February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Ladies I have been feeling increasingly anxious and emotional the last few weeks. This baby is much loved and tried for but I feel nervous and trapped with having a small person and losing my identity again . My other half is a good honest guy but he's a bit of an emotional void at times and doesn't do talking and prefers to hide his head in the sand. I don't have family that I can rely on . His family are helpful but I don't feel I can talk about my emotions and fears with them. I don't have any close girlfriends that I can talk to . My one friend I would talk to is having an awful time . So i don't want to burden her . I'm just feeling a bit lost and emotional :cry::haha:
You only have to do the GTT in the UK if you fall in to a risk category (BMI above 30, family history, certain races, previous GD) I was supposed to have one because my Dad is a diabetic. I had one with DS but declined this time because my Dad is a type 2 so I can't really see how it will affect me seeing as his is down to lifestyle. My MW wasn't overly happy but she knows that I am a nurse and I am making an informed decision. I've also been doing some random BM's at work and they have all been perfectly within range ��

I had to do it as baby was growing very fast ! My BMI was 22 and had no family history . Baby was huge though . Was born at 5lb4 at 32wk :haha:

Sorry, those risk factors weren't exhaustive. They were just the ones I could remember off the top of my head from my midwifery days!
You only have to do the GTT in the UK if you fall in to a risk category (BMI above 30, family history, certain races, previous GD) I was supposed to have one because my Dad is a diabetic. I had one with DS but declined this time because my Dad is a type 2 so I can't really see how it will affect me seeing as his is down to lifestyle. My MW wasn't overly happy but she knows that I am a nurse and I am making an informed decision. I've also been doing some random BM's at work and they have all been perfectly within range ��

I had to do it as baby was growing very fast ! My BMI was 22 and had no family history . Baby was huge though . Was born at 5lb4 at 32wk :haha:

Sorry, those risk factors weren't exhaustive. They were just the ones I could remember off the top of my head from my midwifery days!

Do you think you'll go back to midwifery ? I started my training when I was 20 but had a bad RTA so had to pull out of my course. Hoping to go back to uni next year , but most likely will be 2019 intake .xxx
Ladies I have been feeling increasingly anxious and emotional the last few weeks. This baby is much loved and tried for but I feel nervous and trapped with having a small person and losing my identity again . My other half is a good honest guy but he's a bit of an emotional void at times and doesn't do talking and prefers to hide his head in the sand. I don't have family that I can rely on . His family are helpful but I don't feel I can talk about my emotions and fears with them. I don't have any close girlfriends that I can talk to . My one friend I would talk to is having an awful time . So i don't want to burden her . I'm just feeling a bit lost and emotional :cry::haha:

I feel similar. I struggled for so long after having DS. I am afraid to go back to that place with a baby and a toddler this time. It took me counseling and a couple years to dig out of that hole. I'm hoping this time experience will allow me to recognize it and not get so wrapped up.

I've been feeling so sick the last two days and very crampy. I just keep trying to rest but it sure is making me anxious.
:hugs: Nordic and krissie. The first month with my son was really isolating, and that was with my husband taking time off and having 3 months maternity leave. This time I have 2 weeks, and DH has 2 weeks that he is going to spread over the first couple of months. My in-laws will be in town (a good thing!) and I know this time that each stage lasts just a blink, so I think it will be easier. But I remember crying in the grocery store because I was so overwhelmed by types of milk to buy, or on the way home because I missed my baby so much but couldn't bring myself to get back to the house right away after a particularly bad night.

The other thing that made it hard was that I had to see the hematologist every week at least for 6 months because I had a blood clot in my lung. I bundled everything up and didn't cry (about that) until my last appointment. Then I broke down right in the middle of the oncology/hematology ward and had tons of people rushing over to me thinking that I had just received some bad news. Not a healthy way of dealing with anything, but it was all so overwhelming.

Nordic- maybe if you can't share things emotionally with your in-laws they can help out with the practical things, and you can have a little bit of time for yourself? I remember one day my husband telling me to just go and sit on the beach for a little break after a doctor's appointment. It was quite healing. And I plan to lean on my mom for a little me time.
You only have to do the GTT in the UK if you fall in to a risk category (BMI above 30, family history, certain races, previous GD) I was supposed to have one because my Dad is a diabetic. I had one with DS but declined this time because my Dad is a type 2 so I can't really see how it will affect me seeing as his is down to lifestyle. My MW wasn't overly happy but she knows that I am a nurse and I am making an informed decision. I've also been doing some random BM's at work and they have all been perfectly within range ��

I had to do it as baby was growing very fast ! My BMI was 22 and had no family history . Baby was huge though . Was born at 5lb4 at 32wk :haha:

Sorry, those risk factors weren't exhaustive. They were just the ones I could remember off the top of my head from my midwifery days!

Do you think you'll go back to midwifery ? I started my training when I was 20 but had a bad RTA so had to pull out of my course. Hoping to go back to uni next year , but most likely will be 2019 intake .xxx

My midwife asked me this today as I worked with her briefly professionally and I told her I was clearing out ready for baby and found my old placement books. I remember all my deliveries and it felt funny reading through my write ups. My heart is in nursing and leaving midwifery led to career progress for me so it would feel like a step backwards?
Has anyone in the UK bought and nice maternity PJ's?
Has anyone in the UK bought and nice maternity PJ's?

I can't find any that I like that aren't ridiculously overpriced . So I've just bought a bigger size from tesco pj's range! Or I wear long line vests with my regular pj trousers. ASOS do have some nice ones though :hugs:
Ladies I have been feeling increasingly anxious and emotional the last few weeks. This baby is much loved and tried for but I feel nervous and trapped with having a small person and losing my identity again . My other half is a good honest guy but he's a bit of an emotional void at times and doesn't do talking and prefers to hide his head in the sand. I don't have family that I can rely on . His family are helpful but I don't feel I can talk about my emotions and fears with them. I don't have any close girlfriends that I can talk to . My one friend I would talk to is having an awful time . So i don't want to burden her . I'm just feeling a bit lost and emotional :cry::haha:

I feel similar. I struggled for so long after having DS. I am afraid to go back to that place with a baby and a toddler this time. It took me counseling and a couple years to dig out of that hole. I'm hoping this time experience will allow me to recognize it and not get so wrapped up.

I've been feeling so sick the last two days and very crampy. I just keep trying to rest but it sure is making me anxious.

Ugh sorry you are feeling yukky . I've been in bed for a few days but with an ikky cold bug . My legs were like jelly everytime I stood up . Feel better today so taking my daughter for a walk to the local pond with the dogs. :hugs: hope you feel better soon. I had awful PND after baby 1 , I was self harming and took overdose . Baby 2 was Ok just low mood . Baby 3 it started to get very bad but I went on sertraline when she was 3mnth old . Been on it ever since . My dose was halved when I got pregnant . So I'm struggling with that too. I think history is playing with my mind . My first baby I ended up alone with a newborn. Second baby she was three months and I moved home to Scotland , partner wouldn't move . We tried long distance but it didn't work . We're good friends now . My third baby I Was in a very bad marriage and ended up alone at 22weeks pregnant. I met my current DH when baby was 10 month old . He's been my hero from day one . He's accepted all my children as his own and the littlest one he's adopted as his own . (Long story but her biological father will never see her!). I'd always said i would NEVER , EVER , EVER have another baby . My DH knew that and whilst he was a little sad he accepted it . Then after us being together for 3.5yrs with no fights and or issues and my feeling guilty as he did desire a child . We had a chat and decided to ttc. It happened within a week of coming off the pill, before I had time to process it we sadly had a miscarriage . Then we got a BFP again within a few weeks . As most of you know it was a rough 1st trimester. Then now I'm just feeling scared and apprehensive . Sorry I've just had a huge vent ladies :blush::haha: .must have needed it :shrug::haha:

:hugs: Nordic and krissie. The first month with my son was really isolating, and that was with my husband taking time off and having 3 months maternity leave. This time I have 2 weeks, and DH has 2 weeks that he is going to spread over the first couple of months. My in-laws will be in town (a good thing!) and I know this time that each stage lasts just a blink, so I think it will be easier. But I remember crying in the grocery store because I was so overwhelmed by types of milk to buy, or on the way home because I missed my baby so much but couldn't bring myself to get back to the house right away after a particularly bad night.

The other thing that made it hard was that I had to see the hematologist every week at least for 6 months because I had a blood clot in my lung. I bundled everything up and didn't cry (about that) until my last appointment. Then I broke down right in the middle of the oncology/hematology ward and had tons of people rushing over to me thinking that I had just received some bad news. Not a healthy way of dealing with anything, but it was all so overwhelming.

Nordic- maybe if you can't share things emotionally with your in-laws they can help out with the practical things, and you can have a little bit of time for yourself? I remember one day my husband telling me to just go and sit on the beach for a little break after a doctor's appointment. It was quite healing. And I plan to lean on my mom for a little me time.

My in laws are very closed books . They don't discuss feelings and they get uncomfortable if I discuss my mental health or concerns etc .

That must have been a very worrying time for you :hugs::hugs:
Nordic- I know what you mean. My parents and family came from a long line of people who did not discuss their emotions. I can ask my parents for practical help, but can't discuss being worried. Plus my mom is an emergency room doctor so she wants everything solved immediately. It took some time to accept that, but now I know to ask her to take care of my son so I can do something soothing for myself. It took a long time to not always rely on retail therapy as that was what we did when my mom was stressed about something.

Fortunately my in-laws swing the other way, and are very open about their emotions. A friend of mine passed away this summer when I was visiting my husband's family and they were so supportive. Unfortunately we only go to see them every 1-2 years because they live in France.
Thanks nordic.. It makes so much sense why you have struggled. :hugs:

I am feeling a lot better today. I walked a ton yesterday so figured I would be feeling worse but for some reason I am not. I also slept decent so that helps. But I think I am experiencing braxton hicks. I know its a little early but it is exactly how they are described. I never had them with my son so this is new territory.
Nordic- I know what you mean. My parents and family came from a long line of people who did not discuss their emotions. I can ask my parents for practical help, but can't discuss being worried. Plus my mom is an emergency room doctor so she wants everything solved immediately. It took some time to accept that, but now I know to ask her to take care of my son so I can do something soothing for myself. It took a long time to not always rely on retail therapy as that was what we did when my mom was stressed about something.

Fortunately my in-laws swing the other way, and are very open about their emotions. A friend of mine passed away this summer when I was visiting my husband's family and they were so supportive. Unfortunately we only go to see them every 1-2 years because they live in France.

I don't talk to my mum. I had to remove myself from a very toxic relationship with her . But I still find myself missing that relationship. I've given her so many chances and it's not salvageable anymore . DH's mum does try and I am grateful but they're just very different .

Anyway , DD2 and I took one of the dogs for a walk to the pond . Just under two miles altogether . It was nice to get out of the house . Stayed dry too :haha:
Thanks nordic.. It makes so much sense why you have struggled. :hugs:

I am feeling a lot better today. I walked a ton yesterday so figured I would be feeling worse but for some reason I am not. I also slept decent so that helps. But I think I am experiencing braxton hicks. I know its a little early but it is exactly how they are described. I never had them with my son so this is new territory.

That's good you are feeling better ! :hugs: . Yeah I got a few sharp pulling BH on our walk. I think it's prob just because it was the first time I'd moved in days :haha: .

I can feel when baby has hiccups now . But only In certain positions. This morning I have no idea what he/she was doing but I'm sure it was the head thst Was sticking out at the top of my bump , felt too hard and round for a bottom ! Xxx
I felt hiccups for the first time this morning too!

You're probably right about the BH and moving. I've been way more active these last few days.
Thanks nordic.. It makes so much sense why you have struggled. :hugs:

I am feeling a lot better today. I walked a ton yesterday so figured I would be feeling worse but for some reason I am not. I also slept decent so that helps. But I think I am experiencing braxton hicks. I know its a little early but it is exactly how they are described. I never had them with my son so this is new territory.

I've been having Braxton hicks this time round too. I didn't have a single one with DD, to the extent that I was in labour and refused to believe it because I hadn't had any :lol:
I've not had them frequently, but they happen when I'm a bit dehydrated I think. I don't drink enough, so trying to keep a bottle of flavoured water nearby at all times to remind me to drink. I downloaded a kegal reminder app this week too, I nearly had an accident in bed the other day watching something funny with OH, and did a tiny sneeze wee :blush: it's helpful at reminding me to do them, so hopefully it'll help!
Baby is still breech (from the really low kicks) so I'm hoping she flips soon!! My bump feels so big already, I already can't see my feet! I'm so uncomfortable too, she seems permanently up in my ribs.
Can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going, I'm 23 weeks today! Only a week til V day! I think it's helped that I've had so much on. We're having a big family holiday end of Jan for MILs 60th (8 adults and 3, possibly 4 children) so that will be fun! Luckily we'll only be in Devon, as I'll be 35 weeks by then! Will be taking my maternity notes with me just in case! Gutted I can't use the sauna, steam room and hot tub though :(
Think once we're back from there, the last few weeks will drag and feel like years!
Thanks nordic.. It makes so much sense why you have struggled. :hugs:

I am feeling a lot better today. I walked a ton yesterday so figured I would be feeling worse but for some reason I am not. I also slept decent so that helps. But I think I am experiencing braxton hicks. I know its a little early but it is exactly how they are described. I never had them with my son so this is new territory.

I've been having Braxton hicks this time round too. I didn't have a single one with DD, to the extent that I was in labour and refused to believe it because I hadn't had any :lol:
I've not had them frequently, but they happen when I'm a bit dehydrated I think. I don't drink enough, so trying to keep a bottle of flavoured water nearby at all times to remind me to drink. I downloaded a kegal reminder app this week too, I nearly had an accident in bed the other day watching something funny with OH, and did a tiny sneeze wee :blush: it's helpful at reminding me to do them, so hopefully it'll help!
Baby is still breech (from the really low kicks) so I'm hoping she flips soon!! My bump feels so big already, I already can't see my feet! I'm so uncomfortable too, she seems permanently up in my ribs.
Can't believe how quickly this pregnancy is going, I'm 23 weeks today! Only a week til V day! I think it's helped that I've had so much on. We're having a big family holiday end of Jan for MILs 60th (8 adults and 3, possibly 4 children) so that will be fun! Luckily we'll only be in Devon, as I'll be 35 weeks by then! Will be taking my maternity notes with me just in case! Gutted I can't use the sauna, steam room and hot tub though :(
Think once we're back from there, the last few weeks will drag and feel like years!

I had two really sore ones earlier that pulled right into my back . They only last ten seconds or so . My worst symptom just now is indigestion . Oh and sicky burps :blush::haha: . My DD2 was horrified earlier that I'd had to spit a mouthful into a tissue :haha: . Ahhh the sheer gorgeousness of pregnancy :haha:

Your holiday sounds lovely , we're hoping to get a night away next month. Hopefully your baby will turn and give your insides a rest :hugs:
Hey, is this a newborn baby? If it is then, congrats! Raising a little person can be over whelming at times. Take breaks from time to time to do something you enjoy. Something that helps me release my feelings and emotions is writing it down in a journal. Hope everything gets better for you!
Sorry, I misread your post! I thought you already had your baby!
It is normal to feel nervous (I was too with my pregnancies). I didn't really talk to anyone either but I kept a journal and wrote a lot about my thoughts and feelings before and after having the baby. It helped me relax a little. Talking with your OB GYN can also help. Best wishes to you!
Nothing makes you feel like a lady quite like being pregnant. When pregnant I can't eat anything with gluten or I have terrible stomach issues, so there are only about 5 things I can eat at work. Well, I had to stop ordering my favorite thing because it has beans that make me gassy. Whether it's teaching a class or meeting with students or other faculty in a small office, let's just say that's not a great combo.

On halloween my dog pulled the leash when she saw DH and DS going to a strange house. I took a tumble and ended up landing on my hands and knees and did something to my shoulder. It keeps getting more stiff so off I go to the doctor. I'm nervous because last time I hurt my shoulder I ended up with a frozen shoulder that I couldn't move without tons of pain. I can't imagine dealing with that and a newborn at the same time.

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