February 2013 babies

Pm I have requested you as a friend on FB.
Seity. I can't add you for some reason
JJay...your link didn't work

Here is mine https://www.facebook.com/caroline.daggers

It is 3.16 am and I am still awake. Have been very busy filing everything in sight today, kids been off because of snow, did homework, tidied up etc.
Had raspberry leaf tea and decided to try another natural labour inducer with DH if you get my drift and have been having very regular pains for over 3 hours. Am assuming it means things are starting but not overly painful but often less than 10 mins between contractions. MW said to call when they were less than 10 mins but don't feel ready yet just in case I am imagining it. Not woken DH up yet either.
Will keep you posted!
Can you believe it..... Finally fell asleep sometime just after 4.30 and nothing......still here and totally exhausted! What a night! Watched every tv programme going about supersize this, super skinny that, super scrimpers,one born every minute.........
Oh well......and DH out for work tonight. Going to be a wreck by 9.00!
Well, let's look on the funny side...sex is bad for your health and sleep! :blush:
Oh loompy, sorry you had a bad night. It's horrible watching tv through the night because its rubbish and all you really do is to sleep. I wake up in the morning feeling sicky now. Not throwing up or anything and feel better after I eat. It's strange, I didn't get any morning sickness early on.
Facebook is a great idea. I still can't seem to get the photo thing on here working. I will send a friend message from Kami.

I too had a horrible night last night. I was anxious and started worrying about things and couldn't settle in. It felt like I was up all night but I know I dozed off because of the wierd dreams and I had to get up to pee. However, it was yucky. I think I had to pee so bad but must have fallen asleep and gotten woken up to pee and my undies were wet. For a minute I thought my water had broken but I think it was just exhaustion and my bladder trying to wake me up. It did.

Well, it's motherhood. So I was kind of cranky today and ended up eating alot of salty bad things. So now I feel immensely guilty and am trying to relax so I dont' worry about that. Obviously my emotions are starting to take jabs at me. That usually signifies the end right. You know right before you go over and start losing your mind for good.

I was so irritated with someone today I couldnt' stop correcting her. She's an employee thats come to help me get some work done in our home office but she was on my only nerve today. I must sound like an ogre but I really don't like lazy or shoddy workmanship. That kind of stuff really gets me going but today it was downright stressful on me.

Sounds like we are all getting close and having lots of little feelings. I am just so happy that baby is moving. I really get spooked during those times when he is quiet.
Lumpyloo and lindylou you guys are the first on the list to go. Just a little while more. Keep us posted.

Seity put all our dates in order on the first page. We are so close...
Loompy how frustrating for you. I hope you manage to get some rest during today in case things pick up again tonight. I bet it wasn't in vain though, those pains will have been doing something!

It's unfair the way you sleep so badly at the end of pregnancy - just when you need to be rested and prepared for what's coming! I wake up to pee every couple of hours and each time now it takes me half an hour or so to get back to sleep.

I can't get the fb link to work but I'm Jo Coulson and am now friends with PM, Loompy and Seity so you should be able to find me.
poor night sleep here too. Up several times with serious ache/cramps in my stomach, as well as contractions, but thankfully fell back to sleep after a short bit and a pee. Nothing to speak of this morning, but I'm not quite 37 weeks anyway! Up for good at 4 am, and decided to hop on-line to my college website to try one more time to get into an on-line course. I got in! I guess being the early bird today got me the worm ;). I'm so excited and now thouroughly wide awake after printing out all the course materials, and having to plan my day to include a trip to school, in the snow that has delayed my kids school 2 hours, to get my book. Looks like my down time will go much faster now that I have some serious course work ahead of me :happydance:
Oh Loompy, if it makes you feel any better I've had 3 nights sleep out of the last 8. DTD brought on my contractions with DD2 and I had her the same day, so maybe try again :)
My BH's have stopped! Hopefully they may have done something. Never had a pregnancy where labours built up, mine have always just started with contraction at 5 mins apart so I've never had to guess 'is this it?'. Nothing about this pregnancy has been the same for me though so I should expect the unexpected!
I'm not on FB :( what a shame. Just something I've never been bothered with. My friends are always nagging me!
Once I get to 38 weeks I will be trying everything to get baby out. Have informed DH that he is going to do it. He's not been near me since 9 weeks and I had a massive bleed after. Even though placenta is nicely out of the way it's scared him. Off to Holland and Barrett now for RLT and may try EPO. Has anyone been using this?
Ooh PM, we are due a day apart, sounds like you might go before me. Least your little lady seems to be in the right position :)
Oh Loompy, if it makes you feel any better I've had 3 nights sleep out of the last 8. DTD brought on my contractions with DD2 and I had her the same day, so maybe try again :)
My BH's have stopped! Hopefully they may have done something. Never had a pregnancy where labours built up, mine have always just started with contraction at 5 mins apart so I've never had to guess 'is this it?'. Nothing about this pregnancy has been the same for me though so I should expect the unexpected!
I'm not on FB :( what a shame. Just something I've never been bothered with. My friends are always nagging me!
Once I get to 38 weeks I will be trying everything to get baby out. Have informed DH that he is going to do it. He's not been near me since 9 weeks and I had a massive bleed after. Even though placenta is nicely out of the way it's scared him. Off to Holland and Barrett now for RLT and may try EPO. Has anyone been using this?

Been using RLT and had to trek all over yesterday to find it in stock. I asked the lady at the all natural store about EPO and she said it helps level off your estrogen, but said if my body is already getting ready I probably don't need it. She recommended castor oil for inducing labor. She said it purges EVERYTHING- in otherwords, you're on the toilet the entire night before you go into labor. Thanks anyway! I just as soon let her come on her own than exhaust myself with diarrhea. Not to mention I've heard warnings in the past about the safety of castor oil. So sick of the taste of RLT.
You all are going to hate me because I'm still sleeping like a dream. I'm sure in part it's due to my super fab memory foam mattress. I'm so in love with it that I think I'm going to miss it more than anything else when I'm at the hospital. I'll be very jealous of OH sleeping comfy at home, while I'm being woken every 2 hours to have mine and baby's temps etc, taken. I can deal with it for one night and I'll have to be up to feed my LO anyway. *sigh*
Just like last time I don't have to get up to pee at night either.
If it makes it easier for anyone we can create our own FB group. I'm in a BnBMarch2010 group on FB with ladies I met on here. It's private, so you can post things more securely and not have to worry about friends, strangers, or family reading something that you'd prefer be just for the group. I'm also in a similar group with ladies due in Jan, Feb, & Mar, but so many of them are very young that it's hard to relate at times, esp when I realize I'm old enough to be their mother.
You all are going to hate me because I'm still sleeping like a dream. I'm sure in part it's due to my super fab memory foam mattress. I'm so in love with it that I think I'm going to miss it more than anything else when I'm at the hospital. I'll be very jealous of OH sleeping comfy at home, while I'm being woken every 2 hours to have mine and baby's temps etc, taken. I can deal with it for one night and I'll have to be up to feed my LO anyway. *sigh*
Just like last time I don't have to get up to pee at night either.
If it makes it easier for anyone we can create our own FB group. I'm in a BnBMarch2010 group on FB with ladies I met on here. It's private, so you can post things more securely and not have to worry about friends, strangers, or family reading something that you'd prefer be just for the group. I'm also in a similar group with ladies due in Jan, Feb, & Mar, but so many of them are very young that it's hard to relate at times, esp when I realize I'm old enough to be their mother.

I ear that, my 2 eldest daughters are 22 and 20, they could easily be on one of these sites (not that they currentlly are) and I see their friends having first and second babies already. I feel downright geriatric :haha:

I won't hate you seity...good for you :)
I am definitely up to pee at LEAST once each night. Definitely NOT sleeping like a dream, and the only memory foam I am aquainted with are my calves at the end of the day (yes, edema that leaves indentations when you press it. Like moon dough :haha:)
Hey ladies
DH made me ring MW this morning. He is worried about another born on the bathroom floor jobby and she said I should go to be checked at the hospital. I had lots of tightenings on way and when I got there. She could feel baby's head when she did internal examination and said my Dix was getting ready and things were thinning out. She said she wouldn't be surprised if things happened tonight. DH took that to mean that they WOULD happen whereas I am taking it that they COULD happen. Well can you believe it, hardly anything since! Very cheesed off! He has stayed at home and missed a black tie dinner for work, kids staying at granny's and I am bored bored bored! Currently in the bath hiding from DH who keeps asking if I am having more pains. I did say I didn't think it was time and he did insist!
DTD again.......this is more than my yearly allowance for him :rofl:
Seity don't feel bad, make the most of it. My bed is comfy its the sore ribs, hips, heartburn and ninja baby thats causing the problems. I only get up once for the toilet. It's whether I can get back to sleep that's the question.
PM my legs are the same as you, they look more like tree trunks right now, lol!
Had my visit from the health visitor today. I know it has its place but for a seasoned mother I found it abit of a waste of time for me. She was lovely though if not abit dippy.
Oh, I don't feel bad. :haha: My son only started sleeping the night 6 months ago, so I'm sure I've got a 2.5 year backlog of sleep deprivation to work off before this one starts the cycle all over again.
Cracks me up whenever I see the midwives. (There's about 4 here and I rotate between them for the checkups, since they won't know who'll be on hospital duty when I go into labor) Each visit they do the fundal and check the baby position and each time, say something along the lines of, "Oh, he's just a little guy isn't he. Going to be another small one like his brother." :haha: I'm wondering if they somehow expected I'd miraculously produce a giant baby this time around or something.

Loompy - I hope it's not long of a wait for you.
Oooo loompy- sounds good.

I won't be one of first to go, this LO is very snug:)

I don't do Facebook and have never missed it but I don't want to lose touch with you lovely ladies!!!
Wow,, exciting we are all starting to get signs. I was getting swollen , mostly from all the bad salty things I was eating but it worried me a little that my blood pressure was slightly higher. I went in to see the OB today and my pressure was fine and everything was good.
She is sending me for NST testing on Thursday to monitor baby and check on fluids etc. So far so good.

A few BH contractions that made me suck in my breath but nothing too regular. Doc says I am not dilated but am soft and getting effaced. At least that made me feel like something was going on. But the reality is I could stay like this for weeks. My OB was happy that I reached full term. She seemed pleased with that.

Seity: Enjoy your rest. I know what its like to not sleep for years when the kids were little. This is why I had them spaced out. Once I started sleeping again and they went to preschool, I got pregnant..lol. I guess the smarter thing would be to have em all at once so they grow out. But that would have been crazy for me.

Lady at the parking lot at the hospital thought I was 10 years younger... That was nice to hear since i am such a blimp right now and feeling it.

Loompy : Good luck....
Seity : Do you know how to group on FB ? Thats a little above me but I am on FB. A group might be nice and private.
Hi Ladies,
Tightning have been happening again. Feel them more when sitting or lying. Have just timed them and they were 10,9,6,4,6,7,7,9 mins apart. Some felt like very mild contractions but some were like mild BH's. Hoping its the start of something?! Not going to phone L&D until they're painful and regular. Have read so many posts about ladies being like this for days/ weeks before something happens. Just packed babies bag, lol!
Hope your good Loompy and things are happening for you?!
Hope everyone else is good too xx

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