February 2013 babies

Lulu- hope things settle soon.

Jjay- good to hear you found it helpful doing hypnobirthing. Will let you know how it goes! Hospital does a course over 4 afternoons and charge £350 but my mw one is free over 3 evenings. She told me to read the Katherine graves book about it. Ordered it but not here yet.
Oh dear! I had 1 outdoor coat that I could do up. It was more of a spring jacket, waterproof but not warm, but on days like this I could wear it to protect me from our lovely rain. I wore it on Sunday no problem, but went to put it on today and can't get the zip done up! Can't keep expanding at this rate or I'll be huge :(.
Weather sooooo miserable I need to buy a coat I can do up. I refuse to wear my DH's, I'd look ridiculous.
Does anyone else feel like they are rapidly expanding?
I can't do my coat up anymore and my mum has lent me one but I saw a 70 year old wearing practically the same one! I think I will have to give in and wear it now. My bump feels huge! Have hard to loosen my dungarees to fit it in.
Builders finished today apart from little extras, so cleaners coming in tomorrow and then we move back on Saturday......can't wait to have some normality back! Been lugging things and cleaning all week so also looking forward to a rest!
Happy thanksgiving to all of you across the pond. How do you all celebrate and what do you eat?
Relaxing while DH does bath time at the zoo!
My coat was really fitted so no chance of fastening it for a few weeks. Got a couple of coats- smart one for work and huge big sleeping bag one for out walking etc. it's soooo toastie and warm.
I have one large coat that is getting kind of ratty, but still zips up. Not sure it'll last me through February though. I feel huge and know little one has so much more growing to do. I have put on about 24 lbs and just this past week started up with massive vericose veins in my right leg, so painful it hurt to walk. The spider vein I got with DS (5) was so puffed up it looked like a real spider on my leg...a tarantula. After a few days suffering, and an attempt at maternity compression pantyhose $8 a pair (what a freakin joke!) which split in the crotch after 5 minutes use, I went to the medical supply store and got medical grade thigh high compression stockings which I wear all day every day. They feel AMAZING. They're tight, and not always comfortable, but have the veins under control. I do look forward to peeling them off before bed, for sure! I never in my life had a problem with my veins, but this AMA has a lot of things changing for me. I am 42, and this has been anything but an easy pregnancy for me. I am insanely grateful for it, but at the same time I am rejoicing that I will be bringing DH in for a vasectomy on December 11. I could not handle this another time, plus six kids is plenty in this day and age! :haha:
My OBGYN is looking into TENS for me. It is a transctaneous electrical nerve stimulation that is supposed to interrupt the signals sent to the brain from the uterus during labor. I read about it, but have ever heard of it otherwise. I will also be questioning her about monitoring baby and placenta in the last weeks. I will take early induction over a stillborn any day! I asked her at the very beginning about late 3rd trimester monitoring and she said we would. I want to remind her, and find out exactly what we'll be doing. I get nervous now if the baby doesn't move as much, I actually broke out the doppler this morning to be sure she was ok because she was so quiet. Currently her foot is in my ribs so I'm thrilled :cloud9:
As for my uncle, I appreciate continued prayers and good thoughts. I got a call shortly after my last post (monday morning) that my only other Uncle on that side of the family had just died Sunday. At his funeral yesterday my cousins told us that their dad was going downhill fast. I have not heard anything yet today about him. This has been one hell of a week :cry:

Seity, glad your MIL is still doing well! My MIL found out about stage 4 lung cancer in July of 2010 and died 6 months later in January of 2011.
We have a TENS machine my husband uses for his back. He broke it years ago in a car accident as a teenager and while it recovered from the break, it still gives him a lot of aches and pains, especially as he's gotten older.
I hear they're great if you get back labor. Mine was all in my belly last time, so it wouldn't have done me any good. Certainly worth looking into though.
I'm sorry to hear all the news going on with your family PM. I'll certainly keep them in my prayers.
We received news that my MIL and FIL are planning to come here for Christmas. I guess MIL is feeling well enough to travel and to feel trapped in her own house. I'm so excited to see them in person. We try and Skype regularly, so they can see Gabriel, but it's just not the same.
Tis the season for Egg Nog! :happydance: I love being pregnant over the holidays. I can drink as much Egg Nog as I want and eat all the yummy goodies I feel like.
Pp- glad your family can make it at Christmas.

Over here they recommend tens machines a lot for early labour. There are companies that hire them out. Im thinking of getting one, anything to help. So gutted, my mw is jesting on Tuesday. She has been amazing and felt so confident with her. She has allocated me another. Only saw my mw 2 weeks ago and she didn't mention anything and was talking about not being on call at Christmas. Hoping new one is as good. I had started feeling like staying at home and just going the hospital if needed rather than racing the hospital straight away buy now I'm not sure.

Love to all.
Hi ladies, 4.30 in the morning here. First night of insomnia for a good week or so :(. Doesn't help baby has decided to have an all night party:haha:. He definitely doesn't have a pattern of sleep/awake time.

Thoughts are with you PM. Glad the stockings are doing their job. I've been blessed with broken blood vessels all over chest and shoulders, got afew with my DS pregnancy, but am now covered. May have to be vain and get them sorted after Ive had my little man as they have got quite unsightly!

Seity, lovely you get to enjoy Xmas with family. Especially if you don't get to see them much. I have my mum,her husband and my brother here for Xmas and am really looking forward to it.

Lindy I hope you like your new MW. I have really gone off mine. It's the first time I've had an issue with one. I think she's lazy. I left her a message asking for advice on what to do after passing a clot at 20 weeks as didn't want to bother the hospital, she didn't reply. When I passed another clot 2 days later and called the day assessment, the on call midwife asked me to come to the hospital. When I got there the unit was empty, not another patient there and the on call midwife and my midwife are sitting in the office stuffing their faces. She just looked at me and said ' sorry for not calling you back on Fri it was my day off'. I couldn't believe it, the least she could of done was text me when she was back on duty to let me know and to ask if I had sorted it. It wasn't like she was rushed off her feet! I'm seeing her later for my 28 week check.

Guess I passed the GTT as haven't heard, hurrah!
Have booked a 4d scan for 30 weeks, really excited!
Hope you all have a good and comfortable day! X
Hi everyone,

I used a tens machine during the first 48 hours of my labour, I'm not sure how much it helped but it certainly gave me a distraction at the very least so I think I'll get one again this time.

Sorry your midwife isn't great Bumpity :( will she be there at the birth or is she a community midwife?

Great news about your inlaws Seity! It will be lovely for Gabriel to have has grandparents around for Christmas, and great for you to have some help too. I'm really looking forward to Christmas this year as Rosie will be 19 months and although not totally aware of what's going on will love all of the people, presents and excitement.

PM to make you feel better, I'm now about 38lb up. To make it worse it seems like I am constantly hungry at the moment. Looks like I might be headed to a 65lb gain again :(

My appointment with the consultant went well. They measured me at 36 weeks (midwife) and 38 weeks (consultant) and so sent me for a growth scan. They said if the baby or fluid levels were outside of the normal range I would be given the GTT test. Baby measured on the 70th percentile. Estimated weight was 3.75lb - which seems big to me! They said the baby was 'chunky' but still within the normal range. Fluid was also high but again still within normal range. Also my placenta has moved up and is clear of the cervix! Baby was head down but back to back - exactly like Rosie.

I'm sort of wishing they'd given me the GTT just to be sure. Do you thinking should ask my midwife at the next appointment on 13th dec?

I'm also wondering about position. Rosie got into this position early in my last pregnancy and then never moved. Every appointment she was always head down and back to back. I felt lots of kicks but never that big shift people talk about when baby totally changes position. Does everyone else get this? I've been reading the spinning babies website and it seems that it's not good news if baby is in this position and doesn't move. After 4 days of nightmare back to back contractions last time I ended up with a section as Rosie was stuck. I'd love to try a VBAC this time but I'm worried history is repeating itself...

J x
Hi JJay, I had two back to back pregnancies and I think both mine were in that position from quite early on as had a terrible pain in my spine for quite abit of my pregnancies. I had a forceps delivery with my first as she wouldnt turn as I was pushing and got stuck. They blamed it on me having an epidural so wouldn't let me have one with my second. They wanted me as mobile as possible so I could try and shift her into the right position for delivery. I spent quite alot of the labour on all fours! It work as she turned and despite her being 1 1/2lbs heavier I delivered her naturally without a scratch.
I am having a scan at 30 weeks and they give you an estimated weight so will see how much they say he weighs as I had my 28 week check today and I measure 28 weeks. I think 3.75lbs does seem chunky but if they are putting it on the 70 percentile god knows how big a 99 percentile is!

Passed my GTT with flying colours! But despite taking my iron I am still anaemic! MW said my levels must have been really low before so I need to double my dose.
My blood pressure is nearly ALWAYS 110/60. Very rarely it may skip up or down by 5 either way, but has NEVER gone beyond that, so was surprised to see it in my notes at 132/70 today. I know still within range but very odd for me. Should I be concerned? Thoughts would be appreciated ladies. I'm not seeing my MW for another 6 weeks :(
Thanks Bumpity that gives me hope that I will be able to have a VBAC. Did you feel either of yours turn during pregnancy or just kicks and stuff?

Great news on your GTT results :) I wouldn't worry too much about the blood pressure, it's the bottom number that's more important and 70 is pretty low. Mine is always around 90-100/60 but the odd time it's been 125/70. No real reason why and the midwife has never been worried about it. You could always book a 31 week appointment to get it checked again. They have booked me one just to check the growth again but said if there's anything concerning me just book in for an extra appointment.

Measurements at my scan 28+3 were...HC 271. AC 259. FL 56.5. Estimated weight +/-25% 1.7kg. Fluid 208mm. It will be interesting to compare...
Bumpity- that is so bad! It is not like you were contacting them over something trivial! Can you transfer to another mw? Had a voicemail from my new one- she didn't sound too friendly but we will see!!

Jjay- my mw thought baby was transverse, when do they want them to turn by?

Bumpity- BP maybe high for you but it is Normal also a one off BP could mean you were stressed, been rushing around , had a coffee etc if you are worried I would ask them to repeat it sooner.
Ps at 25 ish weeks at 4d scan they estimated baby weight at 2.2lb- going by that I've got a chunk as well. I'm not scheduled for another nhs scan, do you get them?
Hi thanks ladies. I am not going to worry about BP. May have something to do with not sleeping much last night. Although I have been suffering with a lot of palpitations that I can't control. MW wants me to see a doctor. It can be normal in pregnancy but it can also be serious so will make an appointment. It comes on worse after I eat so think its my body trying to cope with everything extra!
Lindy my DH wants me to change MW. My friend had a baby last year and transferred from her because she thought she was useless. Think I will just contact the DAU if I have any further problems.
Thanks for the measurements and weight estimates. Will compare when I have my scan. I am paying privately for it Lindy, just for peace of mind.
Oh and I had no idea either of them were back to back! In the first pregnancy it was only realised when I was trying to push her out. The second they realised when I was in labour. But pretty sure they had both been back to back for along time as back was agony. Also with my second DD I could feel her hands running back and forth above my pubic bone for weeks before she was born. It was a weird and uncomfortable feeling that I only realised what it was after I found out she was back to back.
Hi ladies
Bumpity....don't like the sound of that MW. Would also see about changing.
Seity..so glad family coming for Xmas.
Pm....hope family all doing ok!

Well, we are home and I was so excited that I went overboard with cleaning and tidying. Industrial cleaners on friday for 5 hours which I helped with and then carried on for another 3. Couldn't sleep that night, kept awake by DH snoring the next night, last night was more snoring and cystitis type symptoms so little sleep again. Have really paid for it today. Sick 3 times.....kids thought it was hilarious that my tea came out of my nose! Been in bed most of the day and feel pretty yucky! Roo having a party though! Completely bonkers baby!
Hope you are all feeling ok.
Bumpity....your iron must have been so low. They haven't rung about mine so assuming all ok but will see at appt on Thursday. Going to ask about my veins too. They have appeared on my bum...so attractive!
Anyway, almost time for sleep....again! Had what I thought was going to be a short nap this morning and woke upm3 hours later!
Hi ladies, not had time to read all I've missed but it seems everyone is doing good.

I can't believe I'm 27 weeks today! Still doesn't seem real, which it obviously is (!) but some days I hardly feel pregnant at all, so it's a bit strange to get my head round for some reason!

I've had a bit of growth spurt over the weekend and have more of a proper bump, not huge by any means, but a proper baby looking bump instead of just flab :lol: Really need to get some bump photos taken.

I'll pop back on again tomorrow when I've more time and have a proper catch up with how we're all doing.
I wouldn't worry about the BP. Just rushing around a bit can cause it to be elevated. Mine is always 110/74, nice and low, but at a recent dentist appointment it was 115/86. I'm sure it's just because I was running late for the appointment. I had my midwife appointment a few days later and it was right back at 110/74 again.
So tired.......kept awake again by crazy baby who kicked me so hard down below I shouted in pain! Also pain when doing wee again as I had been so sick and not drunk enough! Need sleep.............

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