February 2013 babies

It's still a good story JJay. Goes to show that as much as we plan the baby sometimes doesn't get the memo. I was really worried about a long labor and while I still worry about that a little. I think after my last one, I'm more worried about it being too fast.
They say second babies come faster! Do you think you'll head straight in this time?

I'm really hoping for a vbac but will see how things go over the coming weeks.
I have a friend who's apartment complex is literally across the street from the hospital. I figure at the first signs I'll give her a ring and head over to her place. She's going to be the one watching our So if early labor takes a little while I'm comfy at her place and if it seems to be going really fast, I can just go across the street.
JJAy I am sure the second won't be like that. Can you do a VBAC ?

I am trying to avoid a c section becase my babies are really big and I have GD this time too. My last baby was 9.13 and got stuck due to big shoulders. She had to be recessitated. It turned out fine because she ended up being really healthy .But not wanting to chance it again. I suspect we will have the converation next month, DR. and i about c sections.

When I had my first daughter at 25 my close friend who was a staunch Bradley Method supporter, was my coach. I went to the hospital with a birth plan in hand and acted like I was in control. I quickly learned that I wasn't and now I understand why sometimes that kind of thinking can get tricky. Babies and bodies do what they need not always what we want. A long labor like JJAys deserves a medicated break if she so chooses. No judgement. And sometimes the labors go easier than we expected and I hope we all get to experience that.
Hi Ladies,

I will post birth stories later. Will try to do a short version because 3 will be a long post!

Have had a couple of days of insomnia so am feeling shattered. On the plus side I'm 30 weeks today, yay! Down to single figures tomorrow :happydance:
My friend said I should enjoy this pregnancy as its my last but to be honest it's been hard work so am looking forward to this little mans birthday!

Hope you are all well x
i know what you mean about insomnia. I haven't been sleeping all that well either over the past week. I get up so much and am sweating. It's all toss and then I get irritated.. I can't wait to sleep for a straight 6 hours without getting up or disrupted. That will be like a miracle. Normally I take in naps but I haven't in a few days due to this stressful exam that i am going to take tomorrow. I kind of wonder why I did this to myself... but it will be over in a few days and then maybe I will get some rest.. ( I mean school)

Try to stay positive whacky sleep makes us all edgy.
i know what you mean about insomnia. I haven't been sleeping all that well either over the past week. I get up so much and am sweating. It's all toss and then I get irritated.. I can't wait to sleep for a straight 6 hours without getting up or disrupted. That will be like a miracle. Normally I take in naps but I haven't in a few days due to this stressful exam that i am going to take tomorrow. I kind of wonder why I did this to myself... but it will be over in a few days and then maybe I will get some rest.. ( I mean school)

Try to stay positive whacky sleep makes us all edgy.

Sorry, but this part made me ROFL because my LO didn't let me get a 6 hour block of sleep until he was 2.5 years old (aka 4 months ago). I wept tears of joy when I finally got a 3 hour block. Good news for me is I'm not having trouble sleeping, so the torture won't start up again until this one is born. Working full time means no naps either. You're lucky to have that option. I hope you get some sleep soon. Good luck on your exam!
Sleep is a funny thing isn't it. It's so easy not to appreciate a good night's sleep when we get one and then we can end up managing on a lot less sleep than we expect when we need to.

Bumpity I feel your pain though, this week hasn't been a great week for sleep here either, what with Euan being ill. Even though he has slept slightly better the last 2 night's, the brief times he has woken up and I 've gotten him settled I''ve then spent hours trying to get back to sleep only to start falling asleep just as my alarm goes off!!
I'm so tired this week. Been doing such long days and had hypno birthing classes. Thinking we may try and have a home birth but if I want to will change my mind and go hospital on the day. Do not know what to expect or how I will cope so just going to do what feels right.
Hi Ladies, hope you are all well.
We had our 4d scan today! It was lovely to see him. :cloud9:He has similarities to our DS but is also different. If that makes sense?! I will try to post a pic of him if I can. He's estimated at 4lb 1oz already!
Jjay I know you were interested in his measurements to compare. His were, HC 30.39 cm, AC 28.27, FL 5.27. This is at 30w3d. Fluid was 202mm. Hope this helps.
I am pleased to report that my placenta is 5cm away now:happydance:. I suspected this anyway as have had no bleeding or cramping since 21 weeks.
The little monkey is breech though! This is a first for me and weirdly I thought he might be as had lots of strong kick down below over last week. Thought I could feel his hands running across high up too, so instinct was right. Not worried yet, I know there's still plenty of time for him to move, but if he doesn't im not worried about a CS at all.
Bumpity- bet it was lovely to see him again. So axing you can see resemblances to ds. Don't know if it helps but at my class they said lying on back with your pelvis lifted up and tilted can encourage baby to not get "locked in" and after 5mins of that tune over onto all 4's to encourage baby to turn the way you want. Don't know if it works but it is what they suggested!
Great news on your scan Bumpity :) and still loads of time for baby to turn head down. 4lb1 is a good weight - looks like we are both estimated decent sized babies xx
Just met new mw. She is lovely but had a better connection with the other one.. Never mind, luckily I have another nice one. She said she was worried I was too small (i feel huge) but when she felt the baby she said ita's good size and I measured exactly 32cm. My bp was higher than it has been though so got me a bit worried and bumps he higher, is that linked?
Glad you liked your new MW Lindy.
What was your BP? How much higher than usual? Mine was up at my last appointment. But still within range. I am going to doctors in the morning to ask about Whooping cough jab and palpitations so will prob get my BP done. Will be interested to see if it is still higher than normal or it was a one off. I'm not seeing my MW again until 34 weeks and she hasn't mentioned the Jab to me, I swear she's bloody useless! I didn't understand the last bit of your post about BP & bumps being higher, am I being thick :)
Sorry- meant my bp was higher and bumps heart rate was higher. My bp was 118/80 but it has been 110/60 ish so far and bump heart rate gas been about 135 but was 160 today. I asked mw about whooping cough. She just said it is recommended and didn't really give much information to be honest. I asked her if it was safe because it is untested and she said she knows it isn't tested and its new but it doesn't seem to cause any problems as of yet- to be honest that didn't really reassure me and I do not know what to do.
Lindy Lou, If BP levels are in the same metrics as US your BP is still considered Low. I know that the hormones during second trimester often lower our bp. Mine was low considering. 110/72 but as the pregnancy goes on it's normal for it to go up. They keep an eye for sudden high over threshold bp for pre-eclampsia. As I said if metrics are the same you have excellent bp..

I noticed that my heart rate seems so high these days. Some days it gets to 110. Also I know that I slightly anemic which makes it harder. Trying to take iron pills. I hate those things.

The other day i sat in an uncomfortable chair taking a test for 3 hours and the next day I could barely walk. Pulled out my sciatica. Even sitting yesterday was no fun. I am a mover and hardly ever sick so to have to rest was hard on me and I felt so useless.. and whiny asking for help. I know that in the end of pregnancy all those relaxin hormones are coming into play to help our bones and tissue be more flexible for childbirth. This is a dangerous time.

:Last pregnancy I missed a step outside of my house and landed on the ground twisiting my ankle. Took the wind out of me and was quite a surprise. It was a stair that I go on daily on the walkway.. so embarrassing and it was really a funny challenge to get up from the ground with a huge belly in middle. Took me about 5 mnutes and I was praying non of my neighbors saw me. I was wearing a skirt and it was awkward....

Anyway, be careful ladies. Our bones are getting ready and flexing....
3sisters, it's really cold and getting icy here, so am having to be careful when walking.
Had an eventful day today. Went to the doctors and asked about Whooping cough Jab and basically I just need to make an appointment if I want one. Don't think it's upto MW to deal with it. Find it abit strange that she's not mentioned it though as NHS guidelines state that all pregnant women should be offered it because of the current 'epidemic'. If your MW doesn't mention it then its not being 'offered' in my eyes. Anyway......
I then spoke to doctor about my increasing palpitations that I can't control. These I know can be pretty common in pregnancy as your heart has more work to do, so if it was just this I wouldn't have been too concerned, but I have experienced mild ectopic beats for the past few years and although they haven't bothered me before over the last 2 months they have got worse and worse. Sometimes it feels like its skipping a beat or its being squeezed. This is now happening upto 20 times a day. Over the last 10 days I've had 3 episodes of my heart beating completely out of rhythm for about 5-10 seconds, it's horrible. Anyway the doctor listened to my heart and told me I have a heart murmur and sent me for an ECG straight away. It confirmed my heart it beating a lot faster than it should so she phoned the hospital to speak to a consultant. They said heart murmurs can occur in pregnancy and so can everything else I'm experiencing :(. All I have to do is go to the hospital if I get chest pains or severe breathlessness. Well after 3 straight forward pregnancies this one is being a right pickle!!! :dohh:
I can tell the relaxin is hard at work. When I get up from sitting a while, I can feel my pelvis ache.
I remember the feeling from last pregnancy after my skating sessions.
Oh and my BP was 137/75, so tiny bit higher than 2 weeks ago and a lot higher than my normal very low BP. I read somewhere that your BP should be the same at the end of your pregnancy than it was at the beginning with a slight dip in the second tri. My BP has always been low even at the end of my other 3 pregnancies so this is new for me. Maybe has something to do with my out of control heart!
I thought my BP went up last pregnancy near the end. I know it was never high enough to be an issue though and it was higher than this time around. I've been fairly consistent around 110/74 this pregnancy. Got a 120/86 blip at one of my dentist visits, but I'd also been rushing to get there, so it was just a one time off reading.

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