February Clear-Blue-Fertility-Monitor GROUP 6 BFP

Happy early Birthday Princess :)

Visiting a friends sounds fun I'm home for the day with Karissa while oh works, no vehicle to drive so no way of getting out and about with Karissa lol. (Oh drives the car).

We started trying when she was four or five months old now I can't remember/BUT lol we did it half @ss and didn't time it right, energy deprived and most nights we feel to sleep. We truly tried the month of Aug with out the fertility monitor and beded every other day and we got it but it ended in a miscarriage about a week and half later.

So I guess I'm counting this as the first cycle because I don't know how you can't it when you get it and lose it, fresh start :)

I'm not feeling to positive myself as I feel my period coming and I'm almost 90 precent sure today tomorrow or the next. Blah.

Karissa does keep me busy through out the day and that does help I will admit that and with the holidays/she was a newborn last Christmas this year she be one years/weeks old and into the wrapping paper, thanksgiving will be awesome bc she can try lil bites of turky and gravy. Motherhood has completlely taken over my life I never realized how much "my life' would change because my whole day is wrapped around her and literally the ONLY me time I get is when she napping and in bed.

but I would do everything over again, 9 months delivery and sleepless nights lol!
So I'm getting the imaginary symptoms now,have a weird pain under my ribs on my right side,googled and people have said they have had that in early pregnancy.not paying much attention as month 1 I had all sorts of "symptoms" which I looked up and thought were signs but of course in was all in my head,think I'm going la la!just weird that everytime I google something it comes back as a symptoms of early pregnancy!!!what a nightmare how our bodies play these tricks on us!not fair but pretty sure it's a BFN this month xx
Hello ladies,

You are right not to trust symptoms, after 8 months I seem to have had every single pregnancy symptom under the sun but never a bfp! Another friend of mine on here got pregnant last cycle having convinced herself that af was on the way! Another one took a month off to go into hospital but got pregnant that month (there is a lot to be said about reducing stress but I have no idea how to do it!)

The CBFM is great when it gets used to your cycle. It does however follow a pattern and you will never get more than 2 peaks then a high followed by low's. I ovulated late one month and it got it wrong by giving me a peak to early (confirmed on OPK's) but now it is used to me it is much more effective and most months I get 4 highs, 2 peaks and then a high at the right time.

Karissa is a gorgeous name, is it a family name and if not how did you choose it?

My friend just had a little girl last Saturday and has named her Scarlet which I also love as a name.

I have been to the German Christmas Market in Birmingham tonight. It was so lovely.

Thanksgiving is a massive celebration over there isn't it Duffy. Some friends of mine do dinner on Thanksgiving for friends but they are the only people in UK who I know and celebrate it. It would be a lovely Thanksgiving gift if you got a BFP in the next few days!

Lots and lots and lots of :dust: to you both x
Princess, dang it I'm doing the same thing today lol! I can say from the experience of my first successful pregnancy I had cramping, moodyness and swollen boobs that told me AF was coming. With my second I had the same thing (dam miscarriage) and now I'm feeling the same way so I'm getting so dang confused! But at least if I can hold out and retest on sunday if the witch stays away I will know either yay or nay. That is strange everything your googling comes back to pregnancy hugs I really hope you get your positive in the next month :) What a lovely way to kick start the holidays with.............

SarahJane, that would have sucked to get a wrong peak but thank goodness you have another back up on hand, I wonder why it did that? I did read it takes a bit to get to know your cycles hopefully these expensive little tools will speed up concieving time.

Scarlet is such a pretty name I love it! I picked Karissa name out a year before I was pregnant I dreamed about it and stuck with me, for some reason no other name was perfect enough lol. No family history but dreaming it up in zzzzzzzzzzz land.

Thanksgiving is next week and we are all gearing up for it my mother always cooks a lovely turkey meal with the works. I really hoping it snows as I would love to take my daughter sledding the forcast said its suppose to snow so we will see. I'll be getting a family movie for that day too/later that night for in bed with my boyfriend. We are not going out to other people houses there just to many family dinners lol. My parents are divorced so we will be meeting my dad for dessert but for the rest which is three other homes we not going, we don't want the holiday to be hectic lol.

and it would be such a lovely gift to have a seed growing in me, crossed fingers and lots of baby dust to you!!!
So I tested today and it showed negative so I set the tester aside, about a half hour later I could see a faint faint line going down. I'm reallyyyyyy confused its a different tester I have not used before normally I get the digital that says pregnant/not pregnant. So I don't know if its a fluck or if it picked up slightly on some pregnancy hormones. So my boyfriend going to buy the digital tester tonight and tomorrow and sunday I'm going to test with both sticks providing the nasty witch stays away. Crossed fingers. I'm totally up in the air wish I could take a picture but I don't think you really see the line blah its literally barely there! LOL. I'll keep you ladies updated though. Off to do mommy duty for the day.
Oooh Duffy I hope that's a BFP in a few days then!!I did a test,even though it's stupidly too early,I said I wasn't going to do tests until missed AF and all that,it was only a cheeky from the pound shop,so it was never going to say positive thus early anyway,what was I thinking....!!!I am feeling all crampy tonight so I guess that's me out this month even though AF isn't due to the 25th,blah :(

Good luck Duffy xx
That's mean to say "cheapy" from the pound shop not cheeky,ha ha!!xxx
Ooh sound like some really positive symptoms for you both. I really hope you both get that BFP this month x

Keep me posted and get some pics of any tests you take on here so we can all stalk them together!

Happy weekend... Children in Need tonight so preparing myself to cry every time I see kids suffering - I have been in work today with various people in pyjamas!(not me unfortunately as I was interviewing so decided it may not look great!) it has been really good fun. Despite how poor people are at the moment, I have seen so many generous customers giving a few pounds. The branch I was in today was in Dudley so a pretty poor area and they made £300 which is amazing really.

Do you do a similar national charity day in the US Duffy?
Princess, that so funny because I too told myself I was NOT going to test until the day of my period/or after. I'm so strong until it hits early testing time and then I just cannot hold it together *laughter*................. I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hugs hang in there even if your feeling crampy I too have the same thing and I felt period like cramps with Karissa/second time around....

I found out something intresting my mom told me I should have started my period today and no sign of it, my CBFM is blinking the M wanting me to start a new cycle but no period lol. So I'm not understanding what going on............. but I did buy a digital pregnancy test it come with two so I can test tomorrow morning and sunday just for giggle if no period! I will update you both for sure :) Hang in there princess its not over till the witch comes!

SarahJane, Oh gosh I remember PJ days when I went to school those where always fun! Do you work for a charity company? I don't know if we have any charitys days here I should actually find that out, I know around thanksgiving/christmas lots of donations boxes pop up for toys and jackets.

Hey have you ladies seen the movie The last airbender? We bought it and I'm hoping it won't be a waste of money LOL.

How everyone day go? Mine was good keep running to the bathroom to check for the witch, and Karissa is learning to grab things above her head on tables and nearly got knocked with a plate super speed mama lol... went on a store run and got some much needed things, and now I'm looking forward to cuddling in bed with oh to watch a movie. Good night sarahjane and princess. Oh p.s I'll figure out how to do the picture thingy I'm not good with uploading photos on this site for some reason other sites no issues lol. Night ladies :)
No I haven't seen that film Duffy, let us know if it is good or rubbish.....I definitely feel like I am out, I am spotting now, like I did on cycle 1 of TTC so I guess I have to realise that is "normal" for me anyway, and it's a certain thing that the witch is coming. I am feeling really down today, knowing I am out 5 days before the witch is due is not fun :(

Back to the drawing board I guess, another month of being crazy and hoping. Sorry for bringing down the mood, Duffy still got my fingers crossed for you BFP!

Princess :) Well we can cry on each other shoulders lol a big fat negative and I'm cramping the flow is coming.............. I'm out too!!! Waiting for my period to start so I can reset my monitor hugs to both of LOL.

I'll tell you about the movie the trailer looked good we be watching it tonight, woot. OMG its been snowing alllllllll night long!!! Is it snowing where your at? I check back later oh is leaving for work and I got mama duty and breakfast clean up duty LOL.

Dam af witch I'm gonna make a voodoo doll for periods LOL.
I hate it,knowing the witch is coming to start this whole process again,have had a teary day today,with my poor OH has had a rough day with me today!!he's gone to work now,working til 3am so I'm home alone which doesn't help!still feeling very crampy with a few twinges that lasted a few seconds but I guess I'll just have to wait another 5 days for the witch to turn up like she always does.is it normal to be feeling this way having tried for such a short time?I feel like I'm crazy or something!!no Duffy no snow here in the UK where I am,it's very cold though!what time is it where you are?it's 630pm here.

Sarah Jane,how are you?

Hey princess - spotting could be IB and you wouldn't have a positive yet if that is the case! Also being teary and emotional is another sign so you could be still in :hugs: If you are out don't be too hard on yourself. Treat yourself to something really nice like a face mask and pamper yourself. Stay positive hun, it will happen for you xx

I have had some very odd symptoms today - sore bbs and odd fluttery feeling in tummy. Tend to get sore bbs every month but the feeling in the tummy is new! Hoping this is good news as not had any symptoms out of the ordinary for a few months now. Not planning on testing until next Fri though. Also not buying new monitor sticks until next weekend as last time I bought them before I was definitely out and this month I want to keep the PMA until the end!

Duffy, you are not out until she shows - could be bfp symptoms too! Not seen that film, let me know if it's any good.

What else have you guys been up to?

My plan tonight is to watch xfactor and relax with a nice big log fire. Been to watch the football today (soccer) in the freezing cold so need to warm my bones back up. brrrrrr:cold:
BTW I don't work for a charity (I work for a bank but we always do stuff for this charity as I think we hold the account) It was a mad night and when I went to bed at midnight they had raised over 1.6 million pounds - was on the BBC all night. All of the money goes to disadvantaged children in the UK.
Hi SarahJane, well I don't think being teary is a sign as every month when I realise I am out I am a wreck and cry so I think that's normal, if not a bit pathetic....I think I am out because on cycle 1 of TTC I had spotting about a week before AF reared her ugly head, and it's almost identical to what I have now.
Today the imaginary sympton fairy has struck again, I have been very crampy, with some weird twinges that last a few seconds at a time then disappear, and it seems like they are coming from low in the middle of my pelvis. My OH said he thinks my BBs are bigger, i'm not so sure about this, and put it down to AF being on her way. When is yours due? I won't be testing again, unless my will power is rubbish! ha ha. I don't know why I did the cheap test yesterday, I KNEW it would be -ve as it was way too early for a cheapy test to pick anything up and I am sure I am not pregnant. I am also camped in front of the TV watching X Factor whilst OH is at work, afterwards I might do a facepack and read a good book to try and relax myself a bit and take my mind off things.
Oh I have also had really itchy skin aswell, itchy arms and stomach, what the hell is all that about, I can't even be bothered to google it....
Hey Princess, Its 5:30 pm as I type this dinner will be soon (what u have for dinner?) My mom is cooking I live at home and I have never moved out (I'm 25 years old/three bedroom home/playroom) My mom has been divorced for a year so I decided to stay with her and I'm lucky oh is okay with it. So anyway the point of me saying this LOL my mom does all the cooking WOOT! Oh hon I know its rough (hugs) and I'm really sorry your having a emotional day I wish I could help bring some good feelings for you :) Maybe tomorrow will be better you will have to update us if your feeling up to it, triple hugs.

SarahJane, Oh gosh I totally need to order sticks myself I have 11 this cycle it nearly made me use all of them 12 left over. I thought for sure my period would start but she not showing any sign what so ever I felt crampy this morning and now the cramping is gone. I totally don't get it the test said negative but my period is not starting......... my mom told me to give a few more days if the witch doesn't show and retest because I'll be late late late by then. My cycles are always regular I start 30 days in the morning on the dot and even after the miscarriage I started a few days late but it was normal period and flow, so odd. *Takes deep breath I'll try to hang in there but my body is whacked* lol.

Ohhhhhhhhhh xfactor sounds good I have not seen that show forever its kind of like american idol if I'm thinking of the right show? But lots of varying talent. Nice warm fire sounds soothing on the soul too! We going to watch the movie after dinner so I'll let you know if its good in the moring oh is off so I'll have more time on the computer. Oh okay got ya on the bank that sounds like a nice job :) I used to change oils as I worked at Jiffy Lube for three solid years until I got pregnant.

Princess, my boobs are swollen too :) Oh takes pleasure in checking for me *laughter* it sounds like a xfactor night for both of you!

I have been on the go go go go allllllllllllll day long with Karissa she just MOVING she learning to WALK I keep joking to oh that she walks like a drunk sailer heehee. Have a good night ladies!
X factor is another version of american idol. I am sure you will probably know Simon Cowell who is one of the judges and also the winner from a few years back who was Leona Lewis. We have too many of these programmes, we also have Britain's got talent which is where Subo came from (Susan Boyle) and pop factor. They are kind of addictive though. All acts did Beatles songs last night - mostly very badly!

Both of you sound very much still in the running! You stand a really good chance of getting your BFP's this month - good luck x

You will have your hands full when Karissa starts walking on her own, you will need eyes in the back of your head to stop her from getting into mischief!! I love little ones when they just start walking and talking as they are hilarious.

Anyway, plan for today is to go shopping for some food (mainly for the cats as they have none left) then I think an afternoon of Dexter is in order - just bought the DVD box set and never seen it before but looks fab. How was the film? I had a look on IMDB and the preview sounded good.

My symptoms have totally disappeared today but not going to worry about it and just going to take it easy this week before I test

Sar xx
SarahJane, I live in the United States in Washington its a really pretty valley I live in, tons of camping and hiking to do around here :)

I wanted to see Dexter foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr that show looks good it plays on HBO here so we don't get that channel. Lel me know how it is? The movie was good and worth watching it had a lot of special effects and fighting that sort of died off while fighting but if you watch it through its a okay movie, maybe not worth buying the dvd but renting or borrow from a friend.

She so cute I'm really in love with her I think that if I didn't have her it would have made the miscarriage even more horrible to go through. She is my saving grace. I went on a spending spree last night on a credit account we have and I bought her some cute items.

I pink doll house (that she walks into/plays in/goes outside) it gets hot here in the summer so its open doll house with a roof/sides are open. I got her a little red slide ( I wanted to get her the sandbox but do one and half (when summer comes) really play in the sand or eat??? I got her a time out rocker chair its hot pink and says you been naughty but I love you, comes with a 15 minute timer. I got her a tinklerbell table/two chairs, a tinklebell couch that folds out like a bed and a elmo chair that swings and sings. I cannot wait til summer!!!

Her birthday is December 6, and we decided to not do a big birthday bash for her and keep it sutle with just her mommy and daddy and grandma/since we live with my mom LOL. I am going to order her a cupcake cake princess style and let her go to town!!!

Sorry rambling I tend to do that with her I'll shut up lol.

Yeap I heard xfactor is the big thing to watch now, I used to watch american idol but not anymore just kind of grew out of it. Or got bored of it.

Have fun with shopping :) I'm gonna curl up and read a good book while Karissa sleeps, oh yea I'm 100 percent out my period started this morning. So now that I know I'm not preggos I'm gonna do walking and biking until we start trying again. Have a good day ladies.........

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