February Fruitcakes! Looking for bump buddies due feb 2012

Hey ! One Born every minute was quite good wasnt it.
I really felt for the couple with the Dad that was in the army :-(
I wasnt so sure about the other couple with the giant baby! I dont know if I would be best pleased if the father of my newborn acted like that!
Had my 36 week appointment today! For the first time, she is measuring a little ahead, only 37.5 when she should be 36. I just have this feeling that she's going to start piling on the pounds now! Next appt is 38 weeks so we will see then! Hopefully she wont be measuring like 45 by that point or I will be worried!

Hope you are all taking care and not getting blown over in the crazy wind! x
You're not kidding girl. It takes me SOOO much longer to get anything accomplished. I think I'm going to start going home at lunch to get stuff done. Lucky for me I work a mile from home and since I'm so big, I've been driving. (Pre-pregnancy I never drove.)

I'm REALLY hoping she comes after the 1st. I have a lot to try to get accomplished before then. :)

I know the feeling! Doesn't help when you're lumbering around at a snails pace does it? I hope mine stays put until early feb too. Much to do before then!
I had my 36 week appointment and home visit today! So exciting. It's starting to get REAL now. Also was tested for Group B strep. Keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back negative. :)

What are you ladies doing to keep yourselves busy while you await your LO? If any of you are like me, it's a real challenge to stay pre-occupied.
Hey ! One Born every minute was quite good wasnt it.
I really felt for the couple with the Dad that was in the army :-(
I wasnt so sure about the other couple with the giant baby! I dont know if I would be best pleased if the father of my newborn acted like that!
Had my 36 week appointment today! For the first time, she is measuring a little ahead, only 37.5 when she should be 36. I just have this feeling that she's going to start piling on the pounds now! Next appt is 38 weeks so we will see then! Hopefully she wont be measuring like 45 by that point or I will be worried!

Hope you are all taking care and not getting blown over in the crazy wind! x

I almost blubbed at the army one- sweet baby, nice couple. The other pair with the fookin-normous baby (it was 10lb 10oz wasn't it?) the father was a twat with a right temper. Good thing he wasn't in theatre with her - she made the right choice taking her mum in as support.

I am measuring 2-3 weeks ahead on fundal height. Cooking a heifer! :haha:

My fence got blown down in the wind - its been crazy.
You're not kidding girl. It takes me SOOO much longer to get anything accomplished. I think I'm going to start going home at lunch to get stuff done. Lucky for me I work a mile from home and since I'm so big, I've been driving. (Pre-pregnancy I never drove.)

Its bad isn't it?! I can't walk anywhere anymore. Can barely fit behind the wheel to drive either!

Got my first antenatal class today. Its about a mile from home so I will need to drive!:haha:
I had my 36 week appointment and home visit today! So exciting. It's starting to get REAL now. Also was tested for Group B strep. Keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back negative. :)

What are you ladies doing to keep yourselves busy while you await your LO? If any of you are like me, it's a real challenge to stay pre-occupied.

Good luck with your test. What is this group B strep thing? Does anyone know if we get tested over here?

I've got so much to do it is getting harder to get off my arse and motivate myself Waiting4bb!
I had my 36 week appointment and home visit today! So exciting. It's starting to get REAL now. Also was tested for Group B strep. Keeping my fingers crossed that it comes back negative. :)

What are you ladies doing to keep yourselves busy while you await your LO? If any of you are like me, it's a real challenge to stay pre-occupied.

Good luck with your test. What is this group B strep thing? Does anyone know if we get tested over here?

I've got so much to do it is getting harder to get off my arse and motivate myself Waiting4bb!

Thanks for the good wishes. From what I understand, Group B strep is a bacteria that is naturally found in men and women. It's harmless to you normally, but in pregnancy it can travel to your baby when you're in labor causing some pretty serious conditions including pneumonia and meningitis. Pretty serious. But if you do have it they can give you antibiotics during birthing and you'll be fine.

It is so hard to keep busy isn't it? I find myself feeling every little cramp and twinge and thinking.... what if this is it? What if I go into labor? For those of us who are impatient ( I am SO guilty!) it is really damn hard!!!

So, do you have everything ready to go for your homebirth? Our midwife gave us a list of supplies to get stockpiled. :) I really like the idea of preparing for my own birth. It makes it way more personal ya know?
You're not kidding girl. It takes me SOOO much longer to get anything accomplished. I think I'm going to start going home at lunch to get stuff done. Lucky for me I work a mile from home and since I'm so big, I've been driving. (Pre-pregnancy I never drove.)

I'm REALLY hoping she comes after the 1st. I have a lot to try to get accomplished before then. :)

I know the feeling! Doesn't help when you're lumbering around at a snails pace does it? I hope mine stays put until early feb too. Much to do before then!

Ooh! That must be so nice to be that close to home. I have to drive 30 minutes to get to work.
Thanks for the good wishes. From what I understand, Group B strep is a bacteria that is naturally found in men and women. It's harmless to you normally, but in pregnancy it can travel to your baby when you're in labor causing some pretty serious conditions including pneumonia and meningitis. Pretty serious. But if you do have it they can give you antibiotics during birthing and you'll be fine.

It is so hard to keep busy isn't it? I find myself feeling every little cramp and twinge and thinking.... what if this is it? What if I go into labor? For those of us who are impatient ( I am SO guilty!) it is really damn hard!!!

So, do you have everything ready to go for your homebirth? Our midwife gave us a list of supplies to get stockpiled. :) I really like the idea of preparing for my own birth. It makes it way more personal ya know?

Gosh - better ask my MW next week about group B strep.

Yes I am stockpiled for my homebirth. Packing a lot of stuff into an 'emergency transfer' bag tomorrow just in case - plus its all to hand. So far in my stockpile I have:

- maternity towels
- Breast pads
- lip balm
- lashonil nipple cream
- energy gels (used to use these back in the day when I could actually run and they are fab for giving an energy boost)
- isotonic drinks & bendy straws
- cartons of juice
- lucozade sweets & energy jelly beans
- clary sage oil
- bed pads
- waterproof bed protector (putting this on the bed soon in case of waters going)

I need to get a hose and attachment for my mixer tap as the birth pool is going in the kitchen, probably should also get a sieve as a 'floaty pooper scoop' :haha: Plus I need to fill all my travel bottles of shampoo and pack some clothes nighties hairbands etc in my transfer bag.

Antenatal was fun! Lots of green looking men as the midwife jabbered on about mucous, bloody show and diarrhea :sick: :haha: I am the only one having a home birth. Midwife has over 30 years experience and was saying for 1st time mums if you can go without an epidural then you should be pushing your baby out in 1-2 hours. With the epidural you're looking at longer on average of 3-4 hours and more likely to need episiotomy venthouse/forceps. Also she said staying upright can halve your overall active labour time.

I am sure all this is FAR easier said than done :rofl:
Hi girls !
Sounds like your getting organized imagine !! I so hope your home birth works put - just the thought of it is amazing giving birth at home !

I was consultant led for a high BMI bit as I have had no probs as of 34 weeks , they
Discharged me and put me back to midwife care so that's cool!I will still be giving birth at hospital on labor ward tho . We live about 5-10 mins from main hospital so makes sense anyway . There's a lovely midwife led unit about 35 mins away.

I just wanted to check with you girls about cramps ? Last 2 days , I been having menstrual like cramps? Very irregular , short and snappy , some really quite painful and others not so bad ! Anyone else getting these? I'm thinking it's just babys head down and getting ready ? Xxxx
Oh thats great news Fuschia :flower: So glad you don't have to be strapped to monitors and poked and prodded by consultants :thumbup: Are you taking anything into hspital with you like birth ball etc?

I've had the odd menstral type cramp and sort of stabby cervix twinges. My midwife said this is common in the run up to birth. No need to worry at this point though even if you loose your plug as it is likely your cervix is starting to thin (which should make for a shorter overall labour - oh please please be the case lol!). Although I do panic now when I get twinges "not yet kiddo, I am sooo not ready"! :haha:
Got the go ahead for my homebirth today :happydance: Getting my birth kit dropped off by the midwife over the weekend.

Got to have another scan as midwife isn't 100% sure that she is head down but fingers crossed she is in the dive bomb position ready to go.

Hows everyone doing as we get closer? I'm still pottering about and getting around as usual. Think I'm in denial that I could go into labour anytime now!

Im not taking anything into hospital - they have balls and everything there! I am going to the new Pembury hospital, its very posh and has only recently opened about a year ago. Me and hubby are going for our tour on Sunday so looking forward to that!

Had sooo many cramps yesterday - Im just trying to ignore them - they are totally irregular! I just hope all goes to plan and she doesnt keep me waiting forever cos I have always had the feeling I am going to go waaay over due ( my mum did with me and my brother).

Having another scan - bonus! Hopefully she is head down and ready to go though!

My next appt is in a week and a day - at 38 weeks. Im hoping to hear that a) she's not MASSIVE, and b) that she has continued to get engaged, as she was 4/5 at 36 weeks. Apparently that means midwife could still feeel 4/5 s of her head, so I see that as 1/5 engaged?! Is that your understanding?

I find that I am fine - until I sit at home and think about it - thats when i start aching and feeling a lot more and getting paranoid too! Saturday is my last day at work woo hoo! xxxx
Forgot to say - great news about getting the go ahead for your homebirth! How exciting!

I cant wait to see pics of everyones little babies! Its so cool to have spoken to girls from such an early stage! x
It is getting so close for us all. :) How exciting!

I have my next scan on the 18th. I'm so excited.

I have been getting quite annoyed with all the comments people make though. I keep getting told how HUGE I am. I am a very short and small girl normally so my tummy looks big but I'm measuring small. But everyone feels the need to tell me how I must be having a "10 lbs baby" and how I'm going to need a C-section because I'm obviously carrying a huge baby. lol AH people. I'm pregnant, we are SUPPOSED to get larger. SIGH!! (Sorry for the rant.)

This weekend we went to a labor class at our hospital and got to do the tour and everything. It is really nice to see where everything is going to happen. Fushia, Our hospital has balls too. Isn't that so nice that they are doing that stuff?

Im not taking anything into hospital - they have balls and everything there! I am going to the new Pembury hospital, its very posh and has only recently opened about a year ago. Me and hubby are going for our tour on Sunday so looking forward to that!

Exciting! Sounds very nice. How far is it to travel on the big day?

My next appt is in a week and a day - at 38 weeks. Im hoping to hear that a) she's not MASSIVE, and b) that she has continued to get engaged, as she was 4/5 at 36 weeks. Apparently that means midwife could still feeel 4/5 s of her head, so I see that as 1/5 engaged?! Is that your understanding?

Yes - it means 4/5ths is 'proddable' above the pelvic brim. My little lady is not engaged yet. Fed up with seeing "brim" on my notes. She is toying with me :growlmad: Gone from being convinced she is coming early to thinking I am going well overdue. I'm already getting grouchy seeing 35 weekers having their babies. also seems everyone I bump into knows someone who "just had her baby....yes it was several weeks before her due date" ...grrrr!
I have my next scan on the 18th. I'm so excited.

Cool! What is yours to check for? We don't normally get late pregnancy scans in the UK but mine is to check bubs position.

I have been getting quite annoyed with all the comments people make though. I keep getting told how HUGE I am. I am a very short and small girl normally so my tummy looks big but I'm measuring small. But everyone feels the need to tell me how I must be having a "10 lbs baby" and how I'm going to need a C-section because I'm obviously carrying a huge baby. lol AH people. I'm pregnant, we are SUPPOSED to get larger. SIGH!! (Sorry for the rant.)

I was so sick of this before I finished work too. People are so rude to pregnant women, especially us shorties. Loads of people told me I would have the baby before xmas because I was "massive". 1) thanks for wishing me a premature baby (cock) and 2) you are calling me fat (have you seen yourself from the back lately) 3) where's the chocolate cake :cry:

Yay for everyone having an active birth. I'm glad the days of over managed flat on your back strapped to monitors birth experiences are becoming less of the norm. Lets bounce and jiggle these babies out just like they got in there :happydance::haha:
My scan is for size estimate and position. :) So same as you.

I am glad to know you girls understand what I'm going through.

I am so glad that every is doing well !!!

I have my next scan on the 18th. I'm so excited.

Cool! What is yours to check for? We don't normally get late pregnancy scans in the UK but mine is to check bubs position.

I have been getting quite annoyed with all the comments people make though. I keep getting told how HUGE I am. I am a very short and small girl normally so my tummy looks big but I'm measuring small. But everyone feels the need to tell me how I must be having a "10 lbs baby" and how I'm going to need a C-section because I'm obviously carrying a huge baby. lol AH people. I'm pregnant, we are SUPPOSED to get larger. SIGH!! (Sorry for the rant.)

I was so sick of this before I finished work too. People are so rude to pregnant women, especially us shorties. Loads of people told me I would have the baby before xmas because I was "massive". 1) thanks for wishing me a premature baby (cock) and 2) you are calling me fat (have you seen yourself from the back lately) 3) where's the chocolate cake :cry:

Yay for everyone having an active birth. I'm glad the days of over managed flat on your back strapped to monitors birth experiences are becoming less of the norm. Lets bounce and jiggle these babies out just like they got in there :happydance::haha:
No homebirth kit for me today:nope: Hospital are refusing to release it until me presentation scan. Baby is blatantly head down just hope she hangs on a bit longer!
Oh ladies! I'm having a rough run of it. My legs, feet and hands are so swollen all the time. It used to be at the end of the day, now it is like that when I wake up. It is making work miserable.

Do any of you know if doctors will put you on disability (I am in California) for something like this? I am almost 38 weeks and have a dr appointment tomorrow. I am miserable at work all day. :(

I am so excited to meet our little girl though!!

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