Bittersweet- that must be hard, I hope the MRI comes back all clear. MRIs are so much more informative for the brain than other imaging techniques (it is what I do for a living). Sending positive baby dust!
Stormy- I hope DH gets his pat leave. My husband's job just changed their system so that there is no guaranteed vacation/sick leave. On the positive side, he had all the vacation time he had been saving paid out, so if he has to take FMLA it would cover the time he was planning on taking, but it seems wrong that they can just stop giving any vacation or sick time whenever they want.
I have a feeling that bubs is just flipping around like crazy in there. One time I'll feel hiccups really down below, and then other times I think I can feel them both low and high. I get a lot of movement up high, but can't tell if it's the head or the butt, lol. I guess since DS was huge and this guy is just normal sized he has more space to roll. I caught another cold this week and couldn't sleep so I was fixating on his movements all night and still no closer to understanding what he's doing. I'm so tired of being sick this entire pregnancy- honestly it's worse than the fatigue and normal pregnancy pains. I don't think I've been healthy for more than 2 weeks at a time this entire pregnancy.