February 2013 babies

It's almost hard to imagine that in a few short weeks/months we will have babies and start the journey again. The focus has been on being pregnant and now is shifting to making life easier with a newborn.

My 10 year old sleeps with me and doesn't want to give up her place. My room is the coolest and my bed the most comfortable so everyone ends up here.. But with a new baby things will be a changing.

Having a newborn in another room was always harder on me. It was easier for those night feedings to have baby close with me. bassinet or co-sleeper. I think it's time to really get one.

I finally had what I think were BH today. They were much lower than I remember in the past. These were like menstrual cramps low. And baby did some wierd rolling inside that made me bend over in pain a couple of times. I can now feel how big he is getting. I guess that is good news as long as it's not too big.

Tomorrow I see the OB and find out my GTT test results.

Kind of nervously wanting to get things in place especially since it's the holidays. Trying to remember all the things that made life easier with a newborn. It's been a while. The other night I had a headache and was so tired but restless and got up alot, in the morning I was exhausted. I remember thinking. I hope I am not this tired when baby comes. It was so hard. But I will have time off and I am going to be having some help. The doula also doubles to help the first couple of weeks if needed. That way I don't feel so alone since everyone else will be working. Just knowing I have some support makes me feel better.
Lindy, they should fit in any steriliser so just get a bargain if you can. I've got the avent microwave steriliser which works fine, I can easily fit two of the large dr brown bottles in it and it sterilises in 6 minutes. I've also got the medela 20 use microwave sterilising bags which are fab for travelling so you don't have to bring the big steriliser with you x

3sisters, good luck for your GTT results. It's hard to believe the final stretch is here already. I remember how quick it went last time I hit 30 weeks eeeeek! I am so not looking forward to the sleep deprevation. It's so hard in those early weeks. Last time I napped on and off through the day when the baby slept - this time I'm not sure how it will work with a 20 month old! We will have the new baby in a Moses basket in our room for around 12 weeks, then move them to a cot in their own room. We found last time that we all slept so much better apart and Rosie was down to 1 or 2 night feeds at that point so not too much of a pain feeding in the night

Hi Ladies,
Firstly congrats to Lulu for a girl!

I have BF all 3 of my babies and plan on doing the same this time. I had a nightmare with my first baby as I got an infection/allergic reaction to my episiotomy stitches and couldn't sit up for the first 2 weeks. It was horrendous, my MW had to cut them free with a razor blade as I was so swollen down there! I had 2/3 days of good breastfeeding before the infection kicked in but then my DD wouldn't feed from me while I was lying on my side so we tried to give her a bottle of expressed milk but she refused the bottle. She was soooo hungry and losing weight, crying constantly. It was very upsetting, especially having the baby blues and being sooooo sore. My MW suggested expressing and putting the milk in the cap of a sterilised bottle and making her drink it like she was drinking out of a cup! She took to it and this is what I had to do until I could sit up. Exhausting, time consuming and I felt like daisy the cow on the breast pump continuously :) but we got through it. After that she went straight on the breast and I fed her until 6 months. I admire anyone that can do it longer as I find that's my limit! My second DD was easy and my DS was a monster feeder, he was a big boy and wanted feeding all the time. By 10 weeks he was over 15lb and I would give him 9oz of hungry baby formula in the evening after he had had both breasts if I wanted him to sleep longer than 2/3 hours. I also had to wean him at 14 weeks because milk just didn't satisfy him. I won't be surprised if this little mans the same and will do what I need to do so he's not hungry.
Loompy don't feel sad, you did whats best and Roo will not know any difference :) also your DD will be able to help feed.
I am going to buy an electric pump this time as hand pumping is exhausting, has anyone any experience of the Medela ones?
Oh Bumpity that sounds horrendous what you went through with your first!!

What a feeder your son was! As long as they are healthy and putting on weight like they should then I feel it doesn't really matter how they are fed at the end of the day. I wont be putting myself through a lot of stress if I dont need to - happy mum = happy baby :)
Yeh I agree. Every babies different, every situations different so you do what you have to do.
I feel massive, I'm sure this is the biggest I've ever been at 29 weeks. Anyone else struggling with getting comfy? Took me ages to find a good position to sleep in last night. Struggling to do basics like putting socks on,lol! DH is away with work this week, his last time away before Xmas, so looking after the tribe on my own. He's then away in the U.S beginning of Jan, not really happy about that. God knows how big and uncomfortable I'll be by then. My mum had my brother 5 weeks early when my step dad was away with work. Her waters broke when she was on the phone to her friend complaining about him being away and that knowing her luck she'd go into labour,lol!
William and Kate are having a baby! Yay!
Feeling her pain regarding the morning sickness! I didn't get a stay in a private hospital though:cry:
We are bloody paying for the private hospital though!!!
Yay for the royal baby, so exciting :) I bet Kate will have a lovely neat bump like Seity!

Bumpity, my DH is away this week too, he works away a lot and I'm starting to find it tiring on my own now, in fact I'm planning on going to bed soon! I've got a medela swing pump and would recommend it. I've tried a few manual and electric and this one was by far the best.
Haha Lindy that made me laugh.

Thanks JJay, I think I'm going to go with a Medela as I've heard so many good reports on them. Do you know if they fit other bottles? I've read they fit the thin Dr Browns but not the fatter shape.
I didn't know breast pumps were specific to certain bottles!! I want to use dr browns so if that's a good compatible pump would go with that.
You get a medela bottle with the pump that collects the milk and then you can tip it into any make bottle. I found it easier to use the medela bags though. They have a sticky strip that attaches to the pump, you can then seal them, write on the date and store in the fridge or freezer. As the bags are thinner than bottles it makes it quick and easy to warm the milk up when needed and pour into a bottle to serve x
Btw I'd also recommend a breast shell. It's a hard plastic cup that you wear inside your bra whilst expressing off the other side. I found when I was expressing the other breast would leak at the same time. Not only did the shell stop me getting soaked when expressing but I'd also collect an extra ounce or so of milk.
Think I will go with a Medela and the Dr Browns and if the bottles fit its a bonus, if not then I'll have to transfer the milk. A small price to pay if it's a good pump :)
Will start shopping around for good deals! Thanks jjay. Also good tip aboit shell Xx
This may sound silly but has my baby just dropped even though I'm 31 weeks? It's 1:30 am and I got really strong tightening up under my boobs ( my bump comes straight out from there) It was so uncomfortable I got put of bed and went the bathroom. Now the blimp does not start under my boobs and I can breathe in again. Belly button now feels a lot shallower and all pressure under ribs has gone. Is this dropping? Is it too early? Xxx
They can drop whenever they're ready. Gabriel got head down and partially engaged early on and stayed that way.
I hear it's not unusual for them to go down/up/down/up for a bit as well.
I think a friend will be lending me her breastpump but if not I will rent one of the the hard core ones from Mothers milk here. It's right down the street at the hospital and it's a metal tank that really works well. I remember having a home one that really didn't work that well. The pump is really important. Almost forgot that whole part.

Thought : I would share a previous birth story since we are getting ready. Number 2 was my only non-induced child. She was on time , one day before her due date. I went to bed about 11 p.m.. was a little more cranky than normal. Having the normal BH contractions regularily on and off for about a week. Woke up at 1:30 hearing popping sound. I thought my water had broken. Went to the bathroom and saw blood so I knew I had to go to the hospital. Up until that point it kind of seemed surreal and fake and here the time finally had come. I started having contractions every 3-5 minutes. We packed up .

My husband became unglued and started running around the house like a nervous wreck. I was trying to calm him down despite being in labor. Kind of comical now. He couldn't find his "special" slippers for the hospital and it was getting the best of him. We loaded up into the car, my older 4 year old sleeping with my sil in her room. And off we went.

I show up at the hospital. Not my favorite but a very big womens and childrens hospital. We arrived around 2:30 and the lady basically said take a seat ( almost like take a number) My husband almost started hyperventilating and said; " She's having a baby". They just gave him a blank look. Anyway, triage nurse checks me and says; " you are 6 cm dilated, in labor and my amniotic fluid did not break". It was the mucous plug. I wasn't in very much pain.

Had the baby at 7:00 am. Without an epidural but with fentnyl drip in IV. Didn't really start hurting until 8 cm and then it was almost over. She was 9.2 lbs. and still to this day is an on time organized girl. She was my most easiest birth. The other two were inductions and didnt' want to come out and their personalities are somewhat the same. Kind of funny.

any birth stories...

oh yeah i failed the 3 hr. gtt. but my levels dont require insulin just diet maintenance and monitoring...
Only the one birth, so only the one story.
If I had BH's last pregnancy, and this one for that matter, then they weren't anything notable. Tight bump now and then? Anyway, woke up the day after my 38 week midwife appointment feeling what I figured were BH's since I'd never felt anything like it and it was early, so I figured maybe even a little false labor. Nothing regular and not lasting all that long 10-15 min between tightenings. So, continued my day as usual. Got up, showered, ate breakfast, but just in case decided to finally pack a hospital bag. Then went off to work. I had a computer to configure and it needed to be done before I went on mat leave, so I was working on that all morning and just sort of keeping track of the contractions in case they were the real deal. They didn't go away and got closer together, so around noon I decided they were the real deal and worked even harder to finish the computer I was working on. About 2pm I had it 'good enough' and installed it for the user. In his room, under his desk - Oh yeah, while in labor :haha:
Drove home, told my husband I thought I was in labor. Poor guy hadn't eaten yet and had just cleared off the whole hutch and pulled it away from the wall in anticipation of finally painting it that day (BTW - That wall is still not painted). I called my midwife and told her I was heading to the hospital.
I get to the hospital at 3pm and at this point, the contractions were about 2-3 min apart. No show, no water breaking and I was still worried they were going to tell me it was false labor and send me home. They strap on the monitor and the midwife is all, 'Yep, this is it'. I decided to bounce on the birthing ball and see how it goes. As soon as I do labor kicks into high gear and I start getting contractions one on top of the other, no break, so I ask for drugs. The midwife tells me all the options and I opt for the intrathecal because it was pretty clear to me that 2 hours was going to be more than long enough pain relief at that point. Wait 30 min for the anesthesiologist to arrive (he had to drive there from his house) and get the shot. OMG!! Most brilliant thing ever. Spent the next two hours chatting with the nurses and midwife and watching TV. Even sent my husband down to the cafeteria to eat before he passed out from hunger. The whole time Gabriel was kicking away between contractions and the midwife kept going on and on about how he had a text book heart rate and how this was more like a second labor, not a first baby. So, 2 hours drugs are starting to wear off - Ouch! - Midwife checks and I'm fully dilated, so she tells me to let her know when I feel the urge to push. Felt that about 1 minute later. She had me try kneeling, but that wasn't comfy, so I switched to my back and the midwife reminded me that I should push. Oops, forgot I should be pushing, not just enduring the contractions -haha. Damn did those hurt at that point too, so next one I gave it everything and out popped Gabriel head and all in one push. Midwife wasn't ready and had been reaching for a towel. Had to drop it quick and just managed to catch him. He came out crying, so no worries there. He was born at 7:20 that evening.
It should be interesting to see how this labor goes.
Seity, your labor sounded pretty easy.. Behold the second one my come very quickly. 38 weeks..I think I have the same 2/9 date as you and that puts us in late Jan, which is right around the corner.

Funny, you went to work and were in labor. I must have been in labor that day too but not known it. Just could manage okay.

I still have not had an epidural even with the 9.13 lb. by the time the doctor got there it was too late and I had to push. I am hoping for drugs this time in case. The IV stuff took the edge off a little but made me higher than a kite. Meanwhile my husband was hooked on soap operas on the TV. I guess it's a little boring for them at times.
Wow, two great birth stories. I'll order one like either of those please! My experience wasn't so great but the end result was good :)

My pregnancy last time was fairly uneventful bar getting huge. I put on 65lb, had a huge bump, measured big and was very uncomfortable with lots of water retention towards the end. I hoped for a natural waterbirth and did hypnobirthing classes in preparation. I listened to the cd and practised the relaxation techniques every day from 30 weeks and also took raspberry leaf tea capsules from 32 weeks. I had my hospital bag packed at 37 weeks, including fake candles, an iPod playlist, lavender oil etc. I also swan twice a week and bounced on my birthball everyday to try and get baby into a good position. I found out at my 38 week growth scan that the baby was back to back. I'd heard this meant a longer more painful labour but I didn't really appreciate what that meant...

I'd planned to work up to the end but was so uncomfortable I only went in the odd day after 38 weeks. So many people told me they thought the baby would come early as I was so big, but it doesn't work like that! At 41 weeks I had my first sweep and over the next few days I tried acupuncture, sex, clary sage oil (in the bath and on my pillow every night) pineapple and hot curry. Nothing! I was desperate to avoid induction at 41+6 as it would mean I couldn't have a waterbirth. After a second sweep at 41+3 I finally started to have contractions the next day. I knew straight away what they were - nothing like cramps or period pain for me, it just felt like a pneumatic drill! Definitely no mistaking them for anything else! I only got about one an hour throughout that day but was hopeful things would kick off properly that night.

DH got home from work around 7pm and we decided to go to the pub for dinner as it might be our last chance for a while! While we were out, the contractions started to come every 10-15 minutes. We ate quickly and came home as I was doubled over every time one came!
I called my parents when we got home as my Mum wanted to be there for the birth, so they set off on the 2hr drive to our house. They arrived and everyone went to bed. I tried to sleep but the contracts were too painful so I stayed up, timing them, thinking we'd be headed to hospital sometime that night. In the early hours of the morning they were around 7-8 minutes apart and I woke DH and asked him to put my tens machine on. I was breathing through the contractions like I'd learnt in hypnobirthing and was managing ok. By the next morning the contractions had gone back to every 10-15 mins so I went to the midwifes appointment that I had booked. She checked me and said I was 2cm dilated. I was a bit disheartened after so much time and so many contractions! I spent the rest if the day at home on my birth ball. The contractions stayed at 10-15 mins apart. I took several showers and baths which helped a but with the pain. I spent another long night breathing through contractions and getting upset as I wain a lot of pain and they weren't getting closer together. I called the labour ward and they told me to take paracetamol, have a bath and come in when they were 3 in 10 minutes. The next morning at 41+6 we headed to hospital as they were finally coming every 3-5 minutes. I was checked on arrival and found to be 3 cm. I was so upset and very tired as I'd missed two nights sleep. They couldn't admit me to labour ward as I wasn't classed as in active labour and wouldn't let me go home as i was so overdue so I was put in a bed in the assessment ward.

Throughout the day the contractions got gradually worse but I didn't progress passed 3cm. By that night I was in a state, the contractions were coming one after the other, without a break and I was writhing around on the bed, beside myself. As I wasn't on labour ward, I couldn't have gas and air or an epidural but they gave me a shot if diamorphine. It was great and kind of removed me from the pain, I managed to doze on and off for about two hours. When it started to wear off I had a bath and was checked again 4-5cm whoop whoop! Off to labour ward I went. By this point it was the morning of 42 and they wouldn't let me get in the water as I was too far passed my due date :( I agreed to let them break my water to try and speed things up. It worked a bit and over the next 4 hours I dilated to 7cm. The contractions started coming back to back again and I started to projectile vomit around the room. At this point I decided enough was enough and asked for an epidural. It took a while to get it in but omg what bliss! I was pain free for the first time in days! I was very weak and tired though and started worrying how on earth I was going to have the strength to push. Over the next 16 hours I only dilated to 8cm. By this point they had a clip on the baby's head to monitor heart rate. Everything was fine so no real panic or Emergancy, which I'm so grateful for but it was decided that the baby was stuck and I just wasn't progressing so I was taken for an Emergancy section. Rosie was born at 1.11am on 42+1 she came out screaming and was totally fine.

Sorry for the huge essay!! I don't think I've written out my birth story before and it's amazing how it all comes back. I think I've found it quite useful!

I'm a little apprehensive this time around (aka terrified :)) but hopefully will get a better experience.

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