Hey ladies . Been in hospital since tues & I'm feeling fed up . Came in with suspected leaky membranes and tightening, baby being quiet , very breathless again and also measuring 10weeks ahead . Had the test for waters breaking and that was clear thank goodness. Was on the monitor for about 90min . Baby decided it was party time all of a sudden and was the most active it had been in a week lol . Monitor showed tightening but small and irregular . My scan showed baby to be normal size and water not excessive . Had leg scan and X-ray just to rule out clots again (now on a daily injection to prevent them as this is second set of symptoms putting me in hospital). Have an echo this morning to see what my heart is doing as I can't lie even slightly flat or even turn in bed without my heart going doolally and gasping for breath. Personally I think it's because I'm HUGE already but my own consultant insisted I stayed in until they checked it out. Attached a photo of my dd2 loving on her baby bump
Hopefully I'll be home this afternoon