February Clear-Blue-Fertility-Monitor GROUP 6 BFP

My body is whacked yesterday I reset my CBFM for CD1 I spotted all day long at ten pm I stopped bleeding through the night, this morning spotting like yesterday/just light pink and now nothing. This is NOT normal for me I bleed heavy always have since starting my periods. I'm going to see what happens over the next few days and if period doesn't pick up I'm not sure what to do?
Have you tested again hun? It really sounds like IB!

It is so unusual to bleed then stop unless there is a very good reason. Get testing as I want to see that BFP

Washington sounds lovely. I have made a mental note to come over there at some point. (I have only been to SanFrancisco and Vegas in the US) I would like to say that Wolverhampton is as nice but it isn't! I grew up in Wales though and it is totally beautiful over there with lovely scenary grass, sheep and hills. Mum still lives there so I get to go over a lot still.

I am feeling very pregnant at the moment and have been trying to keep myself sane as I am convinced the BFP is coming and I know I will be gutted if it doesn't! I have never felt like this before so it is odd. Needless to say, I am not going to test until Wed. I have spoken to DH and he keeps trying to keep me grounded incase it is bad news.

How are you princess? Any news your side?
SarahJane, Sorry I wasn't bleeding I had light pink on the toliet paper (but not full red) and lots of CM. And that totally stopped by ten pm, woke up this morning and had the light pink then it stopped as soon as I pushed toilet paper up and wiped away/nadda now no cramping (yesterday I had cramping) but I have not had RED lol. I'm super annoyed over it and I called the OBGYN and they basically told me there was nothing they can do and to call back when I get a "positive test" grrrr so basically I have no insurance and they are not willing to do a hormone test to see if my level is low and give me a hormone shot which would be why I'm getting negative test. My body may be miscarrying again. I talked to a friend who had two miscarriages between her daughter and son and she told me this is not normal even with having a miscarriage because I had a perfectly normal cycle after. She also told me that with one of her baby she had spotting for two days and later got a positive and was told she had a hormone defect that her body was fighting the pregnancy/trying to get rid of it through her period. She was given a hormone shot and it saved her pregnancy/but she also had insurance too sniffles so I'm thinking that why they helped her and not me.

So Either I'm freaking pregnant and my hormones are so low its not registering on test or I'm not pregnant and a green man taking over my body (kidding) she told me it sounded exactly like what she experienced. So I picked up dollar tree pregnancy test for a buck and I'm going to wait until next weekend to test, I HATE being in the dark. I mean dam if my period is going to start I'm not happy over it but I would be okay with it because then I can start planning beding around ovulation right now I feel like a fish out of water. I'm not even wearing a pad anymore undies are dry I've washed my hands and inserted inside and I'm really mucus/nothing else.

In the history of my whole periods this has NEVER happend both time I got a quick positive on my pregnancys/lossed the one. No inbetween or constand wondering lol. I'm actually mentally getting tired from thinking about it and debating whats going on. I did do some more research online and a good amount of women between 7 weeks 3 months and 7 months didn't get a positive even though they were pregnant until they hit 7 weeks 3 months and 7 months they kept testing and finally got it. I don't understand that but lol my brain going nuts thinking............ and thinking and checking ttc is driving me up the wall LOL.

Anyway besides that we have a blizzard warning on the news my mom wished for a white thanksgiving I believe she going to get it! I have not been to Vegas since I was a little girl I would love to take my boyfriend on a weekend trip there :) We have a maintain town near us called Leavenworth its just beautiful at this time you can take sleigh rides through the woods and they have this awesome and I mean AWESOME town like santa workshop but dozens of stores to shop through if you ever get bored look up Leavenworth in Washington its beautiful and worth a visit!

Keep positive hon like you told me its not over til the witch slaps are rear ends lol. I can't wait to hear your test results doing a fertile dance for you :) Gotta run baby girl waking from her afternoon nap early dogs yapping....

Hey princess how are you today hon?
Hey,sorry wasn't on yesterday it was my birthday so OH took me shopping.I'm ok have had a bad few days,and now the witch has arrived,worse than ever.I've felt so crap because the cramps have been so bad this month so I guess that's the Endo causing the pain.have done some reading up on it but it's all bad when it comes to fertlity so I feel pretty rubbish at the moment.Duffy that could be IB so I'll keep my fingers crossed!they are crossed for you too SarahJane I have a feeling you will both get your BFPs!then I'll be the only one left in this group!because AF has arrived my cycle this time was only 24 days,you do count it from the start of one period to the start of the next don't you?24 days seems quite short especially as I've had spotting for 4 four days beforehand too,hope my LP isn't too short!I know OH is finding my emotions hard to cope with,he days when I cry it makes him feel like he doesn't make me happy(don't the case at all!) i get upset because I feel like a failure and I'm worried the Endo will cause infertility and I blame myself.anyway going to try and pick myself and dust myself off and start again.xx
Hi! I was hoping to join you ladies! I am currently using the CBFM as well. I've been using it for 3 months (2 months of really tring and understanding the monitor). My DH and I have been trying since May. I have a 27 day cycle and my monitor always shows peaks on CD 11 and 12, with another high on CD 13. My DH and I are so tired of DTD that I feel like it's beomig a chore, so therefore it's hard for DH to DTD several days in a row. These past 2 months we've been able to successfully DTD on my first peak. If I don't get my BFP this month, I'm thinking that maybe we need to DTD on the second peak instead. I was looking at my testing sticks today and can you tell what day you ovualted by just looking at the colors of the lines on the sticks? On my peak days the lines are both very dark, and on the high afterward there is only one blue line. I'm wondering if that means that I ovulate on CD 13. Which for me would mean that I should DTD on Cd 12 to make sure that the sperm are in there and as fresh as possible to await the egg. Any thoughts?
Hi! Mind if I join? DH and I have been trying for #2 since Jan. 2009. This is the 1st month since June that I'm using my cbfm. We tried doing IUI's. We did 3 IUI cycles that failed. So now I'm back to using my monitor. My cycles are usually between 28-35 days. I'm currently on cd15 and still on lows. To me the monitor should have given me a high today, but it didn't. I'm attaching a pic. Please let me know what you think.


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Princess, Hugs did you have good birthday? Your not going to be left out hon its funny you say that (not funny but you like wise thinking) because I woke up and did a dollar tree test and it said negative and I'm almost positive now its just a whacked period! I convinced myself of many possiblilitys yesterday lol. Soooooooooo I'll be using my CBFM when it has me testing so I'll see if I ovulate in the first part of december. Hang in there princess. It took us 2 and a half years with are first and it does take a toil on the relationship, just learn to lean on each other and still have fun in life. That what helped us and right when we started working on each other again/instead of TTC madness we found each other again and soon followed my daughter. You will get your lil bean and your be so happy and we all here for you through out your Journey!
Jamesmom, Hi welcome to the group I'll add you to the first page :) That great you are using a CBFM, are you using anything else with ovulation? You should bed around your ovulations sperm can live up to three days, another good way to tell your ovulating is to check for CM your body release lots of it as it gets ready to drop the EGG lol. I started a chart/calender where I write my cm down the peak days um everything LOL so I can see a pattern maybe that would help you? Welcome to are cozy lil group!
greeneyes, I don't decode the sticks cuz I'm not really sure how LOL, but for the monitor I didn't get a peak until CD 18 so I actually ovulated late, if I hadn't known that I would have been trying too early. Just keep peeing on those sticks the first month is when you can start establishing a pattern with CBFM :) Oh wait I caught that your getting lows not highs I think it differs with every women just keep testing it going to take a at least a few month for the CBFM to learn your cycle. Welcome to the group!

How is everyone doing today?

I got my first ever BFP earlier this evening. The CBFM is to thank as this month I binned everything else like OPK's/temps and used the CBFM as a guide only but more importantly relaxed properly!

I really hope the rest of you can join me very very soon (duffy your symptoms sound pregnant!)

Welcome to everyone else - This is my most lucky thread as it is the one I joined this month. I am sprinkling baby dust for every one of you to get the same luck i have had

Love and tonnes of baby dust
Sar xx
SarahJane, CONGRATS thanks for the baby dust spinkers :) wow I'm so HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!! How do you feel? What are you looking forward to your pregnancy? Congrats hon :)
Ladies we offically have are first BFP (sorry if I spelled it wrong always get the two confused lol) YAY here a shout out for you CONGRATS! You give us hope :)

Thanks no period but all negative test so uttlerly stumped but I'm going to give it a week and test with a digital. I don't think I'm pregnant even though its a huge sign, its that or my hormone level is so low its not registerig on the sticks and I have to give it a few weeks to build/if I am :) but I don't think I am lol.
Congratulations SarahJane!

Well I was right in that I should have gotten a high last 2 days. I could tell my hormones were rising. I got the EGG today on my monitor. :happydance::happydance::happydance: So EXCITED! This is the 1st time I've gotten the egg on cd16 since the very 1st month I used the cbfm which was August 2009. Wasn't sure how my hormones were gonna be after coming off a cycle with fertility meds. I'm attaching a pic. This is the best surge line I've ever had since using these. I think this is going to be a good ov since I have had cramps since coming off af and the last 3 days I've had a cramping soreness going on with both ovaries.


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Greeneyes, that is a excellent start WOOT :)

Sorry I am not awake and functional this morning LOL had to get up early will be on mama duty all day, have a good day everyone I'll try to sneak on when my angel naps!
Wow SarahJane Congrats!!I bet you can't stop smiling!!what has your OH said?

Duffy how are you?I still haven't come on properly,but AF wasn't due til tomorrow so I expect it'll start properly then.but its very confusing and my cramps have kind of stopped at the moment which is on.but I don't feel pregnant,even though my BBs are unusually big at the moment!!OH thinks it's great!!

Welcome all new members!

Hi princess, I'm doing good my mom preping meals for tomorrow thanksgiving dinner so I'm just hanging on the computer while Karissa naps. Its brrrrr outside I have zero plans of stepping outside hahaha :)

I no bleeding what so ever so I'm going to retest in a week but I don't think I'm pregnant just thinking my body whacked this month. I found a COOL (I'll look the link up and post) site that has wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy cheap pregnancy test (i bought 15 heeehee) and its free shipping so I'm looking forward to getting those and it make me hold out on testing longer. I'm not sure if I'll ovulate if I'm not pregnant and just had a odd cycle so next month I might be out of the loop but I'll test with my CBFM and see if I ovulate cuz that will tell me/then we can bang it up hahaha....

Are you spotting? I spotted for a day and half hardly can see with naked eye anyway the first day I had period like cramps/then gone. So maybe that a good sign :) Have you tried retesting again/or waiting to test?

Dang it we in this together and we get are positives lol!!!!!!
You're waiting a whole week to retest!wow you're patient!I'm not testing because I am bleeding so I'm sure the witch will come properly tomorrow,and I can't be pregnant and have a period can I.feeling very bloated at the moment but glad my belly ache isn't as bad today.set the Cbfm to day 1 today so hopefully it'll figure out my cycle a bit more the second month of using it.it's cold here too Duffy but I bet it's colder where you are!!hope your little un is ok today and being a good girl for you!

Well there are many women who say they have a period and ended up pregnant/didn't know they was. Medical professionals say that its not your period but spotting so many mistake it for a period. So I would say if its not like your normal cycle it is possible :)

I'm not sure when I will get the pregnancy test in the mail I suspect it will by by friday/saturday and then I'll have to wait until morning urin but I suspect it will be the same result, negative.

Karissa has been keeping me on my toes and I'm worn out and still have two hours before her bedtime. I can't wait to snuggle into bed tonight. Good smells are coming from the kitchen too. My mom won't let me bring a plate of dinner to my dad tomorrow which really upsets me bc we paid for the dinner too. So at two tomorrow we going to pick my dad up and go to my oh mother house for a thanksgiving dinner (after my mom/two meal god I have no idea how we do it) I'm trying to get a hold of my dad to let him know but he not picking up grrrrrrrrrrrr. Anyway that my annoyance of the day, plus we going to have a full house and I don't want to deal with long hours of people so leaving for a couple of hours will help keep me sane. lol.

that all that happening on this end! Have a good Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!
Hey,hope you're having a good thanksgiving Duffy,sounds like you are busy busybusy!!my stomach cramps are back and still bleeding not enough to stain a pad ATM (way too much info,sorry!) but I am expecting AF to get heavier due to the cramps and the fact she's actually due today,I am convinced it's just a crazy period and my BBs being bigger is just down to crazy hormones,but they are definitely bigger I can tell!no other pregnancy symtoms though so I still refuse to test,.no point wasting money on a BFN is there!still keeping my fingers crossed for you Duffy!

Hey all new members,how are you all getting on?

I'M PREGNANT and in shock :) but happy I got up on this lovely Thanksgiving morning and took a test with a DIGITAL and it said "pregnant" we are so happy but at the same time I'm scared because of my miscarriage in march. Shocked after one try since the miscarriage I fell pregnant so quickly maybe this is a good sign :)

OMG in a daze. Happy Thanksgiving!

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