February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

So glad your bp came down Krissie! How scary! My next appointment is Wednesday.
32 weeks today!
It's crazy how close it is getting. I think so many appointments helps, plus the holidays.

I'm at 3 appointments a week. :cry: one with my endo and then twice a week monitoring for the blood pressure and nst.

HR meeting in two hours. I'm so nervous.
How scary krissie! Glad your bp came down! Baby needs to keep cooking a little longer! Xxx
Well I'm officially off work now. My bp was high this afternoon so made a trip to L&D where it calmed down and baby was fine. I'm heading home shortly so hopefully I can lay down and rest.

I'm nervous to be off work so soon but really happy how supportive work was when I told them.
Well I'm officially off work now. My bp was high this afternoon so made a trip to L&D where it calmed down and baby was fine. I'm heading home shortly so hopefully I can lay down and rest.

I'm nervous to be off work so soon but really happy how supportive work was when I told them.

Oh no how scary for you :hugs::hugs::hugs: . So pleased that your work is being supportive . Rest , rest , rest !!! Keep your feet up :hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies ! So who's got their Christmas tree up :xmas16: . I'm in bed with a stinking cold , but hoping to get up shortly and attempt to get our Christmas Dec's up .

So my bp and pee are behaving again . I hsd a GTT to rule GD out as well . My results came back Clear , thank goodness . Although I am anaemic . So I've to start an iron supplement as I'm having another elcs . I haemorrhaged last time .

Apart from that all is well , baby is a busy little bee and my tummy never stops rolling and popping. :cloud9:
Krissie- I completely get the work guilt, but I'm glad you are taking care of you and bubs. It's things like this that help put work in perspective, and I'm glad your work was so supportive.

Nordic- our tree has been standing since the November 22nd, but doesn't have anything on it yet. Haha. But now that my deadline is done we're planning on dressing the tree today. DS finally is feeling better, and I'm completely recovered.

We're having a crazy stormy day down here in Florida. We went for a walk with DH, DS, and our dog and it was hot and humid, almost 80 degrees. Now it is 15 degrees cooler and windy, and supposed to drop another 20 degrees. We'll finally get some winterish weather, I'm so excited.
Thanks ladies.. :hugs:

We keep talking about putting the tree up but haven't had the motivation. Dh actually brought it up last night so maybe today.
We've had ours up since Halloween night. :haha: Presents are all wrapped too. Just have to get stocking stuff. DH and I have decided not to buy for each other this year and in stead get something for the baby with that money.
We've had ours up since Halloween night. :haha: Presents are all wrapped too. Just have to get stocking stuff. DH and I have decided not to buy for each other this year and in stead get something for the baby with that money.

Hehe sounds like me. I love Christmas but I'm pretty sure I married the grinch.

I'm all done Christmas shopping. I just need to do the wrapping. Ds keeps trying to open presents at nana's so I'm not too concerned about getting them out yet. :haha:
I had my flu vaccine last week , but unknown to me at the time I'd picked up the virus already . I assumed the groggy feeling was due to the vaccine , or that I had an awful cold. Nope , I got flu !! I feel awful , so weak and nauseous. I've had awful chills where my temp dropped to 35.8 and I've had three blankets on me whilst laying near the fire. Then sweats at night time. Baby seems totally oblivious and has been more active than ever. As much as it reassures me a baby booting the heck out of me when I feel awful wasn't the best experience :haha: . We decorated our tree last night , well I done the odd bit. Mostly dh and dd2 , which says a lot as I'm a tree nazi :blush::haha: . But had to just lie down in the end as felt too ill. All I've eaten in three days is toast :dohh: . Managing some fresh oj now . Which is just giving me awful acid indigestion:dohh: . Hubby is off from Thursday until Jan 11th . I can't wait :happydance::cloud9:
We have had our Christmas Tree up since November 13th! Although I still have a few Christmas Presents to pick up, I am so behind this year. But we are stumped on what to get certain people.

I hope everyone is feeling well! I am so sore and tired but other than that I feel pretty good and I feel like I haven't prepared for this baby at all, with DS by this time I think I had everything ready to go! I am going to start washing baby clothes this weekend.
Oh, no Nordic. I'm sorry you got sick despite your best efforts! I'm afraid of the flu this year, that's for sure. And now they're predicting the vaccine will miss some of the worst strains. I never get the flu shot, but I've been sick enough this year.

After missing a week of yoga I went back on Sunday and it felt good! The place I go is new and is marketing itself as a family yoga studio and have daycare. DS had a good time on Sunday, so I'll do that each Sunday and give DH a break, since he's been so good to me throughout both pregnancies and stayed home to nurse me back to health last week.

Un-pregnancy related question, but DH's birthday is Thursday and I had an idea to get him a polaroid or polaroid-like camera. He's always complaining that we don't have any pictures printed anymore, and I know with him mom visiting over the holidays he would get a kick out of printing her some pictures. It's so hard to get him something he loves. What do you think- good idea or gimmick?
Aww Nordic sorry you’re unwell! We are pretty prepared for Xmas which is nice’ xanzaba sounds a lovely idea
Sounds like a lovely present!

I've been having lots of back pain and pressure tonight. A tad concerned, but it seems to have lessened a bit. I see the midwife on Wednesday, so hopefully I remember to talk to them about it then. :wacko:
I think a polaroid/instant print picture would be an great gift. Of course I am a little biased as I have wanted one for awhile now.

Nordic- I hope you feel better soon.

Stormy- I hope it settles down and isn't anything.

I had my first nst and amniotic fluid check. Baby looks really good. I can't believe I have to do those twice a week. :nope: My blood pressure was in its normal range today and it just makes me feel like last week was a fluke. But then there ia that part that says that maybe its because I'm off work and relaxing. Its such a catch 22.
Thanks for the feedback about the polaroid camera, ladies. I hope he likes it, he can be difficult.

Krissie- I'm glad your BP is behaving and that the baby looks great.

This LO is riding low, and when I go to the bathroom and squat sometimes it feels like knives. It's a weird sensation, but I'll take it over head in the ribs every day. Oh, the elegance of pregnancy!
Thanks for the feedback about the polaroid camera, ladies. I hope he likes it, he can be difficult.

Krissie- I'm glad your BP is behaving and that the baby looks great.

This LO is riding low, and when I go to the bathroom and squat sometimes it feels like knives. It's a weird sensation, but I'll take it over head in the ribs every day. Oh, the elegance of pregnancy!

Polaroid sounds like great fun !!

Krissie I'm pleased your bp is better behaved this week . I loved going for my ctg (nst) its so relaxing to hear baby's heart thrumming away ❤️
Ugghh feeling totally rough. Full of cough and cold along with breathlessness isn't the one! Now on weekly BP checks with midwife until baby girl is here because it's up. If it goes any higher I'll have to go on to hospital. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
Hope everyone else is doing OK x
Ugghh feeling totally rough. Full of cough and cold along with breathlessness isn't the one! Now on weekly BP checks with midwife until baby girl is here because it's up. If it goes any higher I'll have to go on to hospital. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen.
Hope everyone else is doing OK x

Oh I'm sorry you're feeling really rough. There's nothing worse , I had flu and have ended up with a chest infection. I hope your bp settles and doesn't cause you too much stress . Have you got other pre-e symptoms as well ? :hugs:

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