February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Aww Lucy make sure to keep it easy!!

Baby is now 6lbs 1 so 2 oz off birth weight!!:)
So I had my final ob appt today. She is head down. :happydance: So I go in tomorrow evening to start the gel and will start pitocin on Wednesday morning. Hopefully my labor goes quickly like my son's and I have a baby that evening.
So I had my final ob appt today. She is head down. :happydance: So I go in tomorrow evening to start the gel and will start pitocin on Wednesday morning. Hopefully my labor goes quickly like my son's and I have a baby that evening.

That's fantastic- can you tell her to have a chat with my little troublemaker? Good luck :thumb up:

BTW- what did you try to get baby to flip?
Xan- I walked a lot, sat on my ball and did side to side movements, sat backwards in my kitchen chairs, and avoided sitting reclined with my feet up. I am planning to do some cat/cow poses tonight and more walking to hopefully keep her in the right position.
Krissie - That is so exciting!!! Can't wait to hear how everything goes!!

My midwife appointment from last week got changed to this morning, so heard little babes heartbeat, pounding away at 140bpm. They said he seems very happy and he is in a perfect labour position right now and he is very low.
My pelvis is very sore and I am really feeling pressure when I walk. I am hoping baby can hold out until the weekend when DH is home. He will come home when I go into labour but he is only getting 2 days off for when the baby comes!!

I am still working, as I need to tackle our year end, which is causing major problems also I am still training the girl covering my position for the year so it seems whenever I get ahead on year end I am interrupted to answer questions. I like that she is asking questions, but I also really wish she could pick up things faster. Trying to be patient. lol!
So exciting Krissie, all the best!

Xanaba, I did lots or cow-cat poses and also supermans, squats, plie squats, rear lunges, and somehow baby flipped to correct position. Hopefully, that helps.

I am booked for induction on the 13th. Hopefully, baby does not come earlier. My mum confirmed she is not coming over to help, she chose to tour another country, so now she is quite busy with her work. Well, I was disappointed at first, but at least now we are clear, no one is coming over to help.
Good Luck Krissy!

Lian - I am so sorry to hear that, are there any Postpartum Doula's in your area that might be able to help if you need? I know the cost is a factor but even for an hour or two here or there.
Loan sonsorry to hear! Honesty as I’m sure you know from your first lo it’s bloody hard! So maybe look up what hopeful Said!
I’ve been home a week and done it basically alone. Crumbled and my my. Has been over today and has offered to come back this pm. She’s also offered to take him from 11pm until 7am as he is on formula on the night and I express if needed (although he gets formula at 9/10 and then I breast feed just for easiness) oh is meant to come off today but we shall see.

Krissie good luck today x
Lian- I am so sorry hun. That is such a difficult situation to be in. Hopefully it works out okay.

Afm, came in last night at 6:30. The ward is very busy. I think almost a full house. So I didn't even get the gel until 10:30 then a second dose at 4:30. It is now a little after 8 and I am waiting as shift change was an hour ago. Guess we'll see if things have moved enough for pitocin.
Miss Alice Rose is finally here!

I came in on 1/23/18 to start cervical ripening. They did 4 rounds of cytotec. I was not dilating so I asked to change it up about 4. They decided on a folley bulb. That was inserted about 6 pm. I tried to sleep from 8:30-11 but was having some contractions so asked for some Tylenol. At 11:15 I woke up needing to pee so got up and my water went and I was 3 cm. After that the contractions were just on top of each other. She was born right about 1:30 am on 1/25/18. I had requested an epidural but it was all so fast I ended up having her with nothing. There was only my nurse in the room when she was born.

She was 6 lbs 5 oz, 18 inches long. She is doing so good and I am just so in love with her.


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Congratulations!!!! She is absolutely beautiful :) and a good weight too!
It's so exciting that all our babies are starting to arrive :cloud9: there's 3 girls and a boy so far, is that right??
Congratulations Krissie, I'm so happy for you xxx Alice Rose, beautiful name and baby x
Congratultions gorgeous name and gorgeous baby.
Yep that’s right hun so hopefully someone else joins the boy club soon!
Congrats Krissie!! She is so perfect!!!

I hope so too Bittersweet, my little guy should be arriving any time!!

39 weeks today! Feeling pretty normal, got sugared this morning to pamper myself a little bit before baby arrives, it felt good to get it done although everything was super sensitive, which I knew it would be!
I’ve been naughty and started electric pumping just to up supply and also my boobs feel a little sore on the outside so not sure harry is emptying enough.
My Kim cane to look after him other day and I’d only hand expressed 1oz so she gave him formula so wants to also have milk in freezer so that doesn’t happen again
Congratulations, Krissie! She's adorable.

Lian, I'm sorry you are in such a tough spot.

I had an appointment with my OBGYN yesterday. Still breech, still closed at 37+3, not effaced at all. I've been doing some exercises to try to get baby to turn, but now I can recognize his head and he is staying put. His head is upper right and butt near my left hip, exactly where he has been for 2 weeks. I'm finally feeling up for yoga this weekend so maybe a miracle will happen. But as of now I have a c-section scheduled for Monday the 5th. For some reason I feel disappointed and nervous about it, but I'm thinking if he hasn't budged in 2 weeks, maybe there's a reason he is where he is and it's not going to change. Having a healthy baby boy is all that matters.

So, we'll have 1 more for the boy column on the 5th.
Congratulations Krissie! Her name is lovely. 💖

Wow! Didn’t know induction could be this long, I have started researching google and I can’t find anything that relates remotely to my situation. Basically, fingers crossed that baby does not come before induction, but that during induction date, he/she comes out quickly. Our daycare is only open for 11 hours, where we will put our kids. We are also on regional area so no chance of emergency nannies, or caretakers. Of course, worse comes worse, I will just give birth alone in the hospital as in my previous pregnancy. Except this time, being in a regional area, cabs finish their operations after 9pm.

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