February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Tbh right now I'm feeling tired and sicky and want to sleep constantly xxxx

I think this is why I am gaining so much weight. I am so tired and just want to sleep. When I am home I do the minimum possible to survive until bedtime. Maybe I can make a bit more effort to move more during the day and see if that helps.

It's hard though isn't it . It's the October school holidays and DH is 4 on , 4 off . So he's out the house 5.30am until 7,30pm . It's a long day for both of us xxx
Hopeful I'm so sorry about your cousin :(

I've had the tiredness too, it isn't so much that I want to sleep, just that doing anything but sit down is too much effort!
My endless hunger seems to have died down now, and my weight gain seems to have stopped for now. My bump is still very neat, but I feel enormous!! It doesn't help that I carry my weight gain in my face.
I've been keeping myself busy sorting my house out, and making blankets for the baby :) the picture was mh bump last Wednesday (21 weeks) :cloud9:


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Thank you all for your kind words :)

I love all the bumps! Mine is still very B shaped some days then other days its a perfect round bump. I love being pregnant in the fall and getting to dress up a fall/winter bump. Chunky Sweaters and scarves are my favourite!
Thank you all for your kind words :)

I love all the bumps! Mine is still very B shaped some days then other days its a perfect round bump. I love being pregnant in the fall and getting to dress up a fall/winter bump. Chunky Sweaters and scarves are my favourite!

I totally have a b bump. But this time of year really lends itself well to making it look nice and round.
I was like that with my last baby . Gained 4lb by 22weeks. (I'd started at 137lb). Then by 38 weeks I had gained 18 lb total . But I had polyhydramnios and a 8lb5 baby :haha: . Was 3lb above my pre preg weight at 3 days postpartum so I was pleased !! This pregnancy Is a different story I started 35lb overweight :blush: . I had gained 8lb at my weigh in two weeks ago . Then lost 1/2 lb last week. I'm being really careful with my diet and trying to stay as active as poss . Tbh right now I'm feeling tired and sicky and want to sleep constantly xxxx

With my son I gained 8 pounds by this time, and I gained 16 pounds total- he was 9 lbs 5 oz . But I didn't look as big as I do now- a couple of weeks ago a waitress said "Wow, and you still have so much time to grow!" Some people are so tactful. I guess I stretched out my stomach muscles- will have to do more to get back in shape after February!

We're supposed to get some cooler weather here starting tomorrow and I can't wait. I have my sweater ready to go.
I've gained at least 15 lbs. 😥

I got winded and thought I was going to pass out just reading a bed time story to dd. This is awful. I don't remember being this breathless the first time.
Thank you all for your kind words :)

I love all the bumps! Mine is still very B shaped some days then other days its a perfect round bump. I love being pregnant in the fall and getting to dress up a fall/winter bump. Chunky Sweaters and scarves are my favourite!

I totally have a b bump. But this time of year really lends itself well to making it look nice and round.

Yeah I'm sporting a B bump too :haha:
I was like that with my last baby . Gained 4lb by 22weeks. (I'd started at 137lb). Then by 38 weeks I had gained 18 lb total . But I had polyhydramnios and a 8lb5 baby :haha: . Was 3lb above my pre preg weight at 3 days postpartum so I was pleased !! This pregnancy Is a different story I started 35lb overweight :blush: . I had gained 8lb at my weigh in two weeks ago . Then lost 1/2 lb last week. I'm being really careful with my diet and trying to stay as active as poss . Tbh right now I'm feeling tired and sicky and want to sleep constantly xxxx

With my son I gained 8 pounds by this time, and I gained 16 pounds total- he was 9 lbs 5 oz . But I didn't look as big as I do now- a couple of weeks ago a waitress said "Wow, and you still have so much time to grow!" Some people are so tactful. I guess I stretched out my stomach muscles- will have to do more to get back in shape after February!

We're supposed to get some cooler weather here starting tomorrow and I can't wait. I have my sweater ready to go.

Yeah I always think people feel that it's Ok to suddenly become critics and completely lose their manners when a pregnant woman is involved :haha: . When else would they say to a total stranger "oh my god you're massive!!" , or the flip "oh you're not very big are you !!!" . Then there's the unwelcome touching !! Omg why do we suddenly become public property whilst sporting a bump. I was told the best way to deal with it was to return the belly rubbing with a dead straight face . It makes people uncomfortable. :haha:
Nordic- I was dreading people touching the bump, but where I live now people don't dare. I actually had another doctor's appointment (hematologist) today. They were thinking of upping my medication dose, but I mentioned I haven't gained that much weight. According to their scale I've gained 1/2 a pound since 7 weeks. The doctor stared straight at my belly and said "Really? You haven't gained any weight?" I felt like saying, yep, I'm a freak of nature.
I agree I have had so many people touch my belly!
Am I the only one who doesn't really mind people feeling my bump? I've always been quite a tactile person, so it doesn't bother me. When OH is here/I visit him, he sleeps with his hand on my belly, and DD insists on kissing and talking to it as much as I'll let her! But SIL and MIL have had a feel too. I love that they're all as excited as I am :cloud9:
Our family all snuggle the bump, especially DS and DH, but when I was pregnant with DS I had random people I didn't know come and touch my bump and rub my belly. Which I thought was odd. But family and friends I don't mind at all!

Did my glucose diabetes test today, I don't actually mind the orange drink! I wouldn't want to drink it often but everyone I know has said how terrible it is and how they couldn't make it through it, but I had no problems drinking it with DS and now baby.

Babies heart rate was between 144 and 150bpm, he kept trying to move away from the doppler.

I saw the second midwife at my clinic, and now that I have almost hit the 3rd trimester they want to see me every two weeks, seems so crazy because I was going every 6 before. The original midwife in the clinic knows me well and said that because this is my second and everything went so well before that she doesn't need to see me as often. The second midwife is doing things a little more to the book. Work will be a little unimpressed, but I don't care anymore. They have been dragging their feet on hiring for my position and I keep telling them anything can happen now so we need to be prepared.
Sorry for the novel!

I hope everyone is feeling well.
I don't mind family feeling my bump. I think it's sweet they are as excited as I am. I have to remind my nieces and nephews not to push or squeeze too hard when they hug me or feel the bump but other than that my family doesn't bother me.
It's when dh's work friends come over and they bring their wives/girlfriends that I barely know who want to feel the bump that bothers me. Most of the time I let them touch me for a second then if he doesn't move then I say he's asleep and turn away. I told one girl he was breech so kicking really low and she tried to feel right above my pelvic bone! That was pretty uncomfortable so I just moved away before she could get close enough to feel. I wouldn't have minded if it was my sister or bestfriend or something but I didn't even know this girl! Some people just don't care I guess.

Hopeful, I have my glucose test on the 1st and not looking forward to it. I got the fruit punch one (red) because the nurse said most women prefer that one. I don't remember which one I had with the first three kids since it was between 10-15 years ago lol so I'm hoping this one isn't so bad. Did you have to drink all of yours? They told me to drink half of the bottle 30 minutes before my appointment and be on time and tell the receptionist at the front I'm doing the glucose test so they can send me to the lab right away. She said the test is no good after 45 minutes so I shouldn't be late or drink it early. I don't remember them being this strict 10 years ago with ds2.

Also, I'm so sorry for your loss.
I’ve not had my glucose test yet? I have another appt at 28weels so presuming that would be when?
I really dislike people touching my bump. But as a general rule I don't like being touched.

I guess one benefit to having established diabetes is that I don't have to drink the drink. I did do it once when I was younger because they were checking for diabetes. (Thankfully at that time I did not have it!!) But I do remember it made me quite ill afterwards.
I don't mind my husband touching the bump, but he know's it's not my favorite so he doesn't make a habit of it. My son is 14 months old and he's just starting to realize that mommy looks a little different. He'll pat my bump like he pats my back or arm in the morning and that is the best thing on Earth! Yes, he has special privileges. Other than that, it makes my skin crawl.

They gave me the sickly drink and I have to come back in 3 weeks instead of 4 because they usually do it at 24-26 weeks. I'm supposed to take it 30 minutes before my appointment and they will draw my blood 30 minutes after that.

Hopfl4bbynbr4- that is bizarre! I would not tolerate that very well, and would probably try turning away as if I didn't notice they were coming in for the bump. It would be awkward on all sides.
Hopfl - I didn't know there was a different flavour, it might not be an option here. I am sure the fruit punch might be better. I did have to drink the whole bottle, and then you wait an hour and they draw the blood. That is so interesting that yours is half hour! That is way better! Although, my lab is across the hall from my midwife so I just went and drank the drink, then I had my midwife appointment, then I had about 15 minutes of waiting before they did the draw.

Bittersweet - I can't remember the exact dates that you do it between but it is like 26-29 or something like that. So they will probably bring it up at your 28 week appointment.

Hopfl - That is wild that the lady went in for the belly bump touch so low!! How bizarre.
You guys are so lucky you only have a 30 minute wait! An hour is painful, especially because we are advised to basically fast, but definitely can't have anything sweet. Even natural sugars before the test.
I know! I turned away as soon as I saw her hand reaching so low. I would never touch anyone that low unless it was family and they told me to! I'm sure it embarrassed her because it did me for sure. I was thinking wth are you doing lady! Lol

I was told not to eat or drink anything (thankfully the appointment is at 9am so I won't be starving by the time I go) before or after till I have my blood drawn. Technically it's 45 minutes wait but she said to drink it 30 minutes before I get there in case I have to wait a few minutes till I get sent to the lab which is right down the hallway from my Dr's office.
They had 3 flavors there. A clear one (I don't remember the flavor) then the orange flavor and then the fruit punch one that I got. I hope it doesn't taste too bad. I'm glad I only have to drink half the bottle. I wonder why some Dr's say drink half and some say drink it all? I wonder if it makes a difference?
I'll be 28.5 weeks at my next appointment when they'll do the 1 hour glucose. They made me do one earlier in my pregnancy to check for diabetes because of my weight. The stuff tastes so gross.

DH touches my bump all the time, so does DD. I love when they do it, so far luckily no strangers/acquaintances have tried. My mom touches my tummy occasionally... and today my dad reached out and touched it for the first time. Caught me off guard, but it was sweet. Other than that my husbands grandmother touched my bump last time we saw them (September as they live out of state) I think I would be super uncomfortable if any of his other family touched baby bump though lol.
Is anyone else having an huge issue with burping? I’ve been woken most nights this week with bad burping to the point of feeling sick. Sitting upright in bed just now with a glass of water to try and ease it :(

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