February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Ugghh I need to vent. I just had a bit of a frustrating mw appointment. I felt like I was being awkward when really I just wanted to have a voice and have the right to question things (GTT, the need for a consultant appointment and 20 week GP appointment) in my first pregnancy I did as I was told, so to speak but this time I feel like I want to take ownership of my care and I felt some resistance towards that.... Frustrating

Are you wanting to avoid consultant led care altogether ? You can request to see a different midwife if you feel that you aren't comfortable with the one caring for you just now! It's ultimately your choice what level of care you want ! :hugs:

She referred me for consultant led care last time and they passed me back to midwife led so I don't get why I need to see them this time. Plus the clinics never run on time and I can't expect my husband to just take time off all the time to either come with me or look after DS for something that isn't entirely necessary. Ugghh! Am I just being a whinge bag? Honesty allowed... Haha
Ugghh I need to vent. I just had a bit of a frustrating mw appointment. I felt like I was being awkward when really I just wanted to have a voice and have the right to question things (GTT, the need for a consultant appointment and 20 week GP appointment) in my first pregnancy I did as I was told, so to speak but this time I feel like I want to take ownership of my care and I felt some resistance towards that.... Frustrating

Are you wanting to avoid consultant led care altogether ? You can request to see a different midwife if you feel that you aren't comfortable with the one caring for you just now! It's ultimately your choice what level of care you want ! :hugs:

She referred me for consultant led care last time and they passed me back to midwife led so I don't get why I need to see them this time. Plus the clinics never run on time and I can't expect my husband to just take time off all the time to either come with me or look after DS for something that isn't entirely necessary. Ugghh! Am I just being a whinge bag? Honesty allowed... Haha

You're pregnant ! You're allowed to whinge :haha: I've been the opposite in this pregnancy and struggled to even get booked in never mind see a consultant and I'm pretty up there on the high risk list ! What about seeing midwives and birthing at a birthing centre so you can avoid too much medical intervention :hugs:
When we were lying in bed the other night I was lying on my side and felt some pretty good kicks . So I got the giggles and hubby was wondering what was going on , so I told him to slide his hand between my belly and the mattress . Baby obligingly gave another good boot and he just managed to feel it :cloud9: . I doubt he'd have felt it in any other position and it just so happened babies feet were kicking that way !!!! Since then the little monkey has been very quiet . Couldn't find it on the Doppler last night but can feel slight movements so I'm not too worried .
My kicks are starting to get stronger too. I am pretty sure if I was touching I could feel a little thump. DH has yet to feel anything but we don't seem to be together when baby wants to get his groove on in there.

I have noticed that my stomach must be getting squished because I am getting so full after a few bites but I need to eat more frequently now.
Anyone else get achey low in their bump when sitting or lying with your knees together ? I either have to have my legs scissored or a pillow between them at the top . Bizarre !!!!
I get cramps on my left side while laying down and the same cramps when standing up too quickly. It feels like a pulled muscle right above my left hip bone and moves toward the side of my belly going to my groin area. It's not a pleasant feeling lol

I took the first bump photo yesterday. I'm 19 weeks and one day today. I accidentally deleted photo bucket off my phone though and when I tried to reinstall it my phone says that I don't have enough space anymore so I'll have to delete some things and try again. I have a bump now but the problem is though I don't know which one is getting bigger my belly or my bum lol

At my last appointment on the 5th we tried so hard to see the gender of this baby but baby wouldn't be still long enough for us to get a clear view so I go back on the 26th for the anatomy scan so we'll try again then to see what this little baby is going to be.

The Dr says this baby is constantly moving and I'm starting to feel him/her a lot more. Dh likes to lay his head lightly on my belly and get him/her to kick, punch, roll or whatever she/he is doing in there. It's the sweetest thing. The older kids like to "play with the baby" too. I love that they are all happy but when I'm busy cleaning or doing something I don't want to stop for them to find the baby and get a few kicks and then go about their way. Does that make me selfish? I do feel bad for getting aggravated sometimes so I'm just wondering if I'm the only one?
I have been having the worst cramps the last 3 days!! I do not know if it is a tummy bug or things going on in there. They seem to be settling down so that is good at least.

Hopfl4bbynbr4- I am definitely showing now too. It is hard to tell what is what at this stage. For the most part I think the bulk of mine seems to be baby. I cannot feel baby yet from the outside. That is cool that you can!! My movement still seems to be pretty deep. He's probably at a bad angle.
No movements for me at the moment :( 17+1 over here but can hear my belly rumbling like I'm hungry :lol:

With my first I didn't feel anything until 20+ weeks since my placenta was anterior! I think I'm having another anterior this time too :( and also because I'm fat it doesn't help either :lol:

So close to Wednesday I can almost taste it! Can't wait to finally know what we're having and perfect timing too! Asda have a baby and toddler event on!! And with my staff discount too! Be rude not to ;)
I'm finally feeling definite movement! Still no level 2 ultrasound scheduled.. I have a midwife appointment tomorrow and will talk to them then...

However I got pretty exciting news this morning. I won a 3D/4D scan at a local 'fun' ultrasound place! It's scheduled for November so we can get some good pictures.
Hey ladies I don't have much to report but just wanted to drop in and say hello :hugs: I still have the odd moment of nausea . Migraines are still making me feel pretty crappy. Sleeping is getting interesting as I'm a front sleeper and have a little bump now so I'm trying to find comfy positions. Other than that I feel great :haha::haha::haha:
No movements for me either. I have always been like this, having so much fats in the tummy area makes it difficult for me to feel movements even after 20 weeks. Anyway, I have the worst heartburn ever, I have had them since week 10. It's getting worse by the day. I am now on maxxed dose Gaviscon, Tums, and Zantac. My GP is of no help, just said bare with it.. I am trying to schedule an OBgyn meeting to get some script for something. This happened to all my pregnancies, but this is time it happened much earlier and it is really like hell. I am afraid for my teeth, I have so much acid reflux esp at night.
I'm feeling lots of movements now. I've started 3rd year and just finished my intensive, so I'm exhausted and not really ready to start doing 12-hour L&D shifts. My anatomy scan is on Friday, anyone else? I'm nervous for some reason, which is weird considering I skipped this scan with my second!

I'm also experiencing very intense round ligament pain!
I work 12.5 hour shifts. Make sure you have had a risk assessment done and see if you can split your breaks into smaller chunks. That's how I got through with my last pregnancy.

I'm feeling lots of movements now. I've started 3rd year and just finished my intensive, so I'm exhausted and not really ready to start doing 12-hour L&D shifts. My anatomy scan is on Friday, anyone else? I'm nervous for some reason, which is weird considering I skipped this scan with my second!

I'm also experiencing very intense round ligament pain!
Feronia - My anatomy scan is Thursday! I am extremely excited for it!

AFM - Feeling lots of movement, in the mornings at work. Then baby is pretty quiet for the rest of the day.
I am trying so hard to get healthy balanced meals in, but I find I am so exhausted after work that I just want to lay down. Hoping to get some protein packed lunched planned for the rest of the week.
I've had some definate popping and had my mum feel really hard and she felt vibration jist slightly where I felt the pop as did oh so going that's him on the move
I had a surprise anatomy scan today... baby went from measuring 2 days behind to measuring 2 days ahead.

They finally scheduled my level 2 but I have to reschedule as the time doesn't work for us.

It was nice getting to see the baby today! Still didn't get any really great pictures. A couple straight on face shots, but no really good profile pic. She also said she *thinks* baby is a girl, but once again baby wouldn't cooperate.
Had my sexing scan this morning (17+3) and can now officially say were team pink!! :pink: Little madam is a fidget bottom just like her daddy! Everything is perfect!

I did think she was going to be another boy, But sonographer said it was umbilical cord! When she did eventually move we got a look at the 3 lines which she cheerfully declared is a sure sign we have a girl on board :D

My son has guessed the baby sex correctly all the way through! Kids a genius :lol:
A week today till gender scan. I'm actually really nervous for it. Dunno why!
Feeling baby move more and more everyday now. Best feeling ever!
I work 12.5 hour shifts. Make sure you have had a risk assessment done and see if you can split your breaks into smaller chunks. That's how I got through with my last pregnancy.

Thanks! What's involved in a risk assessment? I'm not sure exactly what I can arrange considering I have a preceptor and have to go to 10 of her shifts.
Had my anatomy scan yesterday. Baby looks perfect. He's breech tho, dancing on my bladder all day eeek

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