February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Just remember, everything on ultrasound looks like a penis to the untrained eye. :haha:
Oh, that's a bit heartbreaking. We're also team yellow, during my anomaly scan, when I got so dizzy and had to cut the scan short, I think I have seen a glimpse of something, but could just be a chord, besides was not really sure what the tech was doing at that time and I was just trying to catch my breath. Oh well, team yellow it is!

We opted to stay team yellow . However, baby decided to move and flash us whilst the tech was measuring the femur . I'm pretty sure of what I thought I saw :dohh: . She did move it away very quickly so it was a fleeting glimpse. Definitely not the techs fault , I feel a bit disheartened though , not at what I thought I saw but that I am going to miss that moment at birth . Not going to buy any definite gender specific clothing just in case .:haha:

I don't mind what we have , Hubby isn't fussed either (although I think deep down he'd like a boy to even the score as it's a house full of girls , me and the two girlie's , three female dogs , the horse is a boy so he has that :haha:!!!)
It's v day! Sooo happy to have made it this far ❤ I can't wait to finally be able to get to hold him and see his sweet face.

Does anyone else live in the states in the south? I live in south Alabama and it's HOT! I can't wait for the cooler weather.
It's v day! Sooo happy to have made it this far ❤ I can't wait to finally be able to get to hold him and see his sweet face.

Does anyone else live in the states in the south? I live in south Alabama and it's HOT! I can't wait for the cooler weather.

Congrats on vday!
Congrats to the ladies that have reached V - day :hugs:

My bump is pretty decent size for my gestation , fourth baby I guess , but is anyone else on at least baby three , and feel like their uterus is massive :haha: . All of a sudden I feel very pregnant . Baby's kicks rarely go unnoticed now and I can feel him/her rolling around , it makes me feel a little queasy :haha: :sick:
I'm only on baby 2 and I feel gigantic in comparison. I think it doesn't help that I am very achy and uncomfortable.
So nice to see all the beautiful baby pics. Sorry Nordic that your baby flashed you but I would take it with a grain of salt, it's hard to see anything.

Hopfl4bbynbr4- I live in Florida, so I know what you mean. I would give anything for a cold blast. I'm currently in California for work and... it's hot here! Yesterday it was 92. So disappointing!

I'm not sure when exactly v-day is for me, but I'm holding off celebrating until 24 weeks (Sunday) because my hospital doesn't take preemies in the NICU until then. I had DS in the same hospital, and that's where I want to have this little guy.

I'm not one to love pregnancy- it's a bit inconvenient, sometimes interesting, but generally I'm just excited for it to be done with. However, the past couple of days I've been getting sentimental about feeling bubs kick, sad that this is the last time I'm feel little flutters in my belly. Our max is 2, we didn't even know if we wanted 2, let nature take it's course and I was pregnant with the first shot. But now I'm becoming very attached to this little fella. With DS I didn't let my hopes get too high because of past problems. This little dude is going to be so spoilt, I see it already.
We got a cold front up in Oklahoma. The high is 69 today.

I'm also feeling sentimental about feeling a baby in my tummy again. Growing up I always wanted 2 children, but when we had DD she got really sick as a newborn and we almost lost her. We decided that we were probably only going to have the one then as we didn't want to go through all that again... but the baby fever bit us hard and we changed our minds. This will be our last baby though. Unless we accidentally get pregnant... but it hasn't happened in the 6 years since DD1, so I don't think it'll be hard to avoid. :)
So nice to see all the beautiful baby pics. Sorry Nordic that your baby flashed you but I would take it with a grain of salt, it's hard to see anything.

Hopfl4bbynbr4- I live in Florida, so I know what you mean. I would give anything for a cold blast. I'm currently in California for work and... it's hot here! Yesterday it was 92. So disappointing!

I'm not sure when exactly v-day is for me, but I'm holding off celebrating until 24 weeks (Sunday) because my hospital doesn't take preemies in the NICU until then. I had DS in the same hospital, and that's where I want to have this little guy.

I'm not one to love pregnancy- it's a bit inconvenient, sometimes interesting, but generally I'm just excited for it to be done with. However, the past couple of days I've been getting sentimental about feeling bubs kick, sad that this is the last time I'm feel little flutters in my belly. Our max is 2, we didn't even know if we wanted 2, let nature take it's course and I was pregnant with the first shot. But now I'm becoming very attached to this little fella. With DS I didn't let my hopes get too high because of past problems. This little dude is going to be so spoilt, I see it already.

Vday is 24 weeks . Most hospitals won't take babies before then unless they are really making an effort to breathe and cry. Even then some still won't . The one I'm at won't in any circumstances though. Anyway .........

Yeah it was a pretty clear flash lol , however I'm not acting on it ! Still buying neutral :haha::cloud9:
It also depends on the level of hospital. Some preemies at 22-23 weeks make it, but they have a lot of extra help. A level 3 hospital is going to have a lot more capabilities in supporting preemies under 24 weeks compared to a level 1 hospital, which has zero and only supports term babies.
It also depends on the level of hospital. Some preemies at 22-23 weeks make it, but they have a lot of extra help. A level 3 hospital is going to have a lot more capabilities in supporting preemies under 24 weeks compared to a level 1 hospital, which has zero and only supports term babies.

The town I'm near now isn't very big so doesn't have the biggest NICU resources . The hospital where i had my DD was a huge university hospital so had the facilities to look after micro preemies.
Nordic, I'm on baby number 4. With my first three children I gained so much weight. 80 the first, 60 the second and 80 pounds the third time. This time though I'm now 24 weeks and have only gained 8 pounds! With that said, I still feel huge! My bump is different from morning to night. In the morning I'm still a little smaller but then by the time I go to bed my bump is massive. This pregnancy is so different for me. Everyone keeps saying I'm all baby but I guess they don't notice my massive thighs, arms, and bum like I do lol My Mom did tell me yesterday though that I'm finally starting to get big lol

Xanz, here in Alabama we finally got a "cold front" so yesterday it was about 90 and when dh and the kids went to work and school this morning it was 50ish outside! I went out to sit on the swing and enjoy the cooler weather while letting the dog play. It was lovely. Unfortunately though it'll warm up again soon so I'll be back to burning up again 😑

My next appointment is getting closer and I'm getting nervous about having another ultrasound. On the last one, the technician couldn't see baby's heart very well or his face because of the position he was in so I'm worried there could be something wrong with his heart or something. Is it normal for the Dr to want a follow up if they can't see the heart very well even though we did get a heart rate of 145? I guess I'm just being paranoid but I keep thinking maybe they thought something was wrong and just didn't want to tell me? We will also be checking to see if he's still breech and doing the glucose test at the same appointment.
Geez- we are having nice weather and our high is in the 60s. :haha: Our cold front is due Friday with rain and 40s. :/

It is very normal to follow up, especially with the heart. I had to follow up for my son's spine because they couldn't get a good shot.
Hopfl- I think it's normal. They just want to be able to check everything. The tech last time had a hard time getting images of all 4 chambers of the heart , even though at times you could see all 4 chambers clearly. She spent quite a bit of time bruising me and the doctor checked it again once she was done.

I just saw that next week it is getting down to 69 degrees and I was giddy. I used to live up north and I miss the fall so much. I'm one of those Floridians that not-so-secretly wish that I lived up north and probably will move back one day.
Thank you Krissie and Xanz. I guess I'm just worried about it. I'll be happy to see him again though 😊❤

I have lived in the south my whole life so I don't think I would survive living somewhere where it actually snows lol I hate the cold! I'll freeze haha I like it a little cooler than it has been but I don't want it below 50ish lol dh freezes me at night with the ac on all the time so I can only imagine what it would be like if it actually snowed here in south Alabama. I'm in Mobile so I'm pretty close to the gulf so even our winter is fairly warm every year.
I would love to move to a warmer climate. We have killer summers (weeks over 100) and then cold winters. Our snowfall isn't terrible usually. But last year we ended up with massive amounts. We were out of school 8 days!!! I would just like somewhere with a nice temperate climate all year. But for now I am stuck in this high elevation desert. :dohh:
It's so common to have missed views on ultrasounds! If there is something wrong they write it in the report and you are told right away, and missed views do not mean something is wrong. People are always offered follow up scans for missed views here unless it is something very minor.
Hi everyone! I have been MIA for a while, work has been insanely crazy and that is where I usually log into this site, instead of at home.

So I used to have the username TTC1at31, and I requested a change from the Admin like 6 months ago and it was approved but never actually happened so I kindof forgot about it, and then randomly it finally got changed recently.

Go ahead and change my due date from 2/13 to 2/14 (I'm officially a Valentine's due date now, even though I already know I'm having a c section so I'll likely go about 1 week before then).

And we are team boy!:blue:

This is baby #2 for me and I'm feeling OK but have excruciating ligament pain in my groin area - I basically wince and clench my fists all day long whether I'm sitting or walking. The only relief is laying down, which doesn't meld well with this full-time working mama of a 20 month old :(

My OB referred me to a rehab Dr. to see if that helps, so I'm hoping they give me a call asap to get an appt set up and find some relief!
Hi ladies, also been MIA. Had our first family holiday last week which was so so nice. DS suffers badly with eczema and I'm over the moon with how much his skin has cleared up with a bit of Turkish sunshine!
Approaching the 24 week mark. Had a random moment of nesting and painted the hall way the other day. Totally exhausted me but it was way overdue. Started putting baby related things in my shop over the last couple of weeks, newborn nappies (on offer!) breast pads, maternity pads etc. Feel like I have totally forgotten what a newborn needs!
I feel like that too! DD is 5 now, so it feels like forever since I've had to care for a newborn!
I made a list of the "big" items, and have been working my way through those. I'm a bit of a control freak, so even though MIL tells me to stop buying stuff because people want to gift me things, I worry that she'll arrive and I won't have everything we need. Have a little supply of nappies, wipes, a few bottles (in case breastfeeding doesn't go well) and some vests and sleepsuits. We have a pram, and a crib (just needs a new mattress) and MIL is buying the cot. So we're doing well! Just a huge stress with Christmas being so soon, we usually spoilt DD and SD rotten, but we really can't afford to this year with all the baby stuff.
Are any of you ladies having a baby shower? Especially 2nd (or more) time around. I didn't really have one with DD which made me sad. OH said his mum is thinking of throwing me a surprise one (I found out by accident) but she doesn't know I know. She can be a bit flaky, so my worry is if she doesn't know I know, she won't think I'll be disappointed if it doesn't happen

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