February 2013 babies

Hope your little boy has a good birthday!

That sounds a tough labour. Think positive thoughts and will Annelise to be the right way!
Hope your little boy has a good birthday!

That sounds a tough labour. Think positive thoughts and will Annelise to be the right way!

my other 4 were all in proper position, so I have a good feeling she should be too. DS was a chance encounter with "difficult". He was almost as bad as delivery # 1...but she was 33 1/2 hours and he was only 6 hrs. I'm hoping for a combination of deliveries number 3 and 4... number 3 was on his own without induction and a furious 6 hours long, and number 4 was induced but only 4 hours long and drug free!!
I had a blast today. I had to shovel the driveway because of the snow, so I let my toddler run around while I got that done and then we went sledding in the backyard. My husband had to brew beer for work today, so now we're just waiting for him to get home. I started some bread in the bread maker to make garlic bread and pulled some chili from the freezer for dinner.
Grrrrrrr heartburn! It is 12.45am and I can't sleep as it is so bad. Have taken my medicine from the dr but it is awful. Roo also decided it is party time in there! Need some sleep!
Hope you are all well!
Bumpity, yes Michelle Heaton and I have the same mutation. So does Sharon Osbourne and Christina Applegate. A bunch of mutants! I don't do much on Twitter. The website forum I run is much more active but it is just there to make sure no one feels alone when they get a diagnosis! Anyway, can't remember your twitter name so can you remind me in case I don't find it.
Keep smiling ladies!
It's @leboxall. Can sympathise with heartburn, it had me awake last night and have now woken up with a cold. Thought I was doing really well dodging the nasty winter bugs :(. My little man is definitely breech again:dohh:Apparently my DH kept going round and round and my MIL had to be induced when they caught him in a head down position. So am blaming him,lol!
Got the results back of urine test and I don't have a UTI. Not sure what to do now regarding the protein in my urine. I'm not seeing my midwife until the 8th Jan. My hands and feet and legs are swollen too. Legs look ok first thing in morning but get really puffy even if ive not been on feet much. Even my wrists are swollen as watch is tight. Wondering whether to call the DAU to see what they say.
Sorry youve got work tomorrow Lindy :( I have DH off with me until the 3rd. When are you starting your maternity leave?
Hope you all had a lovely Xmas. Xx
Oh bumpity- get those fluids down you and hopefully will help. What have they given you for uti? Hope you feel better soon. I wake up most morning with the sniffles but have managed to avoid winter bugs.

I have stopped my "long" days now soon more 9-7, they are too tiring. Have tried up make my week shorter but have brought MSG leave forward a week so finishing about the 25th.
DH plans to take DS (6) and DD (14) sledding today, and wanted t know if I wanted to go. I'm thinking bumpy hills and premature rupture of the membranes...just sayin'. I respectfully declined and he says he meant just to take pictures. Think I'll stay in-house where it's warm and NOT blowing 20 - 30 mph :haha:

Hope you are all well. I had a rough day yesterday, real uncomfortable and unableto go more than an hour without having to pee...God forbid I had to walk any distance, half a cup of pee felt like a half gallon. Mad amount of BH while I lounged watching a movie with the family...every 7 - 10 minutes. pita...because I knew it was nothing but an annoyance. She's still got 6 1/2 weeks to go
No Lindy I don't have a UTI. That's why I'm now wondering why I've got protein in my urine as infection has been ruled out.
Am getting uncomfortable too. Can't drive far without something wedged in my back for support. I feel like I'm going to burst already, I don't know how he is managing to turn because there doesn't feel like there's any room to.
Lucky ladies in the US with snow! We just have rain, and LOTS of it.
My cousin (ENT doc but asked anyway!) said often protein is a sign of kidneys working harder in late pregnancy. She said they usually rule out UTI and per eclampsia first and then just monitor at your next visit. Hope that helps. Xxx
got woken up yesterday by someone using a snowblower at 4:30 in the morning (yes, on a Sunday morning :dohh:). Tired when I got up, everything was an effort yesterday. I could not shovel, dogs needed to go out, and everything I did left me short of breath. I literally sat at the table peeling potatoes for supper and it made me out of breath :nope:. There is so much I want to accomplish and it wasn't happening yesterday. I felt like a waste case :cry:, and DH was cranky from the time he got up in the morning. So afternoon comes and I'm a bit snappy because I'm tired, the jack@$$ with the snowblower didn't do MY walkways and I still had to be awake for it, my back aches, BH are annoying the F^9& out of me, I'm 42 and I'm toting around an extra 29 pounds, and I feel like the baby is going to fall out from between my legs if I just move the wrong way :haha: and DH wants to know "Why are you so bitchy?":brat:
So I told him! Then I went into the hallway to throw something out and I cried. Hoping today will be a better day and I can do something constructive. I sit and wonder how on Earth I can possibley expect to do this for another 6 1/2- 8 1/2 weeks.
Aww, *hugs* Sounds like a combo of sleep deprivation and hormones doing you in.

I was a bit techy yesterday because I'm selling my old TV and the guy said he was going to show up yesterday, so I went out and shoveled the driveway and the front walk and the jerk never showed. It's an online ad and this is the 2nd person to dick me around, so I raised the price. :haha:
I hate hormones as well. Mum was saying how tired she was having me but I'm 15 years older than she was! Think age does effect it all but think it also has its bonuses!
Aww, *hugs* Sounds like a combo of sleep deprivation and hormones doing you in.

I was a bit techy yesterday because I'm selling my old TV and the guy said he was going to show up yesterday, so I went out and shoveled the driveway and the front walk and the jerk never showed. It's an online ad and this is the 2nd person to dick me around, so I raised the price. :haha:

I hate when that happens. I've gone to parking lots to meet people with stuff and they never show. I have things listed on Craigslist now-trying to get rid of stuff- and have no "takers" yet :nope:
Happy new year ladies!!! We are going to be mummies this year!!!!
Just home and ready for bed xxx
PM- I am totally with you. I am usually calm and collected but I get out of breath very very easily. Walking for 30 mins is a lot..

Yesterday I thought I would talk to my husband because I had a scary night in which I couldn't sleep due to the anxiety of having the baby. I just got scared after I saw this video about a woman who died from an epidural. It scared me and I thought about how lucky I am at my age ( 44) and then all the worries started. Anyway, the next morning I thought I would talk with my husband about going to the hospital and getting some emotional support because well.... I got a little frightened. I normally don't ask for much and my husband got really defensive which escalated into a fight and me throwing the TV remote control at his back.

This is not me at all. I handle everything and do well alone but felt very alone and abandoned in that moment. I just looked at him said I am really pregnant and having a baby in a few weeks, this is the time where you help me if I need it. He obviously had a moment of man stupidity like it was a contest because I needed him emotionally. Later he kind of came to his senses but... I am so surprised that it took that long and for me to get really upset. I told him he was lucky the remote control didn't hit his head...

I also realize that even though we didn't take a class this time he probably still needed the class. Mostly to get put in his place about what's going on physically and etc. So he can gauge what he needs to do to be supportive. He did not want to hear what I wanted. So I am considering not letting him in the delivery room. I am still upset and can't deal with ridiculousness. I hired a doula and need to focus on all the positives so I can have an easier birth experience. I don't need to be irritated if my husband can't be supportive. Anyway, I will see.

I think I am feeling a bit vulnerable with the baby due so soon. It's kind of like the point of no return. A little freaky. i've been through this before but i also know that every experience is different. So this week I will talk with my OB about any emergency things so I can feel rest assured that she is prepared to handle things.

Happy New Year and I hope we can all stay healthy until our babies arrive.
3 sisters- I have been feeling emotional and full of doubts and worries all week. About the birth about being a mum everything. It must be hormones surge or something normal if we are all feeling a bit at the moment. Sending hugs- xxxx
I have been a bit bonkers recently! Suddenly a bit worried about actually having a baby and giving. Iran even though I have done it 3 times before and bizarrely really enjoy giving birth. I am worried I won't be able to manage it which is ridiculous! Must be hormonal! Am so tired. Had the worst night's sleep,last night. Got woken up at midnight by the loudest fireworks ever and then the snoring was legendary! Ds woke up at 6.35 screaming that his leg hurt so we wen town to snooze on the settee at 7 and consequently and feeling a bit roper this evening!
Only 29 days to go.....if itis like it was with the last one, it could be another 15 days. Got bits out of my mum's loft so feel happy that if anything were to happen I have all the bits I need to hand.
Right, my favourite tv show of the year on in a mo.......World's Strongest man! So exciting...but am so tired not sure if I will manage to watch it!
Happy new year all!
PM- I am totally with you. I am usually calm and collected but I get out of breath very very easily. Walking for 30 mins is a lot..

Yesterday I thought I would talk to my husband because I had a scary night in which I couldn't sleep due to the anxiety of having the baby. I just got scared after I saw this video about a woman who died from an epidural. It scared me and I thought about how lucky I am at my age ( 44) and then all the worries started. Anyway, the next morning I thought I would talk with my husband about going to the hospital and getting some emotional support because well.... I got a little frightened. I normally don't ask for much and my husband got really defensive which escalated into a fight and me throwing the TV remote control at his back.

This is not me at all. I handle everything and do well alone but felt very alone and abandoned in that moment. I just looked at him said I am really pregnant and having a baby in a few weeks, this is the time where you help me if I need it. He obviously had a moment of man stupidity like it was a contest because I needed him emotionally. Later he kind of came to his senses but... I am so surprised that it took that long and for me to get really upset. I told him he was lucky the remote control didn't hit his head...

I also realize that even though we didn't take a class this time he probably still needed the class. Mostly to get put in his place about what's going on physically and etc. So he can gauge what he needs to do to be supportive. He did not want to hear what I wanted. So I am considering not letting him in the delivery room. I am still upset and can't deal with ridiculousness. I hired a doula and need to focus on all the positives so I can have an easier birth experience. I don't need to be irritated if my husband can't be supportive. Anyway, I will see.

I think I am feeling a bit vulnerable with the baby due so soon. It's kind of like the point of no return. A little freaky. i've been through this before but i also know that every experience is different. So this week I will talk with my OB about any emergency things so I can feel rest assured that she is prepared to handle things.

Happy New Year and I hope we can all stay healthy until our babies arrive.

Had a big fiht with DH last night myself :growlmad:
He and my DD(15) had a run in at about 11 PM last night and I just tried to stay in the bathroom and take care of what I needed to for as long as I could. They always try to drag me in between and I'm sick of it! DH started in on how sick he is of all the BS he says my kids put him through, (God forbid I defend them in any way mind you, like pointing out that if he didn't play into DD's antics she'd soon tire of it because she's not getting a rise out of him) so he goes off on sneding my kids to live with their dad, and completely ruins me with "I wish to God I'd had a vasectomy after Mason (DS-6) was born. Like we need another fucking kid"
I told him to leave my room. NOW. He refused, so I had to lock myself in the bathroom to go into fits of bawling my eyes out. I knew he wasn't happy about me getting pregnant in June, but I thought he'd accepted it. I knew he wasn't happy it's a girl, too. He sort of tried to explin himself last night but I sure as sh!t didn't want to talk to him. He tried to hug me and I told him to leave me the hell alone and DON"T touch me. Don't even talk to me. I love this child so much and he sincerely wishes she was never made. I told him he doesn't have to be part of her life. He can bail now. There are so many people out there who would kill to be in our shoes. I have sacrificed so much for this child, I have given up so much, my life has had to completely change, all my plans have had to take a back seat or be discarded, and yet somehow I can see this little girl as the BLESSING that God intended her to be. How can he NOT???? :cry: I told him he'd have been better off if he'd have had his vasectomy 8 years ago (which would mean DS would not have been created either. Then I could have ditched him when I found out how he behaved with my kids, and God-willing still had DS with someone else.
I wish I had never approached him 7 1/2 years ago to ask him to dance, and the whole relationship wouldn't have existed in the first place.
He keeps saying he's sorry and trying to make excuses why he feels the way he does. "I'm sure Ill love her once she's here" and I said "Or not." and he says "then I'll have to try real hard to love her".
I'm sorry, but I so wanted more for my baby girl than this. So completely gutted:cry:
Oh perpetual I am so sorry. What a horrible thing to be said to you. Your pink bun is going to be so loved and cared for by you she will want for nothing. What is his issue with girls? It is hard to take back words that hurt like that. I don't know what to say because I know how you are feeling. Sending you hugs. Keep your head held high because you could not be in the right more.

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