February 2013 babies

I'm up 22lbs now! No wonder I'm not walking around as fast!
One of many things I did today:
Ha ha you're ice skating and I'm struggling to walk! I can really feeling the weight of the baby pushing down now. It's like that film 'what to expect when you're expecting' and you're the one having the twins ;)
I had my OB appt Friday at 27 weeks, put on 7 lbs in 4 weeks. Absolutely disgusted. Up 23 lbs and still 13-15 weeks to go (she'll be late like all the others). Walking every morning and it helps me sleep better. Vericose vein in my leg sucks, so I try to stay off my feet for long periods.
I go back to OB in 3 weeks at 30 Weeks, then every 2 weeks til 36, then 1 week away until the little one arrives.

I am nearly done my Christmas shopping-hope to finish in the next couple days, I don't want to go out on black Friday like last year. It was insane and I don't want to be on my feet so much-even though I LOVE the deas!!! I will shop Amazon on-line for their sales if I have any last minute needs. It's going to be a rinky dink Christmas this year anyway since I'm so broke from no work-and my dad and brother are broke from no work so only my 2 youngest will get presents, mom and step dad are limited income now with mom approaching retirement in June so only 2 youngest will get stuff there too. I won't feel too bad though because gifts are finally not going to be the main focus. I'm actually keeping pretty close to my cap-off per child, which is always a struggle. Seeing as I have to take out of my savings for my time off for school, I am being extra cautious. Actually looking forward to this year's festivities, it is the only thing keeping me positive right now.

Just got word last night that my uncle David has a mass on both his pancreas and liver, pancreatic biopsy shows cancer and liver biopsy results pending. Prayers PLEASE, if you will, that the caught it early enough to treat. I know once diagnosis is made for pancreatic cancer it is 5 years or less at best if he's lucky. Praying for the longest time possible :cry:
Normally I'd be playing ice hockey this time of year. When I was pregnant with Gabriel I skated (and was doing spins) right up until I gave birth, so I'm not worried about being on the ice.

:hugs: PM! My MIL was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasized to her liver and brain a year ago Memorial Day. She's still with us and doing well considering. When we got the news, we worried that she'd never see Gabriel's second birthday and instead I'd bet odds she'll still be around for her 2nd grandchild's birth and Gabriel's 3rd and who know's how many other milestones.

We're struggling to get out of debt, so we're only spending $25-30 on Gabriel for Christmas this year.
I've never gone out on Black Friday, but love that stores are finally realizing the value of online black Friday deals. I'm happy to take advantage of those.

GTT for me tomorrow morning. Not worried. I passed last time and fully expect to pass this time, so I can pig out on junk for the holidays.
Morning ladies. PM and Seity. I am sorry for your sad family news. I lost my dad to cancer 10 weeks before number 3 was born. I hope you have a long time with your respective relatives.
We don't have Black Friday here. We did have a midnight toy sale in one of our big supermarkets but I couldn't manage it this year. We are going overboard with presents this year as we have spent so much on our house. I don't think they need so many toys anyway.
Seity, I went roller skating about 18 months ago and fell on my bum. The bruise was spectacular! No ice skating for me. Am rubbish!
DH feeling a little better. Think the meds might be working finally! Fingers crossed!
Have taken to crochet for stress relief and have made Roo a couple of hats. Will post a pic at some point.
Breakfast and school run beckons......
Keep smiling!
Love my midwives. Because they have to work within an obgyn office they have to mention that they'll discuss an induction if I make it to 39 weeks because of my 'advanced maternal age'. All I did was say, no thanks, you're welcome to monitor me though and the midwife is all "Yeah, there's no reason for it, but the doctors make us mention it. It's fine to refuse." Seriously, they're they best and totally let you have whatever kind of birth you want (assuming no complications). Results, or not, of my GTT tomorrow. Basically, I don't want to hear from them because they only call if you don't pass.
My mw hasn't mentioned induction- she said babies come when they are good and ready. thinks its docs who feel the need to meddle when to me, as a first timer (!), mw seem to know best and have the common sense. Sure there are exceptions on both sides though.

I can't sleep :( Its 12:30am and I'm up at 6am for work. Think it's because I'm dreading going back into work tomorrow
Going to start the xmas shopping this week. REiminding myself to finally order the family pix christmas cards on time. Especiallly since this will be our last as a family of five. Every year I have great intentions but end up late with the cards...

Have to go back to Dr. beginning of December and was told to get the 3 hour GTT by then. Haven't had time to do it yet so I don't want to rush. Scared of the results. And sitting there for 3 hours sounds exhausting and wasteful.

My heartbeat has been so fast lately. Scary.. I know thats also a side effect from Dehydration or anemia so I will try to drink. Starting to also get really tired especially after the day or any kind of event. Shopping at Safeway wiped me out today in the afternoon. I am used to having energy and moving alot ...sad..

elderly gravida.... advanced maternal age... lol. i have a sister 10 years older than me and she is just now going through menopause and my mom went through it at 52. Doesn't that mean we are still able to have children up to that point. It's kind of odd that the maternal age is so old after 35. I understand that fertility drops which sounds normal but until menopause we are ok.

I read on a forum that an older pregnant mom of 43 asked her doctor if she was too old ( worried about mental ******ation) the doctor promptly replied that he was born when his mom was 47 on a farm and he seemed okay.

Actually one of the small blessings I think I have noticed is that I am able to survive on less sleep. I get 7.5 broken hours of sleep a night ( get up to pee a lot) but notice that when I do get sleep I am rested. When younger I needed alot more if the sleep was broken to function. Another friend told me that your body knows how to go into REM sleep in shorter cycles when you are experiencing insomnia or sleep disruptions. So less sleep will actually feel satisfying sometimes. But a NAP helps so much. Even 30 minutes and I am new.
Hi Ladies, had my GTT yesterday. Was absolutely fine, I've heard a lot of ladies moan about the taste of the drink but honestly it was fine. It's definitely standard practice at my hospital to offer it to everyone. Apparently if there's a problem I will hear from the diabetic team within 48 hours. Not worried though, will be shocked if I hear from them.

I'm up 3-4 times a night for my bladder as well as having to keep changing position to get comfy so sleep is disturbed constantly. Beginning to feel tired. Lindy I hope you get some better sleep. Has your nursery furniture arrived?

I read on another thread about ladies of AMA not being allowed to go over 40 weeks as placenta degenerates earlier the older you are. I haven't had anything said to me about this yet but it is something I will ask about if not mentioned to me. My babies have all been pretty much spot on dates so expect this one to be the same.

Loompy would love to see pictures of your hat! I tried knitting a blanket once but I really am rubbish. My way to relax is baking. I love it, my kids and DH love the fact there's always cakes or biscuits in the tin but my waistline doesn't!

Hope your all having a good day x
Is it over 35 that counts as AMA? I have not been seen in the hospital yet. Mw comes to the house an went to clinic for scans.

I cannot knit crochet or sew to save my life!!
Yes if your over 35 your considered an older mother! The last thing I feel is old! Have had all my bloods and scans done at the hospitals antenatal clinic. Only seen my MW at the health centre for booking in appointment and 16 week check.

Wow Lindy your MW comes to your house?! Ive never had that prenatal only postnatal. How old are you Lindy? I had my DS at 36 and being of AMA was never mentioned then.
AMA was never mentioned when I had my first son at 36 either. Although, I did get the NT scan covered by the insurance since I was over 35.
I'm 37. It's strange getting called old when you don't feel it. Girl I work with is planning baby at same hospital as me and goes there for appointments and never has the same midwife. Think it depends on the mw service you have. I really cannot fault it so far. She has been fantastic.

Has anybody done hypnobirthing? I start classes next week, my mw does them.
No never done it. Would be interested to see what you thought. I have had 2 completely natural, drug free births and they were long and so painful I'm not going to lie. I have thought about looking into it as gas and air makes me throw up and don't want to feel out of control with Pethidine or Diamorphine. How long is the course?
:hugs: PM for your uncle, Seity good to hear your MIL is doing so well, some people are born fighters and she sounds like one.

Lindy I really like the sound of hypobirthing but dont know very much about it. I havent been to any prenatal classes for anything. Thinking I might try and look into some yoga, try and unwind a little!

Things have been a little hetic round here last few weeks - mine & dh's birthdays, my car had to get scrapped, my stepmum had a heart attack (but she says she feels better now!) and on top of that work has been crazy. Which is not helped by the realisation that I've only got something like 34 days left to work (I work 3.5 days a week) not including holidays before my maternity leave - too much to do and not enough time.

But I realised a little while ago I've now got less than 100 before baby is due which really exciting and scary, I'm so unorganised!!!!
I did hypnobirthing last time. I found it very relaxing in the last stages of pregnancy and the techniques were useful in early labour (3 days for me) and also for relaxing during sweeps and internal checks. Unfortunately I ended up with an EMCS but I would still recommend it. I haven't given it much thought this time around as I'm feeling its more and more likely I'lll end up with another section. I guess I'll find out more after my growth scan tomorrow, I'm sure they'll check the placenta too and see if I've still got previa.

Bumpity, glad to hear your glucose test went well :) I wonder if they'll get me to do one if baby is measuring big tomorrow.

PM sending prayers your way. It's a horrible, scary disease :( my friend passed away on Saturday after being diagnosed in April. We're trying to come to terms with it at the moment. It's so very sad and as she was so young the cancer was very aggressive and quick to spread.
it sounds so great to have a midwife. Here in Honolulu that is not standard practice.

Lulu sorry to hear of all the distractions. I guess as we are older moms there is alot more life going on around us. Hope your MIL is okay.

I guess i am the old lady of the group, i so don't feel it. Perhaps I am in denial. Still trying to post a pix.

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