February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Every time I go to the bathroom (even just for a pee) it feels like she's going to fall right out in the toilet !! 😳😳
Well, that was a rough night. I went to bed early feeling beat just in time for my mobile to ring. It was the doctor saying that my folic acid is low and I need to start my prenatals again. I didn't know that it was important, but I read low folic acid is associated with preterm labor. I then woke up 3 hours later with upper back pain and cramps or contractions- I had had some the day before. After reading about folic acid I'm freaking out that it's early labor. I finally drift back off to sleep, only to wake up 3 hours later and then I couldn't sleep again, so I put on a murder mystery (the only guaranteed way to fall asleep), but even that was not working. So I lay there, listening to DH snore and trying to ignore the cramping until suddenly I have to run to the toilet with violent diarrhea. I was relieved that there was a reason for all the cramping, but now started worrying again about early labor. Finally after a couple of hours I dozed off again and have been trying to drink sports drinks to feel better because I'm still having some contractions. They might just be BH on top of dehydration, but I want to feel normal pregnant-crappy again. Fortunately I have an appointment in 2 hours so that I will be assured or have somebody to see if something is wrong.
xanzaba- That sounds miserable!! Fx they can shed some light onto it your appointment and it isn't anything too serious.

I have been advised in both pregnancies to take prenatals through the entire thing so that is what I have been doing.
I realized this morning that my DH's vasectomy is scheduled the same day as my induction. Opps.
The appointment went well in the end, but it was clear from the outset that the tech was not the most experienced. She measured the brain ventricles first- one side was good, the other she couldn't get a good image and the measurement came out large again. She measured my fluid as really low, which I was a bit concerned about, but then she said oops she missed two large pockets. We had to wait 30 minutes to talk to the doctor, and when he came in he said "Everything looks good". I asked about the ventricle and the fluid and he said he didn't buy it and that when they can't get a good view sometimes they just measure whatever they can see, and it was actually the other ventricle that originally was measured larger. What's the point of these scans if the techs are not very good? Oh, and he suggested Dan Active if I continue to have stomach issues for more than 24 hours.

While we were waiting to talk to the doctor, daycare called and asked us to call back. It turns out that one of the teachers left DS in the room by himself for 2 minutes by accident while everyone was outside. I'm not worried about him- he was happily playing with toys- but I've had concerns with this daycare in the past, so this may be the last straw.

So lots of worries that amounted to nothing in the end.
xanzaba- That does sound unnecessarily stressful. I am glad to hear everything was okay in the end.
nordicpixie, congratulations! I'm sorry to hear about the scary birth experience, blood loss, and accretia, but I hope you two are doing well now. I'm glad to hear baby is off of being intubated! I hope they can transfer her nearby to a level 2 soon. <3
Hope everyone is feeling well and doing okay. It's been a while since I last posted. Baby girl is head down and just a wiggle worm . The past four days or so I been battle severe headache with no relief.i was at the dr yesterday and totally forgot to mention to him to see if I could take something other than Tylenol it does not help.as soon as Christmas is over I'll start packing my bag for the hospital to be safe . I already have the diaper bag packed. I can't believe it's already time to see the dr every two weeks already...
Hope everyone is okay I&#8217;ve gone into pre term labour so currently hoping little man holds out a bit longer
Hope everyone is okay I’ve gone into pre term labour so currently hoping little man holds out a bit longer

Hopefully he can stay in there a bit longer!! :hugs:

Had a non stress test (?) today and a growth scan... They said she's in the 34th percentile and is around 4 lbs. I had two contractions on the monitor thing but they said that was fine and that her heart rate was good.

I guess I'm not having growth scans weekly, just the non stress tests. Have to skip next week because of Christmas though.
Good luck bittersweet, keeping everything crossed he stays put awhile longer.

I have a growth scan tomorrow. I'm excited to see how she is doing. I'm going to ask about once weekly nst since my bp has been fine. Its so difficult trying to get in twice a week when I work over 20 mins away.
What are non stress tests

They hook you up to a hb monitor to watch baby's hb. They also have you click when baby moves so they can monitor the heartbeat. I think it is suppose to help detect if the baby is stressed.
Oh yeah I had that this morning.
So I was given toltcoctixs at 9am I wasn&#8217;t dilated at 3pm
I dilated 1cm and at 1:30 am I still only 1cm but still contracting? Been given second steroid dose
How are things going bittersweet?

I had my growth scan this morning. Baby was measuring about 4 lbs 9 oz. <3
Bittersweet- I hope baby stays in a little longer.

I just realized I only have one week where I don't have a doctor's appointment up until 39 weeks. That made it feel really close.

I had a scary experience this morning- I took the folic acid supplement my hematologist prescribed for me last night (2000mcg- in prenatals it goes up to about 600mcg). I went to bed, slept really well for the first time in weeks and woke up ravenous and had breakfast. About 20 minutes later I had cold sweats, achy arms and legs, and couldn't sit up in a chair anymore. I took my blood pressure- it was 80/50 and my pulse was racing at around 100bpm. I ate a pickle for sodium and felt better about 15 minutes later. I called to check in with my OBGYN and she asked if I took anything different, so I told her about the folic acid and she told me that the dose was dangerously high. She looked at my results and said I was not even low, just borderline. Fortunately, I'm not seeing that hematologist again while pregnant, and I'm going to leave everything in my OBGYN's hands!

I'm a little concerned that I'm still not gaining weight- I'm only up 5 pounds total and the baby was measuring 4 pounds 4 ounces at 32 weeks. My son was 5 pounds 11 ounces at the same point. I guess it's normal mom worry and I should just relax, but there's a voice inside my head telling me that I screwed something up this pregnancy and I'm worried that it'll affect my baby boy.
My prenatals have 1,000mcg... 2,000 does seem awfully high.

at 33w5d growth scan I think she said 4lbs 12oz... unsure of the ounces though as I didn't quite hear her.

*Non baby related venting ahead*
I've been so dang stressed lately... DD is still dealing with all this allergy testing and blood work... they've tested for lupus and some other auto immune diseases... awaiting the results now. They also did an 85 allergen prick test and she didn't react to any of it... and they want to test 3 different antibiotics on 3 different days but they keep calling and rescheduling because the doctor is always out... so they are trying to stretch it out until February... but with the baby being due any time around then, and my husband going to days instead of nights (so no set days off) and with me not driving outside of our town (doctor is an hour away) I'm just so overwhelmed with the whole situation. :cry:
I&#8217;ve basically been messed around still in hospital contractions don&#8217;t give me a break no one will tell me anything awaiting doctor to come Round it&#8217;s 12:35 am and I haven&#8217;t slept in 2 days

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