February 2013 babies

Still here and nothing!
Bumpity. That is exactly what I had but stopped! Hope it is the start for you!
Looks really easy to create a FB group. Just have to have a name, like "BNB 2013 Feb over 35" or some such and then decide if we want it closed or secret.


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Things starting to move here. Had a few aches before .... But think it was because I hadn't been the toilet for a few days ( sorry tmi)
Oh good Lindy! Fingers crossed for you :)
Have been having some BH type pains, mild contractions, back ache etc all day. have read that if baby isn't in right position (which mine isn't) your uterus gets tired of trying to help baby into place so it can be a stop start early labour. This is according to the spinning babies website. Maybe that's why I'm having these symptoms. Would like him to stay put for at least another week anyway so am not bothered. As long as I get SOME sleep :)
Hope it is baby getting into position bumpity. Some of the spinning babies positions look like I would get stuck!!
Keep logging on expecting news! Everything quiet here except lots of BH and period type pain which I guess is normal for late pregnancy. Our moving date is now 31st so I've been asking baby nicely to hang in there for at least two more weeks! Seeing new midwife in the north east today so will be interested to see what she says about size and position.

Are you setting the fb group up Seity? Either closed or secret is fine by me.
Good luck with mw jjay.

Can we set a thread on here as well for our babies!
good luck loompylooloo and bumpity! Hope your contractions do their work!

AFM I am 37 weeks! "full term" for the doctor's calculations. Although I feel it could be any time now, I think I'm probably setting myself up for disappointment. ALL of my others were overdue. Lots of uncomfortable contractions this week and pressure, not sure OB will do another cervix check or not tomorrow. I'd almost prefer not, just so as not to be disappointed through my weekend, lol.
Been up for over an hour (since just after 3 AM) SO tired, but was starving...just now had to rush to the bathroom with "issues"...ugh :dohh: better than being constipated I guess (and if it keeps up maybe I won't have gained another 3 1/2 pounds at the OB tomorrow :haha:)
Pains have stopped and I had a good nights sleep, yay! As i have some energy today i have been out shopping around for last few items, and am now shattered. Forget I'm carrying around a big bump sometimes. Ooops just had a big BH! Must notice them more when sitting down. Finally got carseat and buggy out of garage to clean as after the last 4 days I have realised I shouldn't presume Ill go to 40 weeks like the others!
Jjay I hope you like your new MW and she can give you some sound advice on whether to try a VBAC.
PM I am 37 weeks today too! Have put on a lot of weight over last few weeks too, think its water retention ( I hope :) )
Hope everyone's having a good day x
Absolutely nothing doing here apart from a few head butting pains down below which take my breath away. Could that be things thinning out?
I think I will be nearer to my original due date which was 6 feb. that is the one i should have if you go by my period but they changed it at my dating scan to 30 jan. maybe if I stick with the later one I won't be so disappointed!
JJay .....hope your new MW is nice and can give you lots of good advice!
Bumpity....glad you had a good night! I keep waking up as I think I roll onto my back, start snoring and then feel like I can't breath and panic!
Pm.....congrats on full term!
Lindylou....I looked at spinning babies too and thought the same as you!

Just had a row with my sister and put the phone down on her. Apparently I have been very hormonal and bit her head off the other day when she asked how I was. Only because it was the day things started and stopped and I was sick of being asked if anything was happening......and I apologised. She really got cross with me and was screaming down the phone some put the phone down. Don't want to argue with anyone or upset anyone but you know how tired and hormonal we all are! Oh well.......
Hope all having a good day.
I had a dream last night that I had a boy with lots of blond hair Nd my mum put him in the pram with no coat and hat and the only ones I had were for girls! My friend had a dream too and said I had a boy called Phillip!
Let's wait and see...
That's weird Loompy because I didn't want to say but have my own predictions for all of you team yellow ladies and I feel a boy for you too! Dont worry I'm not some wierd person who thinks they are psychic, just have an inkling. I heard though that if you dream you are having one gender it turns out to be the other. We shall see!
Hope you make it up with your sister soon. I can sympathise, I feel like I have totally lost my sense of humour and my patience and if one more person asks me how long I've got...........
Hi Everyone,

Sorry you rowed with your sis Loompy, hope you've made up now :)

PM hope your appointment goes well tomorrow.

Bumpity, would love to hear your pink/blue prediction for me, I can't wait to find out!

Midwife appointment went ok, she was very nice but didn't want to give an opinion on what I should do about the birth. She is booking me a hospital appointment with a consultant and for a scan and she's advised me to see what the consultant recommends. The appointment card will come in the post so not sure when it will be and I guess something could happen before then...

Everything else was ok, I only measured 41-42cm and she said its because baby is 3/5 engaged now, however still back to back. Been getting cramps and backache all day so guess this is because the baby is engaging.
We're all getting so close now. It's going to get interesting on here soon.
I'd be happy to set up a FB group. Name suggestions or just have me make one up?
'Feb2013 BNB mature moms'?, 'Feb2013 BNB owls' (ie older and wiser)
Hi everyone.

I have sort of finished work :) :) I have to pop in Tuesday for a few hours but nothing strenuous. I get a few twinges but nothing really. Do you feel different before labour?
BNB Owls sounds good to me Seity :)

Congrats on finishing work Lindy! I didn't really feel any different before labour started last time. I'd had a few weeks of BH and cramping and kept going to bed thinking I'd be woken in the night by contractions. I had my second stretch and sweep at 41+3 and afterwards had a bit of a show. Labour started the next day.
Hi everyone.

I have sort of finished work :) :) I have to pop in Tuesday for a few hours but nothing strenuous. I get a few twinges but nothing really. Do you feel different before labour?

Yay to finishing work! I actually am so looking forward to the day I can go BACK to work (non-pregnant of course)
I never felt different before labor. My first 2 were induced so they don't count. The 3rd I was devestated all day and bitchy because they were going to induce me the next day so I cleaned like a mad woman and went into labor that night. I had lots of BH for weeks before he came and he was born 15 days late. My last 2 my water broke and nothing happened. One was after a super spicy meal, the other after DTD. With my last one I had so much false labor it was ridiculous, he was 13 days late. This LO has had me with BH (for weeks) and some super strong contractions. Today my intestines are not happy with me, and my lower back is in agony, getting quite a few good contractions that take my breath away. Sipping on RLT and planning to request DH's services as soon as I can get DS to bed. I am only 37 weeks and have never had one early, but here's keepin that optomistic veiw on things :haha: Let's get busssssyy :blush:

I agree with JJay, Seity. Can have a B&B group by same name for those not on FB?
We are all starting to feel those late stages. Last night I had lots of BH and a few really hard ones that woke me up. Today I had a few back achey ones but not regular and then they stop. Who knows. I also am losing my sense of humor. I am trying to remember to not let things irritate me because the world is about to change.

I went to the Fetal Diagnostic Center today for NST testing and Fluid check through ultrasound. Lots of fluid, baby moved alot and the test went well. I was a nervous wreck when I was there. Due to not wanting to see the mean doctor about my GD issue. They want to put me on meds but I am really hesitating and working hard on controlling my levels. They gave me through the weekend. This is good.

I also finished up some paperwork that I really needed to get done for school. It felt so good to have all of it lined up , what a relief. I think it's part of the nesting phase, getting things done so you can go off into the bushes and have a baby for a few weeks.

JJ - Glad to hear that the mw went well. Here I haven't heard them use cm. But sounds like things are coming along for you.

Labor is so funny, you could be dilated with contractions for weeks and then sometimes with out warning you just have a baby. This is kind of like watching popcorn popping and not know which one will be the first kernel to pop but all are sizzling.
Hi all,
Congrats on a good appointment 3sisters.
So happy for you Lindy. Hopefully you'll get some down time before baby arrives.
I had no labour build up with my others. Barely had any BH's. I went into labour in the early hours the day after my due date with DD1. DD2's labour started the day before due date after DTD and I had her 1.06 am the next day. The only labour sign I had was with DS when I lost my plug over the space of a couple of weeks before. When I saw my consultant at 40+2 I had a sweep and started contracting immediately and I had him the next day!
I had a quiet day yesterday only a few BH' s. today I feel more achey but don't feel like he's down in my pelvis at all :(. He still getting himself into funny positions and his bum is right underneath my boobs, it's so uncomfortable!
Jjay, I've thought girl for you :) had a brief time when I thought maybe boy but am back to thinking girl. I'm probably going to be wrong for all of you but it's fun guessing :) xx
What did you guess for me bumpity? We will have to see if you are the bump psychic :)

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