February 2013 babies

Yay Loompy your in your house. You must be relieved. I have a bonkers baby too. I wonder if your having a boy as I would have guessed this was a boy if I didn't know as kicks are definitely harder, reminds me of when I carried my DS. My DH reminded me that I used to complain he was beating me up from inside! This feels the same.
Make sure you rest. I feel I've always got loads to do but I know I need to rest when I can. Been on my feet all day today and am now shattered so am going to have a lazier day tomorrow. May wrap some presents as its a job that needs doing but can do it from my sofa :)
My bump is expanding at an alarming rate :( I can tell by how far away my zip is on my coat, lol! My MIL said I was this big at the end of my pregnancy with DS and he was nearly 9lbs, aaaarrrrggghhhh. I'm only 5ft 3. Please let this baby not be any bigger!!!
Lindy, I think they can turn right up to the last minute. I had a friend who was booked in for a section for a breech baby but it must have turned right before she was due into theatre as when they did her final scan before the op it had gone head down!

Loompy I feel your pain - up every 2 hours to pee then in between baby is breakdancing!

Lulu, look forward to seeing your bump! I did some shots of my ginormous measuring 38cm bump last night so will post soon - I wish there was an easy way to post pics from the iPad without having to email to myself then open on a pc... Think we should all post some circa 30 week pics to compare!!
I'm not sure how to post pics- only really use Phone or iPad to post.

This is going too fast!!!
Yeh I don't know either. I use an iPad or my phone. Can easily post pics from phone onto my twitter so may post some on there and if anyone else is on there they can take a look.
I am bumpity. Just got in from work. What a long day! Hope I sleep tonight. Feel really cranky and tired tonight. Xx
Lindy your 30 weeks today I noticed. From now on I like to think of this as the home straight! Down to single figures, tomorrow you'll have 9 weeks 6 days to go! Hope that cheers you up :) and hope you get a good nights sleep!
Ladies- I need some advice!! Dh mum, who is lovely, has told him she wants to be here wen the baby arrives. I have no problem with that- be nice my mum and his mum bein first to see the baby when it arrives BUT he said she will come the week before I am due and help with housework cooking etc. I will not be able to relaxe with her there and really want some me time before baby arrives. I also want to stay at home as long as I can when in labour and possibly have a home birth and would not like anybody else there!! She lives a 4 hour drive away. Do you think if I explain this to dh and maybe suggest she stays with my mum that sounds ok? I do not want to offend him or her in anyway. I would have to check with my mum first though about having a house guest!! I just want to be able to relax as much as I can as will only get a week off work I think before due date. Xx
Ladies- I need some advice!! Dh mum, who is lovely, has told him she wants to be here wen the baby arrives. I have no problem with that- be nice my mum and his mum bein first to see the baby when it arrives BUT he said she will come the week before I am due and help with housework cooking etc. I will not be able to relaxe with her there and really want some me time before baby arrives. I also want to stay at home as long as I can when in labour and possibly have a home birth and would not like anybody else there!! She lives a 4 hour drive away. Do you think if I explain this to dh and maybe suggest she stays with my mum that sounds ok? I do not want to offend him or her in anyway. I would have to check with my mum first though about having a house guest!! I just want to be able to relax as much as I can as will only get a week off work I think before due date. Xx
Lindylou.....I think that is perfectly acceptable. If DH explains that you want to have some relaxation time she should take it well without being offended. I hope you manage to sort it out!
Shattered again today.....like everyday.....woke up in the night with evil heartburn and then terrible muscle pain across my chest, back, windpipe. I have also got a cold which didn't help so took painkillers and went back to sleep. Got MW today which I am looking forward to! Love going and hearing hb and just chatting to someone who is interested in me!
Hope the rest of you are doing well!
I am so happy to be home. Have been baking lots for friends and just enjoying myself although it feels like I am in some else's house as it is so clean and tidy and I am stressing out that I am messing it up ;)
Lindy, you could say to your DH that you were really looking forward to spending what time you have between finishing work and baby arriving with him as a couple before you become a family, and the reality is baby might be 2 weeks late and is it fair/practical for his mum to come for that long. You wouldnt want to put her out. Why don't you suggest that she makes her way to you once you go into labour as first labours are generally long anyway so she will still get to you in plenty of time. If you decide on a home birth then she can go to your mums and wait there if need be.

This is what I would say if it was me and if there was a time in your life when you should get what you want it's now! Lol!
Been to MW who was much more serious and professional than the last one. I went for my last appt 3 weeks ago and had a blood test and my urine showed leucocytes and nitrates. She asked if I had had any results sent to me and I said no. She said that it was the responsibility of the last MW to have sent them to me or at least communicated any problems. My urine this time showed leucocytes, protein and the dreaded glucose! She has sent it off and wants to see me in a week to check the glucose levels. I did say that I had eaten nothing but a family sized bag of m and ms for breakfast and a chic biscuit. Could that have done it? I hope so as otherwise I will need the gtt test! Protein can be a sign of pre-eclampsia but my PB was 96/60 so nice and low. She is going to ring me tomorrow and give me the results of the urine test from 3 weeks ago as it is entirely possible that I have had a urine infection for the last 3 weeks! Surely I would have noticed?!!? I am very irritated that the other MW didn't ring me with results! Anyway, this MW doing a home appt next Friday which is nice. Tis MW also said that if my pelvis hurt I cou,d have quick physio appt whereas other one just told me to try to keep my legs together when I got out of bed!
Apart from that, I have a cold and am cream crackered! Roo did some hilarious acrobatics for the midwives which even made them laugh. I did tell them it was a hooligan!
Hope all well!
Thanks bumpity and loompy. My mum has said she can say there... Phew!!! I told
Dh I want time to relax before and he said he will tell her to make her way when I am
In labour. He said he may need suppOrt afterwards to
Look after me and baby so have the mums there then. I would like them to be around.... But to go and give us time alone as well. Why are families such minefields!! Thank you both though for your supportive answers. Xxxx hugs xxxxx

Been to hypnobirthing tonight. The relaxation was good after a day in work! They did show a video of a woman using hypnobirthing. It was amazing she was so relaxed and was chatting away. She got a bit panicky a couple of minutes before the baby arrived. The weird thing was that her and her dh kept calling each other baby all the time and he was mauling her!! Will let you know how it goes next week. Going to a home birth talk on Tuesday because I think I would like to consider it. Simply because I know of hospitals putting time limits on things and then intervening too soon. Also like my own comforts
Around me. Xx

Thanks again ladies. Xx
Lindy, glad you got your visitor problems sorted out. I remember being really stressed out about this last time! It will be good for you to have MIL close by to help but not staying at yours so you can enjoy your last days as a couple. Glad you're enjoying the hypnobirthing. I've bought a CD especially for VBACS so will start listening to that in a couple of weeks time.

Loompy, any news on your test results? I have my fingers crossed for you all is OK. I don't know much about it but it would seem to make sense that the glucose was there due to the chocolate.

Here's a couple of pics of my ginormous baby bump. All 38lb of it!! My tummy button has gone really low this time - it's a bit weird! It's getting so heavy now and I'm struggling to walk long distances. Not sure why I seem to get so big - I must get asked 20 times a day if my baby is due now and if I'm having twins.


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That's a beautiful bump JJay!
JJay you look so beautiful! What a lovely bump!
MW rang today and told me I have bacteria in my urine which means an infection but they can't prescribe antibiotics until. Monday when they work out which ones I need and it also means I have had this infection for 3 weeks! Really cheesed off that nobody rang to tell me I had it. Would you complain? No wonder I have been tired and felt a bit grotty. Anyway, will be sorted on Monday hopefully. Have eaten no chocolate today and only a small slice of banana cake and a cereal bar. Everything else was non sugary S far as poss. Hope it was just the chic that sent things crazy!
Hope you are all well!
I always have cranberry pills on hand. I would recommend picking some up and taking those while you wait for antibiotics.
Loompy that is shockingly poor care from your last midwife! I'm not sure if I would complain or not to be honest, depends if you think anything will come of the complaint. At least you seem to have a very productive midwife now. Hope you get the right painkillers and start to feel better quickly.

Lindy - families are, in my experience, always a minefield. Glad you've got your MIL issue sorted though. My MIL offered to come into the labour room with me the last time. I politely and hastily declined her offer! We have never really seen eye to eye and I couldn't imagine anything worse than having her in with me. So far she hasn't mentioned anything this time as I don't think I could be as polite :wacko:

Jjay that is one fantastic bump! I have bump envy :lol:

This is my bump from earlier tonight - not the greatest picture to be fair. Really need to take a better one over the weekend. Slowly losing sight of my feet!!


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