February 2013 babies

JJay that is a nice bump, we are about the same size. I will try to take a pix this weekend.

I took the 3 hour glucose challenge today and it was not fun. I almost threw up and I had to fast for 12 hours. I still drank some water but very minimal in the morning. Now at night I've got a terrible headache, i think from sitting in the very uncomfortable chairs for the test. I was starving afterwards and ate at the cafeteria ( hospital) It was horrible but I was so hungry... And excited to get rid of that glucose drink taste. I am not hopeful to pass.

Amazingly it is over and i will see my OB on Monday and find out the news. Hoping you all pass your test and don't have to take the extended one. so yucky...

It's time to get a Christmas tree and think happy family thoughts. Hoping my baby is not getting too big. Last one was 10 pounds and I was induced early. So ...

My MIL is starting to shop for the baby and it's been kind of funny. It's a sweet gesture but out tastes are so very different. And with a boy it can get very interesting. At least with girls everything is so cute and sweet and pretty. Time to start getting ready for the baby. If I go early I have less than 8 weeks left. You guys too. We are at the end..

Have a great weekend.
Lulu....am going to chat to the new MW when she comes to the house on Friday and see what happens. Don't lime to make a fuss but equally don't like the thought of being left with a urine infection for over 3 weeks now! Was up again last night with stingy bladder. I had made sure I drank lots in the day but still keeps happening at night.
Cold still lingering and I am sporting a lovely red nose.
Will post a bump pic later. I look like Humpty Bumpty!
It is so cold here. What's the weather like where you all are? There is frost on the ground and we are off to buy kids snow boots this morning. I have 2 intrepid explorers in the garden crunching the frosty grass and I am tucked up inside in my dressing gown eating porridge.
Just considering the prospect of my mil asking to be there during labour......my answer to that is...you must be kidding!
Hope you are all well!
Lindy I'm glad you sorted out your MIL problem. Mine wouldn't want to be there so I have no worries! Infact FIL & MIL are retired and spend most of their time doing nothing but still managed to book their first holiday abroad for years the week DS was due. My babies are spot on dates pretty much and they didn't see him until he was over a week old! We were shocked and were relying on them to look after the girls as they lived close by. Thank god for friends, that's what I say!
3sisters I hope you pass the test, I passed mine, fingers xxx for you.
JJay that is an impressive bump for 29 weeks! You look fab! I do think they should offer you a GTT though, just as a precaution.
Loompy I hope you feel better soon. That's so bad they didn't tell you. I do think MW care can be hit or miss. Mine is lazy. Had my 28 week check and she let a student MW do EVERYTHING and didn't even check her to see if she was correct. She just sat in her chair and it was obvious the student was inexperienced as she was quite tentative and nervous. Took her ages to find babies position, heartbeat and to measure me. Double checked my measurement and I'm measuring 31 at 29, so she was out. :dohh:
Off to Xmas fair now, then the trees going up, kids are sooooo excited. I love this time of year :) have a good weekend ladies xx
Gabriel was 2 weeks early and I have a feeling Samuel will be an early baby too. Hard to believe I'm down to single digit weeks left now!
We've had snow here, but not a lot of it. According to the weather report, it's supposed to warm up again next week. Crazy weather.
Here's my mini (in comparison) 30 week bump:


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Jjay- lovely bump.

Lulu- it is so hard balancing families. I will want my mum but don't want mil to feel pushed out. Afterwards my mum will be working so don't want her to feel like she misses out to mil!! Aaaggghhh.
Loompy- hope you feel better soon. Infections can really knock you. Xxxx

Bumpity- i would prefer mil and fil to book a holiday or something. I'm a coward and that would solve everything :)

Seity- that is so tiny!!
Seity...what a lovely bump!
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies. Feeling tired and coldy now and could just curl up. Going to take paracetamol, have dinner and go to bed I think!
Been to our local under 5 sale and got a microwave steriliser, bouncy vibrating chair and little cardigan for Roo. All for under £15!
Feeling a bit sad about not being able to bf this little one as I found it so easy with the others. Makes me cry every time I think about it. I know I had my op for all the right reasons and don't regret it one little bit but still feel very sad! :(
Feel better loompy.
I ended up having to combo feed Gabriel because of low supply, which I never expected or even knew was a possible issue. It took me a long time to accept, but having done it, I'm more at peace with the probability that I will be combo feeding again with Samuel.
I'm quite lucky that I love my in laws and they are all wonderful. We don't have family from either side close by (The closest are my husband's aunts and are a 5 hour drive away), so we don't have the issue of trying to balance which family we see. The down side is, we don't see enough of either family.
Hard to believe my bump is actually bigger this time around, isn't it? :haha:
I don't mind my in laws- just don't feel I can relax and be comfortable when they visit.

Can you combo feed from the start? I heard LO gets confused if bottle and bf too early? I want to be able to bf but then express.
I think you can add if you need too. Although in the early stages it's better to get them hooked on the breast.( then you can switch if they like it) Some babies are so much more picky. Of course we all are more seasoned moms and well you do what you have to do. With formula they sleep so much longer. It's so tempting on those long nights especially with other kids to take care of.

My doctor told me that when babies get to be about 13.5 lbs they can hold about 6 hours of food in their stomachs. Before that their tummies are too little and they need constant supply. I found this to be pretty consistent.

Seity : How big was your first ? you look great.

I am short waisted and I think my baby has no other place to grow than outward so I look huge. I carry this way , no space on the inside. I could never be on that show, I didn't know I was pregnant. cuz I look like I am going to hiccup and have a baby...lol.
My first was only 5 lb 13 oz, 18.5 inches. Just a wee boy.
You can combo feed from the start, but every baby is different and you risk the baby preferring to be lazy and refusing the breast. I waited 5 weeks before introducing a bottle (of EBM) last time. Nipple confusion is actually very rare, bottle refusal from waiting too long to introduce a bottle is more common.
My son woke for milk until he was 2.5, so formula didn't make a lick of difference. He woke every 1-2 hours for milk until after he was 1. He was 17 lbs at 1 year, which is when I finally started getting a 3 hour block of sleep out of him. He's never been a good eater though and couldn't take a big bottle without spitting it back up. So it was always smaller meals, more often.
Thanks ladies. Will try and manage a month if two totally BF then try and express or formula combo feed. My sil still exclusively bf and her LO is 7 months. I feel exhausted watching her because he wants feeding all the time. Hats off to her, but I seriously couldn't do it. X
I'm not sure how I'll end up feeding this little bump when it comes to it. With Euan I tried for 4 days & stuggled immensely :nope: He had an infection when born so had an iv into his hand, was slightly jaundiced so really struggled to latch on and by the end of the fourth day I was at my wits end. So I decided to try formula and he wolfed it down as he was so hungry. That made my mind up and I gave him formula since. It did upset me for a while that we hadnt been successful at bf but I've more or less made peace with myself about it. We'll see what happens but I'm open to either breast or bottle as long as my baby is fed, health & happy :)

I'm currently in a state of shock at the moment. After weeks of debating we decided to take the plunge to go for a private scan and find out the gender. And ...................we're now officially team pink! I had an inkling from our 12 week scan as I saw 3 little lines but wasn't very sure. Over last few weeks I'm been thinking that I was probably wrong & we're having a boy as we already have a boy. But I should have trusted my instincts!

We still the girl's name we decided on if Euan had been a girl so come the end of February we will have a little Megan Hannah with us :cloud9: I'm so happy that we are going to have one of each, I daren't have hoped for it too much in case I was wrong!

Happy mummy tonight :)
Ahhhhh Lulu, a little girl! Huge congratulations and such a beautiful name :) x

Seity, your bump is so lovely and neat, I'm jealous it must be great not having to waddle everywhere! 3sisters, I am the same, longer legs and a short waist so I just grow outwards too. My skin feels so tight I can't imagine getting any bigger without bursting!

With Rosie we tried to introduce a bottle in the first week. Hopefully I don't sound too much like an alcoholic but I was soooo looking forward to having a couple of glasses of wine! I expressed every day from around the 3 rd day and built up a bit of a stash. She wouldn't take the bottle at first so we experimented with a few brands. Someone on bnb recommended dr browns for combi feeding as the teats are really soft and they worked brilliantly for us. I never had any problems with her refusing the breast. At first she would maybe have a bottle every 2-3 days, and then after a couple of months she had a bottle for her nighttime feed every day. It was lovely to be able to have a break from feeding so I could have a longer uninterrupted sleep. From around 6 weeks she slept 7-7 just waking for a feed 2-3 times a night then straight back to sleep. By 4 months she was sleeping 7-7 with a dream feed at 11pm. We switched this feed to formula around this time but found no difference in the length of time she slept between the formula and the breast milk. I plan on doing similar this time around.
Hurray Lulu, a girl! I'm glad I found out because I was sure Samuel was going to be a girl. :haha:
You can drink and BF. I'd have a bottle of beer while feeding Gabriel. That way by the time he needed to feed again, it was fine.
Since, I'll be going back to work when Samuel is 6-8 weeks old (depending on how soon he arrives) I'll probably use formula for the feeds when I'm at work. I tried to pump last time, but couldn't get enough with a pump. It would take me the whole day pumping, just to get 1 feed's worth of breast milk. The stress of that on top of no sleep was just too frustrating and had me near to tears most days. Once I ditched the pump, I was much happier. Still no sleep, but at least I didn't have the stress of trying to pump as well.
Yes I agree pumping is a pain! I used to sit in the car at lunch time at work and do it last time! Generally pretty undignified, messy and time consuming. However, I think I'll try and do it for the first couple of months as I really think it helped burn off my baby weight last time.
Hi Lindy, a few days in the fridge or a few months in the freezer x
Thanks jjay. I was thinking of getting the dr browns bottles. Don't want to panic if cannot manage to bf. do you have to get the dr brown steriliser to go with it?

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