Hi ladies. Yay for February babies! I'm due Feb 1st and boy am I ready. It's my first pregnancy and our first baby. We are planning a home waterbirth and we live in a very cold part of the states.. so it should be interesting. Praying and hoping for a simple birth. No complications!!
I am hoping for a home waterbirth too. Good luck with yours
Do you have a name/names for your baby yet? Are you leaving the sex surprise?
Thank you and good luck on yours too!
We don't know the LO's sex yet, but I'm pretty sure it is a girl. I've just had the feeling from the start that it is a girl. For names we've decided on Piper Rose, and for a boy Ishmael James. My dad's name is James and I'm a big time daddy's girl, so I wanted to pass a little something along to honor my pops.
I love the name you've picked out! Precious!!
Are you as ready as I am to have this baby? I never realized how much time it takes to cook up this LO. I have been so anxious! I can't imagine how anxious I will be when labor starts.
What methods are you planning to use in labor? Have you taken any childbirth classes?
Love the names

Traditional yet different enough so there wont be 100 other kids in their class with the same name! I wonder if your instinct is right. You are too patient - I just had to know
I've just ordered a hypnobirthing CD to start using from 30 weeks. I am actually quite excited about labour - I see it as a worthy challenge, perhaps I am a bit weird

I've read both of Ina May Gaskins books so far, Natural Birth & Spiritual Midwifery and steering away from reading negative stories which has helped my positive outlook I am sure. I hope to go to some free NHS antenatal classes in December.
My labour plan so far is to borrow a tens machine from a friend for early labour. Use essential oils like clary sage oil. Get OH to massage me. Bounce on birth ball (another purchase I made this week - can't wait for it to arrive) and stay as active as possible in early labour. Birth pool for later stages of labour and gas and air (entonox) if needed (the midwives will bring this). My midwife has agreed that all being well OH can catch the baby and pass her to me.
The above not being possible for any reason then get me to hospital and give me loadsa drugs and get her out as quickly and safely as possible