February Clear-Blue-Fertility-Monitor GROUP 6 BFP

Congratulations!!!!fantastic news,soon it'll just be me left in the group!!!

The baby dust from SarahJane must have worked for you Duffy xx
Princess, I'm not counting my chickens yet because I had a miscarriage in Sept (dunno why I said march LOL) and I had spotting and delayed positive so we are going to see what happens and how the first OB appt goes before we jump onto cloud nine. (I'm not leaving this thread................. hugs) Your not alone in this and we have new girls who joined too. Shooting you babydust keep using your CBFM and you can do it sweetie just hang in there.
WOOOOHOOOO - congrats Duffy xx :happydance:

I am not going either Princess - my bump dust is coming your way too :dust:
AFM - pregnancy going well, feeling very pregnant. gone off sweet things, feel a bit poorly when I don't eat for a while but overall feel so happy that I couldn't care less if I am sick every day for the next 9 months as long as Mr Bump is safe in there! Also seem to have gained a POAS addiction to make sure everything is ok.

Am planning on trying to kick the habit after the weekend!!

DH has been amazing, he is so excited and told me he worries about me 24/7 tonight. He said that he hasn't thought of anything else for days. He is convinced it is a boy hence the Mr Bump thing - I keep reminding him it could be a girl but he's having none of it!

How are you feeling duffy?
SarahJane, Thank you I am excited :) We be spreading are bump dust to you princess and we here for you!!!

Oh gosh I'm still in a state of shock lol my mom caculated by oct 21 period that I'm five weeks along :) No idea why the positives didn't show last week I recken my hormones where low and my body was going through a bit of a battle. Maybe now the dust is settling down......... so I'm praying for a sticky. I have to admit I am scared the inoccence of being pregnant is gone and replaced with alot more worry but at the same time I'm trying to take it easy and not stress myself out and just take it one day at a time. My boyfriend said if I dare walk on the treadmill he tearing it in half LOL and he told me he didn't care how much extra weight I gained/non baby related I could work out after the baby (cough heehee) the dork. He being really good to me *hearts* we had such a fullfilled day today between two thanksgiving dinners I'm actually wiped out so I'm chillen in bed with my laptop hahaha. Feels nice.

Your DH sounds amazing for sure awwwwwwww are men they do love us, what habit are you trying to kick? I say go with your gut instinct with Karissa I just knew it was a girl from the moment I found out, I started a pregnancy journal and I started refering to baby/she very early on. I'm personally hoping for a girl this second time around but chase would love a son to do hunting and man stuff with I'm all into the world of princess heehee.

Okay I'm off to roll through the channels.... You have a good day sarahjane and princess :)
Hey guys,well I am officially out this month now as AF has arrived properly now.ahh well hopefully I'll get a Xmas BFP so will keep using the monitor and keep my fingers crossed.Duffy and SarahJane how long have you both been TTC?I need some words of encouragement to keep me up.I'm not sure if my cycles are out of whack since the surgery I had,or if it's the Stress of TTC that has messed them up!it's a shame we couldn't have had a full house of BFPs this month,but I appreciate you both sticking around on the thread for the rest of us :) your BFPs have given me hope xx
Thanks for the congrats greeneyes :)

Princess, A xmas positive would be excellent and so very special too I'm praying you get it next month! They do say stress can mess with your cycle but I personally don't believe in it for me because I lived a very stressful life unless my body is already atuned to stress lol.

For Karissa, we tried for nearly two years then fell pregnant when we stopped trying and went natural.

My mom told me once I had Karissa that for whatever reason my body would fall pregnant quickly because now its knows what to do. She was right!

On the second try we actually tried off and on/when Karissa was I think 5 months old but usually we where to tired to propery go at it lol. When my birthday in Aug rolled around I told chase I wanted my second baby and we beded every other day since the day I got of my period/no monitor then was collecting dust in the garage. For that pregnancy I really count it as the first try because we put are all into it :) Sadly it didn't last as you all know.

This third time around after the bleeding from the miscarriage stopped we did wait for one normal period after that we tried with our monitor, I think my body was struggling to keep my lil bean this third time but for the time being my bean the winner :)

Princess do you have children? I personally found not until I had a baby was it easier to get pregnant, now I'm just trying to hang onto the bean. Regardless of your situation we are all here 100 hundred percent princess :)

I'm off to call the OB and get in to get a blood test done this morning so I can be put on medical :) You have a good day everyone!
Hi all

Princess, I have been trying forever!! and had convinced myself it wouldn't ever happen. We haven't used any protection since May 09 (I came off pill in 2006). In April 2010 we decided to try properly as NTNP hadn't worked using opk's and all that rubbish and on cycle 8 I got my BFP. The best thing I did this month was to start to believe it wouldn't happen.(stupid as that sounds) I made a plan of going to my GP at the end of this month and binned the OPK's and thermometer at CD10. I only used the CBFM because I had the sticks and it was expensive and we only dtd twice in fertile time (last high and second peak). I didn't sit with legs up wall. I used totally the "wrong" positions. I went to the loo straight after one of the times(second one).

It goes to show that relaxation will help. I achieved that by having a plan and assuming it wouldn't happen so kind of giving up.

I know it sounds impossible but find your way to relax and it will happen:hugs:

You are joining us over in pregnancy groups section next month

duffy - is it just me or do you find the 1st Tri forum a bit difficult. just looked in and the first 4 posts were by people who have lost the baby. I don't think I can face reading that at this stage.
I won't go near first trimester LOL its to scary for me I'm trying to be super positive this time around. I did join the July Beach bumps in the pregnancy area under group section :) I'm waiting til my first appt to put there logo on my signature.

I'm so tired I can't wait til oh is off from work been gettins some funny feelings in my belly I think my uturs/body is doing some changes for the good, and I'm just taking it easy. Off to play with Karissa she only got a few more hours til bedtime my angel.
Thanks for the support girlies.I've got an appointment to see my consultant in March so if nothing has happened by then I will talk to them about it.I think normally couples have to wait for a year of trying but I think they might start to look into it after 6 months because of my problems.I'm going to try to chill out this month,no symptom spotting and I will try not to get upset like I have been because that won't help.just found out yet another person at work is pregnant,but me and my OH really haven't been trying that long so I have got to keep my chin up,it will happen when it happens.I am off for the weekend now,had a really busy few days with an event I had to organise.I am a police officer,and I helped organise a road safety event.we had students from the schools come to the local fire station and we had inputs from fire,police and ambulance about road safety.then we had a pretend car accident set up at the end where the fire brigade cut some victims out of a car like they would in real life,it was successful and I think the kids benefitted from it.sorry I am rambling but that's a little bit more about me and what I do rather than banging on about TTC all the time.at the mo I go into schools and do inputs to the kids,which means I work Monday to Friday and not shift work which is nice.it's so cold I'm glad I'm not having to work nights at the moment!!

Duffy I have a good feeling and I am feeling positive that yours is a sticky bean this time.
I want to know about your pregnancy journeys so I know what I am letting myself in for!!

Hey Princess, that sounds like a fun job going to the schools and being a police officer you go girl! :) It must be hard to lean about other women who you work with who get pregnant. I was so frustrated my first time around and actually I should have went in and seen a doctor by the year mark but I didn't (no medical insurance) I used to work at Jiffy Lube for three solid years then I got pregnant and laid off I'm lucky because I was able to stay home pregnant and until Karissa first birthday!!! I was going to look for a job but with the pregnancy I'm going to put it on hold. My oh gave me the green light to be a stay at home mom so I'm really considering that.

Your TTC game plan sounds good and I totally have my fingers crossed for you and I know your be pregnant soon too!

I also have my fingers crossed now I'm actually five weeks and two days along today and last night my gums started bleeding/that happend alot when I was pregnant with Karissa so that one thing you have to look forward increase of blood flow :)

My oh let me sleep in this morning what a great guy and now its almost nap time for Karissa. You have a good day princess. P.S I have a good feeling you too will get pregnant too.
Thanks for the support girlies.I've got an appointment to see my consultant in March so if nothing has happened by then I will talk to them about it.I think normally couples have to wait for a year of trying but I think they might start to look into it after 6 months because of my problems.I'm going to try to chill out this month,no symptom spotting and I will try not to get upset like I have been because that won't help.just found out yet another person at work is pregnant,but me and my OH really haven't been trying that long so I have got to keep my chin up,it will happen when it happens.I am off for the weekend now,had a really busy few days with an event I had to organise.I am a police officer,and I helped organise a road safety event.we had students from the schools come to the local fire station and we had inputs from fire,police and ambulance about road safety.then we had a pretend car accident set up at the end where the fire brigade cut some victims out of a car like they would in real life,it was successful and I think the kids benefitted from it.sorry I am rambling but that's a little bit more about me and what I do rather than banging on about TTC all the time.at the mo I go into schools and do inputs to the kids,which means I work Monday to Friday and not shift work which is nice.it's so cold I'm glad I'm not having to work nights at the moment!!

Duffy I have a good feeling and I am feeling positive that yours is a sticky bean this time.
I want to know about your pregnancy journeys so I know what I am letting myself in for!!


Hi...I am new to the group and totally willing to support! Congrats Duffy on your BFP! Keep your head up and we'll all keep you in our prayers. Princess I have a long history of issues as well. This is my first time using the Monitor. Started it a few days ago...today was my cd6 and it prompted me to test and with it being my first test ever got a high reading. Although I hear you can get a high reading for a few weeks or high w/o a peak. Who knows. I am very thankful for these forums!

Looking forward to feedback & help & supporting eveyrone else!~

Hello and welcome Hockeymom,this is the place to be for advice and support,these girls are fab!how long have you been TTC?I am on cycle day 6 with my monitor tomorrow so it'll start asking for tests then I think,this is only my second month using it so I think it's still trying to figure out my cycles (which can be a bit weird and erratic at times!)

I haven't been TTC very long really,this is my 4th cycle,but with a history of problems it's like an extra weight on your shoulders if you understand what I mean. I had a cyst removed, I have endometriosis which had also caused adhesions (my ovaries and womb had stuck together) and not knowing howthis will affect TTC is difficult for. I have a new attitude this month though and trying to relax as much as I can,and the girls on here really help with that. If you want to talk about your history feel free,we are here for your ups,and your downs,and hopefully we can lean on eachother whilst we wait for those BFP and put our CBFMs to the test!two BFPs in the group already gives me some hope :)
Hockymom, Thanks you for the prayers I'll take all the prayers in the world I can get, very blessed as I have alot of people looking out for me. Get ready to test alot I was shy of 11 left (30 sticks) but it was worth it and you will get a lot of high's next month it will be just five/six (I think) highs leading up to your ovulation, also it will have you start testing 8 days on your next period. Sending baby dust your way you can do it.

Princess, how are you doing today hon? I'm praying for your positive too everynight I went to bed I prayed for mine and I'll pray for yours too. Big hugs.

I'm off to get my medical that will pay for my pregnancy this morning then I'll be on mama duty. Karissa is learning to walk and its so funny watching I need to video record it and put it on my facebook. Do you guys have facebook?
Yeah I have facebook,if you tell me your name I'll look for you :) I'm feeling good today thanks Duffy,the OH brought me some lovely flowers today and gave me them when I got home from work which was so sweet!and he's going to cook dinner tonight so I am doubly lucky today!
I have 30 sticks left so POAS is an expensive habit but I find eBay is good to get them cheaper,and I don't spend out on pregnancy tests each month.I bet karissa is going to love having a little brother or sister,I bet you are so excited,I know I would be

Princess, awww that so sweet of him to cook you dinner what are you having? No idea on dinner put lunch is frozen pizza. AND FLOWERS I'm jealouse LOL the last time chase got me flowers well hummmmm YEARS! My mom loves flowers I always buy her colorful roses when they go on sale she put them in her bedroom/smells so good. What kind of flowers did you get? It does get expensive I blew 75 dollars myself lol and nope chase still does not know the cost heehee.

Oh my I hope Karissa enjoys a sibling I would love to give her one (if all goes okay) and I hope they love each other and support one another through life, even though they may not agree on some things. I'm very excited and this being my last time I'm hanging onto every moment of it. I did get my papers sorted with the DS office so I'm put on medical which thankfully pays for my whole delivery and 6 week check up.

Right now I'm planning her Birthday party I got her a purple mini christmas tree that lights up at a center piece for her birthday table/birthday wrapping paper I'm SOOOO excited for her birthday, anyway your see pictures of it cuz I post ALL my pictures on facebook LOL. Just ignore the bloated ones of me :) I got her a baby dollhouse to its so cute and she got a emlo chair on the way I know she going to love because she trying to sit like a big girl.

Anyway that all that happening here, gonna message you my real name and go pop a frozen pizza in the oven for lunch, Karissa napping so stealing some tv time! You have a good day princess and what a awesome guy you have to cook you dinner woot woot!!!
Congrats Duffy on your BFP! Wow how wonderful!
I was off for a while because we were gone for Thanksgiving, and the craziness that goes along with that. I'm currently on CD21, hoping that this is the month! I had my annual last night and I was asking my doctor LOTS of questions! He thinks that I might be ovulating on CD13, as my monitor might be showing this as well (because I peak on CD 11 and 12). This month my DH and I BD on CD 11, CD 13 in the morning, and then on CD 14. Hopefully we caught that egg this month! What were some of your symptoms that you had before you found out about your pregnancy? Right now I'm not feeling anything, except mabe more pressur than normal in my lower abdomen.
:hi::hi: Just wondered if I could join you all here please??

A bit about me...My names Kim, I'm 35 and married. I have a son Corey 15 from a previous relationship and we have another son Harvey 2 together, inbetween Corey and Harvey I had a mc and again 3 months ago I had a mmc. This will be my 3rd cycle after the mc and my 2nd using the cbfm so am keeping my fingers crossed for a BFP soon :happydance:. We've used the monitor for my last 3 pregnancy's and have got my BFP's all within 4 months so it works for us.

I'm currently on cd13 and had my 1st peak today so its full steam ahead for us over the next few day's, I'm sure my hubby will be happy to oblige :haha:

Just a tip for you ladies, from reading in alot of the cbfm threads I found out that once your monitor gives you your 1st peak it automatically gives you a 2nd peak then a high so there's no need to keep feeding your machine sticks. I usually just put in an old stick until it stops asking for them. This means I can make a box of 20 last 3/4 cycles.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing our stories and tips for success. A big congratulations to ladies with your BFP's this month :happydance:
Jamesmom, OMG I had every sign AF was coming cramping and then a little spotting but after a day and half all signs where gone of AF and I just felt normal. I also just "felt pregnant" my boobs where bigger not that Oh minded heehee.

How was your Thanksgiving? We had TWO dinners to go to that was hard to eat as I had stuffed myself at my mom house. Ohhhhh you sound like your in a excellent place with TTC I have my fingers crossed for you woot :)

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