February 2013 babies

Not getting past cars in the car park was something I hadn't realised would be a problem until Monday!! I stupidly thought I was my normal size but it was a tight squeeze. Will park miles away from shops and then get out of breath walking back to car! I am getting bigger and people noticing now. Feel fat but sat the point were its ok- but much bigger and it won't be.
Dh has been away 2 nights Snd I have slept so well. He is back and here I am at 1am not asleep. But work has really annoyed me today. My partner in work had a real rant last week that one of the people working for us was rushing there work too much (she has taken extra on and I'd struggling to cope) so here workload and therefore salary needed reducing from April. As he has insisted I buy him out of work he suggested this was done in January - he wouldn't deal with it then it would all be on my shoulders - but I said I wanted him with me as its not a thing I felt comfortable doing. He left all the talking up me and sort of grunted then afterwards marched out and walked her down the coffee shop whispering. I know he was putting all the blame on me. I'm so cross at him because it was all his suggestion then he makes me the big baddy!!! It's crap being the boss. Just needed a rant because I'm so mad at him. Sorry to rant- just thought getting it off my chest may help me sleep but may have sent you lot to sleep. Sorry!!

My car just seats 5, my SIL had the 7 seater version for the reasons you have all said. Hopefully 5seats will do me for a while because this car feels huge to my old one. Getting drive entrance made wider because I struggle parking it but using the excuse my far belly won't fit around soon and then neither will a pram:)

Loompy- hope your dh gets better soon and you all get into your home again soon. Xxx

Hope everybody else is doing ok. Big hugs xx
Loompy; Hope your husband gets better quick. You definitely will need support and less to worry about.

Please no judging but on Monday I took the girls to the mall to pick up a few things. The parking spaces were very tight so I pulled out my moms handicap placard and parked in the handicapped spot. lol. Now technically you can actually get a temporary pass when preganant but no one does that. And in reality I can't really walk that far and uphill to the store. I just waddled extra hard when I got out but no one really looked at me that wierd.
I hope I didnt' take the wind from someone in a wheel chair but there were other handicapped spaces. Just absolutely no regular ones. I am so scared of getting trapped again and unable to get into the car I honestly don't even think I could crawl through the back and make it over the seats with my huge belly. Can you imagine getting a baby in and out in the carseat. It would also be impossible with that kind of parking.

I can hardly believe I have 11 weeks to go. It's time to get some serious "nesting" done. And it's the holidays coming. I know I am not going to be able to fight traffic at the mall and better start online now. Maybe Black Friday. I know there are alot of really great sales online at my favorite shops. Last year I took the girls shopping at 3 am to victorias secret and macys. Crazy... Can't go this year..lol. All of that hoopla for a free duffle bag but teens love that stuff.

Is anyone else online shopping for the holidays ? I am just too big to be in large crowds right now.
3sisters- I will now be tempted to park in parent and child spaces, well I sort of have a child with me :) I was in NYC a few years ago for black Thursday. The sales are fantastic!! I hate the shops at weekends so hopefully get a lot of Christmas shoppin done this Monday. I want to scrub the house but have not got the energy, waitin for an energy rush to do it. Having carpets cleaned tomorrow ready for baby furniture to arrive. Cannot wait to see the cot in the room. Think it will feel so real then but with this bump it's hard to forget :)
Hi everyone, hope you're all well :) I haven't posted in a while as work has been manic. I can't believe 3rd tri is here already. I'm starting to get seriously stressed that I haven't got anything ready yet. We are also moving house on the 10th January - eeeeek!

I don't think anyone would mind a big bumpy lady parking in the parent and child spaces. I've twice gotten stuck in a normal space when someone has parked next to me whilst I was in the supermarket and I couldnt open the door wide enough to get back into the car. I had to wait until they finished their shopping!

J x
I can't even remember the last time I didn't shop online. I hate stores and shopping, so I've been buying online since it was possible to do so.
I never nested first time around and doubt I will this time either. It may have something to do with the fact that not having anything ready doesn't really bother me :haha:
I wish I could be laid back about it! I'm normally super relaxed about stuff but pregnancy turns me a bit OCD!

Just got back from picking Rosie up from nursery and she has the chicken pox! She can't go back until the spots have scabbed over so I'll have to stay home from work for around a week. Hopefully that will give me some time to get organised!
No parent and child spaces here yet. SAd. There is only handicap. Except for the valet parking at the mall during Christmas but the valet parking is on the other side of the mall and the walk is long. Especially after you've shopped and am carrying a few items. Too bad we don't have more mommy spots.

Starting to ache right under the breast.

Chicken pox... oooh nooo. I hope you have had them and contact your doctor.

Have you guys had any days where your hunger level is really high. Today I couldn't stop eating. Yesterday I could stop... Wierd..
Yes I have days where I'm more hungry than others. I get full very quickly though now and am better if I eat less but more often.

Those ladies that are on their 2nd or more pregnancies how many midwife appointments are you scheduled to have in the 3rd tri? Just curious as I've got my 28 then I'm not seen until I'm 34 weeks. I just wondered if this was the norm for ladies of our age!

Lindy, poor you not being able to sleep! I had 1 night last week where I was up otherwise I've had a good couple of weeks. Although im starting to find myself waking up more to change position. Feel free to rant all you like that's what we are here for! Being team yellow have you found it easy to choose what you wanted for the nursery?

Jjay I hop Rosie doesn't get chicken pox too badly, and your ok.
Thanks everyone, she's still fine at the moment just spotty :)

I am starving all of the time at the moment and craving carbs and sweet stuff. Piling weight on but can't seem to help eating! Hopefully I'll lose it with breastfeeding like last time.

I just got back from my 28 week appointment. I'm measuring 35cm so am being sent for a scan and consultant appointment next Wednesday. They have also booked me in for an extra appointment at 31 weeks to keep an eye on me. If the measurement had been ok I wouldn't have seen anyone until 34 weeks. I still have to have my scan on 2nd January for previa so another chance to see baby :)

Everything else fine and baby is head down xx
Poor of Rosie! Hope she feels better soon!
I had a 28 week appt Nd then wasn't supposed to be seen until 34 weeks but MW said I could go back at 31 weeks. Was relieved as I didn't want to wait that long. Apparently this MW likes to keep,her eye on her ladies and as I didn't see her last time she would,like to meet meet especially if I am having a home birth.
House is taking shape! My patio doors were installed today and the end is in sight! Feel so relieved but more tired than ever!
DH gone part time At work for at least the next month so I am hoping that will allow him to recover a bit.
Keep smiling!
Poor Rosie.
I had my son vaccinated for chicken pox. My husband has never had it and as primary caregiver we felt it was better to vaccinate our son both to protect both him and my husband who would have been at risk otherwise.
I have my 28 week appointment and GTT on Monday. I have appointments every 2 weeks until 36 when it's switches to every week. They don't change that just because it's not a first baby at the office I go to.
I've been eating and eating, but can't seem to put the weight on. I'm worried the midwife won't be happy when I get weighed on Monday.
I think our Wegman's grocery store has parent/child parking, but I've never felt the need for it. I can walk just fine from anywhere. I think we do have bigger parking spaces in the US for the most part, so that may be part of it.
I have my GTT on mon too. 28 week appointment the following mon. Will be interesting to see if I get offered another appointment before 34 weeks. Think my MW is quite poor though so not expecting much.

Hope you put some weight on Seity. Have you lost anymore?

Glad the end is in sight for you Loompy! Fingers crossed!

DH away tonight and am very tired. Looking forward to getting kids to bed, watching some mindless T.V then early to bed. :)
What is GTT?

I am also shattered today and will be going to bed not long after Rosie :)
Just googled it. I didn't have a GTT last time and the midwife didn't mention it. Is everyone having this?
Everyone in the US has it (GTT). For some reason, (I assume $$), UK only seems to test people they consider 'at risk' even though anyone can get it.
I am up 1 lb after my loss, so I'm up 1 whole pound for the month. Considering they want me gaining more like 4-6 a month... ah well, not like I'm not eating and the belly is growing, so not much else I can do.
Jjay this is my 4th pregnancy and the first time I've been offered it! I had my other 3 in London at the same hospital but am having this one somewhere different so maybe different guidlines? My MW said I should have it because I have PCOS and am more likely to get GD. But never been offered it before!

Your right Seity as long as belly's growing don't worry about it! most women would give their right arm to not put on loads of weight!
I had my 28 week appt last Monday and see her 4 weeks later. After that it's every two weeks. I have not been offered to GTT or had it mentioned. I have only had BP,
Blood test and Doppler done. Mw hasn't asked about weight gain at all. She just said could see my belly had grown and was right size so she was happy.
Same as Lindylou here...no GTT mentioned and never had one before, just a blood test, urine test and Doppler. They didn't mention weight as they could see that I look like I gave swallowed a bowling ball! I do look ridiculous! I parked too close to a tree outside my own house yesterday and had to climb across passenger seat......what a performance!
Still tired but feeling a bit more human today. Finished crocheting a hat that looks like a hat for DD. she looks very cute in it!
Right, school run beckons!
Catch you later!
Seity.. you lucky gal. My goal was to not gain weight and only have the belly grow. So much for that .. Even though I have only gained 15-17 pounds, I started 15 heavier than normal so I feel that 30... Will try to exercise this weekend to help. I feel much better after being really active.

Since i have to take the dreaded three hour glucose test I find myself eating more sugar and carbs than before. Especially because i am trying to not eat them...argh... Well tomorrow is a new day.

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