February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

I did this last night as well. Not that I have her wardrobe or drawers up ready for them! Need to get the painting done but I'm hoping the in-laws will help next weekend.
I do want to get my bag packed though, just one less thing to fuss about. Those of you that aren't having you first, what will you be packing/not packing this time compared to last time?

I was so lucky my mom and sister surprised me and painted the nursery while I was out of town in October. It is definitely one less thing I need to worry about.

I plan to pack my hospital bag after Christmas. My list so far:

- Comfy night shirt to give birth in.
- Comfy pjs for after the birth that allow bfing if I choose at that time.
- Nonslip slippers
- Going home clothes (leggings and tunic are what I have planned)
- Lots of undies/pads since I dislike the hospital ones
- Simple birth plan (aka what interventions I don't want (assuming no emergency) so that DH knows)
- Snacks for DH and myself
- Phone Charger
- Toiletries bag
- *I will need to take my short-term disability papers for the doctor to sign off on.
- Maybe a book- I tend to read most of mine on my phone though.

- A couple nb/0-3 outfits
- Baby hat and gloves
- Diapers (I know here usually diapers are provided but I would hate to be stuck without)
- Bottles
- Formula
- Receiving blankets
- Carseat
- Edit to add: Petroleum Jelly- so I learned with my first that if you apply a thin layer of that before their first poops then it will come off. That stuff is seriously sticky like tar!! It was horrible trying to wipe off his little butt.
I’ve got a lost sort f prepared though this is my first
Nightshirts x2
Leggings and top and cardi for going home
Toiletries-shampoo wash deodorant hairbrush with ties tooth brush toothpaste and nipple cream just in case
Snacks for me and oh
Maybe dressing gown for walking up and down ward and corridors
Slippers that are cheap by bybetrd about them getting dirty
Nursing bras
Phone charger and book or magazine il add in later

Nb sleepsuitd and 0-3 sleepsuots
Going home outfit
Blankets x 2 we have cellular ones
Nappies x 1 pack
Cotton wool balls/pads
Hat and mittens

I don’t intend to take bottles. I’m not against FF but I’m pretty set on giving breast feeding a go and our hospital offer ready made bottles just in case.

I don’t think I have forgotten anything
Oh and obviously car seat lol. But will leave that in car until ready to go then get oh to bring it in!

Had my first ante natal class today was fab. Me and oh have couples ones on Thursday :)
I don’t intend to take bottles. I’m not against FF but I’m pretty set on giving breast feeding a go and our hospital offer ready made bottles just in case.

Our hospital provides bottles too. I think this is fairly common?

I am bringing my own because I know we will be FF and I would like to just start off the bat with the formula we are choosing. Unfortunately, I discovered with my son that I have IGT which makes it impossible to sustain bfing. But, I am hoping she can get some colostrum. And it does appear I am making that!!
What is IGT sorry? I hope I can breastfeed I have bottles Vogt just in case and practically if I can’t express then after the first few weeks il need to use formula for feeding etc. I have little white dry flakes on my nipples not sure if that’s milk or just dry lol
What is IGT sorry? I hope I can breastfeed I have bottles Vogt just in case and practically if I can’t express then after the first few weeks il need to use formula for feeding etc. I have little white dry flakes on my nipples not sure if that’s milk or just dry lol

Insufficient glandular tissue- my doctor basically told me it was likely caused by my PCOS during puberty since I have had PCOS since I was a preteen. I am fairly certain it is actually pretty rare.

If you are struggling to breastfeed I highly recommend finding a lactation consultant. I went through 4 before we realized I was producing less than half an ounce at each feeding. But they were lovely to work with and really were helpful in trying to make bfing successful for me and DS.
Bittersweet- are you dehydrated? That can really up the crampiness.
Kristie good to know I’m defs keen to try but I won’t be heartbroken if I can’t or it’s too much :).

Xanzaba I’ve been drinking more than usual. I did yoga tonight and felt pressure down below it was odd
Just catching up on all the posts. DS had the stomach flu on Saturday and I came down with it yesterday. I almost had to go to L&D because I could not even suck on ice chips for 12 hours. At the last minute I held down water so I didn't have to go in. I feel better today, but I feel like I was hit by a truck ad have to nap every couple of hours.
Oh nothing worse hun glad you are feeling a little better
Just catching up on all the posts. DS had the stomach flu on Saturday and I came down with it yesterday. I almost had to go to L&D because I could not even suck on ice chips for 12 hours. At the last minute I held down water so I didn't have to go in. I feel better today, but I feel like I was hit by a truck ad have to nap every couple of hours.

Oh no get better soon. :hugs:

Bittersweet Yeh those flake/crusty bits are dried colostrum. After I've had a bath or shower I find it's really easy to express a drop or two .
What is IGT sorry? I hope I can breastfeed I have bottles Vogt just in case and practically if I can’t express then after the first few weeks il need to use formula for feeding etc. I have little white dry flakes on my nipples not sure if that’s milk or just dry lol

Insufficient glandular tissue- my doctor basically told me it was likely caused by my PCOS during puberty since I have had PCOS since I was a preteen. I am fairly certain it is actually pretty rare.

If you are struggling to breastfeed I highly recommend finding a lactation consultant. I went through 4 before we realized I was producing less than half an ounce at each feeding. But they were lovely to work with and really were helpful in trying to make bfing successful for me and DS.

Oh that must be frustrating. I always start off with s great supply then it dwindles around 8 weeks. So midwives have recommended letting baby demand feed (as I always do) until 6 weeks, so as not to interfere with natural supply/demamd, then if if it seems my supply is tailing off then start pumping as well to increase demand . Hopefully it works . :thumbup:
I've had the strange flaky bits on my nipples too, almost like the stuff you squeeze out of blackheads (if you're gross like me!) But white.
I haven't even began to think about packing hospital bags yet, but I have sorted through all the clothes and organised them into separate sizes. I've told OH I want to at least have the babies bag packed before he goes back to uni after Christmas. I'm feeling so overwhelmed at how unprepared I am this time round!
Poor DD has got a sickness bug today, she said she felt poorly coming out of school, and as we got out the car at home, she threw up all over the driveway. She had to go to her dads for a few hours while I was in work, and he said she seemed a bit better. We got home, and as she was taking her coat off, threw up all over my living room floor :mrgreen: Its such a hard balance between wanting to comfort her and cuddle her up in my Bed, and being worried that I'll catch whatever she has.
To top it all off, I was supposed to be going for lunch with all the females in my OHs extended family this weekend. It's been arranged for months. Found out today his mum's cousin has shingles. So now I'm not sure if I can even go!! So feeling very sorry for myself tonight :(
Thanks, ladies. I'm feeling much better today, almost 100%. The best thing about the stomach flu is that it leaves as quickly as it comes. I even had a cup of coffee this morning! Now I'm hoping I don't regret that decision. I've been sick so many times this pregnancy- I had two colds in the first trimester, a nasty virus in August that came back a few weeks later, and now this. If it weren't for baby kicks, I'd be so done with pregnancy. Now I'm just trying to enjoy the last little bit of pure mommy-baby intimacy and enjoying the holidays. I have one more deadline on Friday and then I'm going full-fledged Christmas-crazy preggo mommy! Bring on the peppermint hot chocolate!
Oh, and silver lining- my wedding ring is no longer too tight! I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
My poor doctor- she has had 1 unexpected delivery and 1 emergency surgery this week. She delivered a baby at 9 am, had a scheduled surgery at 1pm, and still managed to squeeze me in between.

I normally would have just canceled, but my stomach/belly is killing me. TMI, but I know yesterday I was dehydrated because my urine was so dark, so that could be causing contractions. It could also just be stomach cramps. Or it could be BH that are painful because of being dehydrated.

The good news is the baby is hanging out with plenty of fluid, completely unaware of everything going on around him. He's also head down now at 30+4.

I think my son is starting to feel better- we sent him to daycare today with his own food. My poor baby if his stomach is feeling like mine.
Zanzaba- I hope you feel better soon.

I spent the night in L&D for very high blood pressure. My doctor was talking about delivering by tomorrow. But thankfully it came down. However, now he wants me on bedrest until she comes. I have a meeting with HR tomorrow so hopefully I can sort what my options are from here.

I really feel for work, my poor boss is gonna have an aneurysm this year.
Krissie- that is so scary. I'm glad your BP came down and your doctor is on top of it. Bake little baby, bake!
Oh Kristie how scary!!!!
I had midwife yesterday baby’s head is down like I don’t know how to describe it but he’s down low by engaged but low if that makes sense.

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