February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

We spent last night at the ER/L&D. I was bleeding pretty badly (not gushing, but like a period) and passed a clot. They said everything appears to be okay, but to follow up with my midwife on Wednesday and pelvic rest at least until then.

Oh no that's exactly what I was like! Did they scan you? Mine was from the placenta and I've thankfully had no more bleeding since. Fingers crossed all is ok xxx

No scan. They did a pelvic exam, checked my cervix and listened to her heartbeat. I have my level 2 on Monday; I'm hoping to find out more information then. I also see my regular midwife on Wednesday so hopefully we will get some more solid answers. They think it was caused by sex, but I've never had that much bleeding after DTD. It was terrifying. Luckily it has stopped now.

At least everything seems ok. Take it bleeding has stopped? Most likely would of been from dtd. They wanted to examine to and check cervix but when dr came she said it was far too risky because my placenta is so low.

They asked me if my placenta was low. I told them I didn't know if it was, but no one had mentioned it to me. I'm going to ask more at my ultrasound on Monday.

Just some very lightly tinged cm this morning and yesterday.
Hope everyone is doing okay

Hey , doing great over here ! Had my first slightly swollen ankles yesterday , but had a lazy day . So went for a 2 mile walk in the evening . I felt so much better :hugs: How are you feeling ? Is baby getting a wiggle pattern yet ? Mine is still sporadic , but I think it's due to anterior placenta . As when I listen with doppler it's like baby is playing drums there is so much movement noise :haha:
Aww nitric that's great!

He was really kicking last night about 9pm so I hope he does it again tonight :)
Hope everyone is doing okay

Doing okay here. Both DS and I have a cold so just relaxing. I've been cleaning out the nursery bit by bit so I'm excited to get that going. I reassembled the crib yesterday so just need to wash it up when i feel better.

I've been feeling baby a bit this morning. She has herself in a weird spot as the thumps are pretty low. I can't wait until I get a consistent pattern for her.
Stormynights, wow, they absolutely should not have done a vaginal exam if they were unsure whether your placenta was low! The protocol is to rule out placenta previa before ever doing a VE otherwise you risk rupturing vessels in the placenta and making it a lot worse. The two concerning things with bleeding at this point are placenta previa and placenta abruption. Placenta previa bleeding is painless, like a period, and your uterus is soft, whereas placenta abruption bleeding is usually mild to severe and your uterus is hard.

The other potential causes are infection, possibly a late-diagnosed subchorionic hematoma, and cervical lacerations. I'm just so surprised they did a VE before ruling out placenta previa.

And breech babies are sooooo incredibly common at 22 weeks that they shouldn't have even mentioned it or sent you for a follow up based on that alone, we wouldn't even expect them to be head down until 34 weeks.
Stormynights, wow, they absolutely should not have done a vaginal exam if they were unsure whether your placenta was low! The protocol is to rule out placenta previa before ever doing a VE otherwise you risk rupturing vessels in the placenta and making it a lot worse. The two concerning things with bleeding at this point are placenta previa and placenta abruption. Placenta previa bleeding is painless, like a period, and your uterus is soft, whereas placenta abruption bleeding is usually mild to severe and your uterus is hard.

The other potential causes are infection, possibly a late-diagnosed subchorionic hematoma, and cervical lacerations. I'm just so surprised they did a VE before ruling out placenta previa.

And breech babies are sooooo incredibly common at 22 weeks that they shouldn't have even mentioned it or sent you for a follow up based on that alone, we wouldn't even expect them to be head down until 34 weeks.

She said my cervix feels perfect. Whatever that means. I remember at my very first appointment (a different midwife I only saw that one time) had said something about my cervix... but I can't remember what it was. Basically that it bled easily for some reason... because I was having faint spotting then after intercourse, and her checking me made me bleed again. No bleeding since. I'm hoping to find out more answers on Monday.
Have any of you had the lower back contractions? I haven't with any of my first 3 and I've never gone into labor on my own. I've always been induced. Anyway, tonight I have been having lower back pain on the left side that comes and goes. It lasts about 15-20 minutes then stops. It's happened twice. Is this a contraction? I know I should know by now with this being my 4th baby and I feel silly by asking but this pregnancy is so different from the others so I don't know. Maybe it's just from being so busy with moving to a new house? If I keep experiencing this I'll call my Dr and see what they say but I'm wondering if this could possibly be a contraction or just my body telling me to slow down and relax a little bit.
Have any of you had the lower back contractions? I haven't with any of my first 3 and I've never gone into labor on my own. I've always been induced. Anyway, tonight I have been having lower back pain on the left side that comes and goes. It lasts about 15-20 minutes then stops. It's happened twice. Is this a contraction? I know I should know by now with this being my 4th baby and I feel silly by asking but this pregnancy is so different from the others so I don't know. Maybe it's just from being so busy with moving to a new house? If I keep experiencing this I'll call my Dr and see what they say but I'm wondering if this could possibly be a contraction or just my body telling me to slow down and relax a little bit.

When I was in labour with DD I had horrendous back contractions. I didn't realise until she was in my arms that she'd been back to back.
I've had a lovely weekend, drove up to Aberystwyth Thursday to see OH (he's in uni here) and he's coming back to Cardiff with me this morning (when I manage to drag him out of bed! Supposed to be leaving in 15 mins and he's still snoring :haha:) we're going to a nearly new baby sale, and to do some shopping :) then Tuesday we have our 20 week scan :cloud9:
Baby has been pretty active, but seems to have settled into a bit of a routine now, she's particularly active between 9-10pm. OH felt her kick for the first time this weekend, and now he won't leave my belly alone :haha: :haha: he does sometimes think he's felt a movement when I haven't felt anything, but I've just nodded and smiled :blush: :haha:
Maybe gas Lucie your oh felt but I'd nod anyway too lol!

Hopfl I've had this. I asked my midwife mine seems to come if I'm not feeling a lot of movement-she thinks he's probably turned around so the niggles I get are him moving.

He's active also at 9-10pm at night. I got myself a Doppler and although it's not one with a gel so ts not great he kicked it last night the Doppler went flying off my tummy. I'm getting "tickled" when I sit so I'm presuming that's him but I go to bed early because I love to watch stuff on Netflix in my iPad so I'm lying sort of flat and he goes for it. Amazing!
Have any of you had the lower back contractions? I haven't with any of my first 3 and I've never gone into labor on my own. I've always been induced. Anyway, tonight I have been having lower back pain on the left side that comes and goes. It lasts about 15-20 minutes then stops. It's happened twice. Is this a contraction? I know I should know by now with this being my 4th baby and I feel silly by asking but this pregnancy is so different from the others so I don't know. Maybe it's just from being so busy with moving to a new house? If I keep experiencing this I'll call my Dr and see what they say but I'm wondering if this could possibly be a contraction or just my body telling me to slow down and relax a little bit.

Definitely listen to your body . Any concerns no matter how tiny call your MAU. It's always better to be safe than sorry. I'm on the sofa today as have period pain aches and my back hurts . I'm thinking it's just achey stretchy ligaments as baby is on a growth spurt now and my uterus is starting to get much heavier. I can feel baby doing a fair bit of river dancing so I'm not too worried. :hugs:

P's try some paracetamol and a heat pack on your back. Or a nice deep bath :hugs:
Nordic, I took some Tylenol and it seemed to help a little. I also soaked in a warm (not hot) bath and just relaxed for the rest of the night. It's completely stopped now and he's moving a lot today so I'm sure everything is fine now. If it happens again I'll definitely call my Dr and see what she says about it. Thank you for the advice 😊
Nordic, I took some Tylenol and it seemed to help a little. I also soaked in a warm (not hot) bath and just relaxed for the rest of the night. It's completely stopped now and he's moving a lot today so I'm sure everything is fine now. If it happens again I'll definitely call my Dr and see what she says about it. Thank you for the advice ��

It's such a worry isn't it . I don't remember being on edge as much with previous pregnancies as I am with this baby. I've not bled since 11 weeks yet still find myself checking every bit of tp after going for a pee in case of blood or unusual discharge:haha: . Don't get me wrong I'm not totally stressing out but I definitely think twice about twinges etc this time around . I'll be glad when my csec day arrives , until then here's hoping for plain sailing, for All of us :hugs::hugs::hugs:
:hugs: have a great week ladies :hugs:

P's I braved the scales this morning . 4 lb weight gain since August 21st , and I'd put on 4-5 lb since my BFP (pesky morning sickness making me graze :haha:!!!) So it's giving me a gain of 8-9 lb at the halfway mark ! :hugs:
I am sitting at 9 lbs too. I'd like to try to say I'm trying but at this point I just feel terrible most of the time and I am happy to just eat something I can tolerate.

I have my fetal echo today. They saw nothing at my 20 week scan but I'm still a touch nervous.
I've been piling on the weight! With my first pregnancy I could hardly eat because I had bad sickness. This time, I can't stop eating! I went to greggs for a breakfast bap this morning, and was saying how hungry I was, and the lovely lady gave me 5 sausages instead of 3 :blush: on my booking appointment 3 weeks ago I was 46kg. Today I'm 49 :blush: :haha:
Yep I've gained :/. Was 9st 8 now 10st 3lbs. Wee fatty :(
I've been piling on the weight! With my first pregnancy I could hardly eat because I had bad sickness. This time, I can't stop eating! I went to greggs for a breakfast bap this morning, and was saying how hungry I was, and the lovely lady gave me 5 sausages instead of 3 :blush: on my booking appointment 3 weeks ago I was 46kg. Today I'm 49 :blush: :haha:

You're quite petite though aren't you ? It's healthy for you to gain a little extra :hugs::hugs: . I love steak bakes from greggs :haha: xxxx
Nordic I probably weigh more each week I can't resist sweet treats right now :(
Nordic I probably weigh more each week I can't resist sweet treats right now :(

I've not got any particular cravings , they change week to week , or even day to day . Just now it's rice crispies with very cold milk and ice cold water :haha:

Ooh I forgot to say , I could see bumplet kicking last night , it was so cool :cloud9:

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