February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Also suffering from hip pain here ! Only right side though and it's pretty sore. Baby is pretty active most of the time. I've been starving hungry the last week or so. :blush::haha: . Have my 25 week appointment this morning. :cloud9:
Hi ladies,

Hope everyone is doing ok! For those that remember me from June/July time I just wanted to pop in and tell you the good news! I have my BFP! Hopefully this will be our rainbow. Still early days but wanted to share good news as you were all so supportive with my mc.


Yaaay!!!! That's amazing news. Keeping everything crossed that this is a sticky bean and your beautiful rainbow xxxxx
My hips have started to be a problem too. I've noticed I'm walking funny from it. It's also impacting my sleep. :nope:

Unfortunately, I'll be working up til delivery. But I do get 2 weeks off for Christmas so I am really looking forward to that. I should only have a month left when I go back so I hope it keeps me motivated.
Congratulations, Babybrain!! Sending you loads of sticky vibes!

I haven't had much hip pain, just right when I wake up, but once I start moving around it eases up. I do have the pelvic bone pain though. It's right in the middle and annoying. I'm hoping it doesn't get any worse like it was with ds2.

I'm so jealous of you ladies that get 3d scans! We have to pay a small fortune to get a 3d/4d ultrasound here. I'm trying to talk dh into letting me get one on my next appointment on the 29th of this month.
Good luck with all of your ultrasounds! I can't wait to see pics!

Oh and whoever said they were starving.... Me too! I usually never eat breakfast at all but the last 2 weeks when I get up and make breakfast for dh and the kids before work and school I have been eating too. Then hungry again for lunch then again before dinner, then dinner, then a bedtime snack. I've gained 10lbs so far but I'm willing to bet I've put on more since my last appointment lol
My last appointment was 3 weeks ago and I had only gained 3 pounds, but I'm sure I've gained another 3 since then! I've been hungry and craving the least healthy foods.

I've also been having so much trouble with prenatals this time around. One made me really nauseated and then the one I'm taking now makes me really constipated. To make matters worse, I woke up this morning and instead of taking my thyroid medication I took an extra dose of prenatals. My stomach is not happy!
Sheesh!! I have gained 18 lbs already. I honestly thought my food was okay but for some reason I have struggled with my weight more than usual. It has stalled so I am just trying to focus on not gaining an excessive amount in the last few months.
Congrats BabyBrain!! That is amazing news, sending you hugs and wishes for a happy and healthy 9 Months!

I hope that everyone experiencing discomfort can find some relief soon. I broke out the big pregnancy pillow finally, and I am finding sleeping to be better!

DH and I decided to paint our bedroom this past weekend, which feels so fresh and beautiful, but also makes me want to go buy new decor!!

I totally understand the being starving I feel like I am either always eating or I don't want to eat anything! No in between, but hockey season has started and my appetite for small town rink food is out of control! lol.

I hope everyone had a good weekend.
Consultant appointment today, back to midwifery led care... Happy days. Although I do have a UTI which I was completely oblivious to!
I just saw my doctor for my 28 week appointment (a few days early since she'll be traveling for the Thanksgiving holiday). I had to do the awful glucose test. I had DH drive me because last time I felt so bad after, even though I passed. This time I felt okay until after we came back- I was all shaky and had to sit down with my head down so I wouldn't pass out. I wolfed down lunch, so I think it was just going low after the sugar rush. I hope so, because I don't want to have to drink that stuff ever again.

I didn't gain any more weight since my last appointment, so I am officially up only 4 pounds. Tell that to the bump- it's huge! I woke up Sunday looking noticeably bigger than I did on Saturday.
I defs feel I grow by the day!

So today my work announced that they have employed a new permanent person. They have said it is for someone else’s post (someone is away at another section just now). I asked what happens when that person returns around may/June next year they said then they have a full staff team. I asked what happens when I come back because I am permanent to be told “well someone else may leave or want a move”
I feel I am going to come back and be moved :(
Xanz, the glucose test made me feel the same way afterwards till I ate something. It's awful. Glad you passed and don't have to do it again.

I have a weird annoying new symptom, itchy nipples! What in the world can I use to make it stop?! I've tried everything I can think of! The only thing that seems to help a little is putting Vaseline on my nipples in the morning and before bed but it still itches, just not as bad, most of the time. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?
FX you passed the glucose test. Hopefully you don't continue to feel ill.

Bittersweet- that is frustrating. I hope it all works out when you come back. How long will you be gone?

Hopfl- I have no idea but I have been having itchy skin in general. I use a vitamin e cream that seems to help.

AFM, my bump is offically big enough that people are starting to ask questions and feel more confident that I am really indeed pregnant. :haha:
Krissie a year. I read our guidelines and it states that matnerity post should be covered by secondment which isn’t obviously their intention.
I’m not sure if I can refuse the job hey offer me when I’m back unless it’s my own. The next section is 30 miles from my house (well 27!) and I’m currently 20 miles to my house right now so the driving alone adds an extra time, extra petrol etc
I'm waiting to hear back from my glucose test too.
We had our 3d ultrasound but didn't get any good pictures of her face so they are letting us come back next week! Super nice considering we won it, so they aren't making money from us.

Next appointment is scheduled for 32 weeks... after that does it go biweekly? I forget how it's structured.
I have a 28 week appt and then I will be biweekly until 36 weeks when it is weekly.
Hey ladies . Been in hospital since tues & I'm feeling fed up . Came in with suspected leaky membranes and tightening, baby being quiet , very breathless again and also measuring 10weeks ahead . Had the test for waters breaking and that was clear thank goodness. Was on the monitor for about 90min . Baby decided it was party time all of a sudden and was the most active it had been in a week lol . Monitor showed tightening but small and irregular . My scan showed baby to be normal size and water not excessive . Had leg scan and X-ray just to rule out clots again (now on a daily injection to prevent them as this is second set of symptoms putting me in hospital). Have an echo this morning to see what my heart is doing as I can't lie even slightly flat or even turn in bed without my heart going doolally and gasping for breath. Personally I think it's because I'm HUGE already but my own consultant insisted I stayed in until they checked it out. Attached a photo of my dd2 loving on her baby bump :cloud9:

Hopefully I'll be home this afternoon :happydance:


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Xanz, the glucose test made me feel the same way afterwards till I ate something. It's awful. Glad you passed and don't have to do it again.

I have a weird annoying new symptom, itchy nipples! What in the world can I use to make it stop?! I've tried everything I can think of! The only thing that seems to help a little is putting Vaseline on my nipples in the morning and before bed but it still itches, just not as bad, most of the time. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me?

Yeah mine are really dry and itchy :shrug::haha: I use either Nivea Soft or Bio oil . Failing that use cracked nipple cream for breastfeeding,(lansinoh?) it will soothe the itching and dry skin :hugs:
Hey ladies . Been in hospital since tues & I'm feeling fed up . Came in with suspected leaky membranes and tightening, baby being quiet , very breathless again and also measuring 10weeks ahead . Had the test for waters breaking and that was clear thank goodness. Was on the monitor for about 90min . Baby decided it was party time all of a sudden and was the most active it had been in a week lol . Monitor showed tightening but small and irregular . My scan showed baby to be normal size and water not excessive . Had leg scan and X-ray just to rule out clots again (now on a daily injection to prevent them as this is second set of symptoms putting me in hospital). Have an echo this morning to see what my heart is doing as I can't lie even slightly flat or even turn in bed without my heart going doolally and gasping for breath. Personally I think it's because I'm HUGE already but my own consultant insisted I stayed in until they checked it out. Attached a photo of my dd2 loving on her baby bump :cloud9:

Hopefully I'll be home this afternoon :happydance:

Oh, no- I hope everything checks out. I had a blood clot when I delivered DS and had to be on blood thinners for 6 months. This pregnancy they put me on blood thinners, but only once a day. I'm very good about taking my shots. I find it's also easier to remember to take a shot than a pill. Probably because it is so much fun :haha:

But seriously, it's much better to be on them preventatively than to fix something. And having to go to the doctor for 6 months for check ups with a new baby is no fun. I'll take 6 weeks of jabbing myself for sure.

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