February 2013 babies

Hi Ladies, I am back from my trip away and glad to see that those ladies on the East Coast of US have managed to escape unscathed! I watched some of the news on cable from my hotel room and it looked terrible. Did you know that Venice floods this time of year! We had one night when we had to get back to our hotel early because of the flood alert, only to wake up to our hotel flooded. This is normal for them and despite flood barriers being up they spend all day pumping water out of the buildings knowing that another night of high tide is coming. I had no idea it was this extreme and they live like this. We had a lovely time though and it was so nice to spend time alone!

Loompy I have never been offered a GT test before but this time I have. Mine is in 3 weeks when I'm 28 weeks.

Lindy aawwww how lovely to see the baby. I had a 4d scan done with my son and I loved it. He came out looking just like he did in the scan. We are thinking of having one done at 32 weeks so we can also ask if they will have a peek at placenta location.

Keep well ladies x
I don't have the money to spend on a 3D U/S although they did do 3D at my 20 week scan both pregnancies. Gabriel did look like his scan and Samuel is the spitting image of Gabriel's scan picture, so I have a good idea what he'll look like at birth.

:-( I lost .5 lb this week. I have no idea how with all the Halloween candy I've been eating. So, I'm only up 17 lbs, right back where I was 2 weeks ago at 24 weeks.
I was really hoping to be closer to 20 lbs gain by now. I'll have to gain 1.5-2 lbs a week to get to a 35-40 lb gain at the end of this pregnancy like I want and I just don't see that happening. :nope:
I've cut out a lot of the sugar I've been ingesting. I feel better, no constant super sweet taste in my mouth. I also found I can have a cup of coffee with a little Almond milk and no sugar and not get heartburn. I'm actually enjoying it without the sugar.
Yesterday was a day full of braxton hicks contractions. They became so frequent I started to get a little nervous. I don't remember having them this early, that noticable in my other pregnancies. Today I was studying alone at my mom's and I got some real sharp pains in the right side of my stomach. I get them sometimes and always assumed they were round ligament pain. Today they stretched all the way to my back, and the last one hurt so bad I nearly passed out. I couldn't stand up or move. It did eventually go away and I hobbled to her couch to lay on my left side while I studied. That was the end of that, but it really freaked me out. DH came home with my step-dad and wanted to bring me to the hospital, but I told him only if it happened again, and it didn't.
When I brought this up with my OB before she mentioned it could be the baby turning inside and twisting the uterus a little as she did. All I know is this weekend has me on edge now :dohh:
Here's my pumpkin bump at 25 w +1:
w25 10.31.12 (2).jpg
Lovely bump perpetual!

Hope you are all doing well this weekend.

Didn't know Venice had "floods" like that. So glad you had a lovely time. Are you getting the whooping cough vaccine? The uk one is a combined one and is not tested on pregnant women ( you cannot test drugs on pregnant women) but that worries me, but wouldnt want to put the Baby at risk.
Lindylou...I am supposed to be having one this week I think when I see the MW. What is it combined with? Are you having it?
PerpetualMama ...your bump is beautiful. Looks about the size of my Humpty Bumpty! I am getting so many Braxton Hicks but I always get loads. Hope the other pain goes away!
Bumpity....so glad you had a good time. Didn't know about the floods either. Sounds like they take it in their stride though!
Seity....I wonder how you lost weight. I haven't weighed myself for a while but feel like a whale!

Busy day today. DH for respiratory appt at hospital this morning and DS has appt at Great Ormond St this afternoon for annual check up. All good fun!
Catch you all later!
Morning ladies, I've been kind of MIA for a little while - no real reason, just busy doing nothing kind of stuff.

Glad you east coast US girls werent too badly effected by Sandy. One of my old school friends lives in South Salem? (they moved recently so not sure if thats where they are!) & they lost power but have there own back up generator, it wasn't too bad. Although they do have 4 kids aged 7-3, so like you PM, I can imagine that was enough stress to deal with!!

Bumpity I knew Venice was quite low lying but I had no idea it flooded so regularly. Must be strange living like that all the time, but I suppose the locals would just adapt!

I'm very happy that today it my v-day :happydance:, can hardly believe I've made it here!

Lindylou - I havent seen my midwife yet, appt tomorrow, so not sure what is happening about the whooping cough jag but I plan on getting it. My view is that's better to be safe than sorry.

Loompy hope all goes well today with your family's appointments.

Right better finish getting ready for work, see what excitement is in store for me this week!!!!
Hi All,

Congrats on V day Lulu! It's exciting as we will all be moving into the last trimester over the next few weeks:happydance:

I have not been offered the whooping cough jab but I think my midwife is crap ( excuse the language!) anyway. Not sure I'd have it or not as not read any info on it yet. Loompy let us know what your midwife says about it and good luck with your family's hospital appointments.

I have been having loads of Braxton hicks, they seem quite strong already. I have been getting RLP too. At least im presuming its that! I have never had it before but it can be quite painful. It comes on suddenly and feels abit like a stitch, then suddenly it will go. Your bump is lovely by the way perpetual :). Hope your ok.

I've put on 2lbs this week. I said to DH that I thought I'd had a growth spurt as bump has got heavier. Only 7 & 1/2lbs up, but about 14 if you include the initial MS weightloss. Really don't want to put too much on as starting this pregnancy as the heaviest I've ever been anyway. :(

Hope you are all having a good day x
Congrats on V day Lulu.
The whooping cough vaccine here is part the the DTaP, so Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis is the combo. I had it just over a week ago. Sore arm for about 2-3 days; otherwise, fine.
I have no idea how/why I lost weight. It's insane. Finally stabilized at 1.5 lbs lost for the week? :wacko: My breasts finally started producing colostrum this week, so maybe the milk production used some extra calories. Not amused by the loss when I'm trying my hardest to gain 1.5-2 lbs a week from now on. I started this pregnancy 7 lbs under where I started with Gabriel and I was a low weight for my height back then, so while this loss still has me up 16 lbs from the start, it's not where I'd like to be. I'm trying to gain at least 35-40 lbs by the end.
The vaccine in the uk is called Repavix. Here is the nhs website link https://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/pregnancy-and-baby/Pages/whooping-cough-vaccination-pregnant.aspx
I think I will have a chat to my mw about it. Nobody has mentioned it to me yet but there has been a fair bit in the papers and tv. Heaven help me when it gets to MMR time :)

Hope everybody is well, enjoy bonfire night!! Started already here.
Evening ladies! DH's appt went ok. Hilarious camp respiratory nurse had me in stitches! He change one medication but said he didn't think he could do much more and will have to see what the consultant says. He is very upset about it all and feels a bit low but we will see what happens! Toby had his annual check up at Great Ormond St Hospital and they said his cardiac function was excellent and they don't want to see him for 2 years. What a relief!
Will let you know what happens with MW but I think I a going to have the jab.
Bumpity ..what is RLP?
I have got horrible pelvic pain on and off. Really sore when I walk. Was ok for a while but come back now. Going to check that out with MW too.
Keep smiling!
RLP is my lazy way of writing Round ligament pain! Where's the pain in your pelvis Loompy? Have you had it before? I've definitely got more pregnancy niggles this time. I think it's my bodies way of saying NO MORE PLEASE, or maybe it's just my age, haha! That's fantastic news about Toby, you must be so pleased :). I hope your DH recovers soon it must be frustrating for him.

My friends 1yr old has just had whooping cough and it's really not pleasant. Will see what my MW says. Won't be surprised if she doesn't mention it.

Lindy my son kissed the nurse after she gave him his MMR. It made her cry as she said that had never happened before in the 25 yrs she's been a nurse! he didn't even flinch. I was so worried before hand.

Loompy was it you that said almonds were good for heartburn? I'm going to try perpetuals idea and use almond milk in my milk shakes in the eve. Will see if it works!
Finally heard my baby's heartbeat today :happydance: Had my latest midwife appt and she finally broke out the doppler :) I've been too paranoid to use my own, plus its somewhere in the loft so would means lots of digging around!

I've booked my appointment to have my whooping cough jag, 4 weeks from today, same time as my next midwife appt.

I havent really had much pain so far this pregnancy (could just be tempting fate with that comment!), when I was pregnant with Euan I had quite painful spd so I'm hoping that doesn't come back. My bump is starting to get a bit heavy if I need to stand or walk for a while, like at our local firework display last night, but nothing too bad yet.

As for heartburn, I'm popping Rennies like they are sweets!
Bumpity, my pelvic pain in right in the middle between my legs and the top of my thighs. Was better last week but I think Roo hs changed position and is somewhere awkward. Yes, it was me who said almonds were good for heartburn. Never heard of almond milk. Where do you get it? So pleased about Toby but also feel like my little annual comfort blanket has disappeared! DH is really stressed and consequently being a grumpy man which I have to admit I am struggling a little to be patient with. Am doing my best Under the circumstances but hard work! At least the end is in sight for my building works...........I hope and then we can move back home again!
Lulu, so nice to hear the heartbeat. I am looking forward to hearing it on Thursday. Have a doppler somewhere in my building site house! Will have to dig it out!
Ooo lovely hearing hb. It is such a reassuring sound! Cannot wait to see me and hear it again in 2 weeks. Hearing soooooo many old wives tales at the minute about gender. Everybody is guessing I'm having a boy and look shocked when I say I honestly havent got any inkling what it is!
Yay HB! I can't imagine waiting that long to hear it. I'm a home doppler addict in the early days. Been listening in since just before 8 weeks. Even had the midwife take a listen at my 8 week appointment. Obviously, I have posterior placenta to hear it so early on. I think I stopped using mine at 16 weeks when the baby decided to kick me daily.
Sounds like everyone is getting the same kind of pains here and there.

Tomorrow I shall get the results of the dreaded Glucose challenge. That stuff made me really feel bad for a while. I also had a TB test but no one has mentioned any of the other stuff to me.

Today was my follow up for the CPC cyst which have both gone away and all seems normal. Baby they said weighs 2.1 lbs. The tech did a 3d pix and it was very scary. The first one looked like a platypus (spelling ?) but the second one showed a little face. It was nice of the tech to do that.

We are desperately trying to find a boys name we can agree upon. Now it feels like a baby is coming. I think DH really saw that today when he came to the u/s. Has everyone picked out their names ? I have wierd feelings but not sure if they are braxton hicks. Dr. says baby must be turning. So happy he was head down today and hope he stays like that.
Sounds like everyone is getting the same kind of pains here and there.

Tomorrow I shall get the results of the dreaded Glucose challenge. That stuff made me really feel bad for a while. I also had a TB test but no one has mentioned any of the other stuff to me.

Today was my follow up for the CPC cyst which have both gone away and all seems normal. Baby they said weighs 2.1 lbs. The tech did a 3d pix and it was very scary. The first one looked like a platypus (spelling ?) but the second one showed a little face. It was nice of the tech to do that.

We are desperately trying to find a boys name we can agree upon. Now it feels like a baby is coming. I think DH really saw that today when he came to the u/s. Has everyone picked out their names ? I have wierd feelings but not sure if they are braxton hicks. Dr. says baby must be turning. So happy he was head down today and hope he stays like that.

yes, she will be Anneliese Marie.
ob appt in just over a week, and i imagine she will book my 3rd trimester scan to check placenta location. 1 week til 3rd trimester!
I still feel completely unprepared for this baby. After Christmas when school is out i can focus my last 6 (to 8) weeks on getting stuff ready for her. Right now school has me overloaded :growlmad:
Loompy, totally understand the comfort blanket thing, think I would be the same. Got almond milk today, it was in the section for long life milks. Went abit mad and bought a chocolate flavoured one and also bought a hazelnut milk too! Completely nothing to do with heartburn but I love hazelnuts! Had the almond milk in my tea and it was nice so may start using it as I use soya in tea anyway. Have heartburn tonight so not sure it's working!
I wonder if you have SPD? Definitely speak to your midwife about it.

3sisters so glad that your scan was good today. I think we are going to struggle with a boys name too. Haven't even started to think yet.....
We decided on Samuel Vincent. I think it goes very nicely with Weeble #1's name, Gabriel Raymond.
Boys names were very hard for us. I think there are just a lot more girl names we both like.
I think names are so difficult to decide upon. We seem to be leaning towards old fashioned traditional names.

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