February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

How is everyone doing? It's hard to believe we are half way through January. It is going by so fast and yet slow at the same time.

I am now within single digits until my induction which is in 9 days. I have a growth scan on Tuesday. I'm hoping everything looks good. I just have one of those feelings about it that makes me nervous.

I am going to finish up my bag today and then I think we are officially ready for baby!
I'm doing good :) I can't believe February is coming up so quickly!! Although I'm not due til the 28th, so I think it's likely I'll go til March.
I've been given the green light to have a midwife led birth instead of having a consultant led birth, which makes me so happy!! I have an appointment with an anesthesiologist tomorrow, just in case, as I've said I dont want an epidural, so would need to go straight to general anaesthetic. Then I have my 34 week midwife appointment on Thursday :)
Have been having baby shower drama. MIL said in September she was going to arrange it, and still hasnt. So my friends started planning, but no-one communicated with each other, so 3 people were organising different things, which all blew up last night.
Then SIL tells me that MIL is intending on throwing a shower, but "she's busy every weekend until Feb 18th" so it won't be until then at the earliest. 10 days before my due date. But MIL has been telling everyone I'm not due until mid March! Which even with my original due date of March 5th, she's way off!
I'm so stressed!!
On the plus side, I went shopping last week, and got everything I need for my hospital bag, except maternity pads, so that's my plan for today, packing my bag :) then I just need to start washing the babies clothes etc, and pack her bag!
Congrats Stormy!!

Bittersweet - I am glad that your little man is a fighter and is getting so strong each day! Yay for a clear MRI!!

AFM - 37.5 Weeks, I am exhausted all day and my hips are absolutely killing me! I am hoping I don't go too far overdue, but I am going to let this baby decide when he is ready, as long as there is no medical reason for that to change.

Training is going ok, I think she is overwhelmed and my patience is wearing thin just because I just went through this training a few weeks ago and doing it over again is painful. Sometimes I need to just stop and remember that she just started and not everything is going to stick right away. I think this week will be a lot of coming in later and taking breaks when I need to. Also need to have the conversation about Top Up soon, I hate those conversations...

I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
Also! Baby bag is packed and in the truck, I haven't done my hospital bag yet... I should probably think about that, haha! The car seat base is in the vehicle, just not installed yet, we were rushing yesterday, but his seat has his little winter cover on it and is ready to go.

Are any of you doing "Big Sibling" gifts for when baby arrives? So far, I got DS a pack of Elmo Books, thinking about getting him a Big Brother Shirt and maybe a new sippy cup and something Paw Patrol because he is obsessed!!
What all do you guys put in the baby's bag?

I'm not planning to do a sibling gift. I don't think ds would really get anything from it.
I'm intending to get DD and SD a gift, but I haven't decided what yet! They both have charm bracelets (being kept safe until their 18ths) so I may get them each a "sister" charm to add to it. But as an actual gift, I'm clueless!! I remember getting a noisy bambi book from my brother, and it was one of my favourite things for a long time :)
I'm thinking something that will capture their attention, but that they can do without help
Krissie - My baby bag just has Diapers, muslin cloth swaddle blankets, bringing baby home outfit, slippers, socks, a couple sleepers, some onesies and hats, wipes, breast pads, nipple cream, pads for momma for the first few weeks....hmmm... I think thats about it. I am sure I am forgetting something though.

Luci - It is hard to believe just how fast it is going, but yes slow at the same time!!!
Thanks ladies:).
Meant to be home today but some hold up means not TIL tomorrow morning now as need to be shown CPR. Had our first night back together last night it was great but exhausting as he cluster fed a lot to up my supply.
We still don’t have a reason for it all. He has ABo incompatibility which is in o plaice and he’s A negative (rare but taken his dads blood). It may have led to sepsis which was under out his system before bloods wee done, could have caught a bug from someone as he started showing symptoms around 4am Tuesday and wasn’t admitted until 4pm and they also query about my dates. Although I’m set my dates were accurate as I was using an app and the dates all matched up exactly I know he could have implanted late. Which means he’s actually a week behind 36 weeks if that makes sense. They said the presentation would attribute to a baby born at late 34/35 weeks. Potential seizures which may get monitored again when he’s older but probably not
There are so many interesting considerations for even close to term babies. I'm glad things are looking up Bittersweet. Hopefully your transition home goes well.

Hopeful- thanks for that info. It sounds basically like her diaper bag so I feel okay going forward now.
We have an extra nights stay in hospital for jaundice. My milk seems to have came in tonight. Lo is currently cluster feeding.
Will update with picture when we are finally home.
Oh stormy I hear ya re cluster feeding and jaundice. Waiting on baby to have the all clear re jaundice before we leave today il cry if I can’t go today
Can’t go home today. Agreed to have him blasted overnight withtba lamp to be home tomorrow
Can’t go home today. Agreed to have him blasted overnight withtba lamp to be home tomorrow


How frustrating. I hope his levels are good tomorrow.

5 hours until mu growth scan. I am so excited to see baby and see how she is doing. I feel like this is a big hurdle to get past. I am also curious to see what my waters are doing since I was almost at polyhydramnios levels last week.
Congratulations Stormy!

Good luck, Krissie. My growth scan is tomorrow. I'm feeling less nervous because I've felt hiccups down below so I don't think he's breech anymore, but we'll see. Hoping not to have to go through a c-section, but I want whatever is best for the baby.

DS didn't open all of his Christmas presents, so we're going to give them to him before we go to the hospital. He doesn't seem to understand at all that he'll be a brother. So close, only 19/20 more days!

I've had such a horrible time with coughing throughout the night. I wake up sweating with a shaking cough. Of course, this means I am leaking, and more than a panty liner can handle. My mom came up and when she saw how sick I am she made chicken soup and took care of DS while I napped. It was a really nice bonding experience. DS adores her (yesterday he walked up to her first when we came to get him from daycare), and my mom really steps up when I need her.
How was scan Krissie?
Sorry you are not well xanzaba but glad your mum came to help.

I’m worried baby’s temperature has gone down to 36.4 :( wrapped in 4 blankets and having skin to skin with me. Oh took him out for a cuddle and didn’t wrap him well :(
Well scan was good. Baby is measuring about 7 lbs and my amniotic fluid was good. And I had a good nst.

But baby is sitting diagonal still! Its been weeks. As a result if she doesn't shift by Wednesday next week then the dr is talking a c section. This has me seriously freaking out. So I am going to spend some time on my ball and looking at spinning babies.

Anybody have tips to get her head down?
Krissie, I heard propping an ironing board, or bit of wood etc, against the seat of a sofa, then laying on it, feet at the top, head at the bottom, so you're at an incline can help with breech babies, so it may help with diagonal babies too? I have my 34 week check tomorrow, so hopefully I'll find out if she's still head down!
Google the yoga poses cat and cow and do them a good few times per day?
I've heard a couple of different things about turning babies. There's a whole spinning babies page. One that I've heard a lot of positive reports from is to kneel on a sofa and get your elbows or your shoulders on the ground and stay in that position for a little bit. But with low blood pressure I know that would make me really dizzy and I'm such a klutz I'd probably fall.

Another one that seems to work for people is placing a bag of frozen peas near where the baby's head is. They don't like the cold (it is dampened through you, so not painful, just uncomfortable) and shift away from it.

The more natural thing is to try to walk and not sit with your feet up too much. They say the head is the heaviest part so gravity will help get baby in the right position. Right before my appointment when baby turned I was sick and spent a lot of time in bed with my feet up, so I'm thinking that's what happened here.

I've also read that sometimes there is a reason that they are in the position they are, so trying to turn them yourself is not a good idea. For instance if the cord is too short. So I'm doing the walking, not keeping my feet up too much thing and if that doesn't work I'm fine with a c-section. In 18 days this pregnancy will be over one way or another.
Krissie - DS was horizontal until about 38 Weeks for me, then he went head down, I was on the spinning babies website and the yoga poses and sitting on the couch with my arms on the ground helped. Just make sure that there is someone there to help you out.
I hope you can get that baby head down.

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