotional! Must be those pregnancy hormones kicking in!
Do we all have a glucose test or just some of us. I don't remember ever having one before and no one has mentioned one to me.
It's standard in the US to give it to everyone, but my understanding is the UK only give it to those with a risk factor, even though you don't need a risk factor to develop GD. :shrug:
Loompy- I've not had one but me did mention checking pee at an appt x
Under a hundred days to go. My due date back to Feb 9. Wow time is starting to pick up and pretty soon we will have no time.. or less than now.

I also have an u/s to see if the CPC cyst on baby went away. I suspect it did and hope for a positive. I get to see baby one more time. Although I am thinking about also doing a 3d u/s. Has anyone had one before ? They do look kind of creepy but I was thinking it might be cool. It's not a required U/s so I have to make an appointment with a special place and pay out of pocket.

Is anyone considering doing the 3d u/s ?
Hi sorry not been on for ages busy with work and family visits whilst I still feel like being sociable . I got my first terrible heart burn the other night after eating too much , how's everyone else doing with that and painfull trapped wind ? .
At 24 weeks now still just put on 9lds so not getting too uncomfortable . Thinking I might start buying a few things , have managed to stay away from the baby shops so far :).
Wow 9lb and 12lb weight gains!!! I seem to have gained weight the past 3 weeks and developed my bump!!
I had a 3d scan- it was amazing seeing the baby yawn and sucking his/her thumb. I found them a bit creepy but really loved seeing my baby.

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