February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

We've got loads baby bath bouncer play mat clothes done 0-3,3-6 and 6-9 months as we won't have a lot of money when I got in matnernity. Some nappies but need to get more steriliser breast bump bottles Moses basket sheets and big box of wipes. I have a free stroller from my friend to use for when he's bigger.

We still need the car seat, cot bed, mattress, changing chest of drawers and need to decorate his room. My familyu are getting the pram and Moses basket.

My oh has 3 weeks left of holidays until he's here I have two but taking time before I go off on matbernity so he's going to decorate room one week and then put up the crib etc the next one so by December we are ready for him we think :) so we can enjoy Xmas and that I can chill do things like wash all the clothes we got second hand wipe everything down and just have some me time bliss!

Our cottage is over a hundred years old so the layout is s little strange . We have two bedrooms upstairs , one at either side at top of staircase . The third bedroom is downstairs . Our girls go in one room upstairs , we're in the other . Baby will be in with us for at least six month (or until mostly sleeping through the night) . Then we'll move to the downstairs bedroom. :hugs:
I love "old style" cottages!!!!

Baby will be in our room but we have two spares and our room is the middle one. We are going to give him the smaller room for now just as the bigger one has furniture in it that wouldn't fit in the smaller room
We have tons from DS1, I am actually not even sure what we still need.

DS1 is growing like a weed so I feel like each week we are buying him new clothes, hoping he starts to fit into some of the hand-me-downs he received.

How is everyone feeling, I had cramping all morning, but I am sure it is due to stress as this weekend was an emotional one, hoping to take it easy after work today and relax.

We posted my position today at work my maternity leave, hoping to get someone in here by the end of October! 4 Months until my due date! Wow - Time is flying by.
We have our crib from dd1 at my parents, but no mattress... and we have a glider that FIL bought us. We also have a bouncer from DD1 and we bought a couple dozen flat diapers (but no covers)
We are paying lawyers fees right now, until early November. Then we can baby shop! And Christmas shop... and birthday shop for DD1 lol.

I think we've agreed on Annemarie/Annmarie for her name... not 100% though. I'm also not sure which spelling I like better... Hmm...
How is everyone feeling, I had cramping all morning, but I am sure it is due to stress as this weekend was an emotional one, hoping to take it easy after work today and relax.

We posted my position today at work my maternity leave, hoping to get someone in here by the end of October! 4 Months until my due date! Wow - Time is flying by.

I have been having very bad pressure pains along the bottom of my bump. It feels so heavy. I am a little crampy here and there but nothing concerning. It has just mostly been that pressure/pain down low.

My position is so difficult to fill that I have to complete all my work for the school year by the time I leave. I am hopefully going to have it done by Christmas break and then have January to catch up on any loose ends. I will be back in April and May for any last minute things before summer break so I am not terribly worried.
I've made a start in shopping. The main things I need to buy are the rumble seat for my Uppa baby and a new toddler bed for DS so baby can use existing nursery furniture. Have got tons of pink clothes already 🙈
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

:hugs: I hope everything continues to look good. That is so so scary.
I've made a start in shopping. The main things I need to buy are the rumble seat for my Uppa baby and a new toddler bed for DS so baby can use existing nursery furniture. Have got tons of pink clothes already 🙈

I am like fully in decorating mode.. I went to the store last night and found the exact color in a can of mismatched paint that I needed for her furniture so my mom is going to work on that this weekend. I have the prints I want picked out so just waiting to order them.

We are going shopping Monday for some clothes and other baby items so that will be fun.
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

Oh no that's exactly what I was like! Did they scan you? Mine was from the placenta and I've thankfully had no more bleeding since. Fingers crossed all is ok xxx
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

Oh no that's exactly what I was like! Did they scan you? Mine was from the placenta and I've thankfully had no more bleeding since. Fingers crossed all is ok xxx

No scan. They did a pelvic exam, checked my cervix and listened to her heartbeat. I have my level 2 on Monday; I'm hoping to find out more information then. I also see my regular midwife on Wednesday so hopefully we will get some more solid answers. They think it was caused by sex, but I've never had that much bleeding after DTD. It was terrifying. Luckily it has stopped now.
I haven't been able to get on here for a while. We bought a house and I've pretty much had to move us by myself over the past month (dh came after work to get the big stuff I couldn't get by myself with my dad to help him) but now we are completely moved and settled in to the new house and I love it!
I had my anatomy scan last week. We're having a BOY! I wanted a girl the whole time but on the day of the reveal I started to really want another boy and that's what we're having so I'm happy and excited about having another lil boy 😊
I have to go back on November 1st for another ultrasound because he is breech. The Dr said not to worry because they usually turn themselves so hopefully when I go back he won't be breech anymore. Although I know he is still breech right now because I still feel his kicks very low right above my pelvic bone. We also couldn't see his heart or face because of the position he was in and he was not moving very much at all no matter what we tried to get him to move. The technician said he was probably asleep because he would move a little but not move his body lol so hopefully when I go back I'll get to see his sweet face and make sure everything is OK with his heart. The Dr said she didn't see any need for concern because he looks healthy and is already above average on his weight (at 21 weeks exactly he weighed a pound. She said he is a few ounces above average which is fine)
I also have to do the glucose test at the next appointment which I'm not looking forward to. That stuff is gross lol

I hope all is well with everyone and I'll go back and catch up with everyone!
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

Oh no how scary :hugs:. I'm glad they said all was well . Keep us updated on the situation though :hugs: xxx
I haven't been able to get on here for a while. We bought a house and I've pretty much had to move us by myself over the past month (dh came after work to get the big stuff I couldn't get by myself with my dad to help him) but now we are completely moved and settled in to the new house and I love it!
I had my anatomy scan last week. We're having a BOY! I wanted a girl the whole time but on the day of the reveal I started to really want another boy and that's what we're having so I'm happy and excited about having another lil boy 😊
I have to go back on November 1st for another ultrasound because he is breech. The Dr said not to worry because they usually turn themselves so hopefully when I go back he won't be breech anymore. Although I know he is still breech right now because I still feel his kicks very low right above my pelvic bone. We also couldn't see his heart or face because of the position he was in and he was not moving very much at all no matter what we tried to get him to move. The technician said he was probably asleep because he would move a little but not move his body lol so hopefully when I go back I'll get to see his sweet face and make sure everything is OK with his heart. The Dr said she didn't see any need for concern because he looks healthy and is already above average on his weight (at 21 weeks exactly he weighed a pound. She said he is a few ounces above average which is fine)
I also have to do the glucose test at the next appointment which I'm not looking forward to. That stuff is gross lol

I hope all is well with everyone and I'll go back and catch up with everyone!

Nice to see you back ! Glad the house went well and yay for team blue !!
I haven't been able to get on here for a while. We bought a house and I've pretty much had to move us by myself over the past month (dh came after work to get the big stuff I couldn't get by myself with my dad to help him) but now we are completely moved and settled in to the new house and I love it!
I had my anatomy scan last week. We're having a BOY! I wanted a girl the whole time but on the day of the reveal I started to really want another boy and that's what we're having so I'm happy and excited about having another lil boy 😊
I have to go back on November 1st for another ultrasound because he is breech. The Dr said not to worry because they usually turn themselves so hopefully when I go back he won't be breech anymore. Although I know he is still breech right now because I still feel his kicks very low right above my pelvic bone. We also couldn't see his heart or face because of the position he was in and he was not moving very much at all no matter what we tried to get him to move. The technician said he was probably asleep because he would move a little but not move his body lol so hopefully when I go back I'll get to see his sweet face and make sure everything is OK with his heart. The Dr said she didn't see any need for concern because he looks healthy and is already above average on his weight (at 21 weeks exactly he weighed a pound. She said he is a few ounces above average which is fine)
I also have to do the glucose test at the next appointment which I'm not looking forward to. That stuff is gross lol

I hope all is well with everyone and I'll go back and catch up with everyone!

My DS was Breech until about 2 weeks before I delivered, baby can flip around multiple times between now and then. :) Congrats on joining Team Blue and on the purchase of your new home!
I feel like we haven't been home at all this week, I have been with my cousins helping plan and prepare one of our cousins funerals, so it has been an emotionally exhausting week and trying to eat healthy and rest this week has been a challenge. Thankfully the baby is moving a ton which helps us stay positive and focused.
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to any of the other Canadian Moms here :)
We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

Oh no that's exactly what I was like! Did they scan you? Mine was from the placenta and I've thankfully had no more bleeding since. Fingers crossed all is ok xxx

No scan. They did a pelvic exam, checked my cervix and listened to her heartbeat. I have my level 2 on Monday; I'm hoping to find out more information then. I also see my regular midwife on Wednesday so hopefully we will get some more solid answers. They think it was caused by sex, but I've never had that much bleeding after DTD. It was terrifying. Luckily it has stopped now.

At least everything seems ok. Take it bleeding has stopped? Most likely would of been from dtd. They wanted to examine to and check cervix but when dr came she said it was far too risky because my placenta is so low.
Thank you Nordic, and Hopeful.
Hopeful, everyone keeps telling me that he will probably turn at the last minute. I hope so! This is our 4th baby but I've never had a breech baby and never had a C-section so it's scary to think about. My mom had 3 sections because my brother (her first born) was breech so she had to have a section with my sister and I too. All this feels so new to me because even though I have 3 children already, it's been 10 years since my youngest was born and now that I'm a little older, I feel like I appreciate it more. Not that I didn't appreciate the first 3 it's just now I'm way more aware of everything going on with myself and him. I think he turned last night because I was feeling him kick way up high by my ribs almost and I have only felt him kick really low like right above my pelvic bone. Today he's really active and kicking and rolling around right in the middle. I wish I could see in there and see what position he's in so I'll know for sure where he's at when I feel him in different positions lol I'm just so anxious to see his sweet face on the next ultrasound lol

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