I hope you get to stay home with your babies. How is Thea doing Nordic?
I've had a really busy weekend, assembling furniture, moving furniture, generally doing way too much. I'm completely exhausted now, but on the plus side, it means I now have a space for the crib/cot, and the babies drawers and wardrobe rail are ready for her clothes. I sorted it all into size order a few weeks ago, and started washing and drying it all today. So far her newborn stuff is washed and dried, and hanging/folded away. Tomorrow I intend to do up to 1 month, and possibly 0-3, which is all I'm doing until she's about 5 weeks old (depending on size obviously!!) I think my tumble drier is dying though, it took over 2 hours to dry a load today, and some still felt a little damp. Not what I need right now!!!
I packed my hospital bags today (I've packed one for during labour, and one for if I stay overnight/leaving the hospital) I just need to get some maternity pads, some bras with no underside, and then it'll be a case of throwing chargers and snacks in when it all starts!! Getting the babies packed once all the washing is done, as we're away for a long weekend next week, and I wanted it all packed and ready before we leave.
I'm so done with being pregnant now, I'm uncomfortable and grumpy. But at the same time, I'm so terrified about basically being a single mum to an almost 6 year old and a newborn!!