Well, a bit of an update for you, my bean turned out not to be sticky and I had a miscarriage last night, confirmed this morning by another scan. I'll be having some time off for a little while to let my body recover, then we'll be trying again.
Congrats to all the BFPs on here, I will be joining you again soon.
Thanks for your comments, I have been straight back to work, but yesterday was my work from home day, so that made things easier. My Manager has also let me work from home today, but tomorrow, I will be the only one on my team, so I have to be in the office to take phone calls. I travel 1.5 hours to work with 40 minutes being on a tram, so they have arranged for me to have one of the parking spaces under the office that the Managers can use as I couldn't bare to think about not getting a seat on the tram as I am bleeding quite heavily still.
Not sure when we're going to get back to TTC again, but we both want to try again soon. Just got to let my body recover.
Good luck to all of you with your pregnancies, I will be keeping an eye on you all, seeing how you progress. It will be a sad time in February when you all give birth, but I know it won't be much longer for me.
I had ms with my little boy too and lasted till 18 weeks!!!!
Hi all, feeling totally fine! its all rather disconcerting tbh, wishing for something to tell me I'm PG, am in terror of having a mmc. been having af style cramps - is this normal? no spotting at all and my sides are aching. my boobs have calmed down alot, my nipples are mor sensitive to touch than normal but not too bad. having waves of nausea if i havent eaten for a while but improves with food. still waiting for my first appointment - so want to hear a hb and will feel so much better. should I be feeling more things????