February 2013 babies

I have the same kind of feelings. HAve to pee all the time. Getting a weird kind of restless leg thing. Could hardly sleep last night. It's windy and rainy in Honolulu. It's our week of winter and it's down to 69 degrees. I know that sounds funny to those of you in the real cold. But here the whole world like shuts down and everyone is wearing jackets. It's also the rain and wind. Not fun. Windows make noise all night and I already couldn't get comfortable.

Thought it would be nice to get a pedicure before hospital and I could barely sit still. A lady at the hair salon who was getting her hair done said, I just saw your stomach move. lol. I wondered if there was some proper response like " excuse me " but I just smiled.

Not sure if the baby is engaged but seems like he was a little lower but then I eat and he floats back up. So not sure and the others didn't really make a noticeable drop. Could be because I am so short waisted.

Husband agreed to go to the one day class and he came home with a pair of baby shoes he saw when out with his nephew. They are cute and thats his way of getting excited. Maybe I wont' kill him after all. lol.

Will have one more u/s on 14th.

Good luck to us.
Bumpity, hope you're feeling better and iron results ok.

Lindy, Rosie was back to back and it was a nightmare! I swore with this one I'd do what ever I could to get the baby to turn. There is a good website called spinning babies with tips but you need to lean forward as much as possible - imagine your tummy as a hammock for the baby so getting on your hands and knees is good. Sit on a birth ball leaning forward or with back straight. Try and walk 1-3 miles per day. Leaning back and driving are not good for baby's position.

Lulu, yes I have now finished work bar a few bits and pieces I can do from home. I intended to work as close as possible to my due date but its too difficult with my size and the spd. Hope the next few weeks go quickly for you x

Seity, loving the grapefruit description! I have this too although babies position doesn't matter for me now! I feel a little sad that my body and baby are starting to prepare for a labour that will likely never happen.

PM, hope your appointment goes well on Friday.

3sisters, we both have scans next Monday. Good luck! If baby is still measuring big, which I am sure they will be, I might be given my section date. Eeeeek!

J x
Jjay. - will check that out. I have been sitting on birthing ball and leaning over it so hopefully LO will co operate!! It's hard when your mind is willing to keep working but our poor bodies say enough!!!!

3sisters- I feel a bit more uncomfortable low down and going the toilet more. Don't think LO is engaged but maybe making a move for it. Will see what mw says on Wednesday.

Hope you are all doing ok. My tens machine and bottles (invade cant bf) and monitor have arrived :)
Jjay. - will check that out. I have been sitting on birthing ball and leaning over it so hopefully LO will co operate!! It's hard when your mind is willing to keep working but our poor bodies say enough!!!!

3sisters- I feel a bit more uncomfortable low down and going the toilet more. Don't think LO is engaged but maybe making a move for it. Will see what mw says on Wednesday.

Hope you are all doing ok. My tens machine and bottles (invade cant bf) and monitor have arrived :)

Have you used a tens machine during labor before (or heard good info about them)? I asked my doc about it and she said she wasn't sure our hospital had it, but she'd check it out. I haven't heard a word since, but it dawned on me late one night that DH has some kind of transdermal electrical device from after his back surgery. Score! It is a TENS machine, but I have no idea when it is to be used, how effective it is, or where the leads would be placed?
My husband has a TENS machine for his back as well. I've heard good things about them, but I never had any contractions in my back last time, so it wouldn't have done me any good to try to use one.
My husband has a TENS machine for his back as well. I've heard good things about them, but I never had any contractions in my back last time, so it wouldn't have done me any good to try to use one.

I read it was supposed to be able to interrupt signals from the uterus to the brain, I did not know it was only good for back labor?
I think it works best for back labor and also for the early labor, but either way I prefer 100% pain relief to partial relief and my early labor wasn't very painful. :haha:
My tens machine arrived yesterday. Mw highly recommended them but said must be maternity one.
I met with the pediatrician today to let him know I am pregnant and to be expecting a call. Here the pediatrician will come to the hospital to check before you go home. Since this is my first boy he asked me about circumcision. Explained the procedure and said it's totally parental preference. I think I am leaving this up to my husband because I really sit on the fence about it. Things I never really had to think about before. I hear the trend is to not do it but ... ?

The pediatrician also told me he had a patient last month who was 49 give birth.. lol. I guess that makes me young... I wonder if my OB is going to talk with me about getting my tubes tied. My friends who have done it says it hurt more than having the baby. I am going to pass. Since none of us here have done it, is anyone considering ? I think they do it in the hospital 2nd day post birth.

We visited a friend who had a baby this weekend. Her baby was 5 pounds 4 oz. So tiny but healthy at 38 weeks.
3sisters- I wouldn't have tubes tied, think after all we do when the time comes would get dh to get the snip!
Hi Ladies,

I wouldn't have my tubes tied. Am still working on persuading him to have a vasectomy :)

I've heard Tens machines are really good for early labour, but never used one.
Lindy, I've had 2 back to back babies. First wasn't diagnosed until I was pushing and she was stuck because she wasn't turning on her way down like a lot of back to back do. It would explain the excruciating back pain I suffered with her. Without knowing she was back to back I spent a lot of my pregnancy on all fours trying to eleviate the pressure off my spine but she stayed back to back :dohh: my second DD was also back to back and diagnosed in early labour. I had a terrible back with her too. She turned during labour, which I spent on all fours and I gave birth to her naturally. In fact she was my easiest labour.

I have my 34 week MW appointment later. Will be interesting to see what position my little man is in. Until 3/4 days ago I would have been 100% sure he was breech but he has been trying so hard to turn. I've had him breech oblique to transverse, which is weird to watch. Ive had his head bulging out my side and feet the same opposite. It has felt very uncomfortable at times. Last night in bed I felt limbs on the opposite side for the first time ever and cant feel where his head is. Believe me a hard head bulging from under your ribs is very obvious! So now I have no idea what position he's in.
Blood tests weren't back yesterday so hoping they will be back today.
As I'm 35 weeks in 2 days I've decided it's time to get babies clothes washed and start thinking about packing my hospital bags. Anyone done this already?
My husband is getting his vasectomy as soon as his hockey season is over (so March). This will be boy #2 for us and we'll be having him circ'd just like his brother. We did a lot of research with #1 and in the end I left the final choice up to my husband. I feel like either choice is a good one as long as both parents are happy with it.
I haven't done anything to get ready for the baby yet. I was thinking I should probably consider sorting through some stuff my sister brought left over from her girls sometime this weekend.
Well back from MW and my iron levels have gone up by 0.3. Not a great deal and am still anaemic but at least it hasnt fallen. Am having my bloods done again in 2 weeks to see how they are. If the number doesn't go above the base line number she was talking about me having an iron transfusion. Never heard of one before.
She's not 100% sure how baby is lying either. He got hiccups earlier and they were just by my right hand ribs, the same as always so I think he's in the same position as before. She thinks she can feel his head Floating freely down but I'm not convinced. She thinks the big hard lump that moves across my ribs could be his bum. She can't believe what a fidget he is though. He was showing her all his moves, lol! She's on holiday in 2 weeks so she's seeing me next week to make a decision. If she's not 100% then shes sending me for a scan. I would feel happier if I had one as I don't want to go into labour with an undiagnosed breech. I've not had one kick in the ribs this whole pregnancy, maybe a coincidence but maybe not.

Jjay good luck with scan next week. Glad your coming around to the idea of another CS. You never know I might be joining you xx
Just FYI - I've never been kicked in the ribs with either pregnancy and both my boys got head down not long after entering 3rd trimester.
Hi Ladies
Sorry I have been AWOL. Had vomitting bug here - DH thank goodness so we quarantined him! I was sick a couple of days before that but sure it was from beig tired!
PM - sorry to hear you have had a rubbish time - Men can be such idiots at times!!!
3Sisters - I hope yours isn't driving you too mad either!
JJay - a date - very exciting!
Seity - Love the grapefruit!
Bumpity - Iron going in the right direction - hoorah!!!!
Lindylou - Hope you are feeling ok!!!

I am so tired and gettign up for school today was a struggle but managed it and all good. When I walked into the playground this afternoon I got acosted by about 5 people who all said my bump had dropped and all giggled at how ridiculous it looks!!! Still need to post a pic! It needs to stay where it is until midnight tonight when I am 37 weeks if I want a homebirth. I have to say it is a bit achey today and DH said he had a really vivd dream last night that I was in labour........
Have washed everything apart from car seat and have made a cosy toes for the pushchair which is pretty cool.
If I have a boy , he will be circumcised because I am Jewish - DH is not and is not so keen on it but the other 2 are so would seem weird not to. It is not common to have it done in the UK except for religious reasons. Don't think they tie tubes so often here either - DH is offering to have the snip so it is his turn for some pain!!!!! I will be having my ovaries removed in the next few years anyway to cut my chances of ovarian cancer.
Roo appears to have turned round the right way but MW has said that if I go into labour at home after 37 weeks and Roo is oblique again I will have to go in as there is a chance of a cord prolapse and it is dangerous. Apparently Roo is presenting in an unstable lie as there is lots of room in there! Must be the 28 pounds I have put on!!! Too much choc!!!!
Keep smiling ladies!
Nice to see you here Loompy :). Hope Roo behaves and you get your home birth. Maybe not too long for you now, hurrah! I joked with MW that my little man is all over the place because I've stretched my uterus too much with this being my forth and now he's got too much room to move. She said its probably the truth! Sounds like you've done the same, lol!

Seity I have always been kicked in the ribs! Probably due to me being 5ft 3 and my babies being larger than average. Their feet are usually crammed in pushing away at my ribs. Just had hands/feet or elbows/knees running back and forth my left side this time. Much less painful!
I washed some first size clothes and put some baby clothes to one side for hospital bag (just in case I go) I just feel a bit stressed at the moment. I want to do stuff but have no energy. Dh says he will do things but half does things and I feel like screaming. ...... Hormones I think :)

I said dh could decide on circumcision if its a boy- he said no so I'm happy with that.

Bumpity-Glad iron levels stabilised and improved a bit.

I would be glad if they scanned to tell me which way the baby is. I have no idea!! Me said last time head down. Just hope it isn't back to back!
I think for all of us it's that time to get whatever is needed organized. I am doing the washing of baby things and trying to get all those last minute house projects done. I am also scratching off the things I can't get done in the next two weeks and trying to make do with what I have.

I was supposed to put a special split system a/c in but the weather has been pouring rain for two weeks and that is not feasible so I will have to now wait until a month or so after baby is born. Somehow I know that some things will take much longer if I can remember to get them organized with contractors etc. Dealing with work people on my house with a new baby sounds irritating to me right now. I have to just let it go... And trust that somehow it will be done sometime before summer..

I am getting kicked ( not hard) but way up there in the upper ribs. It feels like the baby has grown in length or is really stretched out due to the locations. I also get up every hour now and was exhausted this morning. The baby is definitely on my bladder. 35 +5 days so getting much closer. Will try to only drink liquids in the morning or early afternoon.

Off to go an clean something.... Before I need a nap.
I might have to work to 40 weeks. Was leaving at 39 weeks but cover for feb can't start till march so I might have to try and stop us falling too short of target :( :(
I was going to work until 40 weeks last time, but the baby came at 38.
I was thinking of working till 40 weeks again, but decided to leave at 38 in case this one comes early too.

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