February Fruitcakes! Looking for bump buddies due feb 2012

Hi everyone, can I join.
This is my first ever bfp and pregnancy.
no symptoms except for mildly sore boobies.
Hiya guys! How are you all feeling ? I'm just back from Ibiza. I have Been feeling pretty nauseous this week! I have also had more stomach cramps on my right side so I have caved and have booked a private scan for the morning! I'm excited but also nervous as I feel I have some of the symptoms for an ectopic pregnancy- minus any bleeding but apparently women don't always bleed ! I will let you know what happens at the scan ! Anyone else in this group had an early scan? X
Hey Fuschia,

I've got my fingers crossed for you that the scan shows a healthy little bean with a strong heart beat.

I had a scan yesterday because I found some blood when I wiped on Thursday (and still a bit now). They could only see the sac, but nothing in it, so I may not be as far as I thought. I have very irregular periods, so may not have actually conceived when FF thinks we did. I had a blood test for HCG levels yesterday and have another one tomorrow. I will find out on Monday if the levels are rising as much as they should be. I'm pretty scared.
Hey Jasmine, congrats on your BFP. Hope its sticky. xxx
Hi guys! Had my scan today and pleased to say everything is normal! Saw my little bean on the screen and we saw and heard the heart beat. Its all in the right place so I am very happy!

One of my scan pics is my avatar. They dated me at 7 weeks 4 days - 3 days ahead of my orignial estimation from the doctor.

Feeling very sick today thought which is annoying - its just constant! xx
Hi guys! Had my scan today and pleased to say everything is normal! Saw my little bean on the screen and we saw and heard the heart beat. Its all in the right place so I am very happy!

One of my scan pics is my avatar. They dated me at 7 weeks 4 days - 3 days ahead of my orignial estimation from the doctor.

Feeling very sick today thought which is annoying - its just constant! xx

Thats great to see Fuschia, I hope my scan is that good in a week or so, which I will be having if my hCG levels have gone up today.
I will be hoping for you Terrilou - like you said if your periods are irregular i think it makes the whole process a little less certain! I had regular periods every 27 days so its easier to esitmate.
I can imagine its anoying though thinking your further than you are! But your scan next week will hopefully make you a very happy lady! :-)
Hey Everyone,
well i tested today, AF due tomorrow and got my BFP - I have been trying since end of April but was previously on a pill which stopped my periods so i thought i would be waiting along while to get PG this time.
I have a little gril who is 4 and EDD is 29th Feb, but seeing as i have read loads on negative stuff on pregnancies after the pill I am worried it will end - however i am very excited for the moment and want to scream out my news but dont want to tell anyone yet lol.

I have no idea when i ovulate so just guessed it was about 2 weeks before my AF was due so i reckon about 8th Feb

My symtoms if your iteretsed are a

sometime between ovulation and 9dpo i woke up with a pretty bad cramp!!

9DPO - feeling bit bloated and crampy
10 DPO -bleeding gums but thought it was due to drinking the eve before
11 DPO - really bloated - OH said i look pregnant
12DOP - tested really late with a tesco cheapie £2.50 got a line affter 5 minutes or so but it was so faint i convinced myself was an evaporation line afetr reading so much on different sites.
13DPO - feeling a bit queesy, thought sod it ill buy a digital - really didnt want to spent £9 lol, anyway it confirmed my BFP and i am 2 weeks pregnant :)

Eeeeeek - looking forward to getting to know you all on our journey

Hi girls

OMG fuschia - your pic is so cool :happydance: look at your little squiggler!

Terrilou - hope your bleeding was just one of those things and bean is just getting comfy :hugs:

I've been really ill with flu (possibly pig flu, who knows, I have felt dreadful though). Still feeling constantly sick. Bean has now been on its second flight out of the country with me - work is so mega busy at the moment I literally get home (when I'm not kipping in seedy hotels) and crash (poor OH). Roll on payrise so I can tell my evil boss I'm preggo and stop the ridiculous work schedule.

Cannot wait for my first scan. Hoping to see the doc early next week to get all booked in and everything.

:hugs: to all!
Hey Ladies,

A little bit of an update, because thats all I have!

First blood test showed level of 1408, second one, 2 days later went up by 30%, then the next one, another 2 days later went up by 48%, so it is rising, by more each time. They have decided to bring me in for another scan next Tuesday, NEXT TUESDAY, thats like a year away!!!!

Hopefully we will see and hear a heartbeat and be told that everything is going to be fine.
Sounds positive Terrilou. Perhaps you should just take a nice long nap until next Tuesday.....I know I could :sleep: Mmmmmm, years worth of sleep sounds fantastic right now!

I cannot wait to see bean on a scan. Its all beginning to feel a bit real now isn't it girls?! Makes me more excited and petrified in equal measure.

How's everyone's bellies coming along? I look flabby in the morning (all the constant scoffing to keep the sickness at bay) and about 6 months gone with bloat in the evening!
Evening ladies,

Well as a big surprise I got a big BFP on 14 June. As some of you may know I recently had a precious baby girl named Neviah, she will be 3 months old on July 1. Yes I know so soon after having her. All the forms that the DH and I used just seemed to not be what God had in his plans for our family. My baby girl was a miracle child, as the DR have told me I would never conceive due to female complications (once again God was in control) I had serveral complications with my pregnancy, had pre clamsia had to have an emergency c-section a month early due to my bp being so high, kisney failing, and my baby girl going into distress (she was just ready to make her entrance)

But I am so happy and blessed that God had once again blessed me and my husband to be parents.

Hi all!! I've just about scraped in here - due 24th to 28th Feb!! only 5 weeks in - anyonegot any tips for me??? feeling 'fine' at the moment!!!
Yay - that was quick rj84 - glad to see you over here buddy!

Yes , tip #1: enjoy feeling good while it lasts! (I am being a miserable nauseous cow today clearly!)
Imagine, I could sleep for ages too, I can't get into watching anything on telly as I keep falling asleep. I've just been to bed this afternoon for 3 hours and honestly, don't feel any better. I think I may be getting slightly anaemic as I have been before. Think I better start taking in some more iron. Just have to find something safe for during pregnancy.

Still not really having any signs, my boobs have started hurting a bit again, but not as bad as they were to begin with. I wish I felt pregnant, it may make me feel more confident that this is all going to be ok.
Hi all
Congrats to new ones!
I totally shattered all the time, grumpy too and the sickness is getting worse!!
I did have it bad last time though. I work with pregnant women and have learnt some get sickness some dont!! No method to it!!
I asked the doc about the tiredness and she saic completely completely normal!! She said I had not done enough to become anaemic!!Cheeky thing!!
Hi Everyone,

I have my first appointment Wednesday and I can't wait. If I see the heartbeat, I think it will all seem more real. Lately I just feel like crap ALL the time. It will be nice to see it is worth it!

Hope everyone is doing well.
I asked the doc about the tiredness and she saic completely completely normal!! She said I had not done enough to become anaemic!!Cheeky thing!!

:rofl: Haha, that's me as well. I've been so lazy :blush:

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