February Fruitcakes! Looking for bump buddies due feb 2012

Hi Ladies! Good news, the glucose test went fine. ALL NORMAL!!! yay!!! (CARBS!!!)

And 2nd bit of good news, the foot swelling is going down and the doctor checked me out for good measure and there is nothing to worry about. :)

Imagine13, How do you get so much time off work? I'm so jealous!! I will be working until I pop. I only get 6-8 weeks disability plus my 2 weeks vacation, so I want to spend as much as I can will our little one.
Good news Lellis! I know its a relief to hear that glucose test is all ok- I hate the thought of having to check sugar level all the time or use insulin!

In the UK - by law you are entitled to 6 weeks at 90 percent pay, then a further 7.5 months on Maternity pay - which works out to about £500 per month. I am getting the basic package, Imagine may be getting more as some employers offer a better deal!

I am getting a 34 week scna because at my 20 weeks scan, my placenta was low lying. I asked at my 3D scan and they seemed to think it was high enough for vaginal birth but still on the low side, so we shall see what they think in Dec!

I am working until I am 37 weeks on 13th Jan :-)

I LOVE the mothercare Spin pram! I would have loved to have that one but I am being sensible and picking one which best suits my living arranagements! We are getting a Baby Jogger city mini. Its a bit more of a stroller that you can use from birth, but we are getting a carrycot to add onto it for the first 6 months, and you can also put maxi cosi car seat onto it :-) xx
Hey Lellis - great news :flower:

I am taking the first part of January as holiday so only starting maternity leave 2 weeks before she is due. I only get statutory pay so 90% for first 6 weeks then onto basic survival money! Can't complain though, we are lucky in the UK. I plan on taking 6 months off so 1) I am entitled to my job back 2) I can breastfeed for at least 4-5 months and 3) that's when money will run out lol!

I hope your placenta has moved up fuschia. I should think it has - I am amazed how much I have grown since the 20 week scan. Its amazing how much our bodies stretch! Fingers crossed you can have her naturally :flower:

I love my spin pram but yes it is huge. Only got it thanks to family as there is no way we would have chosen such an expensive pram. I've spent a massive £26 on decorating the nursery :blush::haha:

The baby jogger is really cool looking! What colour have you gone for? I liked the maxi cosi seat but we had to go for the britax as it fits my car.
I am going for either black or purple! I think I will probably get black though - seems to be what hubby would prefer!

I felt that the Spin was just so luxurious feeling! All the stuff that goes with it feels really cosy! If I lived in a house I think I would have got that one! The great thing about the baby jogger is that it collapses with one hand and is easy to carry!

Am I right in thinking you have named your little girl Esmee? I think I saw it on your singiture a while ago ? xx
Yeah I wouldn't fancy lugging the spin up stairs in its component parts! Sounds like both our OH's are of similar ilk - mine was adamant we were having a black pram so we wouldn't ruin his 'street cred'. Whaddeva! He hasn't been cool in years (shh) and plus who is going to give a crap about the pram when there is a cute baby in it!

Yes we are calling our little girl Esme Sienna :thumbup: I wanted Esme Leila but as her surname will begin with F she would have the initials ELF.

I love the name Evie but one of my best friends named her baby girl this so it couldn't go on the list but it is so pretty :flower:

How long did it take you to agree on a name? It took us ages! In fact Esme was about the only girls name we could agree on in the end! How did you find middle names. I found most pretty girls names end with an "ee" sound so was really hard finding something that flowed ok.
Esmee Sienna is lovely!

It wasnt too hard for us to pick a name - we always knew we loved the name Eve ( My hubby's nan's name) . We did have a look at other names and had a short list but it just felt right to go with Evie in the end! I think I had already started to think of her as Evie really so wouldnt seem right to change it!

Id like her to have a middle name, but we havent thought of anything we really like yet- so she may not have one.

Just as I came onto our post - I started having a read of our first few posts. Before we had gone to the doctors to confirm all this! Reading about how worried we were that our periods were going to turn up any sec! I cant wait till we are uploading pics of our little ones after they have arrived!

Have you had your second attempt at a 3d scan yet? xxxx
Just as I came onto our post - I started having a read of our first few posts. Before we had gone to the doctors to confirm all this! Reading about how worried we were that our periods were going to turn up any sec! I cant wait till we are uploading pics of our little ones after they have arrived!

Have you had your second attempt at a 3d scan yet? xxxx

I know its crazy isn't it?! Seems like yesterday. What a journey we've come on. It will be so amazing to see everyones babies at the end of this. So weird, I will miss my bump! I wonder who will pop first?!

That's really nice that the name Evie has meaning after your OH's nan. :hugs:

Can't wait to have another go at the scan this weekend. She is head down now anyway so hopefully madam can't get hands and feet over her face :haha:

Cannot believe my little poppy seed has grown to the size of a squash this week! Arrgghhh - its all feeling a but real now!!!!!!!!! We are gonna have babies soon!!!! :wacko:
Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!! :D
Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!! :D

I am hoping for a home waterbirth too. Good luck with yours :flower:

Do you have a name/names for your baby yet? Are you leaving the sex surprise?
Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!! :D

I am hoping for a home waterbirth too. Good luck with yours :flower:

Do you have a name/names for your baby yet? Are you leaving the sex surprise?

Thank you and good luck on yours too! :thumbup:

We don't know the LO's sex yet, but I'm pretty sure it is a girl. I've just had the feeling from the start that it is a girl. For names we've decided on Piper Rose, and for a boy Ishmael James. My dad's name is James and I'm a big time daddy's girl, so I wanted to pass a little something along to honor my pops.

I love the name you've picked out! Precious!! :kiss:

Are you as ready as I am to have this baby? I never realized how much time it takes to cook up this LO. I have been so anxious! I can't imagine how anxious I will be when labor starts.

What methods are you planning to use in labor? Have you taken any childbirth classes?
Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!! :D

I am hoping for a home waterbirth too. Good luck with yours :flower:

Do you have a name/names for your baby yet? Are you leaving the sex surprise?

Thank you and good luck on yours too! :thumbup:

We don't know the LO's sex yet, but I'm pretty sure it is a girl. I've just had the feeling from the start that it is a girl. For names we've decided on Piper Rose, and for a boy Ishmael James. My dad's name is James and I'm a big time daddy's girl, so I wanted to pass a little something along to honor my pops.

I love the name you've picked out! Precious!! :kiss:

Are you as ready as I am to have this baby? I never realized how much time it takes to cook up this LO. I have been so anxious! I can't imagine how anxious I will be when labor starts.

What methods are you planning to use in labor? Have you taken any childbirth classes?

Love the names :thumbup: Traditional yet different enough so there wont be 100 other kids in their class with the same name! I wonder if your instinct is right. You are too patient - I just had to know :haha:

I've just ordered a hypnobirthing CD to start using from 30 weeks. I am actually quite excited about labour - I see it as a worthy challenge, perhaps I am a bit weird :haha: I've read both of Ina May Gaskins books so far, Natural Birth & Spiritual Midwifery and steering away from reading negative stories which has helped my positive outlook I am sure. I hope to go to some free NHS antenatal classes in December.

My labour plan so far is to borrow a tens machine from a friend for early labour. Use essential oils like clary sage oil. Get OH to massage me. Bounce on birth ball (another purchase I made this week - can't wait for it to arrive) and stay as active as possible in early labour. Birth pool for later stages of labour and gas and air (entonox) if needed (the midwives will bring this). My midwife has agreed that all being well OH can catch the baby and pass her to me.

The above not being possible for any reason then get me to hospital and give me loadsa drugs and get her out as quickly and safely as possible :haha:
Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!! :D

I am hoping for a home waterbirth too. Good luck with yours :flower:

Do you have a name/names for your baby yet? Are you leaving the sex surprise?

Thank you and good luck on yours too! :thumbup:

We don't know the LO's sex yet, but I'm pretty sure it is a girl. I've just had the feeling from the start that it is a girl. For names we've decided on Piper Rose, and for a boy Ishmael James. My dad's name is James and I'm a big time daddy's girl, so I wanted to pass a little something along to honor my pops.

I love the name you've picked out! Precious!! :kiss:

Are you as ready as I am to have this baby? I never realized how much time it takes to cook up this LO. I have been so anxious! I can't imagine how anxious I will be when labor starts.

What methods are you planning to use in labor? Have you taken any childbirth classes?

Love the names :thumbup: Traditional yet different enough so there wont be 100 other kids in their class with the same name! I wonder if your instinct is right. You are too patient - I just had to know :haha:

I've just ordered a hypnobirthing CD to start using from 30 weeks. I am actually quite excited about labour - I see it as a worthy challenge, perhaps I am a bit weird :haha: I've read both of Ina May Gaskins books so far, Natural Birth & Spiritual Midwifery and steering away from reading negative stories which has helped my positive outlook I am sure. I hope to go to some free NHS antenatal classes in December.

My labour plan so far is to borrow a tens machine from a friend for early labour. Use essential oils like clary sage oil. Get OH to massage me. Bounce on birth ball (another purchase I made this week - can't wait for it to arrive) and stay as active as possible in early labour. Birth pool for later stages of labour and gas and air (entonox) if needed (the midwives will bring this). My midwife has agreed that all being well OH can catch the baby and pass her to me.

The above not being possible for any reason then get me to hospital and give me loadsa drugs and get her out as quickly and safely as possible :haha:

I think we are soul sisters! That is exactly how I feel about labor and birth. I too have read Ina May Gaskin and I absolutely loved all the beautiful positive birth stories. How strange is it that so many women expect the pain rather than expecting to enjoy the birthing process. I thought it was especially funny to read the stories about women experiencing orgasm during labor. Who knew? In America we are so focused on the pain and nothing else. I also try to surround myself with positive stories. We don't need the negativity!

I hope I'm right about the gender because we have loads of girl clothes. Haha. But we can just stick them away for later use. :)

It sounds like you've really thought about how you would like your birth to go. It is so exciting isn't it? Finally we are getting close. Can't wait to see how it goes for you. :)
I think an orgasmic birth might just be pushing it a bit! My mum said it is like doing a big poo that comes out the wrong orifice at the last moment.... which doesn't sound orgasmic to me at all! Oh well, each to their own.

We are not so different over here with the focus on "pain". I had to go for anaesthetic tests as I've had bad reactions in the past (just in case of intervention) and the epidural guy was a complete arsehole! He kept saying how I would probably come to hospital begging for an epidural - twat. :growlmad:

Thankfully my midwife is very supportive - homebirths still aren't that popular here. I think I would be prowling like a caged animal if I had to go to hospital. Fingers crossed I don't!
It's super rare for a women to have a birth like that. But hey, if you could it would be kinda cool in a strange way.

I've had the same experience with people. They think I'll regret doing it without drugs. They act like I'm oblivious to the fact that it will be painful. I know it will be. Duh! Dumb epidural guy. He's probably just intimidated that you are strong enough to do it without drugs.

I feel the same way about hospitals. I've never been a fan of them and I stay away if I can. I'm sure it will all turn out great for you. Even if you do get sent to the hospital, you still get your child. What's better than that? I don't know what the rate is there for hospital transfers, but here with my midwife it's pretty rare. Just keep your chin up and think positive thoughts about it. :)
I'm not sure on the stats for hospital transfer in my area. I think the majority of transfers are for pp bleeding, placental removal and more complex stitching repairs if the midwife feels a doctor would do a better job.

Fingers crossed XX!
So excited! Had my re-scan today and I am so in love with our little girl. :cloud9:

She was pouting and OH said she had my sulky face and then I laughed (making my belly move) and she smiled :happydance: She also opened her eyes during the scan. Cannot wait to kiss those chubby cheeks. It was brilliant!

Will upload some pics in a bit when my computer has finished updating.
Hi Ladies!!! How are you girls doing?

We FINALLY PICKED A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jocelyn Reese :)

How is everyone coming along? Imgaine13, you going to upload the pretty pictures? :) We'd love to see.

My goodness, I am having MAJOR swelling. I got checked out just in case and it isn't anything to worry about but damn is it uncomfortable. :(
Hey guys . Not an awful lot to update - all seems to be going well here ! I'm just so bloody tired ! Getting up to our third floor flat is a major strugggle now ! Our pink nursery is complete ! We have everything we need initially now . Me and hubby are trying to decide if we wanna do re useable or disposable nappies ! How's everyone ? And bumps ? Caught a glimpse of me side on yesterday and just felt ' WHen did that happen!?' lol shape change is just immense ! Xx
Fushia, You should post a nursery pic!! :) How exciting that you're done. We haven't started :x. OPPS! We are starting this weekend. :)

It is insane how it seems our shape just pops out all of the sudden. It is pretty strange!

I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well. We are all so close!!
Hi Ladies!!! How are you girls doing?

We FINALLY PICKED A NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jocelyn Reese :)

How is everyone coming along? Imgaine13, you going to upload the pretty pictures? :) We'd love to see.

My goodness, I am having MAJOR swelling. I got checked out just in case and it isn't anything to worry about but damn is it uncomfortable. :(

Gorgeous name :flower:

My cd drive is jammed - bah! Don't think santa will be bringing me a new computer for xmas either. Somehow I think Esme will get all the presents this year and she's not even here yet! Hopefully can use my parents computer to copy the pics online soon.

I have fat hands and feet syndrome too. Midwife isn't worried about my big clown paws. Getting pins and needles too in my right hand if I'm doing too much. Makes me keep dropping stuff then its a major effort to squat, grunt with the effort, and pick it up :dohh: can't get any of my old shoes on now either. Ugg boots & slippers from now on lol!

On maternity leave now WHOOOOPPPPDEEDOOPP!:happydance:

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