February 2013 babies

:hugs: Perpetual and 3sisiters.
We are all in the final few weeks now and I think the combination of hormones, tiredness and being uncomfortable can really take their toll. I'm usually quite easy going but am finding myself less tolerant. Was really p****d off when I woke up full of cold the other day and proceeded to be grumpy with everyone when usually it wouldn't bother me.
Am going through feelings of guilt towards my 4yr old DS as in afew weeks he is not going to be my baby anymore :(. Worried how he is going to take to the baby. When I was pregnant with my 2nd DD I had the same worries towards my 1st DD. I also worried if I'd have the capacity to love another child the way I loved her. When I was pregnant with my DS I worried how he would fit into our family unit as it had been me, my DH and the girls for 8 yrs. But you know those worries are always unfounded as when the new LO arrives its like the most amazing experience ever and you can't imagine your family without them. It will be the same for all us ladies, whatever worries we have.

It's my DD birthday today, she's 13! My DH has taken the girls to London shopping for the day and I'm stuck at home with my DS as I know I couldn't manage a whole day shopping. Feel like I'm missing out :(. Can't wait until I get my body back and don't need help getting my shoes on,lol! We worked out that from today I'm going to be a parent of a teenager for the next 20 years, HELP!!!

So excited for the next few weeks and looking forward to everyone's arrivals. No pressure Loompy but am expecting you to be first, haha. Happy new year to you all xxxxx oh and my DH asked if I had any new years resolutions and as I sat there looking like MR Greedy I said 'yeh, not to get pregnant ever again'....
lovely computers hold info you think you've deleted. DH came on and decided to look for what I had written to you all...and found a way on to the site. Now he's mad. I figured it was better to vent here and come for support than rag to my family who know him and retain opinions on him and his behavior. :shrug: Guess it's going to be him pissed at me right back now.

Lindylou, it's not just because she's a girl I don't think. I think it's just another child in the house in general. There is so much that has to change here, so many plans (like my college degree) that are now tabled...but then on the same token there are other opportunities (like the potential for a house) that are opening up that weren't possible before due to the original plans. All I know is that I'm depressed as all heck now, and can't do anything about it. I'm going to try to clean the house and maybe wash some baby clothes to make me feel better. I'm just dreading the rest of my life right now :cry:
:hugs: Perpetual and 3sisiters.
We are all in the final few weeks now and I think the combination of hormones, tiredness and being uncomfortable can really take their toll. I'm usually quite easy going but am finding myself less tolerant. Was really p****d off when I woke up full of cold the other day and proceeded to be grumpy with everyone when usually it wouldn't bother me.
Am going through feelings of guilt towards my 4yr old DS as in afew weeks he is not going to be my baby anymore :(. Worried how he is going to take to the baby. When I was pregnant with my 2nd DD I had the same worries towards my 1st DD. I also worried if I'd have the capacity to love another child the way I loved her. When I was pregnant with my DS I worried how he would fit into our family unit as it had been me, my DH and the girls for 8 yrs. But you know those worries are always unfounded as when the new LO arrives its like the most amazing experience ever and you can't imagine your family without them. It will be the same for all us ladies, whatever worries we have.

It's my DD birthday today, she's 13! My DH has taken the girls to London shopping for the day and I'm stuck at home with my DS as I know I couldn't manage a whole day shopping. Feel like I'm missing out :(. Can't wait until I get my body back and don't need help getting my shoes on,lol! We worked out that from today I'm going to be a parent of a teenager for the next 20 years, HELP!!!

So excited for the next few weeks and looking forward to everyone's arrivals. No pressure Loompy but am expecting you to be first, haha. Happy new year to you all xxxxx oh and my DH asked if I had any new years resolutions and as I sat there looking like MR Greedy I said 'yeh, not to get pregnant ever again'....

I worry about how my kids will adjust to a new little one as well, esp DS(6). He seems ok with it, and as if he is looking forward to it, but then comes out with things like "I know that after Anneliese is born you won't have as much time for me, babies take a lot of time" and it breaks my heart. I don't know how I'll find the energy to do anything, so tired right now. But, have scrubbed down the bathroom, and have been cleaning all morning so at least I don't feel so much a basket case as I did this morning. DS has been sleeping for most of the morning, poor little guy. He got up and watched tv for half hour then said, Mama, I'm goin back to bed, ok? He was out like a light in no time. I think he slept poorly from coughing a lot during the night. Back to clean, break time over!
:hugs: everyone. The last few weeks are pretty stressful.

I got my GTT results back and they are normal so no particular reason why I'm growing a giant! I'm struggling to get around now as I'm so big and have also developed what I think is SPD. I didn't have this last time but where my section scar is and my inner thighs are painful when I walk, move, cough.... :(

Just found out DH has to go the the Far East with work for 10 days on Saturday so I'm going to stay with my parents so they can help me out.

Midwife tomorrow, then scan on the 14th to determine whether I need another section. I'm starting to feel pretty stressed that I'm so incapacitated and not ready with baby stuff, also supposed to be moving house in 2-3 weeks ahhhhhh!
:hugs: everyone. The last few weeks are pretty stressful.

I got my GTT results back and they are normal so no particular reason why I'm growing a giant! I'm struggling to get around now as I'm so big and have also developed what I think is SPD. I didn't have this last time but where my section scar is and my inner thighs are painful when I walk, move, cough.... :(

Just found out DH has to go the the Far East with work for 10 days on Saturday so I'm going to stay with my parents so they can help me out.

Midwife tomorrow, then scan on the 14th to determine whether I need another section. I'm starting to feel pretty stressed that I'm so incapacitated and not ready with baby stuff, also supposed to be moving house in 2-3 weeks ahhhhhh!

:hugs: jjay. how big are they estimating your "little one" to be? How big was your DD?
up until today I was feeling pretty incapable of accomplishing anything myself. I know I'll pay tomorrow for every speck of good I got done today, but it feels great to actually make a dent in the mess. Tomorrow I think I'll wash all the baby stuff and sort it so I know what I need and what I have.
Glad you had an organised day PM I bet you feel so much better. I'm going to try and get baby stuff washed too then that will be one less thing to think about.

They are estimating baby to be 10-11lb at 40 weeks but I have to go for another scan on jan 14th to get an up to date weight xx
Glad you had an organised day PM I bet you feel so much better. I'm going to try and get baby stuff washed too then that will be one less thing to think about.

They are estimating baby to be 10-11lb at 40 weeks but I have to go for another scan on jan 14th to get an up to date weight xx

was your daughter big? I went from a 7 lb 15 oz baby for number 2 to a 9 lb 15 oz baby. believe it or not he was easier to deliver. The thought of an 11 pounder is SCARY!
I dreamt I had a 9.2 many boy that looked as big as an 8 month old last night!!
Messed up my leave so off today instead of next Thursday so plan is to take decorations down, tidy house, start washing baby clothes and cook nice dinner......lets see what I manage :) !!!!
Well it's definitely good that we at least have the support here and can VENT.

Sometimes MEN will ,..... be MEN. There is nothing like the holidays to get everyone on edge and open mouth insert foot.

PM: Hoping your venting released a little . You will be able to handle, even if it does take a little bit of time. Seeing a baby for the first time melts hearts. If it didn't none of us would be doing this again. I try to remember this when I get scared. He will come around. Hopefully soon.

For all of us, change is right around the corner and it seems to be quite normal for us to sense the up coming uncontrollable chain of change even if we so so want them. There will be some aspects that we can control. I am asking for help and tallking with my daughters daily about the changes that will be happening. Like mommy being tired and bed time being alot different etc. At least for a little while, I am trying to prepare them so that it is easier all the way around and for me.

My husband is still a little in the clouds and we aren't discussing things too much. It looks like he just wants me to make all the decisions and I just need him to be supportive. sigh !

This is the home short stretch and somehow I need to switch gears so that I can turn my anxiety into excitement. This weekend my in laws will throw me a baby shower and then I will go into heavy nest mode. Trying to get things together so I can feel safe and organized.

I am still a little scared over the birth , it's been 10 years. Even though i have had three others I am still nervous. But that's part of it and I am glad to have a place to vent.
Well it's definitely good that we at least have the support here and can VENT.

Sometimes MEN will ,..... be MEN. There is nothing like the holidays to get everyone on edge and open mouth insert foot.

PM: Hoping your venting released a little . You will be able to handle, even if it does take a little bit of time. Seeing a baby for the first time melts hearts. If it didn't none of us would be doing this again. I try to remember this when I get scared. He will come around. Hopefully soon.

For all of us, change is right around the corner and it seems to be quite normal for us to sense the up coming uncontrollable chain of change even if we so so want them. There will be some aspects that we can control. I am asking for help and tallking with my daughters daily about the changes that will be happening. Like mommy being tired and bed time being alot different etc. At least for a little while, I am trying to prepare them so that it is easier all the way around and for me.

My husband is still a little in the clouds and we aren't discussing things too much. It looks like he just wants me to make all the decisions and I just need him to be supportive. sigh !

This is the home short stretch and somehow I need to switch gears so that I can turn my anxiety into excitement. This weekend my in laws will throw me a baby shower and then I will go into heavy nest mode. Trying to get things together so I can feel safe and organized.

I am still a little scared over the birth , it's been 10 years. Even though i have had three others I am still nervous. But that's part of it and I am glad to have a place to vent.

It did release some. I spent yesterday in a funk like New year's day, then I started cleaning and taking it out on the dirt, soon enough I was able to cope.
How exciting to have a shower comng up :). I have been given so much from friends that I need to start sorting today to see what I need. Christmas Eve my step=mom gave us 3 big shirt/sweater boxes loaded with girlie clothes and onesies in sizes ranging from 3 mos to 9 mos. It felt like a mni shower.
I know the feeling of being nervous after so long between babies. DS(6) was born 9 years after DD (15), and this one is 6 years after DS! It's not like my body will forget what to do, it's more that I'm that much OLDER! I need to get DD(20) over to my house to go over breathing patterns (Found my birthing booklet I got 22 ears ago when I took classes with my first DD!) THEN I'll feel safer, knowing she's prepared to help me.

After major cleaning yesterday I thought I'd sleep through the night, still up at 3 AM :dohh: I'm hungry :/
I have had a couple of lazy days. Have loads to do but this cold has floored me. Doesn't combine well with insomnia and not being able to get comfy or breathe properly, aaahhhhh!

Had another blood test today to see if my iron levels have gone up. Nurse said results might be back tomorrow afternoon or Monday. Fingers xxxx all is good.

Jjay I hope MW appointment went well. Hope babies not grown too much. You must be so uncomfortable. We moved afew months ago and it's hard work. Hope you get plenty of help. X
PM my DD was 8lb8 at 42+1 so not really huge. I feel like this one is much bigger though.

Thanks Bumpity appointment was fine except size, I'm measuring 44cm now and the midwife says I have little chance of a vbac. She confirmed I have SPD and it seems to be getting more painful by the day. I'm lucky to have a lot of help and decided to finish up at work this week too. I have come around to the idea of a section and am thinking the sooner the better! It's likely to be scheduled between 4th and 8th Feb.

Hope your iron results come back ok.

J x
Ooo jjay when will they give you date for c section? I know it isn't what you hoped for but if it is safest for you and bump.
I have been eating so much junk this week. Fed up eating chocolate.
Lots going on in here. I hope things get better for some of you.
JJay - Definitely sounds like c-sect is the way to go even though I know you hoped for a vbac.
I've eaten a ton of junk this week too. I feel Samuel hanging out lower down all the time now. Not engaged, but definitely contemplating his escape route. Since 2nd babies+ generally don't engage until right before or during labor. I don't expect he'll engage until then. It's weird how having done this before, I'm much more aware of what's going on this time around.
Lots going on in here. I hope things get better for some of you.
JJay - Definitely sounds like c-sect is the way to go even though I know you hoped for a vbac.
I've eaten a ton of junk this week too. I feel Samuel hanging out lower down all the time now. Not engaged, but definitely contemplating his escape route. Since 2nd babies+ generally don't engage until right before or during labor. I don't expect he'll engage until then. It's weird how having done this before, I'm much more aware of what's going on this time around.

Anneliese is hanging out pretty low as well, as evidenced by my barely controllable urge to pee the second I stand up, but I don't remember any of my previous babies "engaging". DS (6) was a floater all the way up until the time I had to start pushing at 7 cm, he was a stubborn little guy facing sideways
I'm pretty sure Gabriel was head down and started engaging at 30 weeks. That kid never once was above my belly button though.
I feel Samuel's head going up and down. Like a big ol' grapefruit sitting on my vagina :rofl:
I'm pretty sure Gabriel was head down and started engaging at 30 weeks. That kid never once was above my belly button though.
I feel Samuel's head going up and down. Like a big ol' grapefruit sitting on my vagina :rofl:

^^ LMAO :haha:
She may be wedged down there already. It seemed my OB felt her head down there and said it was low last week...but I've still got feet sticking out way up to my ribs. I'll ask her next Friday at my 35 wk appt
I'm pretty sure Gabriel was head down and started engaging at 30 weeks. That kid never once was above my belly button though.
I feel Samuel's head going up and down. Like a big ol' grapefruit sitting on my vagina :rofl:

:rofl: Seity I love that description!

Lots being going on and I think I've caught up with all the news but forgiven if I've missed things. 3sisters & PM men can be such asses at times. I'd hate to think how a man would handle pregnancy and what our bodies go through physically and emotionally.

Jjay is today your last working day? Congratulations at being on mat leave. I've still got another 5 weeks to go and after working a half day yesterday I have no idea how I'm going to handle it. Mind you it would nice to get rid of this cold I've got hanging around and since yesterday I've had diarheaa. Was up a few times during the night running to the loo so feel completely wiped out today.

I would love just to have some energy again! I cooked New Year dinner for my family on the 1st, spent practically the whole day in the kitchen on my own as DH was working and the next day I was good for nothing. Still have so much to do before this little girl arrives and I just don't know how I'm going to achieve it!
I've got 3 weeks to go at work. Only had 3 days back since Christmas and so many problems and stresses.

Im starting to feel a niggle down low so hoping bump is getting in right position. When he/she moves feel like I need to pee! Is there anything you can do to try and encourage not being back to back?

I have been waiting since I found out for the surge in energy..... Still waiting :)

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