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February Fruitcakes! Looking for bump buddies due feb 2012

Wish I had time to be lazy and i would!
Shattered running round after a 2 year old who at the min decided 6 am is a good time to get up!! :wacko:
Hey Ladies,

I think I'm going to run out of blood soon, I'm really scared about this. I'm going back tomorrow morning for my second scan due to the bleeding, but I'm in agony today, like really bad AF cramps and the bleeding is quite a lot. The things we have read online says don't go to hospital unless you're changing your pad 3 times an hour. It isn't that much, its probably once every couple of hours, but I'm just so uncomfortable and paracetamol does absolutely nothing for the pain. I hope you're all having much better pregnancies than me. I guess this is what I get for no other real symptoms.

I'll let you know tomorrow after the scan whether there's actually anything left in there or not. I'm so scared that its going to be bad news. My Husband is trying to stay positive and keeps referring me to decidual bleeding info on websites.
I'm also due in February :) just found out a week ago, but they believe Im around 7 weeks, well find out in about a week.
Hi ladies,

May I join your group? My EDD is Feb 1 more or less...

I don't have a lot of advice for dealing with symptoms, as I have been feeling great this whole time, which of course freaks me out (I had a MMC in Jan (found out at 12weeks) with the same lack of symptoms) - so we'll see how this one goes..
Good luck hun, hope all turns out ok
Well, a bit of an update for you, my bean turned out not to be sticky and I had a miscarriage last night, confirmed this morning by another scan. I'll be having some time off for a little while to let my body recover, then we'll be trying again.

Congrats to all the BFPs on here, I will be joining you again soon.
Terrielou Iam really sorry, you are right you will join us again soon.
I got there again after a loss and so will you
take care
L x
Well, a bit of an update for you, my bean turned out not to be sticky and I had a miscarriage last night, confirmed this morning by another scan. I'll be having some time off for a little while to let my body recover, then we'll be trying again.

Congrats to all the BFPs on here, I will be joining you again soon.

:hugs:I am so sorry Terrilou, I've been thinking about you all day and keeping my fingers crossed. Are you able to take some time off work too?

Hope you will be back here soon with a rainbow baby :hugs:
Sorry to hear this TerriLou. I have also been thinking about you and hoping but sometimes things just arent meant to be!

I wish you all the best for the future. Do let us know when your expecting again wont you!

Thanks for your comments, I have been straight back to work, but yesterday was my work from home day, so that made things easier. My Manager has also let me work from home today, but tomorrow, I will be the only one on my team, so I have to be in the office to take phone calls. I travel 1.5 hours to work with 40 minutes being on a tram, so they have arranged for me to have one of the parking spaces under the office that the Managers can use as I couldn't bare to think about not getting a seat on the tram as I am bleeding quite heavily still.

Not sure when we're going to get back to TTC again, but we both want to try again soon. Just got to let my body recover.

Good luck to all of you with your pregnancies, I will be keeping an eye on you all, seeing how you progress. It will be a sad time in February when you all give birth, but I know it won't be much longer for me. :hugs: :hugs:
Thanks for your comments, I have been straight back to work, but yesterday was my work from home day, so that made things easier. My Manager has also let me work from home today, but tomorrow, I will be the only one on my team, so I have to be in the office to take phone calls. I travel 1.5 hours to work with 40 minutes being on a tram, so they have arranged for me to have one of the parking spaces under the office that the Managers can use as I couldn't bare to think about not getting a seat on the tram as I am bleeding quite heavily still.

Not sure when we're going to get back to TTC again, but we both want to try again soon. Just got to let my body recover.

Good luck to all of you with your pregnancies, I will be keeping an eye on you all, seeing how you progress. It will be a sad time in February when you all give birth, but I know it won't be much longer for me. :hugs: :hugs:

:hugs:Take it easy and look after yourself. Your manager sounds nice. I'm glad you're getting all the support you need.

I know it won't be easy for you but we'd love you to keep in touch - you've been a great support to all of us and you deserve to be a mummy soon xxx:hugs:
How is everyone doing?

I am feeling rubbish all day every day. To top off the MS which feels like a constant hangover I have hayfever so snuffly and groggy to boot.

Having to take evening naps to keep going - work is sooooo hard :sleep: Roll on elusive second tri where apparently this gets easier!
Hi all, feeling totally fine! its all rather disconcerting tbh, wishing for something to tell me I'm PG, am in terror of having a mmc. been having af style cramps - is this normal? no spotting at all and my sides are aching. my boobs have calmed down alot, my nipples are mor sensitive to touch than normal but not too bad. having waves of nausea if i havent eaten for a while but improves with food. still waiting for my first appointment - so want to hear a hb and will feel so much better. should I be feeling more things????
RJ84 - best thing you can do is try not to worry!

I was totally the same around 6 weeks - but I didnt get any major ms until about 8 weeks! I know you feel so helpless! Just try your best to enjoy it! You may not even get many symptoms - not everyone does! I had exactly the same thing with nausea- when I got hungry i started feeling sick but it got better when I ate. Then came the real morning sickness! Which luckily I think I am over the worst of!

Imagine - I am feeling sooo tired! My main morning sickness has gone ( ie im not chucking up!) but still feeling nauseous! Im finding it hard to eat properly- I seem to want to eat high fat and high calorie food instead of anything healthy! This had better stop soon or I wont fit into my wedding dress in 5 weeks! eeek!

I allso suffer badly with hayfever - have you taken anything? I have just been told - dont take anything unless you are desperate!! So I have kept away from anything !xxx
Don't worry rj84 it all sounds normal - you're just stretching out for baby. As long as the cramps aren't really painful its all fine. Please stop worrying and enjoy it girl :hugs: I find if I cough or sneeze I get sharp rippy stretchy pains up the sides of my uterus.

Fuschia, I sympathise lol! I gag when I'm cleaning my teeth and spend 5-10 minutes leaning over the toilet fighting to keep my breakfast down. All I want is carby, lardy food and as a result I am looking carb and lard laden. Fruit is lovely though - loving oranges and pineapples at the moment, oh and yogurts. Bananas are now the enemy despite being a good friend in the early days for keeping the sicky hunger pangs at bay. Smell is just bleauuurrghhh! Also used to drink 6-8 cups of tea a day -can barely force one down these days. I know, I know caffiene is bad, but I stopped the fags and booze (which frankly now sound and smell as appealing as licking the pavement outside a kebab shop on a friday night) so I'm gonna have tea and coke when I fancy it.

Is your wedding dress a lace up back? Gosh - good luck, I simply cannot stop myself eating. I bought my dress 2 years ago when my OH proposed. Size 8 LMAO! No chance now - I am a 12 and growing daily :nope:

Boobs gone from B cup to DD :shock: 3 cup sizes in 2 months.....sheesh if it carries on at this rate I'd better get me to the dairy for milking. I am going to need a rack to carry my rack around on soon :rofl:

I see my midwife on Sunday :happydance: She is coming to my house. Was beginning to feel a bit unloved by the NHS.
I feel very sick all the time, brushing teeth does it for me too!!
I had ms with my little boy too and lasted till 18 weeks!!!!
I am tired too but cannot nap as running round after my little boy!!
I feel less tired if i hydrated so drink lots of water!!
I saw midwife last week but not much to do just routine first appointment.
Take care
I had ms with my little boy too and lasted till 18 weeks!!!!

Poor you! I hope this time round is better. So hope the sickness is over soon for us all - its not funny at all.

I'm up at 6 most days, some 4.30 starts if I'm unlucky, I am sooo desperate for a nap about 2pm, but like you can't! - flippin knackering isn't it!!

I am not exercising at all - just feel too rough and the fatter I get the less inclined I am to exercise. Vicious circle!
Hi all, feeling totally fine! its all rather disconcerting tbh, wishing for something to tell me I'm PG, am in terror of having a mmc. been having af style cramps - is this normal? no spotting at all and my sides are aching. my boobs have calmed down alot, my nipples are mor sensitive to touch than normal but not too bad. having waves of nausea if i havent eaten for a while but improves with food. still waiting for my first appointment - so want to hear a hb and will feel so much better. should I be feeling more things????

Hey RJ, the baby is growing inside, so it needs to make room, that can cause all sorts of pulling and tugging pains. xx

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