February 2013 babies

Hi ladies!
Went to see the MW today, who was lovely! I had bloods taken and there are traces of nitrates in my urine so I may have an infection but I don't think I have. I am measuring 28cm which is just right for 28 weeks. I heard Roo's heartbeat which was so nice. It was squiggling about like a crazy person! She said said I probably do have SPD and just to keep my legs together and not sit with them wide apart. Am having my whooping cough jab tomorrow. The best news is that they are more than happy for me to have a home birth! So excited!
Hope you are all ok!
Ooooh a home birth. Have you had one before?

I feel like I have suddenly got massive. Had strangers asking me when I'm due this week so must be really obvious now. Worked out I already weigh the same as I did at the end of my pregnancy with my DS :cry: feeling really well though and pleased the iron supplements have really sorted out my tiredness and breathlessness.

Lindy I love old fashioned names, especially for girls. if we were having a girl I'd have a long list by now.
That's great Loompy. The last thing I'd ever want is a home birth, but for ladies who do want it, it's nice when they get the OK to get the birth that they want. :thumbup:
Bumpity - That's great news the iron supplements are working!
I have had 2 home births. One was a total accident as I thought I would have a while between my waters breaking and the arrival of the little beastie and I got as far as putting my trousers on before announcing I thought my insides were falling out........was a baby! My mum caught Rachael on the bathroom floor as DH spoke to ambulance co trol whilst turning very green! The second one was planned and not as quick!
I feel ginormous but people keep saying I am small. I think they Re being polite!
Loompy- great news about the home birth! I still haven't decided 100% what to do and my mw said just see how I feel. If I'm ok and comfortable stay at home but know the option is there to go to hospital. Would like to try water birth as hot baths help me with Af pains a lot.
Lady I work with had ababy boy today (no name yet) Her 1st, labour started 1am, headed hospital at 2 had to change hospital because there was no room !! Finally admitted at 4am and baby arrived at 5:30!!! If only I could have a 4;30 hour labour :)
DH has started to decorate nursery today! Am really excited! Really wanted to get it done before Xmas so it wasn't a rush after. The room is currently pink all over! So definitely needs a makeover :). Hope your all having a great weekend :)
How exciting Bumpity. I'm hoping to build the cradle this weekend.
3rd tri today!
So exciting bumpity- what have you gone for? I got a call to say furniture can be delivered next week but have had to postpone it because want carpets cleaned first.
okay... So I failed the first glucose challenge. I just asked the nurse to pass me through to the sweet and low program. It's monitoring and diet anyway. ( I had it last time).Nurse says they can't do that becuase they need the actual numbers on the test. OB nurse is a little bit of a stickler and not fun. So I have to take the 3 hour challenge. Hope
I pass.

I am normally a very happy and cheerful person but am noticing that I getting irritated more easily. Right now in particular with regards to the guy that is renovating our house. Major miscommunication although they have no problem taking the money.

Getting kind of irritated with stupid people and things. My husband noticed and asked why? After some thought I am thinking it might be because I am starting to feel a bit vulnerable and have absolutely no tolerance for BS right now. Still pleasant but I could really give it to someone if I had to. Normally I am a happy people pleaser.

Must be hormones and being uncomfortable for most of the day. Must remember my mantra; I am calm and light.

Boy name ideas; Colton, Noah, keanu, makua.. No one seems to agree.

Also will be cramming for tests until December.. If I go early like last time ( induction) i only have 10 weeks left. holy moly and then a real baby. It's starting to go by fast.
Got my new car. Gone from 2 seats to big car which is slower but lovely BUT went through a speed camera I go through every day at 60 instead of 50 because dial Is different. So angry with myself- 3points and a fine and never had that before :( Gettin really stressed over arranging cover for mat leave as need to cover me and another girl. Hope I have it sorted on Tuesday.
Hi we collect our new bigger sensible car on Wednesday , it has to be done . Lindylou r u self employed too ? . I have my own business manageress went on mat leave 6 weeks ago the girl I got to cover her lasted 4 weeks thankfully I ve just got back an ex employee up for covering her and extra hours come Jan when I take some time off. It s a nightmare husbands already joking I ll take a week off .
Yes waiting- I'm self employed, contract with the NHS so if I don't meet targets they take money off us! My partner does not want to look after the business when I go off so has said we either have to sell or I buy him out. He is close to retirement now. So stress of going into debt, getting cover and having first baby :) Happy days eh!! Just wish I could get cover sorted and then can relax and look forward to maternity leave. When are you finishing work?

Just saw mw. Said all going well. Hb 130bpm :) Said baby is growing well.
Lindy, we have to get a new car too. But we have to get a 7 seater! DH has started looking as time seems to be going so quick. He works away a lot too so has to get things done when he has time. We have gone for Cath Kidston vintage cars wallpaper and a light stone on other walls. Our nursery furniture has been passed down since my first and she's 13 in Jan so we have definitely got the use out of it! The furniture is being painted off white so room should have a fresh vintage feel. It's looking lovely already. Hope you sort your maternity leave out.

3sisters did you have any idea you would fail the glucose test? I have mine next Monday and think I would be shocked if I failed. Just don't feel any different but they say you don't always get symptoms with Gestational diabetes.

Congrats on 3rd tri Seity! I'm there on Thurs, another milestone passed!
I failed the 1 hour last pregnancy and I knew I didn't have GD. Passed the 3 hour. So glad they realized the 1 hour is crap and just give everyone a 2 hour one now. I have my 2 hour GTT on the 19th.
No way we could afford a new car. Luckily my car is in good shape and there's no way I'd let my husband sell/trade his truck. We can totally fit 2 kids in the little access cab when we need to. It's just a tight fit.
Saw mw today. Heartbeat good and strong at about 130bpm and said size etc looks good. Only checked bp otherwise. Not mentioned glucose test.
honestly I had been checking my glucose levels and they were never really that high. I asked the nurse what my level was after one hour it was 235 ml. Supposed to be 120. I was shocked because I never ever get that high when I check my levels at home. I know I am at risk because I had it last time so I went to the drug store and purchased the whole blood testing kit to check on myself.

I also have been eating so much more protein this pregnancy. The last time when I failed i was literally only eating carbs and it was christmas right before the test. Anywhoo, I was really hoping to pass. Now I must take the dreaded long test. My doula suggested I get up and walk around to help receptors and processing but it didnt' help for the 1 hour.

Weird I guess there is still a small chance that I will pass the 3 hour but I am not expecting it. I don't think I will need insulin or anything just dietary monitoring. I have also been walking a bit more lately. All those things are supposed to help.

I haven't really been able to discern any BH. I do have some wierd feelings and think that might be it but not really anything that shouts out BH. I think I remember having them alot last time.

Feet are getting swollen but days of walking seem to help. Sleep is not great but better if I drink earlier in the day. If I drink later I will pee all night.

Got the 7 seater right before finding out I was pregnant. So glad. If both my girls bring a friend I was out of seats. Wish it didn't guzzle so much gas. Getting in the car is hard sometimes and once I parked then came back and couldn't get in. Stalls were small and my belly couldn't fit through. I had to call my friend who is only 12 weeks and she squeezed in and reversed for me...lol.
We have no choice but to get a 7 seater otherwise we won't be able to go out as a family. One of the joys of having 4!

I was going to have abit of a rant on here about car parking spaces when pregnant, then I see 3sisters has already had the same problem too. I couldn't get in my car yesterday as someone parked soooooo close to my car that even a non pregnant person wouldn't have been able to get in. The passenger side was not much better but after having abit of a meltdown in front of 2 of my children I managed to squeeze in the passenger side then awkwardly climb over. Have to remember to park in spaces where no one can park next to me from now on! Parking spaces in the US are generally so much bigger than what we get here.
Glad I am not the only fatty who can't get into my car ;)
Still not back in my house and slowly going insane and so are kids...... DH still unwell so going back to GP tomorrow who I begged for help this afternoon........
Already got a 7 seater but DH keeps talking about those minivan things! I struggle to park what I have already! Bumpity which 7 seater do you have? We have a Seat Alhambra.
So tired today...must be sharing a bed with a wiggly 7 year old!
Keep smiling ladies!
Haha! I'm definitely turning into a little fatty. Can't do up my large winter coat now. DH said I could wear his but he's so big I will look like a bag lady!
We haven't bought our car yet but will get a 4x4 as we are surrounded by country roads and will need one in the snow. Having to buy a car for a baby is an expense but we haven't bought a new car in years so we were due to upgrade one of ours anyway. Loompy you must be going mad not being in your own home yet. I really hope you get it sorted soon, at least by Xmas! What have the doctors said about your DH? Should he be getting better by now?

When my DS started school in Sep there was 3 other mums in his class pregnant. 1 had her baby a week early 2 weeks ago and 1 is having her baby tomorrow by elcs! I feel I still have ages, it's not fair!!!! Will have lots of practice cuddles though :)

Is anyone feeling uncomfortable yet? I still feel ok but can feel baby starting to fill up the space. Am making the most of being comfortable, got a feeling I've only got a couple of weeks left :(
Bumpity.....I am not very comfortable anymore. I feel like Roo hasn't got much room left in the and just keeps jabbing me with feet and elbows. My bump feels tight and I struggle to do my hoes up. No idea what I will be like in 11 more weeks!
I am hoping to be home within the next week but to be honest am not holding my breath. They are doing the finishing bits of painting etc before my garden doors are installed on Thursday. DH going to pop into tomorrow and say we want things finished ASAP as we need to go home! The dr is not sure why DH is still so mouldy but I am hoping she will sort something out tomorrow. Seems like he has a slightly unusual case of late onset asthma.
Am so tired.....plopped on settee and DH managing to put 3 to bed. Am on my last legs tonight! Hope you ladies are all doing ok!

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