February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Hey ladies! I've had a quick skim through but probably missed lots . Bittersweet how are things ? Babybrain I'm so sorry :hugs: .

Hey ladies :hug: . I hope you all had a good xmas and new year !! We transferred back to our local hospital on the 29th . So two weeks after birth day . Rhea had a few set backs but is doing well now . She's had a grade 1 bleed and we'll rescan that next week . She has a few minor heart issues that may or may not self correct . A small op may be needed . She is NG fed but starting to breastfeed for a few mins throughout the day. I'm expressing about 400ml a day . Would like to increase this a little so I'm going to pick up some fenugreek. Hopefully that will give me a boost .


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Nordic - She's so precious. So good to hear from you again. We've all been asking periodically about you and little miss. :hugs:

Bittersweet - Hope all is going well with L&D :flower:

I've been having some achey pains, but the tightening seems to have slowed a bit. Nothing consistent. MW gave me the go ahead to start evening primrose oil capsules vaginally at 37 weeks. Anyone have any experience with it? I've been taking it orally this week. Just one a day though.
Nordic- she looks like she is doing so well. That is great you were able to transfer back. I hope her next scan is good.

Thinking of you bittersweet.

Stormy- same here. Lots of BH and some are rather painful. I am pretty achy in my back and legs as well. I am thinking of starting evening primrose but I am waiting to find out when my induction date will be first.
Nordic lovely to see you I hope Rheas bleed has improved she’s gorgeous!

Harry was born today weighing 6lbs 3. Sone issues with feeding so bro g kept in. I’m EBf however he wasn’t taking a lot so he’s just been given 10mls of formula to either get him hungry, push the mucus out his tummy or make him spew the mucus up therefore more able to feed
Congratulations bittersweet. I hope his feeding issues resolve quickly and you guys can go home soon.
Congratulations to the birth of Harry, Bittersweet!

I can’t believe I’m like 5 weeks away from my induction. It’s crazy, I don’t think I’m ready for this, but then again, I’m also starting to be quite heavy and can hardly move without getting winded. I’m in Australia and we are having bouts of heat waves every week. Thankfully, it is still manageable but yesterday was pretty awful as we haven’t gotten our aircon installed yet. Can you imagine the aircon guy took a 3 week annual leave at this time of the year!!
Anyone starting to loose there plug? I've only ever lost mine during labour! And I've been loosing bits everyday the last week. Just been to loo and lost a long thin string instead of the tiny wee blob! That and the on off very strong braxton hicks/contractions are making me nervous. He's also head down very low. Can feel his head in my pubic bone
Congratulations Bittersweet! hugs for wee Harry xx hope you get home very soon :)
Lian- that is crazy the a/c guy took leave right now! Hopefully you don't have to wait too long. I was pregnant in the summer last time and it was pretty rough at the end. Although, I think I prefer that to this ice and snow.

Kirsty- I lost my plug in labor last time. So far I have not lost anything, maybe a slight increase in cm.

I am really hoping I get my induction date tomorrow. I'm so worried he will push it off like my last doctor did with my son. But this time I have more arrangements to make.
Thanks ladies besotted with him

Kirsty as you know I lost bits of mine when this all kicked off no blood though cc
I feel like I am nesting today but only for baby related things. :haha:

I have washed, folded, and put away all of her clothes now to 9 months. My hospital bag is mostly packed. I need to find my list and do a quick run through. I even got my son's overnight bag packed.

My next goal today is to sort through my maternity clothes since I actually did not wear much this pregnancy because of the difference in seasons. I'm hoping to maybe sell them or give my sister anything she wants.
Nordic- I'm glad your little, sweet girl is doing better and I'm sorry you've had some set backs. But she really does look pretty strong. I hope there are no more bumps in the road.

Bittersweet- congrats on the arrival of Harry.

I think I'm 4 weeks off of my induction tomorrow. I'm going to try to get a date set tomorrow so that I can order my pump for going back to work. Ugh, the semester starts tomorrow and I can't imagine starting a new class on Tuesday.

I feel like the pain in my groin near the swollen lymph nodes is getting worse. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I think I'm going to press the issue. I went to yoga today and I could barely walk near the end. Between that and the aches in my arms and legs I'm feeling grouchy and done with this pregnancy. My husband threw me a surprise baby shower yesterday, and it took all my strength to keep a smile on my face. I haven't really told him because I know he'll worry and there's really not much to be done
Thanks ladies besotted with him

Kirsty as you know I lost bits of mine when this all kicked off no blood though cc

Im so pleased for you !!! Hope little Harry gets over his feeding hurdles quickly and that you can get home soon ! Xxxxxxx
I met with my doctor today. My blood pressure has really been getting high these last two weeks. He told me I am scheduled for induction on Jan 24th at 37+2 weeks. But if increasing my bp meds doesn't work it is possible we will be looking at an early date. I am really glad I have a definate date, now I just hope my bp cooperates.
Fingers crossed Krissie.
Harry’s feeding has improved a bit although I still need to prompt a lot. He has jaundice so is receiving phototherapy under the lamp. He’s also been topped up by midwives with formula to ease distress as he isn’t a fan of the lamps (neither are we we can’t cuddle?). I’ve agreed to stay until Thursday as this gives them enough time to make sure he’s breathing feeding and jaundice all resolve. They said could get home Wednesday at earliest but oh is working still so we felt a more planned discharge works better for us so he will come off on leave on Thursday instead giving him Thea and weds to tie up odds and ends at work.

We’ve had loads of family support particularly my my and sister who have been emotionally supportive too. My mum has experience of premature babies much more prem than 36 weeks so she’s really helped us prepare and also reminds us that he is doing great given he should be here for another 3 1/2 weeks

OHs mum has let us get on with it she came the day after he was born and I’ve suggested she come an afternoon as she isn’t working now so she can have a little 1:1 time we’ve also told family we are limiting cuddles as I had an awful night Sunday with him just being hysterical and didn’t want me away but didn’t want to feed. He ended up away with midwife sfor around 5 hours to let me rest so we can’t have that. In total I think 10 people between me midwives oh and family held him that day.

OHs dad has been excitable but I think oh might have spoken to him as he hasn’t texted and asked to visit again. He did on Saturday once he was born and again on Sunday for 10 mins but I told OH it’s too much and that the reason my mum is around is more for me as she knows I need help breast feeding and emotionally as my mums done it before with prem. pjs dad is also a little too rough wth baby and just sort of picks him up and whirls him around obviously that’s with confidence of someone handling babies but I think OH reminded him he is prem so we can’t be doing that. OHa mum has also been told yes he is only 4 weeks early and doing great but he hasn’t fully developed yet so extra care is needed and gentleness is reioqred.
It is hard as I don’t want to upset people but equally baby comes first and right now it’s me who has him alone jn the night so I need people to listen to me. Additionally if it now I need emotional support and as lovely as ohs family is it’s rally my oh and me time plus support from my family. I certainly wouldn’t breast feed in front of oha family right now but my mum helped me hand express etc.

It’s just hard we prepped for a full term baby and it has surprised us both just how much those 4 extra weeks would have benefitted him
Bittersweet- I hope Harry is all ready to come home soon. Sending virtual hugs (the germ free kind).

Well, I felt like my belly dropped, it was easier to pee, and I was more out of breath. Today at the doctor I found out why- bubs has decided to go breech again at 35+3. So, it's a little stressful because we were all set to schedule the induction for the evening of the 4th and I thought she would let me off the hook for next week as I have a growth scan next week. But now I have to go to both the growth scan and her office next week plus my mom is coming up. I love my mom but she needs as much babysitting as my 16 month old (sometimes more). If he flips back by next week we we schedule the induction as planned, if not it will be a c-section.
Thank you. He had a better night now he’s been in intensive care he got moved on Tieadaybdue toncolor chanfe. He wa sloterally hokding his breath. It’s so scary and there’s a period of brain activity that jndicitates seizures in so petrified for him
Xan- I hope that baby shifts head down soon. That is frustrating they turned so late.

Bittersweet- I hope your little guy is doing better. How scary that he was holding his breath. :hugs:
Bittersweet - I hope that baby recovers quickly and you can get a good routine going!

Nordic - Rhea is absolutely perfect, she is so adorable!

I hope that everyone is feeling well and still somewhat sleeping well!

37 Weeks today for me! My plan was to be done work tomorrow, however the replacement we hired for my position and that I trained for 5 weeks took a permanent position, so we had to re-hire for my position and she started Monday. Now I am not sure when I will have her trained enough to go on leave. At least I am still making it through the day without absolutely needing a nap!

Baby is happy and dropping lower but still high.

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