February Clear-Blue-Fertility-Monitor GROUP 6 BFP

Hi Ladies! Got a faint BFP today! Need to retest in the AM just to make sure. This is my first month using the monitor. Lots of baby dust to all of you!
Omg! Contests knit bit! our due dates will be super close together! Two of us this month!!!! That is crazy!
Hi ladies, firstly sorry for disappearing from here for a while, and secondly congrats to all the new BFPs!!:)

I have had a bit a stressful and traumatic time for the last couple of weeks. I went to the doc's on 02/02/11 to discuss my irregular bleeding issue, whilst I was there she did some tests to try and rule out an infection and this included an internal which caused me pain on the left side. Straight after the doc did a urine test and I nearly fell over when she told me it was a BFP, 6 days before AF was due!!!

Didn't have much time to get excited though as because of the pain on the left the doc sent me straight up to A & E with a letter as she suspected ectopic. After hours at the hospital they did a blood test and sent me on my way, they didn't seem concerned at all so I thought it was all ok!

I was told to go back on the monday for a scan, even though I was convinced they wouldn't see anything yet as I hadn't even missed AF yet! Had the scan and they said the uterus was empty and identified something on my left ovary which they werent so happy about. I had more bloods and sent home again and they said they'd call me with the blood results and they needed to have doubled every 48-72 hours or something like that.

Anyways I go home and have a little nap and they call back saying the HCG levels in the blood has raised appropriately, from 133 on 02/02 to 1500 on 07/02 but they said which levels that high they would be able to see the pregnancy in the uterus on the ultrasound. So back to the hospital we went, waited hours again, ended up getting annoyed and going to the nurses station to be told "sorry we'd forgotten about you". Eventually the on call Gynae comes and says she's not happy as they think i'm 6-7 weeks gone because the hormone levels are what they are, they can't see the pregnancy in the womb etc etc. next thing the surgeon comes in and says they are 90% sure the pregnancy is ectopic and I would require surgery to remove the baby and the left tube, half hour later I was being wheeled into theatre, absolutely distraught, OH was equally distraught!!

So I wake up expecting to be told our baby was gone and my tube was gone, nope....they said that everything was normal and it was just a cyst, stayed in over night and OH takes me home the next day, we're told to return in 10 days for another scan. I'll tell you what those 10 days have been the slowest and most traumatic of my life, not knowing what is going on, whether I am still pregnant, whether the pregnancy was going to end up being ectopic (they still wouldn't rule it out). It was so awful I couldn't even bear to come on here and tell you guys what was happening.

So today the scan finally arrives and we go this morning, and oh my god we see the most beautiful gest sac in the uterus and then the fetal pole inside!! I always thought from the beginning I was less far gone that they were saying, and I estimated today to be 5 weeks and 1 day, and the sonographer said the gest sac is the right size for 5 weeks and its just too early to see the HB yet.

I cannot describe the emotions I have felt over the last two weeks, but I am pleased that things are back on track, no thanks to the hospital!! Still very early says but at least we know our bub is settling in the right spot. I asked why my HCG levels were so high last week and the nurse said "maybe it was a twin pregnancy but the other one didn't take", harsh!! they seem to have no people skills!! Do you think they'd even be able to see if there was twins at this stage? I have a tilted womb as well which makes it more difficult for them.

Sorry to give such a long update, but I am finally able to write down what we've been through to get to this point, last week I was a wreck!!

Baby dust to all

x X x
Knitbit, yayyyy congrats I'll add you to the list :)

Princess, OMG I'm glad your okay and your still pregnant CONGRATS I'll add you too :)
One week and I can test woot hoping for my positive :)
Congrats princess! We got three this month! That has to be some kind of record!
Thanks I have really FIRM boobs and that happend last time that I got the two positives pregnancy test's. So my hopes are high but we see what happend, five days left until I can test.
Hello!! I'm new to all this and thrilled to see so many BFPs. I am on my first cbfm cycle and first month ttc. I'm on cd18 with lots of highs since cd8 and no peaks :( I'm worrying I might not be ov.
I have been told I might peak later, but I've had my days of cm, and not had any since so dont think i'll get it again.
Has anyone else not peaked in the 1st month but has in the second?
Also my cbfm is still asking for sticks, will it keep asking me till I get my period?
Oh, and how do you join a thread, do i just have to check it every day through my statistic thingy???
Sorry to ask so many questions, as you can tell i'm new to all this.
Would be greatfull for all your feedback.
Thanks x :)
Hi Claire,don't worry about not getting a peak the first month as the monitor can take a while to get used to you. I think the reason it keeps asking you for sticks is because you haven't had a peak yet. I wouldn't worry too month as I got a BFP but didn't get a peak on my monitor last month, so it missed me ovulating but clearly I did!!
I'm not sure about joining a thread but I think maybe Duffy will add you to the group so don't worry. We're all very friendly here so don't feel afraid to ask any questions you may have. Can't guarantee we'll have all the answers though!! I'm waiting for another scan 02/03/11 to hear our bubs heartbeat as it was too early this time, it's been a rocky few weeks but I finally feel like we're back on track a little bit.

Welcome to the group Claire, is this your first you are trying for?xx
Oh thank you princess, thats made me feel lots better. It shows the machine doesnt always get it 100% esp as you're expecting and didnt peak! Massive congratulations to you, I read one of your previous posts, gosh...you have been through a lot! Good news in the end though.
Its easy to get a bit obsessed with ttc isnt it :) Yep, this will be my first we're trying for. We got married last July and we now feel ready for a family. I'm 27 and my hubby is 34. He works nights, so it can be a bit difficult to find the time to dtd!

Is this your 1st? How long did it take for you to get pregnant?
Good luck with the scan, must be amazing to hear the heart beat xx
Yeah this will be our first, ive got a few issues which could have made getting pregnant difficult which is why we decided to try now. It took us 5 months and yes I was totally consumed with it to be honest, the last month that the monitor didn't give us a peak may have helped as I kind if thought sod it and we just dtd for us because we thought I hadn't even ovulated that month anyway. To be honest my oh hates the monitor and I had decided I wasn't going to buy anymore sticks and just try a couple of months without it then BFP! Xx
Ah thats great, very inspiring. My OH isn't too impressed with using the monitor either, he thinks it takes out the "fun" of trying. But, I won him round by saying about him working nights etc, and also I am overweight, so thought it will give a helping hand. I am trying to lose weight, but as we know its a long old road!

Thanks for your reasurance x
Claire1 Hi welcome to are group we all excited to have you :) And massive lucky bubbles on your TTC Journey I hope it will be a short one for you! I'm not sure why you didn't get a peak but others woman are known for not getting a peak and still getting pregnant/so they and you must be ovulating. Also at pregnancy.com you could order a back up ovulation strips just to check things out. When I ovulate I get very muscusy down there so it adds up/so ttc tip write down your cm and I bet it will add up to your ovulation. To be honest I could really do with out using a cbfm since TTC with my first daughter TTC with two pregnancy loss's I have gotten to know my body very well! You will too. Someone wrote on the thread about having to keep using sticks/after your peak and it can be a fincially waste so recken to keep a used stick around and just put in your cbfm until it stops asking :)

Princess, I remember when I heard Karissa heartbeat for the first time its a amazing experience! I think that when me and chase both had shit cat grins like dam there a LIFE a baby made between us GROWING and DEVELOPING lol. I can't wait until you get your own experience/and if your blogging your pregnancy down ( I did for Karissa every step of the way) that a great experience to put in there.

I'm going to test this coming weekend that will be a few days before my period :) I'm still not sure if we did it cuz oh flat lined on the IMPORTANT night no amount of creativity helped LOL, but we did bed leading up the the day/and the day after.

Oh yes is TTC madness hahaha.
I'm freaking out as last night I started to bleed, it was not really heavy but a noticeable amount and today it's less, yesterday was red and now it's more sort of brown and there has been some tiny clots, sorry tmi. I called the hospital and they said to come in if it's gets really heavy and they've arranged another scan for Saturday. I'm really scared something is wrong, I don't know if it's normal or not, me and oh did dtd yesterday which we haven't for a while so could that have caused it? Xx
Princess, are you getting any AF cramping? Sex can cause a slight red/pinkish bleed just keep on eye on yourself and get in ASAP if it increases on blood flow.

Big massive hugs hon. I bet it just from having sex and your be fine/take it easier don't life anything heavy today.
Thanks Duffy, I think I will invest in some strips...it can only help eh?! I am aware of my cm, but would be a good idea to chart it. Thats why I'm fairly certain I wont get a late peak because I already had my cm earlier in the month. I just hope I do get a peak next month or I think it will be thrown out the window ha ha.
There is so much fantastic info here, i've learnt so much already!!

Thanks again xx
Claire1, I printed out a calender example for Feb and I write when my period starts and ends and when I get a clear ovulation positive/and CM that matches it. It really shows you a very accurate pattern of your body and it teaches YOU alot! So yeap I would recommend writing it down, lot of baby dust to you.

Princess how are you doing? I've been thinking of you today.
How is everyone doing today?

I'm anxious to do a pregnancy test but I need to hold out for a few more days lol.

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