February 2013 babies

Yeah, I'm paying for my indulgence with tha clam cakes and chowder last night :dohh:. Spent an hour up and down between bed and the bathroom :sick: and thought I just might die. My stomach is so queasy I am grateful for the massive thunderstorms that have cancelled work, as I sit here and wonder what I can fill my stomach up with to stop this hunger pang. Despite the discomfort I suppose I'm at least grateful for the fact that it exists and find some reassurance in it.
I had a dream after I finally fell back to sleep, that my kids pediatrician did an u/s on me, and at first they could not find anything in my uterus, but then, there it was, a little baby with stumpy arms and legs and a fast flickering heartbeat. Had me in tears this morning :)
Aww, nice to dream about seeing the baby and all ok. I haven't had any dreams since the initial one telling me to test.
Roll on to Friday, so I can finally get my scan!
I don't have a scan scheduled, guess I have to look forward to 1st OB appt where they'll schedule one. 2 weeks 4 days away (tick. tock. tick. tock)
Don't you just hate the wait! My first midwife appointment is until the 6th, but the sonographer wasn't going to be there that day, so they scheduled my scan for this Friday. I have to say, I'm glad because I'm not sure I could have made it another week without losing my sanity completely. I've already broken out the doppler, but no luck yet. I even tested again on Saturday. I'm such a nut.
Don't you just hate the wait! My first midwife appointment is until the 6th, but the sonographer wasn't going to be there that day, so they scheduled my scan for this Friday. I have to say, I'm glad because I'm not sure I could have made it another week without losing my sanity completely. I've already broken out the doppler, but no luck yet. I even tested again on Saturday. I'm such a nut.

That made me giggle so much that you retested? I almost did the other day. No idea why...just felt like it. I have never used a Doppler at home before.
No idea when my scan is. Some time in August I presume.
I tested at 6 weeks too. :haha: I swore I wasn't going to test again before my scan :blush:
I wasn't feeling pregnant at all Saturday morning, so I panicked and took a test. It wasn't FMU, so while both lines were very dark the test line wasn't darker than the control like it was at 6 weeks, so I had to remind myself that it probably wasn't as concentrated and not let it bother me that it was lighter. Then that afternoon, I felt like total crap while making pasta salad for a party that evening. I think I let my blood sugar get too low, but I was very happy to feel like crap. Had some yogurt before the party and nibbled on some food at the party and felt better by the time we headed home.
Baby tiredness seems to have hit me tonight! Feel asleep after putting the little man to bed earlier - came downstairs, tidied up a little then sat down, next thing I know I was waking up. Not sure how long I was asleep for either!

Still haven't been to the doctor yet so got no idea when I'll get a scan. Got an appointment a week today so I'm going to ask about getting an early scan, given my recent history. Don't know if I'll get one as I've only had one mc but no harm in asking.
Hi Ladies,

As you may have noticed I haven't posted here for afew days. I have had a terrible weekend and coming back on here and reading through I see that I am not the only one.

Big hugs to marathongirl, sorry to hear your news :hugs: x

Hi to the new ladies. I too was spotting from Friday and on Saturday noticed that all my pregnancy symptoms had gone. I had a weird stabbing feeling on my left hand side. Really thought that my bean had died. Sunday the spotting eased off and in the eve I started to feel sick again. I got up on Monday feeling horrendously sick and discharge had gone beige, managed to get to the doctors who sent me up to the hospital for a scan. Well scan showed one 3.1mm embryo dating me 6weeks, 2 days behind my prediction with a heartbeat! Yay! It also showed a 5cm cyst on my left ovary, the cause of my pain. No reason for the bleeding. Very similar to the other lady on here, so please try not to worry.

Oh and now I feel rubbish. Just eaten a tuna melt while I have an appetite to make up for throwing my breakfast up,lol!

Had my booking in with my midwife this morn and she has to date me from my LMP, even though we know now I'm 6 weeks, on my details I'm 8 weeks! Well if they call me in for my 12 week scan in 4 weeks time I'll only be 10 weeks which will be too early for nuchal test. Will be a complete waste of everyone's time but it's procedure!
How scary Bumpity1. Glad everything turned out OK.
Hi Ladies,

As you may have noticed I haven't posted here for afew days. I have had a terrible weekend and coming back on here and reading through I see that I am not the only one.

Big hugs to marathongirl, sorry to hear your news :hugs: x

Hi to the new ladies. I too was spotting from Friday and on Saturday noticed that all my pregnancy symptoms had gone. I had a weird stabbing feeling on my left hand side. Really thought that my bean had died. Sunday the spotting eased off and in the eve I started to feel sick again. I got up on Monday feeling horrendously sick and discharge had gone beige, managed to get to the doctors who sent me up to the hospital for a scan. Well scan showed one 3.1mm embryo dating me 6weeks, 2 days behind my prediction with a heartbeat! Yay! It also showed a 5cm cyst on my left ovary, the cause of my pain. No reason for the bleeding. Very similar to the other lady on here, so please try not to worry.

Oh and now I feel rubbish. Just eaten a tuna melt while I have an appetite to make up for throwing my breakfast up,lol!

Had my booking in with my midwife this morn and she has to date me from my LMP, even though we know now I'm 6 weeks, on my details I'm 8 weeks! Well if they call me in for my 12 week scan in 4 weeks time I'll only be 10 weeks which will be too early for nuchal test. Will be a complete waste of everyone's time but it's procedure!

Congrats Bumpity! :yipee: for a good scan! I think my doc does neuchal scans at 16 weeks. Round about 3 weeks til I get my first scan (estimating becaue I can't schedule it til after my 1st OB appt July 13th) :nope:
I haven't posted to this thread in a few days. I was reading through and saw the posts of your heights/weights and I have to say that after reading those, I feel like a big old moo-cow. I'm a whopping 5'4" and weighing 120lbs on my home scale, but at the doc office will weigh at least 125. I always weigh more there, not sure why. I like to be 115, but the closer I creep to 40 the harder it has been for me to stay at the 115 mark. I had been fighting it before I got pregnant and now, wanting to eat absolutely everything in site, I am having a hard time maintaining at 120. I gained a lot of weight with my previous two pregnancies and don't want to this time, but it seems inevitable as I am so hungry all the time. Sigh.
I haven't posted to this thread in a few days. I was reading through and saw the posts of your heights/weights and I have to say that after reading those, I feel like a big old moo-cow. I'm a whopping 5'4" and weighing 120lbs on my home scale, but at the doc office will weigh at least 125. I always weigh more there, not sure why. I like to be 115, but the closer I creep to 40 the harder it has been for me to stay at the 115 mark. I had been fighting it before I got pregnant and now, wanting to eat absolutely everything in site, I am having a hard time maintaining at 120. I gained a lot of weight with my previous two pregnancies and don't want to this time, but it seems inevitable as I am so hungry all the time. Sigh.

Hitting 40 changed my metabolism, if not for diet change I'd have kept expanding. So at 5'5" and 124/126 I was never a moo-cow...you are so NOT a moo-cow, although like you I am starving my butt off all the time-it's a constant quest to stop the queasies. I expect to be huge if this continues. After my coconut comes out of the oven I'm going for a nice long walk. I haven't had any work since last week sometime, and I'm feeling bloated and blahhh. Best get off my @$$ and get mobile and set an active prescedence (sp?) for this pregnancy or my prediction will come true. I feel better once I've exercised (just been too darn tired!) With my DS (5) I went dancing twice a week and walked daily. I was walking 6-10 miles a day in my 9th month (esp when I was overdue), thanking God for a mild winter to that point that year. I can't let this pregnancy be any different, even if I feel ancient now.
how're you feeling Mrs T?

Great thanks!!! When I went to the ER on Saturday night, the doctor had told me my beta was 2868. She said to get a follow up test done in a couple days to make sure it was rising. My gynecologist wouldn't do a follow up beta test. He said it was unnecessary. Well I felt it was very necessary for my piece of mind! So I went back to the ER today and said I couldn't get in to see my doctor and asked if they would do a follow up test for me. They did and it was 5527!!! Yay! I feel much better. I am looking forward to my ultrasound Friday!

My spotting is barely there today. I tried something different with my progesterone suppositories. I read they can give you spotting and one lady mentioned a nurse told her to stop using the applicator. So as gross as it was, I just pushed it in last night and this morning and sure enough, my spotting is almost gone! Maybe when you use the applicator the suppository goes in too far and rubs against the cervix? I also heard about using them rectally but I am trying this first.

Thanks for always caring PerpetualMama. It makes me feel better knowing that we're all in this together. :)

How are you feeling today?
Yay Mrs T that's great news :) We dont test beta in the UK so I'm not 100% sure what the figures mean but an increase is always good!

Casper - you are not a moo-cow!! I'm not even going to let you know how much I weigh but your all lighter than me - by a good 20lbs I think. Haven't weighed myself for a while, & I'm only 5"4 so I should be lighter but hey ho! Rather concentrate on keeping my bean a sticky bean to concentrate on losing weight just now. Saying that I've got a stomach bug just now so barely eating anything at all last few days :(

How are you all feeling today? Well to be honest Ican't make up my mind if the rubbish feeling I have is a stomach bug or prey symptoms!
how're you feeling Mrs T?

Great thanks!!! When I went to the ER on Saturday night, the doctor had told me my beta was 2868. She said to get a follow up test done in a couple days to make sure it was rising. My gynecologist wouldn't do a follow up beta test. He said it was unnecessary. Well I felt it was very necessary for my piece of mind! So I went back to the ER today and said I couldn't get in to see my doctor and asked if they would do a follow up test for me. They did and it was 5527!!! Yay! I feel much better. I am looking forward to my ultrasound Friday!

My spotting is barely there today. I tried something different with my progesterone suppositories. I read they can give you spotting and one lady mentioned a nurse told her to stop using the applicator. So as gross as it was, I just pushed it in last night and this morning and sure enough, my spotting is almost gone! Maybe when you use the applicator the suppository goes in too far and rubs against the cervix? I also heard about using them rectally but I am trying this first.

Thanks for always caring PerpetualMama. It makes me feel better knowing that we're all in this together. :)

How are you feeling today?

Yay for almost doubling! and figuring out a possible reason for the spotting :)

AFM I am in a bad mental state. completely over the top with worry. Getting close to the time I lost the last one and achey twingey today so tp checking galore. On a funny note, I went in for my orientation for my ultrasound program last night and was damn near lusting over the u/s machines out of the corner of my eye :haha: I just wanted to lay down on the table and tell the teacher she could go right ahead and give the class a demonstration of what they're in for, :rofl:. But alas I did not. Another girl brought up that she found out last week she's pg so I chimed in "me too". If our beans stick we might get to be guinea pigs and get some free scans!! woot!
Wish I had one coming up...
Definitely not a moo-cow!
Those #'s looks good to me Mrs T. Good for you for going back and getting follow up #'s. We older ladies are no push overs!
I'm not happy with my weight. It's just not healthy for me and I would much prefer to be at least 125. I haven't been doing any exercise since finding out I was pregnant. I expect once I get my scan, I'll worry less and try and get back to doing something. I normally play ice hockey, won't be doing that this winter. I'll have to settle for just ice skating. I was able to ice skate right up till the end with my son and I'd like to start getting him out on the ice this year anyway.
Perpetual - I hope you get to be a guinea pig for the U/S machines. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun.
Definitely not a moo-cow!
Those #'s looks good to me Mrs T. Good for you for going back and getting follow up #'s. We older ladies are no push overs!
I'm not happy with my weight. It's just not healthy for me and I would much prefer to be at least 125. I haven't been doing any exercise since finding out I was pregnant. I expect once I get my scan, I'll worry less and try and get back to doing something. I normally play ice hockey, won't be doing that this winter. I'll have to settle for just ice skating. I was able to ice skate right up till the end with my son and I'd like to start getting him out on the ice this year anyway.
Perpetual - I hope you get to be a guinea pig for the U/S machines. That sounds like it could be a lot of fun.

Yeah it does :) and the teacher made continuing in the program despite the pregnancy seem so doable. I finally got excited again about starting in the fall
Yay Mrs T that's great news :) We dont test beta in the UK so I'm not 100% sure what the figures mean but an increase is always good!

Casper - you are not a moo-cow!! I'm not even going to let you know how much I weigh but your all lighter than me - by a good 20lbs I think. Haven't weighed myself for a while, & I'm only 5"4 so I should be lighter but hey ho! Rather concentrate on keeping my bean a sticky bean to concentrate on losing weight just now. Saying that I've got a stomach bug just now so barely eating anything at all last few days :(

How are you all feeling today? Well to be honest Ican't make up my mind if the rubbish feeling I have is a stomach bug or prey symptoms!

Thanks! Yeah as long as they are going up like this, it's great news! And I see now you are from Scotland. I have always wanted to go there! I want to spend the night in a haunted castle. :) My grandma was from Aberdeen. My grandpa was a Canadian soldier in WWII and he was stationed there. He met and married my grandma, they had their first two children and then moved to Canada. I hear it's so beautiful!
Hang in there PerpetualMama! And I would also be chompin' at the bit being so close to having access to those machines!!! :)

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