February 2013 babies

Itching has eased a lot. Mw rang this morning to check. Told her bit of
Itching but not the burning cannot stop itching I did have. Hopefully it has stopped now. :)

Hope you are all ok. Snowing here again but don't think it will stick.
LOL I'm used to playing ice hockey all winter, so ice skating for me is no different than going for a walk around the block. If anything it's easier because you're gliding along.
I skated right up till the end last time around too.
Lindy - I hope the itching stops for good. I never deal well with itching. It drives me crazy.
Ah Bumpity. I think most ladies have it hard at the end. Just try and take it easy when you can. Having the baby up in your ribs sounds really uncomfortable.
Yes snowing here too, but nothing like Friday. Hopefully kids will be in school tomorrow :) my lovely son has just spilt my tea on my IPad and broken it:(am posting via phone, which is a pain. Second day of BH but not as regular as yesterday.
I had a curry too yesterday not that I want him to arrive just yet! Hope it's not too many more days for you Loompy! I know your labours are quick but if you get a chance to post to let us know its happening please do:)
Just had 2 BH's in a row while posting!
Glad the itching is better Lindy, sounds like you have a good MW too
Have a good day ladies x
Snow here is bad. Still going at 6.30pm and started at 7am. School closed tomorrow and hoping DH can't get to work.....just in case or would be a nightmare to get back home from central London.

Can't believe how tired I am. Must be the extra 2 1/2 stone I am lugging around!

Not long now ladies!
hope all you snow bound ladies are doing well. We had a few inches last week, but we've had a few days in the 40's so it has melted away. I am grateful for the warmer days since we had outside stuff to take care of this weekend, and I was able to walk outside.
Reading all of your posts it has hit me how close we all really are, some of you more than the rest of us! I will try to come on real quick and drop a note if I'm home when labor starts. I am not internet connected on my phone since I refuse to pay for internet twice, just on the principle of the matter :haha:
Loads of contractions yesterday and the night beofre, but not so many today. I have been a bit nostalgic today about this pregnancy. I know it is my last, and it has hit me a bit that I have been wishing it over. Before, there was always that chance I would get pregnant again, now we know that won't happen so the finality of it-the I will NEVER experience this again, so suck up every second of it you can is hitting home. I can't complain too badly about being uncomfortable, because while there is some discomfort, it is nothing unbearable. There is more annoyance that I can bend or reach stuff, or get up from a squat. She is real low, and I don't get a lot of rib issues...unlike every other baby I had. She is a transverse layer sometimes and the other times she's low on my bladder. I still get awful heartburn lately though. I hope you ladies with rib kickers et relief soon, and am so excited to start seeing some labors started! Hang in there gals!
I don't know if this is the last pregnancy for all of us but at 44, I am prettty sure it is for me. I would have to get pregnant right after this baby is out to make that work. And that kinda sounds like the " crazy bus" to me. Perhaps if this was my first but being I have had three already.... Bittersweet. I want him to hurry and also take the time he needs being in there. It's just the anticipation of wondering when it all will happen and etc...

I dont' like the looks I get in public. I look really huge and people kind of give me the eye. sometimes I try to get in a little walk at night when no one is watching.

Snow sounds like so much fun. I have never experienced living or being in snow longer than 4 days. One day I want to see what it's like.

Itching...I don't like itching. Sometimes ice helps me with itching... Chills the pain/ itch receptors.

At our intensive baby refresher they mentioned massage as being a great way to ease pain. Evidentally when massage is going on it blocks the pain receptors. This sounds great only I didn't like anyone touching me when I was in serious labor last time. Maybe knowing that info will help allow me to let someone try to help. I think thats kind of the same idea of the tens machine. I don't know anyone who has one...here in Honolulu.
I don't know if this is the last pregnancy for all of us but at 44, I am prettty sure it is for me. I would have to get pregnant right after this baby is out to make that work. And that kinda sounds like the " crazy bus" to me. Perhaps if this was my first but being I have had three already.... Bittersweet. I want him to hurry and also take the time he needs being in there. It's just the anticipation of wondering when it all will happen and etc...

I dont' like the looks I get in public. I look really huge and people kind of give me the eye. sometimes I try to get in a little walk at night when no one is watching.

Snow sounds like so much fun. I have never experienced living or being in snow longer than 4 days. One day I want to see what it's like.

Itching...I don't like itching. Sometimes ice helps me with itching... Chills the pain/ itch receptors.

At our intensive baby refresher they mentioned massage as being a great way to ease pain. Evidentally when massage is going on it blocks the pain receptors. This sounds great only I didn't like anyone touching me when I was in serious labor last time. Maybe knowing that info will help allow me to let someone try to help. I think thats kind of the same idea of the tens machine. I don't know anyone who has one...here in Honolulu.

My husband has a tens machine, but it was for his back and someone on one of these threads it has to be a maternity one or something? I have to rememeber to ask my OB on Friday.
Serious labor is a weird thing, I never know what I want at that point, I just want it over. I get weepy, emotional, I want my mommy :haha: I actually made a speech somewhere near 10cm with baby #4...all the hustle and bustle, nurses and doctors rushing around bringing all their equiptment closer, dropping the bed end down to prepare for her delivery and I call out "Stop!" and continue on the lines of "I just wanted everyone to stop for a second so I could thank you all for how wonderful you've been to me, and for helping me through this...etc" My 2 best friends were with me, I had gotten through the labor with no meds at all, and I was so overcome with emotion, my firends thought I was nuts! They laughed so hard about for years because I was so melodramatic about the whole thing. It's weird because I have no idea what came over me, but my emotions were through the roof.
I wanted my first to be my last, so husband is getting the snip. I'm definitely done with having babies. I don't mind the pregnancy, but I've never found it to be something I missed either and I disliked the baby age. I guess I just can't relate to kids until they can walk and talk, so not the least nostalgic or sad about this pregnancy coming to the end. I look forward to 1+ years from now when he's a person like his big brother. I take lots of pictures and videos, so I can look back and relive moments without feeling the need to do it again.
So 3 days of BH's. Last night they were so strong I couldn't settle in bed. I eventually fell asleep about 1 only to be woken up at 4 by a big one, tried to fall back asleep but another one came so I got up. Felt milder when up and about so went back to bed once I got kids to school as I was shattered. Got woken up by what felt like a proper contraction! Was so tired I ignored it and went back to sleep only to be woken up again by what felt like a proper crampy painful contraction! Got up and now it's back to normal, irregular BH's. have decide that I should get my bag packed, lol! Just in case :) knowing my luck this will carry on for another month :dohh: don't want him to arrive just yet despite how uncomfortable I feel.
I'm hoping that I have another pretty quickly because this is our first.

It was my mw who said maternity tens. Not sure what the difference is though. I'm so fed up and tired today. I'm tired of being tired. Work was mad busy and is horrific all week. :(

Dh pissed me off. I know it's stupid but he made comments about thd baby not being allowed on the floor at my mums because she has 2 cats. It's petty I know but really annoyed me. I'm a big animal lover and his parents have dogs. I said well same goes for your family with the dogs and bringing the dogs to our house. I was just tired and fed up. Rant over. Going to try and de stress in the bath. Xx
Bumpity: Hopefully you get some rest, I had a night like that a few days ago. I've had a few good contractions today but nothing regular. She's hanging low so walking puts a lot of pressure on my cervix. Wish I could walk for miles outside today, but the temps are frigid! Maybe the contractions are at least accomplishing something for you?!

Lindy, I can't stand when DH puts my family down or criticizes them when I can point to just as many messed up things in his own family. I used to keep my mouth shut, but I stopped that. Now I come back just as quickly with a counterpoint to prove why what he is saying is messed up. He hates it, drives him nuts :blush:
Perpetual- I usually bite my lip because I think once I start I could go on forever!! But I just snapped back before. There are so many things I could say. Dh family is very different to mine. We are always in touch and like to spend time together but his live far apart and he says they are quite happy just knowing each other is ok. Wouldn't do if we were all the same I guess.
We always talked about having 3 but I think we'll see how it goes having 2 first, it might be enough work! If we do go for another we'll aim for a small gap again so at least we get all of the sleepiness nights out of the way...

Linda, sorry you fell out with DH :( it's hard when it comes to families.

I'm feeling very stressed today. Moving day is Thursday but the new house is not ready. A few snags came to light that have caused delays so currently no working hot water or heating, kitchen and bathrooms not finished and carpets not down. We are moving stuff in anyway as the removals company are booked but won't be able to unpack anything until at least the carpets are sorted. We're going to stay at my parents and hopefully move the following weekend 1-3rd feb. just hoping baby stays put for at least another couple of weeks as all our stuff is in boxes :(

On a seperate note, is anyone on Facebook? Just thinking it would be nice to hook up on there so we can see all the baby pics :) I am facebook friends with some of the May 2011 mums from when I had Rosie and its lovely seeing pics of the babies growing up.
We always talked about having 3 but I think we'll see how it goes having 2 first, it might be enough work! If we do go for another we'll aim for a small gap again so at least we get all of the sleepiness nights out of the way...

Linda, sorry you fell out with DH :( it's hard when it comes to families.

I'm feeling very stressed today. Moving day is Thursday but the new house is not ready. A few snags came to light that have caused delays so currently no working hot water or heating, kitchen and bathrooms not finished and carpets not down. We are moving stuff in anyway as the removals company are booked but won't be able to unpack anything until at least the carpets are sorted. We're going to stay at my parents and hopefully move the following weekend 1-3rd feb. just hoping baby stays put for at least another couple of weeks as all our stuff is in boxes :(

On a seperate note, is anyone on Facebook? Just thinking it would be nice to hook up on there so we can see all the baby pics :) I am facebook friends with some of the May 2011 mums from when I had Rosie and its lovely seeing pics of the babies growing up.

Good luck with the move! We are looking to move this year, there are so many complications living in my dad's house with my uncle and cousin owning half the house. More problems than I care to deal with after 11 years of putting up with it, and dad just informed me rent is going up. Time to bite the bullet and get our own.

this is me JJ https://www.facebook.com/#!/suzanne.m.belisle
I am friends with some ladies on another thread too. I love it :)
I'm not on Facebook. Can we do an old mums thread :) xxxx

Dh just irritating me today. Really really irritating me!!!
PM I sent a request through. How did you get the link to your profile? I'm not facebook savvy enough to know how to do it :)

Lindy, we will have to have an old mums thread :) although I know from last time around I probably won't come on bandb as often once Pip is a couple of months old.
PM I sent a request through. How did you get the link to your profile? I'm not facebook savvy enough to know how to do it :)

Lindy, we will have to have an old mums thread :) although I know from last time around I probably won't come on bandb as often once Pip is a couple of months old.

I went on FB, went to my newsfeed and then copy and pasted the url that was in my web browser. There may be other ways to do it but that's the only one I know of myself.

I'm up for an old mum's thread, lol. Hopefully we can keep it going
Lindy...I had one of those days the other day, and it wasn't just DH, it was EVERYONE! I am a major b!+(# lately
I don't post to FB much, but https://www.facebook.com/denise.schwartz.35 is me.
Towards the ends of my pregnancies I always put up with a lot less than normal. People tell me 'I'm cranky', but it's really more that I don't keep my mouth shut when I normally would.

Not sure if I've done that right?...

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