February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Thanks for all the suggestions ladies. I have been on spinning babies so I am going to work on their suggestions. I am hoping she goes head down all the way, but, after having time to process it I have decided if it can't be avoided then it won't be so bad. I do worry about recovery with a toddler, but I am sure we will adjust.
I had my growth scan today- the baby looks good and is measuring 6 1/2 pounds exactly at 36+3. Unfortunately he is still frank breech, so I talked to the MFM who seemed relatively confident that an inversion would work. My OBGYN had worried about my blood thinners, but the MFM has worked around those in the past and I just have to skip a dose in the morning. So, looks like my weekend plans now include an inversion.
I had my growth scan today- the baby looks good and is measuring 6 1/2 pounds exactly at 36+3. Unfortunately he is still frank breech, so I talked to the MFM who seemed relatively confident that an inversion would work. My OBGYN had worried about my blood thinners, but the MFM has worked around those in the past and I just have to skip a dose in the morning. So, looks like my weekend plans now include an inversion.

Good luck with the inversion. Is that the forward leaning inversion?

I think for me I am going to try the cat/cow yoga poses, walking, cleaning my floors on all fours, and leaning forward on my ball. It seems those things should encourage her without causing issues with my bp.

I have an appt on Friday so will plan to ask then if there is any other things they can suggest. I might even ask if they can feel if she has shift.
This inversion is where the doctor tries to actually turn the baby- they do an ultrasound and monitor fetal heart rate, then they take 15 minutes or so to try to ease the baby into a cephalic position. The overall rate of success is about 60%, but he felt around a bit and said he thinks I will have a higher chance of success since I've had a baby before and because I'm on the thinner side (so that they can feel the baby). He gave me an idea of what it feels like, and it wasn't very uncomfortable. I was on the fence about it, but after talking to him I decided it was worth a shot.
Oh okay, I have seen that in my research. I don't think I am a good candidate for that since her position is head down in my hip and butt in my ribs. It hasn't been something suggested for that position on anything I have read.
I hope you ladies get those Breech babies to a Cephalic position!

How is everyone doing today?

I have hit a new low on feeling exhausted, between my hip pain and my toddler who had a rough night last night, my energy is non-existent. I am unfortunately still working at 38 weeks, everyone around me is saying its time but I am so stressed about coming back to a disaster in a year that I want to train this lady as best as I can. I might work from home tomorrow and take the time to nap while DS naps. At least DH is home on Friday evening and all weekend so I can re-charge, but then he is gone again on Monday morning for the week. Ahhh... I am praying these next 9.5 weeks fly by until we are back to our normal routine of him working 15 min away from us and not 3+ hours! I have to give single moms credit because I lean on my husband so much to help out!!

Sorry for the vent, I hope everyone is enjoying these last few weeks of pregnancy!
Oh Hopeful I could not imagine not having DH around right now!!! Everything is seriously so hard, especially juggling a toddler on top of it. I think helping to train her now will probably pay off in the long run. Hopefully you won't have a mess when you come back.

My son has been very needy lately. Thankfully, he does do well with either DH or me to deal with his neediness. I just am so exhausted and I am not sleeping well. My last day of work in tomorrow. I am hoping that I can get the house a bit in order before Wednesday.
Hopeful how difficult for you!

So we got home but on a light box and have to go back and get bloods done tomorrow so may be back in if his jaundice level has risen significantly.

Feeding wise he feeds around every 3 hours now I’ve been struggling a bit during the night so we do have ready made formula .
He hasn’t gained since yesterday and midwife who isited today said maybe need to up the formula feed to two.

Harry also has sticky eyes so going to express some milk onto a cotton bud for him xx
Hopeful- I can't imagine having DH so far, you are one tough cookie. Working with a toddler and no husband and 38 weeks pregnant? I'm tired thinking about it.

Bittersweet- I hope the light box at home works and you don't have to go back.

This cold has turned into bronchitis, so I finally got in to see a doctor who put me on steroids so that I'm not coughing when the baby arrives. I keep getting sick and it takes me forever to recover each time. My ribs feel bruised from coughing, and yesterday my voice was only recovered to about 50%. And that was before I had to teach. I'm hopeful the steroids will do their trick and I'll be back to normal soon. So far the baby seems stubbornly breech, but I'm taking the day off work to relax and will try some yoga poses before my version tomorrow.
After 18 hours of lights we are home. Have to go in tomorrow morning for a recheck to see if we need home lights. She wasn't peeing or pooping and lost too much weight so we are supplementing with formula now.
She finally just had her first poo that wasn't just meconium but still looks horribly yellow, so no telling what tomorrow's test will show.
Bittersweet- I hope that Harry is doing well and you don't need to go back to the hospital.

Xan- Hope you are feeling better.

Stormy- fx that she continues to do well and that you can stay home.

Afm, I had what was suppose to be my last prenatal appointment. However, baby was very uncooperative during the NST. I don't get the impression the doctor was thrilled to release me. He told me to come back if she isn't moving and I have to have a follow up NST with my regular OB on Monday. I am not too disappointed since they can also do a position check to see if she has gone full head down or is still oblique. If she is still oblique I am leaning towards just scheduling a c-section for Wednesday so I know what to expect since I find it unlikely she is going to shift in the day between then.
His jaundice levels cane down so stayed at home another night yay
Does he still look yellow? I'm worried about our testing tomorrow... Annemarie still looks very yellow.
Stormy I thought he did but midwife today said he doesn’t.
His level got checked again it has risen but only by 18 so to continue to monitor but still at home so looks like we are hopefully staying home now!
Good news bittersweet!

Fx Annamarie passed her test too Stormy.

How is everyone doing?

I'm having lots of swelling again. :nope:
She is the same level but put on weight so we narrowly missed home lights. Retest on Wednesday. Trying to cut back on formula supplements while still pushing fluids.
Stormy that’s what we’ve been told to do push fluids but he has fed every 2 hours for the last 24 hours so don’t think that’s an issue. The home treatment is okay it’s just a small light blanket you can put a sleep suit but no vest over the top and can still cuddle etc just have to watc for the tube. Under the big lights in hospital you can’t cuddle which is horrid.
Harry has gone more yellow today but midwife tomorrow so she will assess
Stormy, bittersweet- Hope the jaundice gets under control.

Krissie- how exciting that your baby could be here on Wednesday!

The version didn't work. The baby's butt is already in my pelvis which makes it harder. But it wasn't too painful and I'm glad I gave it a try. On top of that, I was having contractions every 3 minutes. They gave me medication to relax my uterus (normal for versions) and they stopped the contractions. I wonder if I always have them but just noticed them in the hospital because I had nothing else to do. At some point the heartbeat changed positions before they did an ultrasound and I thought he flipped, and between that and the regular contractions I thought I might have a baby yesterday. But it wasn't meant to be, probably for the best. On Wednesday we'll probably schedule a c-section for the 5th. I just hope I don't contract and go into labor before then.
I hope you get to stay home with your babies. How is Thea doing Nordic?
I've had a really busy weekend, assembling furniture, moving furniture, generally doing way too much. I'm completely exhausted now, but on the plus side, it means I now have a space for the crib/cot, and the babies drawers and wardrobe rail are ready for her clothes. I sorted it all into size order a few weeks ago, and started washing and drying it all today. So far her newborn stuff is washed and dried, and hanging/folded away. Tomorrow I intend to do up to 1 month, and possibly 0-3, which is all I'm doing until she's about 5 weeks old (depending on size obviously!!) I think my tumble drier is dying though, it took over 2 hours to dry a load today, and some still felt a little damp. Not what I need right now!!!
I packed my hospital bags today (I've packed one for during labour, and one for if I stay overnight/leaving the hospital) I just need to get some maternity pads, some bras with no underside, and then it'll be a case of throwing chargers and snacks in when it all starts!! Getting the babies packed once all the washing is done, as we're away for a long weekend next week, and I wanted it all packed and ready before we leave.
I'm so done with being pregnant now, I'm uncomfortable and grumpy. But at the same time, I'm so terrified about basically being a single mum to an almost 6 year old and a newborn!!

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