February 2013 babies

Oh Lindy I hope you can finish before 40 weeks. How uncomfortable are you? I couldn't sit in an office chair now, i need cushions in my back to support me and need to change positions constantly. Hope you get some cover sorted.

Am biting the bullet and going to wash babies clothes, bedding etc today so I can aim to have bag packed by 37 weeks. I'm feeling abit crampy today. Baby was going a bit bonkers last night and I could see limbs all over the place. Not sure where he is but went into town earlier and couldn't walk very well without a sharp pain in the front of my you know where!
Having only put on a stone in the first 31 weeks I have put on 6lbs in the last 3 weeks! I cant do up my boots as legs are swollen and can't wear my rings as fingers are fat, so hoping most of the weight gain is fluid.
Went and had an echocardiogram yesterday as GP wanted to check murmur. Lovely lady who did it told me that she can see where the murmur is but the valve is not damaged so it's definitely being caused by the extra blood flow :) Feel better, hubby was relieved as I think he's been quite worried. Am going to doctors to get the full report but can try and ignore the weird things my heart is doing now.
I have a friend who's mum does the pregnancy ultrasound at the other maternity hospital where I live. She's offered to scan me next week if my midwife doesn't refer me, although she said I should push for it if I still have my gut feeling. So whatever way I will know for definitely which way my little monkey is lying, at least for next week. He is abit of a fidget, she also said its because it's my forth and so he's got more room to move.
Hope you ladies are feeling well, not too long now......
Bumpity.....glad murmur is nothing to worry about!
Am so tired and uncomfortable. I have an achy undercarriage too! Made the mistake of heckling it out with a mirror......won't say any more!
Only 19 days to go and DH was 14 days early so hoping for any day now as I am so uncomfortable.
All bits washed and sorted and I finished the cosy toes I was making for the pram. Just need to tidy the house......want to do it but energy evades me!
Keep smiling ladies!
Loompy, that made me laugh! I haven't seen my under carriage for months :)
Hoping I don't have to work to 40 weeks. It's a really good friend who said cant start in February but said early march- which would be fine but when I asked for a date he said late march and now won't commit himself to a date ��. Dh went mad which didn't really help. Not told anybody in work yet because dont know what is going on.

Glad ECG went well. It must be such a relief. I think a scan would help because it reassures where LO is lying.

Loompy- so funny about undercarriage. What we can't see we can't worry about :)
hello ladies!
hope you are all feeling well this weekend! I'm glad to see people are getting some decent news on test results and examinations. I hope all you ladies who have to work are able to find the time you need to rest as well. I am grateful for my lack of work (physically, NOT financially that's for sure!)

went to my OB and baby is no longer head down, but at an odd transverse position. That must be why I nolonger have to pee every 5 minutes, and still do not get kicked in the ribs. She's cradled across my lower abdomen making my bump wide and low. lovely :nope: I guess at 35 + 2 she still has a little time to get herself in position, I just worry because her big brother wouldn't descend due to funky head down presentation too, so no pressure on the cervix to help it dialate. Lots of contractions here, some are painful, but not sure if they're doing anything esp now that she's laing funny. OB appt next week where she'll swab me for Strep B (at 36 weeks instead of 38..."just in case") and check to see if I'm effaced or dialeted at all. Never have been this early on before...but, whatever? I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm still drinking RLT daily, eating dates, and dtd as frequently as possible (when I don't drop out of sheer exhaustion). I'm not sure any of it will help, but the food/drink are yummy, and DH seems happy to oblige :haha: so it's all good!
I spent the week cleaning and getting rid of stuff, I feel accomplished, but it left me exhausted, and stuff is still not set for the little one to arrive.
36 weeks for me. The end is nigh!
Still feeling great. Another 2 weeks of work and hopefully baby stays put for at least a few days after that.
MW appt on Tue and GBS test. I'll start my weekly appts from now on.
I'll move up to 4 cups of RLT starting today. I've been eating dates all along to help with constipation and then read about them helping with labor, after much internal debate, I decided to continue to eat them. (Worried about labor being too fast)
Sex :rofl: Haven't had it in months and won't have it again until sometime in April after OH is confirmed sterile. Not by my choice. My OH isn't in the mood. *sigh*
Too be fair he's really stressed right now about both dealing with an evil baby again and because we recently found out that his mother's cancer is growing again. She had been on a maintenance pill for the past year and it had been working, but I guess it's not working any more. She's decided to go through another round of chemo, so we're all praying that it works again without too many of the bad side effects.
Still haven't done a thing to get ready for the baby and no idea what's in the box my sister gave me. If my son cooperates, I might consider going through that today, just so I know if I have any NB clothes.
Weather is supposed to be nice tomorrow. If my OH is willing to watch our son, than I can finally work on building the cradle. Otherwise, Samuel will just have to sleep in the laundry basket or something :haha:
So sorry about your mil seity. Hope she is ok. Xx

I feel I have so much to do and not enough time not energy to do it all! Managed to get first size baby stuff and bedding washed. Really need to sort a bag I case I go to hospital. Dh set up pool before to have a go- that is a bit scary! Makes it feel really real. It is so cold here.
Thanks lindylou. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer that had metastasized to her liver and brain 1.5 years ago, so really every day she's still here is a blessing.
She is doing amazingly well. It must be so difficukt for your family.
Seity : Sorry to hear about MIL. Must be hard on Hubby too.

PM: I have those BH contractions all the time. Today I had them every half and hour and baby's head is very low in the pelvis and sitting right on bladder. ( I think its the head)

Today hubby and I sat through an all day refresher intensive maternity class. We were only couple with other kids but since it's been 10 years we felt we needed the refresher. It was good for him. But so long. They showed us videos and gave us literature. The C-section video made my husband close his eyes. I had to pee so many times while I was there. I was the oldest mom and one of the closest ones due.

I also had BH contractions alot all day. I am officially at 36 weeks and on tuesday will have my last u/s and wednesday visit with OB. Will know more about baby's growth and whats happening. Now I am getting a little nervous.

What is RLT ?
RLT is raspberry leaf tea, it's supposed to condition the uterus to make contractions more efficient in labour and the second stage faster. You can drink the tea or take it in tablet form. I took it from 32 weeks last time but never got to find out how well it worked!

Got some good news on Friday, our house purchase is going ahead and we are moving on 24th Jan :) so relieved its not up in the air anymore and that we will be settled in (excepting an early delivery!) by the time baby arrives. It means I will have to change hospital but don't think that will be a problem and will chat to them when I have my scan appointment tomorrow. I will be 15minutes from both my sister and my parents so it will be fabulous to have some much help to hand, especially after a section. My youngest sister is coming to stay with me for a week to help get the house packed up as I'm really struggling now with mobility.

I'm having loads of BH and it feels strange to think I probably won't go into labour. It will be weird to turn up at the hospital, walk into theatre and have a baby with no contractions. They delivered Rosie in 4 minutes last time so pretty quick! I might get a date tomorrow depending on how the appointment goes!

It's starting to get exciting now we're all on final countdown. Could be exciting news on this thread anytime now...
Seity....glad MIL is doing so well!
JJay.....good news bout the mov but it will be hard work being so near your dd! Glad ou have help!

I am still waiting! 17 days to go and counting! Peeing less so Roo must have moved. Am so tired and suffering with the most evil heartburn. Have a box of rlt and tried it but wasn't too keen. Maybe I'll try again.
Seeing MW on Thursday so we will see what she says about position. Think we are he right way up at mo judging by hiccups!
Right, got to drag big bum off settee and tidy up....clothes everywhere!
Keep smiling ladies!
Jjay- glad house is going through. Hopefully you will be all settled. They say new house new baby :) Good luck tomorrow with booking c section

3sisters- glad class went well. We will all do older mins proud :)

Loompy- hope the heart burn settles.

I think I'm getting BH- they aren't painful but bump is like a rock. When it goes hard I need to pee! Although that is the norm at the moment :)
Lindy they definitely sound like BH. I've been getting them for quite a while, sometimes they'll go on for an hour or two.
Jjay, oh my goodness your brave moving so close to due date. At least you will be nearer your family :). Good luck at scan and let us know how you get on.
Loompy hope Roo is head down and ready for exit! My little mans hiccups are along my right ribs always. He fidgets like mad and I can see him almost go transverse but he always settles back in the same position. I actually called the DAU yesterday because he didn't stop moving all day. I was worried he was stressed. Its so uncomfortble for me too. The lady said if he is breech he may be making a last attempt at getting head down as they usually do between 35/36 weeks. Thankfully he's a lot quieter today and is just squirming.
Has any of the UK ladies got a health visitor doing a home visit before baby arrives? Never had this before but apparently they do this now. It's to give you your book and information, talk about feeding etc.
Think my nesting is kicking in, have hoovered through, got a shepherds pie in and cleaned the oven this morning. Paying for it now though......
Bumpity- I have not had health visitor contact me at all but my mw appointments are all at home so maybe I won't get one??
Thanks Lindy, with my other babies I never saw a health visitor until after babies born so this is new to me. You will be visited at home by one after the babies born but maybe they haven't changed the guidelines where you live yet. I've never had a MW do an appointment at my home so it just shows how different areas have a different way of doing things.
My mw was saying how hospital policies vary. Like it can be 24-72 hours before induction if waters break and between 1-3 weeks over EDD. Are health visitors a pain? I have heard people say they have run ins with them- are they over bearing?
RLT - is Raspberry Leaf tea. It helps tone the uterus, so that the 2nd stage of labor is more efficient. But if you're already having lots of BH's it sounds like your uterus is already 'toning' itself.
Lindy yes I think some can be abit of a pain. Luck of the draw :) I think they forget that every babies different so what works for one isn't going to work for all. If at any point they say something you don't agree with take it with a pinch of salt. I got a telling off for weaning my son early ( 14 weeks). He was starving and milk wasn't satisfying him so in my eyes it was the right thing to do but it didn't fit with their guidlines! Hopefully you will have a lovely one. The one I spoke to on the phone sounded really nice so I hope to have her :)
Jjay - great news about the house.
I like going to a pediatrician. I don't like the idea of someone coming into my house. Mostly my pediatrician is good, but if I disagree with any of his advice. I simply smile and nod and do what I know is right for my individual child.
I have to say I was impressed with him because he really does look at the whole child and not just a number on a chart. My LO was always below the weight chart, but he was always healthy and meeting milestones, so clearly just a light weight and my ped recognized that. Also if he's ever sick, he sees the same person who's seen him his whole life.

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