February 2013 babies

I had my last test today.. Hurray !! It has been brutal for about 1 week and sittling for long periods has been hard on my back. I pulled out my sciatica and it was sore. Walking is not fun right now for long periods. And I am a walker but need to sit and rest back more. In the mornings I have more energy and less aches but as the afternoon comes I am physically tired.

Took some maternity pix. With a photographer. I figure this is my very last baby so I should. 10 years ago with my youngest no one was really doing such things. The pix are cute and vintage looking. I was always too embarrassed to get many pix of my pregnant bellies but this time I wanted to try to look pretty.

AFter today I am hoping to feel better and focus on the holidays. I have my follow up Gestational diabetes ultrasound tomorrow and get all the stuff to monitor glucose, etc. Hoping they will take another 4D of baby.

Going to try to enjoy these last few weeks.

Best wishes.
I had the best night's sleep last night and didn't even get up for a wee but feel worse for it today. Was sick this morning too. So tired today and supposed to be out for dinner with school mums.
Would happily go to bed now!
Bumpity...... Thanks for the hugs......need them at the mo!
My pelvis isso uncomfortable when I sit for too long and my legs and feet ache but I think that is low iron. Mine is 10.7 and they don't treat until it drops to 10.5.
Anyway, nearly there.....only 47 days to go!
Loompy- I had a lie in and feel rotten. It's my works Christmas do and I just want my pjs and stay home. I would blame the pregnancy but I am a home bird! I'm going to make an early exit if I can. Want to decorate the house tomorrow :)
Aww ladies the lack of sleep sucks, it's even worse when you do manage to get a half decent sleep and don't feel the benefits :(

Is anyone organised for Christmas yet? I've ordered a few things online & managed to get an hour or so shopping on my own this afternoon so got a few things that have been niggling at me for a while but I'm not feeling very organised at all. Just seems so much to do & hardly any time to do it!!
I finally got the house decorated today! Wrote my cards- but could not find address book so know I have missed somebody. Also going a load of gifts on the loft I bough in the sales to save me money.... Grrrrr
Might start wrapping tomorrow.
I've never actually managed to get organized enough to send out cards. I do think I finally have all my shopping done. I've only wrapped my husband's gift though. I did it yesterday when he was out playing hockey and after the weeble had gone to sleep, so I was able to get it done in secret.
32 weeks today! My son helped me take this week's bump picture. Yikes, so not ready for dealing with a baby again!


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You look fab Seity!

Up again, it's 4.25 and I've been up since 2 :(. Just as well it's Sunday and I dont have to be anywhere in the morn.
Quite organised for Xmas. Most of wrapping done too.
Not suffering too much with aches and pains. Like I said I think it's because he's breech that I can still sit up straight. I'm quite short and usually I'm suffering with feet in my ribs by now. The only thing I'm getting is quite painful RLP on my right side and that's the side his bottom is. You can see my bump looks bottom heavy, excuse the pun!
Loompy are you taking an iron supplement? I take Spatone as its a completely natural product and it doesn't upset your tummy. Would wholly recommend it if you need one.
Seity- bump looks fab! So neat.

I had a bad night as well. Felt rotten and drained then jumped out of bed with the worse cramp I've ever had :(
Ouch, no fun. Hope the day is improving.
Samuel is definitely head down and starting to drop. It was a lot more obvious today. My son was good and let me sleep in until 8:30. :happydance: Good night's sleep and coffee and donuts for breakfast makes me a happy girl.
Ahhhh Seity you have a lovely bump!

3sisters are you going to post some pics from your shoot?

I also recommend iron tablets, my iron count came back as low and I've felt better since taking them.

I am very organised for Christmas this year. Normally I do everything last minute but we've got a date for moving house - 17th January so I figure with that and the baby I've got so much to organise that I wanted to make sure Christmas was all sorted early.

Been to hospital again today after getting referred for another growth scan. Baby is now estimated at 6lb3, head 80th centile, abdomen 99th+ and femur 96th. Fluid is now on the 50th so normal. I have been referred for the GTT test on Thursday. I have to go back for another scan in 4 weeks and then discuss delivery. The consultant said if growth continues on the same trajectory they will recommend a repeat section as there are more risks associated with trying to vaginally birth a baby over 10lb after a previous section. I'll be sad not to try for VBAC but obviously the most important thing is that baby is ok. What do you think, would you go for a section?
Jjay- I can understand you not wanting another section but if it is safest for you and bump think you have to do what is safest.

Feeling rotten. Had wc vaccine yesterday. So achey and drained. Dreading work today :(
Jjay - I've never had a section but I can imagine feeling apprehensive but if it's the best for your baby then I would say go for it.

Lundy- I had my whooping cough vaccination 2 weeks ago. Didn't really feel drained, other than normal anyway!, but I have a sore arm for about 3 days. Hope you feel better as the day goes on. :)
Lindy - I had my WC and flu shot both at 25 weeks. Didn't feel anything other than a sore arm at the injection site. Hope you feel better.
Jjay - I can understand preferring the vbac if possible, but I'm sure you'll decide what seems safest for your baby. I have tiny babies, so no clue about when would be too big and make c-sect the safer option.
Midwife in about an hour for 32 week appointment. Should just be a quick in and out again since everything is going smoothly. Luckily it's right after lunch, so I should at least look like I've gained weight from 2 weeks ago. :blush:

Back from midwife and everything still smooth sailing. BP 110/70. Baby heart rate good and she confirmed my little peanut is indeed head down and sitting a little lower than before. Belly measured at 31 weeks like last appointment, but I figure it's because he shifted to the lower position. I figure only 6-7 weeks till this one is done cooking.
Congrats on a good MW appointment Seity. My monkey is definitely still head up:dohh: the hiccups by the top of my ribs and the stamping on my downstairs are a give away,lol!

Jjay, I know you really want a vbac but if baby is big then I think you should go for the safe option. My DS had a big head, about 90th percentile and after having 2 other children I still struggled to get him out. It was only threats from the pediatric doctor that he was going to have to go in and get him out that gave me the extra strength, as the thought of another episiotomy scared me. The MW later admitted that when she saw the size of his head she was worried I wouldn't get his shoulders out :(. I know that growth scans can be out because you can't really see how much fat a baby is carrying all over but the head measurement is pretty accurate. At my 30 week scan my monkey is measuring in the 90's for both head and abdomen so am thinking he might be quite big, legs are on the 50th percentile, which is hilarious because I've always said he would have a big head to shorter legs, the same as my DS. I know lots of women give birth to babies over 10lbs naturally but lots of ladies can't. My friend is a midwife who had a nightmare 1st birth to a 10lber, he had loads of complications after. She's just had another 10lber by elcs
Sorry pressed post by accident :dohh:

She didn't want to risk going through what she did before. Wait and see what happens at next growth scan, but don't worry you never know growth may slow down. Glad your getting the GTT done. If I was being told my baby was estimated over 10lbs Id definitely go for a CS. If your worried about recovery from a CS just think you could end up with an episiotomy all the way around to your bottom or a 4 th degree tear. Sorry if it sounds horrible I just want you to realise that having a vaginal delivery may be harder so you don't feel bad if you decide on a CS:hugs:
Just realised how much I've gone on, must be the hormones, haha!
I'm not scheduled for another scan. How will they know if bump is going to be too big? Xxxx
I think they only worry if your fundal height is more than 3cm ahead. Don't worry Lindy you will be fine, 10lbs+ babies aren't that common. Your much more likely to have a baby between 6-8lbs. Oh and big heads run on both sides of the family, that's how I knew my monkey would have one! Is your baby still breech or do you not know yet? X
At my last mw appointment she said bump was head down but told me it could turn several times. She also said thought bump looked small but baby felt a good size. Heard horror birth stories today - felt like sticking my fingers in my ears and singing :)
Morning ladies!
MW supposed to be coming to the house today! Looking forward to it!
Been so busy with builders doing last bits and probably overdoing it a little bit. Am so tired this morning but have been out 3 nights in a row. Not until late but it has killed me!
Going to stay at home and potter about, start my knitting for a friend's 4 year old who has been diagnosed with cancer......making him a panda hat for when he loses his hair.
Got a Moses basket mattress and sheets yesterday which was a bit of a big step! 42 days to go ....aaaah!
I had a huge headed baby last time and it hurt but luckily no tears!
Keep smiling!
Morning ladies!
MW supposed to be coming to the house today! Looking forward to it!
Been so busy with builders doing last bits and probably overdoing it a little bit. Am so tired this morning but have been out 3 nights in a row. Not until late but it has killed me!
Going to stay at home and potter about, start my knitting for a friend's 4 year old who has been diagnosed with cancer......making him a panda hat for when he loses his hair.
Got a Moses basket mattress and sheets yesterday which was a bit of a big step! 42 days to go ....aaaah!
I had a huge headed baby last time and it hurt but luckily no tears!
Keep smiling!

Just seen it is 41 days.......double aaaah!

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