February 2013 babies

Bumpity that sounds a bit scary! I haven't had any experience with any issues like that but at least you know what to do if something does happen.

Seity I'm with you on the increased relaxin, some days depending on how long I've been sitting at my desk it can be really painful when I first stand up & start walking. It does ease off but I felt like such an old woman to begin with :lol:
I had been rushing to make midwife appt. will check it tonight and see if its better.
I know this sounds weird but does relaxin make you sore underneath? Also fund it hard climbing into car when sore.
I think it does. As I tried to explain to my DH the other day, "imagine you've been kicked in your bits by someone wearing steel toe cap boots and you're badly bruised"!!! He sort of understood why I keep holding myself at times :lol:
We tend to get wobbly at this time and achy. Maybe I just feel it more this pregnancy because I am older. Or maybe it's because I have selective amnesia. I was watching a live birth video and I swear I have never done that. But yet I have three children...lol. My best friend always said.. If we remembered every detail we wouldn't do it again so must also be what I call pregnant brain. Hormones that make us also forget things.

It took me about 5 minutes to remember what I had to put on my grocery list this morning. That is not like me. I chalk it up to pregnant brain....
Hi Ladies,
Firstly congrats to Lulu for a girl!

I have BF all 3 of my babies and plan on doing the same this time. I had a nightmare with my first baby as I got an infection/allergic reaction to my episiotomy stitches and couldn't sit up for the first 2 weeks. It was horrendous, my MW had to cut them free with a razor blade as I was so swollen down there! I had 2/3 days of good breastfeeding before the infection kicked in but then my DD wouldn't feed from me while I was lying on my side so we tried to give her a bottle of expressed milk but she refused the bottle. She was soooo hungry and losing weight, crying constantly. It was very upsetting, especially having the baby blues and being sooooo sore. My MW suggested expressing and putting the milk in the cap of a sterilised bottle and making her drink it like she was drinking out of a cup! She took to it and this is what I had to do until I could sit up. Exhausting, time consuming and I felt like daisy the cow on the breast pump continuously :) but we got through it. After that she went straight on the breast and I fed her until 6 months. I admire anyone that can do it longer as I find that's my limit! My second DD was easy and my DS was a monster feeder, he was a big boy and wanted feeding all the time. By 10 weeks he was over 15lb and I would give him 9oz of hungry baby formula in the evening after he had had both breasts if I wanted him to sleep longer than 2/3 hours. I also had to wean him at 14 weeks because milk just didn't satisfy him. I won't be surprised if this little mans the same and will do what I need to do so he's not hungry.
Loompy don't feel sad, you did whats best and Roo will not know any difference :) also your DD will be able to help feed.
I am going to buy an electric pump this time as hand pumping is exhausting, has anyone any experience of the Medela ones?

I LOVE my Medela double breast pump! I have to buy some new parts for it, and all new bottles because I think I tossed most of the ones I had for one reason or another.
Will definteley bf this one, cannot wait! I was lucky and produce milk like a dairy cow, double breast pump on at work while I ate my 10 minute lunch, and I had my 8 oz or so. I always had a bn full of little bags in the freezer with dates on them, trying to keep up the rotating so the freshest staed towards the back. I still cannot believe I will have a little one here in just over 2 months. Even though she s awake and bopping around in there, even though I see her on the scans and waddle like a penguin...I cannot wrap my brain around it.
5 more classes for school and I'm finally done with this bulls#!t. I'm not sure what I'll do from here on out school-wise, but I plan on thinking about that after Christmas. This has been the worst semester for school ever, and my heart is not in this program anymore. I'm not sure ifit's only because of the pregnancy or if it's the combination of all the crap the professors and department heads or fellow students have put me through (not that the teachers have been mean, just disorganized and way too laid back for my learning style). Finals next week so I have a lot of studying to do...counting down my dysa to freedom!
Had a scare on Friday, woke up to bloody discharge reminiscent of what I saw with the start of labor with my last 3. It also brought back all the horror of my miscarriage :cry: so I was a wreck. Doc fit me in right away (my appt wasn't til 4 PM but I got in at 9:30 AM) and found me to be closed up tight with no dialation :). Se sent me in for my 3rd tri scan and my placenta is plenty out of the way now! Sonographer confirmed girl, and she's measuring pretty much right on spot (minus a couple days) and weighing it approx 3 lbs 6 oz :cloud9:. Sonographer also checked cervical length but he said nothing to me. I am obviously NOT in labor, and I have to assume everything was fine because my OB never called (even though she said she would either way). The conclusion is that my bleeding was cervical, and most likely due to being seriously sensitive since I had a LEEP procedure done 5 years ago to remove pre-cancerous cells. I worked 4 days in a row after having about a month off of work, and I pushed myself so hard...I way overdid it, so now I know what happens :/.
Took DH in for his vasectomy yesterday. He was so nervous, and I didn't feel too terrible for him at the time since it's his choice...but they had a few minor complications during the procedure so now his poor sack is all bruised and he hasn't slept for the pain :nope:. Guess I gotta baby him a little today. I truly am grateful not to have had to do it myself, and I was completely at peace with Anneliese being our last. I am so tired, and way too old to do this all again. One day I will enjoy grandbabies!!
Hope you all are well! <3
So good to see you here Perpetual! Hope to see you more when you have finished this semester :). Well done for sticking with it, lots of people would have given up. And well done for getting your man in for the snip! That's definitely on my list of jobs next year,lol! Compared to what we have to go through I think it's the least they can do for us.
Once Xmas is out the way we really don't have long. I think Loompylooloo is the first one due, but one of us could sneek in before. Will be a very exciting time! X
So good to see you here Perpetual! Hope to see you more when you have finished this semester :). Well done for sticking with it, lots of people would have given up. And well done for getting your man in for the snip! That's definitely on my list of jobs next year,lol! Compared to what we have to go through I think it's the least they can do for us.
Once Xmas is out the way we really don't have long. I think Loompylooloo is the first one due, but one of us could sneek in before. Will be a very exciting time! X

i just don't see that being me, lol. I don't expect her until the 19th of February at the earliest, even though she has a valentine's due date. I will be completely stupified if she shows up before then!
It was DH insisting on having it done. He didn't want any more after DS, but I would definitely have been devestated if he had gone in for it then. The docs and nurses kept trying to convince me to get my tubes tied when I was in the hospital after DS, but it was NOT something I wanted, and I knew it in my heart that I was not ready. They, no word of a lie, asked me 20 times what I planned on doing for post partum birth control. They WOKE ME UP on numerous occasions to ask me that stupid question, after I had just fallen asleep. I had been up for 3 days striaght! I am having my OB put it right in my chart about the vasectomy, so they can keep their nosebag questions to themselves. It is now my mission as soon as he's healed to get DH cleared out of all those little swimmers before LO arrives (LMAO, after his lack of action thus far I am sure he will be thrilled as a pig in...you know :haha:) I am hoping to have the energy once I am out of school and not so stressed. I am looking forward to cleanng my house, and sorting baby bits (I have little girlie stuff from 14 1/2 years ago with DD!!) I have so little for this LO, and am anxious to get the low down sorted out on what I need. I have friends to borrow from, so will take full advantage of that before I go out and spend on something I'll use for 3 months and be done with it. What a relief it will be on day one post-school <3
Hey ladies
Sorry I have been missing in action. Felt the need to hide from all the breast feeding talk as I am still not at peace with it all even thou there is nothing I can do about it and I am peace with my decision to have surgery. Anyway, that is my issue that I will have to deal with when the time comes.
All ok here. Very tired...probably because I don't sit still, heartburn that is evil so eating tablets for that but other than that nothing other than the usual aches and pains I would expect for an over 35 who Los like they have swallowed a watermelon!
MW came last week and urine was fine....no glucose or infections. White cells were contamination so that was good.
DH not well again due to cold and car wouldn't start this morning so AA came to the rescue and we needed a new battery.
My due date is first and I am assuming I will be early like I was with all the others.
Will post my accidental home birth story when I get 5.
Housework beckons....doesn't it always. At least I got to bake a cake and then hospital appt for DH.
Keep smiling.
I wish I got pregnancy brain. I do remember every detail, which is probably why I didn't and don't want to be doing this again. Ah well.
Good to see you PerpetualMama - Not too long now before all the school stuff is done for a while. My OH is getting his snip in March after hockey season is over just in case of complications. I'm glad your doc got you in right away and that nothing is wrong.
In my FB group there's a girl who was due on Feb 12th who had her baby boy Fri the 7th!!! OMG! Not ready for baby this early, that's for sure. FYI - He's doing just fine.
I finally got something other than a car seat for this baby. We now have a cradle mattress and sheets. No place to put it other than the floor, but hey, the floor will work in a pinch. I've got about 3 NB outfits too, so really, just need diapers and we've got the essentials done. Yep, diapers, clothes, car seat, and place to sleep = my entire 'need' list for a baby. :rofl: What can I say, I don't think babies need much.
I wish I got pregnancy brain. I do remember every detail, which is probably why I didn't and don't want to be doing this again. Ah well.
Good to see you PerpetualMama - Not too long now before all the school stuff is done for a while. My OH is getting his snip in March after hockey season is over just in case of complications. I'm glad your doc got you in right away and that nothing is wrong.
In my FB group there's a girl who was due on Feb 12th who had her baby boy Fri the 7th!!! OMG! Not ready for baby this early, that's for sure. FYI - He's doing just fine.
I finally got something other than a car seat for this baby. We now have a cradle mattress and sheets. No place to put it other than the floor, but hey, the floor will work in a pinch. I've got about 3 NB outfits too, so really, just need diapers and we've got the essentials done. Yep, diapers, clothes, car seat, and place to sleep = my entire 'need' list for a baby. :rofl: What can I say, I don't think babies need much.

That's why I'm not going too crazy. I am fortunate to have my son's stroller still, and have been given a bassinet and carseat and a box of various sized clothes. I would like to get a package or two of diapers to start the week of home. I have friends to borrow from, so I will definitely be taking advantage of their offers. I can't stress about it much because like you said they don't need much that early on. I have been promised a crib at some point after she is born, and I'll likely change her on the couch, floor, or my bed so don't need a special table. I'm holding off on the crib mattress til I see if we even get the crib. DS never slept in his a single night. That was a wasted purchase for me.
Yeah, we still have my son's stroller and the infant carriers. We never really used the stroller, but the carrier was just so much more convenient, so I'm glad we never got around to selling those. In fact, one's been on the floor of my car for 2 years now. :rofl:
We also just change our son wherever, so no need for a changing table.
I would like to get a swing at some point. Gabriel wouldn't nap anywhere except the swing for the first 1.5 years of his life, but the one we had then was just borrowed from a friend and returned when she had her next baby.
Hi ladies :)

Anyone else getting fed up with people telling you how quickly the rest of your pregnancy will go? Or is that just me :lol: I was talking to my MIL earlier and she asked how many weeks I was (she never remembers!) and then she said 'oh well, not long to go now' I've got just over 10 weeks to go, I'm happy with that. I'm not wishing the rest of my pregnancy away. I want to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy - is that strange?

I've got loads of stuff to do at work, not to mention plenty to get done in the house before little miss arrives! Isn't it amazing how some people like to state the obvious - 'oh once christmas and new year are passed you won't have long to go!'

Sorry rant over :lol:
Nobody has said anything, but I've always known that the holidays were going to make it go by far too quickly for my taste. Hopefully, things slow down in Jan so I can actually get stuff ready.
I cannot believe how fast it is going. People say pregnancy drags bug for me it is madness!!
Loompy:hugs: x

Lindy are you really up at 5 in the morning? Do you ever sleep?! Yes I agree, I think this pregnancy is going really fast now. It dragged at first because of all the sickness and bleeding but now the weeks seem to be flying by, which I'm thankful for. luckily like a lot of the other 2nd/3rd/4th time mums we pretty much have everything. I have bought this baby new vests and socks but otherwise have so many clothes from DS. They are like brand new as they grow out of them so quickly at first. Just need breast pump, bottles and steriliser then I'm sorted.
I have had loads of people saying 'not long now!' to me. I think they must think I'm 35-38 weeks because 9 weeks is still a fair amount. I'm usually really uncomfortable by now and find it drags but I'm finding this one o.k. Think it might be something to do with him being breech as im not being kicked in the ribs :). His little head is tucked up the top right hand side of ribs and it's not uncomfortable yet. He can stay there for as long as he likes as far as I'm concerned. I've had my fair share of sore ribs! I'm not going to do anything to try and turn him. Never had a breech at this point so I feel that he might be in this position for a reason. If he turns on his own then great, but if he doesn't then I have a feeling he's not supposed to. X
What is sleep???i manage a few hours then wide awake until alarm goes off... Then I could seriously sleep but have to get up! Not in work tomorrow morning so want a lie in but also want to tidy house up!
I spoke too soon! Been up since 3. It's now 5.40 and I'm going to try to go back to bed for an hour. Luckily DH is working from home so he can help get the kids ready for school...

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