SarahJane, Sorry I wasn't bleeding I had light pink on the toliet paper (but not full red) and lots of CM. And that totally stopped by ten pm, woke up this morning and had the light pink then it stopped as soon as I pushed toilet paper up and wiped away/nadda now no cramping (yesterday I had cramping) but I have not had RED lol. I'm super annoyed over it and I called the OBGYN and they basically told me there was nothing they can do and to call back when I get a "positive test" grrrr so basically I have no insurance and they are not willing to do a hormone test to see if my level is low and give me a hormone shot which would be why I'm getting negative test. My body may be miscarrying again. I talked to a friend who had two miscarriages between her daughter and son and she told me this is not normal even with having a miscarriage because I had a perfectly normal cycle after. She also told me that with one of her baby she had spotting for two days and later got a positive and was told she had a hormone defect that her body was fighting the pregnancy/trying to get rid of it through her period. She was given a hormone shot and it saved her pregnancy/but she also had insurance too sniffles so I'm thinking that why they helped her and not me.
So Either I'm freaking pregnant and my hormones are so low its not registering on test or I'm not pregnant and a green man taking over my body (kidding) she told me it sounded exactly like what she experienced. So I picked up dollar tree pregnancy test for a buck and I'm going to wait until next weekend to test, I HATE being in the dark. I mean dam if my period is going to start I'm not happy over it but I would be okay with it because then I can start planning beding around ovulation right now I feel like a fish out of water. I'm not even wearing a pad anymore undies are dry I've washed my hands and inserted inside and I'm really mucus/nothing else.
In the history of my whole periods this has NEVER happend both time I got a quick positive on my pregnancys/lossed the one. No inbetween or constand wondering lol. I'm actually mentally getting tired from thinking about it and debating whats going on. I did do some more research online and a good amount of women between 7 weeks 3 months and 7 months didn't get a positive even though they were pregnant until they hit 7 weeks 3 months and 7 months they kept testing and finally got it. I don't understand that but lol my brain going nuts thinking............ and thinking and checking ttc is driving me up the wall LOL.
Anyway besides that we have a blizzard warning on the news my mom wished for a white thanksgiving I believe she going to get it! I have not been to Vegas since I was a little girl I would love to take my boyfriend on a weekend trip there

We have a maintain town near us called Leavenworth its just beautiful at this time you can take sleigh rides through the woods and they have this awesome and I mean AWESOME town like santa workshop but dozens of stores to shop through if you ever get bored look up Leavenworth in Washington its beautiful and worth a visit!
Keep positive hon like you told me its not over til the witch slaps are rear ends lol. I can't wait to hear your test results doing a fertile dance for you

Gotta run baby girl waking from her afternoon nap early dogs yapping....
Hey princess how are you today hon?