Thanks for the congrats greeneyes
Princess, A xmas positive would be excellent and so very special too I'm praying you get it next month! They do say stress can mess with your cycle but I personally don't believe in it for me because I lived a very stressful life unless my body is already atuned to stress lol.
For Karissa, we tried for nearly two years then fell pregnant when we stopped trying and went natural.
My mom told me once I had Karissa that for whatever reason my body would fall pregnant quickly because now its knows what to do. She was right!
On the second try we actually tried off and on/when Karissa was I think 5 months old but usually we where to tired to propery go at it lol. When my birthday in Aug rolled around I told chase I wanted my second baby and we beded every other day since the day I got of my period/no monitor then was collecting dust in the garage. For that pregnancy I really count it as the first try because we put are all into it

Sadly it didn't last as you all know.
This third time around after the bleeding from the miscarriage stopped we did wait for one normal period after that we tried with our monitor, I think my body was struggling to keep my lil bean this third time but for the time being my bean the winner
Princess do you have children? I personally found not until I had a baby was it easier to get pregnant, now I'm just trying to hang onto the bean. Regardless of your situation we are all here 100 hundred percent princess
I'm off to call the OB and get in to get a blood test done this morning so I can be put on medical

You have a good day everyone!