Sorry to everyone how is having a rough time at the moment and welcome to all the new ladies.
Feeling especially nauseous today. With my pregnancy that ended in mc, I hardly got nauseous at all after the first week or so, and on Monday and Tuesday this week I felt pretty good (which made me worry), so happy that the nausea is back and hoping it's a good sign.
I booked my private scan yesterday, it's for the 30th of this month, so I'll be 7+2 by then. I'm looking forward to just getting it out of the way. My private scan with my last pregnancy at 8 weeks was when we found out I'd had a mmc, so I know I will feel better knowing either way this time. The week after is a super busy, stressful week at work, so I'm hoping it puts my mind at ease so I can focus and not be preoccupied with whatever my body is doing. At the moment I feel so distracted with every weird twinge.
For those of you who had reassurance scans on the NHS, how did you get one? Did you just ask when you made your booking appt? I haven't called the midwives yet, but I'll have the same midwife I had last time (so she knows I had a mc recently). I'm with the home birth team (had a home birth with my daughter) and she's the midwife for my area as she just lives the next village over. I'm wondering if she might offer one? I would cancel my private scan then if it was a similar time. Just wondering if I should call and ask.
Wackymumof2 - To get your ticker working, you need the other code, not the html code. It's the one that starts with url. I forget what it's called, but it's the one that isn't html. I'm not sure why, but that one works.