February 2018 - Valentines Babies!

Thank you ladies. :flower:

We got to come home Friday afternoon. Her brother seems very curious and excited so hopefully he adjust well.

Xan- I'm still hoping baby turns for you.

Lian- my first induction took about 10 hours from starting pitocin to holding baby. But I think it really can vary. Hopefully everything works out for you.
My first induction took 27 hours from start of pitocin to birth. Second took 19.
Liam- my induction too 24 hours from when they started and I was in the hospital for 2 hours before they started.
How are all of the moms-in-wait doing? Any labor "symptoms"?

I was hoping for a fun, relaxed weekend, but it was not to be. DS is not napping for us at home, even using our usual tricks (taking him in the stroller, watching sesame street from bed). Plus he woke up yesterday covered in sweat. I was sleeping in, but as soon as I woke up DH panicked me by telling me this before my brain woke up and I could rationally process it. Of course, that put me on edge and we had a day of bickering. I'm now looking forward to going to work and happy that DS is in daycare, which makes me a little sad.

I went to yoga yesterday, but I can tell that the baby's still breech, so I am starting to accept the c-section and plan around it. I'm excited to finish up work this week, I'm taking Friday off and then Monday we will have our little boy!
My due date is Thursday...I also just realized I never changed my ticker, but thankfully it is only out one day.

I am hoping baby hangs on until February now, then all my boys will be February babies, plus then DH has a better chance of making it to the birth if it happens closer to the weekend.

I have my 40 week midwife appointment on Thursday! Also still working, Wednesday will be my last day and I am really looking forward to it! It is -30 here this morning so not having to leave the house on these bitter cold days is going to be wonderful!!

Hoping to take DS and my niece swimming Tuesday evening, depending on how I feel but I know the water will feel nice.

Xanzaba - I hope baby just flips for you! But if not good luck on Monday, it is kind of nice knowing when baby will come!!
Just a few more days to February! I am excited to start seeing birth stories and new babies. <3

Afm, I am very weepy. I was this way after DS as well so I think it is just pp hormones. Otherwise, my healing is exceptional this time compared to DS. I feel really good physically just tired but that's to be expected.

DH is getting a vasectomy right now. I know it's what we both want but my pp hormones are wrecking havoc on me. But we have had this appt for months and never a second thought so I know it's hormones. Edit: apparently DH needs a more invasive surgery so that will be rescheduled for this summer.

My little Alice is doing so well. She is 4 days old and we had her first check up today. She has only lost one ounce since leaving the hospital. She is such a tiny thing. 6th percentile for her weight and below 1st for height. My son is also small so I am not surprised.
Aww krissie I&#8217;m glad Alice is doing well. I&#8217;m sure your reaction is just those pesky hormones!
My OJ has a cold. You&#8217;d think he&#8217;s dying. I&#8217;ve ended up have a massive rant about how I&#8217;m 3 weeks post partim and basically being left on my own a lot and the only break I really get is when oh wants a cuddle or he formula feeds at 10pm. Hconly started his leave last Thursday as we were in hospital and then he had&#8221;work commitments&#8221; and all he&#8217;s done since then is moan about being unwell. He then went into work today cause he had another commitment he apparently couldn&#8217;t get out of. I&#8217;m still very sore and I think it&#8217;s because I&#8217;m not really getting a chance to heal :(
Bittersweet- I'm sorry hes not being more supportive. My DH was that way with our first and it was just terrible. Looking back he was struggling with a lot of depression about the baby and all the changes.

This time around he has been amazing with the baby. It has really been night and day. Now if only he had more patience for our overly zealous 3 year old.
Hmm never thought I&#8217;d that Krissie as e got depression in the summer when we found out we were expecting. He says he just unwell with a sore throat etc but it&#8217;s gone on for a week and a bit now and I&#8217;m beginning to get really angry with him. I&#8217;ve spoke to him and he says he is supporting but I have to ask him constantly to do things would be lovely if he just did it. He does ask if I want a nap etc in the afternoon but this is always when baby is stirring for a feed so he knows il say no because baby needs fed first and he&#8217;ll quijcly disappear upstairs and fall asleep today it was for 2 hours. In operating on about 3-4 hours sleep and he&#8217;s getting a lot more than that and still moans constantly. He keeps bringing the spare bedroom duvet downstairs and trying to lay his head on my lap I feel like screaming F off and man up!!
Stormy I definitely think babies add pressure so much.
It&#8217;s not so much we have been fighting I just really struggle when oh says he is unwell. Forgets I gave birth 4 weeks ago with forceps and then spent 9 days of 11 watching it baby 24/7 in scbu so emotionally struggled as well. He was a bit better two nights ago because exhaustion totally hit me and I couldn&#8217;t physically stand so he had to bring bub to me. I just hope he is going to man up a bit :(
Wednesday night I was getting a lot of pain in my left hip and wondered if baby was turning. Then I realized they were rhythmic so I started worrying about going into labor, between him being breech and me being on blood thinners it has to be controlled for both of our sakes. After 1 hour it got better to where I could sleep, but woke up several times in the night with the pain. The next day I called my doctor who sent me to L&D. Sure enough they picked up mini-contractions that weren't as painful but felt similar. Baby looked good and every time I got one of those pains it registered a contraction, but I'm not dilating because he is still breech. So Monday it'll be a c-section (I've stopped hoping for a miracle). I've come to believe that this is the best for him and it has made me come to terms with having a c-section.

I'm off work now and enjoying a day mostly for me. I had lunch with a friend and I'm going to get my hair trimmed.
:hugs: It is so hard stormy, I hope things settle soon.

Xan- good luck Monday. You'll be holding your little guy in no time.

I've been in and out of the doctors this week feeling very unwell. Turns out my preeclampsia is not sorting itself and my bp has been sky high even on meds. I'm now on a second bp med to hopefully get that down. I have a follow up appt Monday so I'm hoping it looks better.

I'm a little nervous, it will be my first trip out with both kids all alone. :wacko:
Krissie- good luck with the doctor, I hope it all gets sorted out soon. And good luck with both kids- I'm not looking forward to that first time, but I'm sure it'll be fine. Your little man looks like a great big brother!
He really is a good big brother. He looks for Alice when he wakes up and enjoys "petting" her and showing her things. It's really sweet. I'm so glad he is adjusting well. He does listen well so I'm thinking the trip out shouldn't be too bad.
Good luck Xan!
Krissie how was the trip out?
What are you ladies doing for birth control after these little cherubs are born? I've opted for tubal ligation right after the c-section on Monday, maybe it's just nerves but now I'm thinking it's so final. I have a blood clotting disorder, I've always wanted 1-2 kids, and I'm "advanced maternal age", so I'm probably just having a little panic. Now I'm thinking I don't want to make that decision until I have my baby in my arms. On the other side, I thought we were pretty safe since it took a while to get pregnant with my son and ended up getting pregnant the first time possible.
Can don&#8217;t do something you arnt really sure on!
I&#8217;m getting the injection as it works well for me before and we don&#8217;t want another for a while if ever depending on consultant outcome
We had planned on a vasectomy but that didn't work out and now I'm really having second thoughts. DH thinks I will change my mind since I was so adamant on only two before I had her.

I think I'm gonna opt for an iud but discuss a tubal. My logical brain knows we should stop at the two we have and I will likely not have this extreme pull for a third once my hormones chill.
I haven't decided on contraception yet. I have a needle phobia, so the injection and the implant are both out. Ideally I'd have the coil, but I'm a bit scared of it, I've heard horror stories of never ending periods and crazy hormones.
I got pregnant on the pill, twice. The first time was due to a prolonged bout of IBS flare up, and the second time was because I stupidly took tanning tablets, without reading the ingredients, one of which affects the pill working. I know OH would never trust the pill again, but he is rather large :blush: so finds condoms very uncomfortable, and they make me sore too.
He has mentioned the snip (for him not me) but he used to joke about it before we got pregnant, so I'm not sure how serious he is. Plus he's still only 30, so not sure he'd be able to get it on the NHS until he's older. Maybe we'll just have to use abstinence as contraception!

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