February 2013 babies

Bumpity- I hate the way they try and fit you on a chart. Wonder when I will hear from one
Back from scan and now confused!!

Baby still measuring big but not as big, estimated weight 7lb2 so approx. 9lb+ instead of 10lb+ at birth. The sonographer did say that later scans can be more inaccurate as its harder to take the measurements. Afterwards I saw a consultant, the fifth different one in the five appointments I've had. He was pretty hopeless and said he couldn't really give me any advice about what to do and it was up to me if I wanted to try natural or have another section. He then managed to lose my notes by putting them in someone else's file and we had to hang around while they were located.

Overall I am pleased we are moving and I will deliver at a different hospital! I am going to try and get an appointment with a consultant in the north east ASAP and see what they say.

I'm torn now as I'd just got my head around another section (even bought an electric recliner chair from eBay for the recovery!) I would like to try natural but am nervous as 9lb+ is still big and baby is back to back, which is what went wrong last time...
Aww Jjay, how frustrating. I guess you can hope that the new place is more helpful.
Oh jjay how frustrating! You want consultant to be confident and guide you. When can you get in to new hospital?
I've booked a midwife appointment in the north east on Thursday 24th and I've been told she will refer me straight to a consultant at either Newcastle or Wansbeck hospital. I should be seen by 39 weeks. If anything happens before then I think I will just go with the flow and head to the nearest hospital.

Better get the RLT capsules out!
JJay: Good luck with moving sounds exciting but hoping you get all the support and extra help.

Tommorrow is U/S and will find out if I have been feeling his head on my bladder. I think so. It feels really wierd and I remember this before. Got a little anxious last night over the birth and that transferred into some really weird dreams. Now that I have to get up to pee every 1.5 hours it's been a little tiresome. Also laying down isn't so easy. Baby is jammed up on my right side ribs.

Yesterday I was so hungry. I am not usually but I couldn't stop eating and I was so tired. Today too. My belly looks bigger even though i havent' gained since last week. Is anyones appetite going up ?

Hoping for good news tomorrow and maybe a really good 3d us picture.
Jjay, how frustrating for you. Wish I had a magic answer :) if your baby was a guaranteed 9-91/2lbs would you be more tempted to try a vbac? It's a pain that the US can't be accurate enough for you to make a decision. Hope you get better guidance at your new hospital.

Good luck at US tomorrow 3sisters. Hope baby is being good and ready to go :)

Saw MW again today and am being sent for a presentation scan tomorrow. She examined me and once again told me he was head down. I told her he hasn't moved and I'm sure he's head up. Explained everything I was feeling and said I had a gut instinct. So for the first time she looked for a heart beat above my belly button, it came booming through just by my right ribs! Where i feel the hiccups! The look on her face was priceless :dohh:. She's always been able to pick one up just by my belly button but this was sooooo much louder. She was like 'oh I think he might be breech, I'm 75 % certain'. Anyway will definitely know tomorrow.
Good luck tomorrow 3Sisters and Bumpity! I'll be thinking about you both and waiting for your news. X
Good luck tomorrow ladies.
I had my midwife appointment today. Confirmed that he's still head down. Umm.. duh, he's got his head down so low I barely have to stick my finger in my vagina to feel the top of it. :rofl:
He was nice and squirmy as usual. She laughed that he still seemed to have plenty of room to move around, and joked about how both my boys seemed to grasp their exit route pretty clearly. I'm measuring at 35.5 weeks, which is great.
I get seen every week now and have my appointment scheduled through my due date should I need them.
JJay, must be frustrating not knowing what to do! It is so hard when we are told so many different things!
Seity, you madecmevlaugh so much!
Bumpity, hope LO turn round!
3sisters, good luck with your US tomorrow.
Today was a bit of a stressful day. I was asked by the charity Breast Cancer Campaign to appear on Sky News to comment on the new preventative treatment for ladies at high risk of breast cancer. I was really chuffed as it is something very close to my heart. As I was sorting the logistics out, I got a text from DH who said not to worry but he was in an ambulance in the way to the hospital after an asthma attack! Anyway, he is home and it wasmactuallymlucky he went as that hospital was much more thorough than ours and found an issue with high blood sugar and want to send him for a glucose test....if it isn't one thing it's something else! Anyway, trip to GP tomorrow.
Roo was super wiggly and had loads of BH today. Tomorrow I am 38 weeks and that is when DH was born! Exciting!
Keep smiling
Good luck with scan 3disters.
Bumpity- did you request the scan? Hope it goes well.
Jjay- hope the new consultant is a bit more helpful. What are you thinking now you have had time to think?
Loompy- what a stressful day! Glad it turned out ok though. Happy 38 weeks.

Yesterday in work was so busy and today was even busier. Meeting with the man who hopefully is going to cover my mat leave after work today. It willbe such a relief if he does and can start soon. Keep fingers crossed!!
Hi Lindy, no I didn't request the scan but I just insisted that he still felt breech. She was so sure he's head down because she said the hard lump at the top doesn't feel big enough to be a head. It was only finding his heartbeat so high up that has swayed her. Am leaving in an hour so will find out soon if I'm right. Are you wanting a scan? Are you worried about baby being back to back?

Loompy, how is your DH? Hope today is a more peaceful day for you. 38 weeks! Yay!

Congrats on a good appointment Seity, looks like your LO is getting ready to go . If he follows his brother it's not too long now :)
Hi Ladies,
3rd night this week I can't sleep :( 2nd night it's been down to the hooligan I seem to be growing,lol!
Good news today, he is head down! Much to my shock. I cant believe it's his hands that are doing press ups off my left hip. He is all over the place and even now as I type going bonkers and is in an almost transverse position. He even made the sonographers hand slip today,lol! It's supposed to be a healthy sign. He didn't stop moving all day but finally went quiet this evening and I manged to get a couple off peaceful hours watching t.v. Was hoping he would stay quiet all night but no such luck :(
Have been struggling with my iron tablets as they have made me feel very sick and I have an inflammatory bowel disease which they have aggravated so MW took my bloods on Tues and got them back yesterday and my levels have shot up! Am so happy as i was going to have to have an iron transfusion so I didn't have to take the tablets anymore. Back on the Spatone which my body can handle:happydance:
Have to admit that I have had enough of being pregnant. I've been told I should enjoy the last few weeks as I'll never be pregnant again and I'll miss my bump. But it feels like its been abit hard going, very unlike my other three pregnancies. Just want him out for a cuddle now........
Great news bumpity. Sound like you have an acrobat in there :)
I am worried about back to back- my sil has me worried about it. Bit concerned as not felt much movement the past day. Will give it this morning and call mw
Bumpity......hooray for iron and right way up baby! I am so with you on wanting to have baby NOW! Am shattered, broken, have swollen bits in places I can only mention on here etc etc. DH a bit better and he had to take over yesterday as I went to bed at 3 after having a mummy meltdown. So tired.......fed up of not sleeping.
Was hoping Roo would appear yesterday but no such luck.......
Maybe today or knowing my luck, tomorrow when there is thick snow.
Got littlest one off school today with high temp and seeing mw.
Keep you posted.
Keep smiling!
ooh my sleep it' is so hard now and uncomfortable. I am getting a bit worn getting up all night and sometimes not being able to go back to sleep due to the kicking of ribs. or hiccups. Last night I got a 3.5 hour stretch without getting up to pee and I tell you I felt much better. Lately it's been up every 1.5 to 2.....

Had my u/s yesterday. They say baby is measuring at 6.1. I try to remember that they said that with my last one and she was 9.13 , one and half weeks later. Sometimes they are accurate and sometimes not. Main thing was the growth they are getting is in line wiht previous month and all seems ok.

Went to the OB today and I am not dilated or effaced. Kind of dissapointing . Considering I was dilated and effaced with the others for weeks. This pregnancy is different and I am hoping that my body really remembers to take it easy and fast on me. Is anyone else dilated? I have heard many stories that it can happen in one night or slowly. I was always the slow with the dilation happening around 37 weeks.

Still trying to organize last minute things just in case. Getting the house ready so I can feel more organized and prepared. Now if I could just get some decent sleep...

Best wishes..
Not been checked but head wasn't engaged at last appointment.
How's your LO's movements today Lindy? Don't worry about back to back. I delivered 2 like this. The first was assisted but that was more to do with me having had an epidural I think. The birthing pool will probably be perfect for you to lean over and help your LO get into position. a water birth would be my ideal way to birth but it's just never worked out for me.

Has anyone had any signs things are moving along? I've only ever lost my plug with my last one and it started at 38 weeks when his head started to lower into my pelvis. Quite grateful this ones all over the place right now as his head is big just like his brother and I was in agony once he started to engage. I could feel his head grinding on my pelvis everytime he moved sending shooting pains up my back and down my legs. I don't have any pressure right now so I guess that's one bonus :)

Loompy we have snow forecast tonight too. Kids are hoping for a day off school!

3sisters we don't get checked to see if we have started dilating etc at our normal MW appointments. At least I've never been checked!
Hello! Been to mw and Roo is 4/5 engaged. Apparently doesn't mean it is on It's way imminently though. I asked what I could do to make it happen and they said to eat anything that would give me diahorrea or have "intimate relations". I declined the latter as my undercarriage is in no fit state so I may have a curry instead. Think I may have thrush.....the joys. They suggested sticking a frozen sanitary pad in my knickers which made me laugh!
Anyway, here's hoping Roo makes an appearance soon!
Oohhhhh at least Roo's in the right position! Frozen sanitary towels? Never heard of that before,lol!

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