February 2013 babies

Lindy, my bumps tend to be 'all baby', so I think bump size doesn't always determine size of baby. My friend had no bump at all. Her mum kept saying there must be something wrong but she had an 8lb baby! I don't know where she hid it! Anyway it doesn't matter if babies little, easier to get out :)

Oh Loompy your poor friend :(. There's nothing worse than having a sick child. Life is just not fair sometimes. 41 days! Could be sooner..... How exciting :)

I'm on the last mad dash to get everything ready before Xmas. So looking forward to last day at school tomorrow. 2 weeks of not having to get the kids out of the house in the morning, hurrah!
Am off to doctors later for results of blood tests, she wanted to check my thyroid wasn't causing the racing heart etc. trying to take it easy at this time of year is not easy.
Oh and have posted a pic of my little man taken at the 30 week 4d scan on my twitter. If anyone has access to twitter I'm @leboxall.
Just got back from doctors and thyroid is fine but despite taking a double dose of iron I'm now even more anaemic :(, have no idea whats going on but it's dropped by another point?!! I have been prescribed a big dose and have to go back in 2 weeks to see if my levels have gone up. If not I'm going to have further blood tests to try to find out why. I also have low protein in my blood so she tested my urine to see if theres protien in it, and there is so she took my blood pressure and it's now 118/81. So while the top is getting back to my normal range the bottom is now even higher. Its normally always 110/60. She's sending off urine sample to make sure protein isn't from a UTI. Not concerned yet, but really could do without it :( x
Bumpity.......sorry to hear about iron levels. You must be shattered! Hope they get those and the protei. Sorted! I will check out Twitter. I am BRCA Umbrella. It's the group I run for people with the same genetic mutation as me.
Had mw appt and hooligan is lying oblique......sort of diagonal. They don't worry u.til 36 weeks and then they offer to manually turn it. If it doesn't behave, I can't have a home birth. Got to be on all fours and use birthing ball to sort it out!
Right...it's 8pm and I am tucked up in bed.....so tired and uncomfortable. Night night ladies!
Thanks Loompy. Will check you out on twitter! Is Roo head down and oblique? I'm sure my monkey is trying to turn because he is sometimes oblique. I can tell as when he stretches I get pressure and a ball shape in the middle of my right ribs and pressure on my left hand side hip bone at the same time. Im sure he was almost transverse at one point yesterday, then suddenly he was back to his favourite position, head tucked up the top of my ribs :dohh:
I think from where I get stronger and where I get weaker kicks baby is oblique- stronger ones under right ribs little ones bottom left of bump xx
Bumpity- hope you feel better soon. Get on that ball and picture that baby turning. X
Bumpity , I also have low iron. I am really surprised because this pregnancy i have really tried to eat more proteins. Just recently I wanted to crunch on ice cubes ( sign of anemia) so I am really focusing on making sure I take the vitamin C pill and iron. Baby will take all our iron and calcium stores if needed during this rapid growth time...

I went to my GD meeting at the Fetal diagnostic center. The doctor was so rude to me and was trying do the "scared straight" program with me on how bad diabetes is for the baby, etc. How I can get diabetes at a 50% chance rate. It was just very strange to have a doctor speaking down to me. My college daughter was with me and she was shocked. The doctor was saying things like don't drink " whole milk" and very uneducated things. I had GD previously and was surprised I got it again but appalled at how rude the DR. Was. I mentioned to my OB/GN and she was embarrassed for her colleague.

One of the unmentioned things is my age and some kind of judgemental or jealousy thing. This doctor was a woman in her mid to late forties, probably a few years older than me. No one has been rude up until this point but her. I know I don't even look my age but she has my chart and can see how old I am. Sometimes this kind of discrimination happens and it's really wierd when it does. Most people have been so supportive.

Any way baby was about 3.13 pounds which is in the 43%. Sounds kind of small to me and that worried me a little. No one was worried but I have only had big whopper babies and to have a small little guy seems odd. But then again sometimes the ultrasound sizes are off. I am measuring on target and every thing else seemed good.

Scary thought....
Yeh I think this baby is draining me! As long as he's healthy that's the main thing. Doctors can be sooooo rude sometimes. I've had a very bad experience with a doctor once, left me speechless and so upset.

I think, after alot of effort on his end my little monkey may be head down. Am waiting for a set of hiccups. If they've moved lower I might be right. Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies :) xx
3sisters - That's terrible the doctor was rude to you. I don't trust those scans at all.
Bumpity1 - I hope your monkey is head down and you can get your iron levels sorted.
It is a disgrace when so called caring professionals behave like that. Hope hiccups start and monkey has turned. Don't think I've felt hiccups yet but then again I don't get too much movement!
Well definitely feeling hiccups down low! Fingers crossed they stay there :) x
Hoorah for hiccups! I am not convinced that Roo isn't moving around as I keep getting hiccups down below and I got woken up with the most almighty boot in the nether regions in the night! Oh well, we will see.
Terrible morning sickness today so been in bed all morning and took a tablet I felt so rough. Had a snooze and had some choc so should be ok to go to panto!
So tired though....think I have been overdoing things a bit.
Still need to check your pic out bumpity.
Great news bumping! My LO had a mad half hour before... Ninja in training!!
i just realized that my husband has not had a baby in 10 years. I didn't opt for any classes this time and I guess I will have to go over what to do. He most likely has forgotten the stages of birth and what to look for. My main issue is that he be accomodating and understanding. I hired a doula but it would be nice if he could also take things a bit more seriously.

I need to get my bag packed and some last minute things done. Christmas has kinda done me in. I hope my daughters enjoy it as it will be their last before little brother arrives. My older daughter finally coming around and actually told a few of her friends I was pregnant.

Hoping everyone is doing well this Christmas season and has some fun... Many blessings
Hi ladies,

Checked out your twitter Loompy. That's great that your doing that. Is this the same gene that Michelle Heaton has been in the news for? I've had afew evenings when I've felt sick recently, haven't put it down to MS but maybe it is?! Hope your feeling better.
I wonder what my monkey is doing in there sometimes as he can hit me down below and I nearly hit the roof. It can be quite off putting for my girls when we are watching tv and their mum is making strange noises from the sofa! He tends to have his mad 1-2 hours in the eve when I'm trying to relax, just like his brother used to do :)
If your interested the new series of One Born Every Minute starts on January 2nd. Love this programme but wondering if I should watch it so close to having baby,lol!
Signing off now as family arriving tomorrow and on last stretch of getting everything ready. Hope you all have a wonderful time and wishing you a comfortable Xmas!
I've been told to avoid one born every minute like the plague!!
I don't have TV, so never seen it. Not really interested anyway.

I'm looking forward to Christmas this year. My sister and her family get into town this afternoon and my inlaws should be getting in tomorrow afternoon. I think the only present not wrapped would be whatever my husband bought for me :haha: Typical male, he'll probably toss it in a bag at the last minute :rofl:
My son is so excited. All his gifts have been hidden in the basement as they've arrived (from various relatives), so he has no idea that there are tons of presents down there. When he wakes up on Christmas day his eyes are going to pop out of his head at all the presents left under the tree from Santa. This is his first year understanding Christmas and presents, etc. So magical to watch.

I may not be on again for a while, so I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!
hello ladies!
I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas!
I am out of school and free! Free! FREE! It feels wonderful. 3 more A's under my belt. One of my professors, the one in charge of clinical sites, said she should have plenty of room for me if I want to come back to the program in January of 2014. I'm still debating on if I want to go through the horrors for another 4 semesters when little one is a year old, or if I want to take it slow.
Watching a movie with the family last night it dawned on me that I am actually going to have to give birth to this little girl. There is no way out of it at this point, lol. I know I've known it, but the reality of it is really sinking in lately. It is getting close. I know that my mind will be on that a lot now, since this day 6 years ago my water had broken with DS (6) and contractions would not start. My son was facing sideways and would not descend so I had a horrific labor. The doctor would turn him and he'd turn back sideways. They turned him so many times and he twisted sideways again so many times that when I finally pushed him out and he was delivered he spun around in the doctor's hands and the doctor nearly dropped him. I am so hoping Anneliese is a cooperative little girl. Aside from the common pregnancy woes (like horrid morning sickness, and being thoroughly exhausted due to being 42, and vericose veins in my leg) carrying her has been a joy, she doesn't keep me up, and she is not overly rough and tumble...even though I get uncomfortable at times. Part of me is excited to have her in less than 2 months, and the other part is sad it will be over so soon because I will never have this experience again. I'm trying to suck up all the feelings, movements, and enjoy the bumps and rolls. I want to remember them all. I still can't fathom that she will be here and that there will be a baby to take care of.
DS has come in 3 times since I started typing this to ask me if I could believe he is 6 years old today. I really can't. Time has passed way too quickly...

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