February 2013 babies

Today, I am 1 centimeter dilated but still thick, OB says. At least its some progress. Then I had a NST test and it was fine.. But I have gained a total of 29 pounds on their scale. sad...

Well it could be today or next 2 weeks... But haven't had as many contractions yet I am starting to dilate. She just said baby has been pushing but he doesn't feel that engaged.

How is it going for everybody else ?
Had 38 week MW appointment this morning. Am happy to say she could only palpate 3/5 of his head, hurrah! Its why I've been having loads of BH's. Thought the pressure on my ribs felt abit better but didnt want to get my hopes up. I've not got any real pressure down there so hopefully Ill be able to tell when he's right down. Been having BH's all day, had one while she was palpating me. Don't mind them if they mean he's getting ready to make his arrival :) She says I might not make it to my 40 week appointment. Feel like I'm coming down with a cold though and I've only just had one! I have put on 10lbs in 5 weeks and pretty sure a lot if it is fluid. Tried to get my engagement ring off earlier but fingers are so swollen, hoping I don't swell anymore and I have to have it cut off. Never had edema before. Hope everyone's having a good day xx
Bumpity- I'm just the same as you! Me said might not make 40w but I think I will. Lots of BH but they aren't painful. I have left rings off because fingers keep swelling then going down. X
Ooooh sounds like we are nearly all there!
I was up in the night and was sick and then my tummy felt a bit odd today. Roo must be very low as it was a bit of a struggle to walk to school and back. Have had quite a few BH this afternoon so am keeping my fingers crossed! Due date tomorrow.....or the revised one anyway.
Hoping we might have some Roo action tonight but judging by past experience that may not happen.
Keep smiling ladies!
Glad to hear everyone's appointments have gone well. I'm still waiting due a date to be seen in the new hospital...

Lots of BH here to but can't see anything happening before 40 weeks unless its a section. Just praying Pip stays put in there for at least another 10 days so we can get house move out of the way and stuff organised. At least my hospital bag is almost packed bar a few little bits. We have also definitely decided on names; Charlie James or If Bumpitys right, Annie Elizabeth :)
our relator put in our bid yesterday at 2:30 after our prequalification and by 6:30 we got the call that our offer was accepted! So excited! Unfortunately between my excitement and LO's head spinning antics I could not fall asleep last night, then the contractions started and I was half trying to sleep and half waiting for the next one to come. I have slept only 45 minutes in 38 hours. Heading to bed soon. LO is putting so much pressure on my cervix and it's tough to walk without getting contractions but they ease up when I lay down. I don't want labor tonight, not like I should expect it with my track record. I need sleep! Good night ladies :)
It's just gone 4.30 and I've been up for just over an hour. Story of my life right now :( am full up with cold again, I'm blaming the whooping cough jab. I'm never ill and this is the second cold within a month.
Great news on the house PM, very exciting times for you.
Come on Roo! Have you had your 40 week appointment yet Loompy? Just wondered how far over they will let you go.
Cute names JJay!
Can you believe it.......after an afternoon of bh .......nothing again!
Got 40 week appt tomorrow. Very fed up now......COME ON ROO!
PM.....huge congratulations!
Jjay- I love the name Annie but dh said no because it doesn't go with our surname so looking like Elizabeth instead. Boys- James Michael or Thomas James!
JJAy : good luck with moving..

PM: Buying a home is so exciting but also nervewracking. ( So is moving) We will be looking at the end of this year. Need a bigger house to accomodate the grown children. In Hawaii, it's so expensive and adult/ college kids are expected to live at home.

Today, I felt weird with low low pelvic cramping. i got a massage which was so great. I also felt the need to stay closer to home. But nothing happened, for a while I was thinking I was in early labor. It just felt different. Guess not.
Hurray PM, great news on the house.

Lovely names Lindy :) both James and Thomas were on our short list!

Loompy good luck for your appointment tomorrow.

I am surprised there are no babies yet! I thought someone would end up with a January baby. I'm thinking Seity or Loompy first! - although they say you get an instinct to stay near home beforehand so maybe 3sisters is close?
So got up this morning and walked down stairs and suddenly felt a warm trickle down my leg! Said 'OMG I think my waters gone' and run to the toilet only to find my plug in my pyjama bottoms! Showed my DH who has told me he's never going to get over the sight of it, lol! Not as exciting as if my waters had gone but pleased things are heading in right direction :) I lost my plug over 2 weeks with my DS so I know it could be a long way yet but at least it means I hopefully won't go over......
I'm surprised too that we haven't had a baby between us yet:dohh:hopefully in the next few days somebody might have some news....
Ooooo Bumpity, some exciting news! Those BH must have been doing something :) keep us posted x
Ps I am laughing imagining your DHs face!
Ooh how exciting. Never lost mine I don't think. Without being too nosey, what would I be looking for?
Just booking a reflexology session. Will try almost anything now! Anyone tried it before?
Loompy, I found it was like ewcm but tinged with blood. I've not tried reflexology but know a lot of people who swear by it. Would be interested to hear how you get on. X
Yey things are moving on here... Slowly but surely. Our lo's must be nice and snug and content where they are. Xx
Haha, yes my DH hasn't got the strongest stomach. I never saw mine with the girls but have now had it with both the boys! Mines like a great big lump of thick jelly, much thicker and firmer than snot, sorry if TMI but looks similar in colour. You would know if you saw it, nothing like it should be seen coming out of there in any other situation, lol! No blood in mine but may have more to lose yet?!

I had reflexology with DS but it didn't start labour:( . Was a nice treat though :)

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